Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > How do you define success as a makeup artist?

Makeup Artist

Melissa Rachelle

Posts: 2162

Miami, Florida, US

My boyfriend asks me all of the time what makes a makeup artist successful.  I never really know how to answer him.  I define success in the arts as doing what you love everyday and getting paid well enough to be comfortable.  I would call myself successful as a makeup artist when I am able to work as a full-time makeup artist. 

I'd love to hear the opinions of the makeup artists, hairstylists, and wardrobe stylists.

New Stylists-  What would make you feel successful?

Professional Stylists-  At what moment did you feel successful? 

Thanks Much,

May 24 06 09:43 am Link

Makeup Artist

BridgitC-Makeup Artist

Posts: 231

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Hmmmm. Being successful in this industry as a MUA/Stylist in my opinion means getting great feedback from those you work with, developing a great attitude and just living your dream of being happy with the work you do and making a living out of it as well as having fun.

May 24 06 10:02 am Link

Makeup Artist

Samantha Chapman

Posts: 86

Thats a good question and I imagine the answer will vary from person to person.

I guess I first felt successful when I scored my first agent. Its so hard to get an Agent in London. Its kind of a catch 22 because you have to have tears in your book to get an agent but its hard to get tears without an agent.

Also everytime I see my name in print I realise ive accomplished something.

May 24 06 10:06 am Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

Hmmm this is a tricky one since I am nowhere close to what I aspire to become...I would say that at least a part of what a successful MUA is when you have the ability to portray in any medium (print, film, live performance, etc) what you set out to portray. I cannot tell you how many times I have set out to create something that I didn't have the means to finish completely, however, I still did my best and I believe it came out wonderfully. Being resourcesful I guess is what I am trying to say.

Also, humbling yourself enough to continue learning...

Nina G.

May 24 06 10:07 am Link

Makeup Artist

Ivy Lam

Posts: 101

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

BridgitC-Makeup Artist wrote:
Hmmmm. Being successful in this industry as a MUA/Stylist in my opinion means getting great feedback from those you work with, developing a great attitude and just living your dream of being happy with the work you do and making a living out of it as well as having fun.

I agree, when you can make a living and live comfortably. As long as you are happy! Every MUA has a different goal they want to reach. Once I reach that goal, I make myself another goal. It never stops.

To me, I am sucessful when your model or client smiles when they look in the mirror after your makeup application.


May 24 06 10:08 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 230

El Centro, California, US

New Stylist -

For me I would say working.(though it doesn't feel like work) Doing what I love and makes me happy & having the people I work for/on compliment me & be excited/pleased by what I have done. Getting pleasure/statisfaction in seeing how my work & myself are being recognized for my talent & hard work. To be recommended to others and to do bigger and better things as I grow into a well respected, paid & known Make-Up Artist. Most of all to know that I made something of myself by working hard and always having the blessing & support(even in rough times) of my family & friends to continue doing what I love. That I achieved my dream & I can live a comfortable life. That's what I think is being a successful Make-Up Artist.

I agree with what a good friend told me once...

When you work doing what you have so much passion for....It's the most beautiful thing that could happen to you...You will never be alone...That passion and love for your work, will give you so much more than a handsome man...because it will never betrade you...and it will always be YOURS...until you want it to be.

-My friend & Fotografo Carlo Giorgi

Liz ^_^

May 24 06 10:27 am Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

Pazza_x_Trucco wrote:
New Stylist -

For me I would say working.(though it doesn't feel like work) Doing what I love and makes me happy & having the people I work for/on compliment me & be excited/pleased by what I have done. Getting pleasure/statisfaction in seeing how my work & myself are being recognized for my talent & hard work. To be recommended to others and to do bigger and better things as I grow into a well respected, paid & known Make-Up Artist. Most of all to know that I made something of myself by working hard and always having the blessing & support(even in rough times) of my family & friends to continue doing what I love. That I achieved my dream & I can live a comfortable life. That's what I think is being a successful Make-Up Artist.

I agree with what a good friend told me once...

When you work doing what you have so much passion for....It's the most beautiful thing that could happen to you...You will never be alone...That passion and love for your work, will give you so much more than a handsome man...because it will never betrade you...and it will always be YOURS...until you want it to be.

-My friend & Fotografo Carlo Giorgi

Liz ^_^

I agree with you!! It is so amazing when you here someone say "She /he is the best makeup artist in [enter your city]" This was recently said about me and I could have cried!!!

May 24 06 10:47 am Link

Makeup Artist

Nina G Artistry

Posts: 363

Houston, Alaska, US

Pazza_x_Trucco wrote:
New Stylist -

For me I would say working.(though it doesn't feel like work) Doing what I love and makes me happy & having the people I work for/on compliment me & be excited/pleased by what I have done. Getting pleasure/statisfaction in seeing how my work & myself are being recognized for my talent & hard work. To be recommended to others and to do bigger and better things as I grow into a well respected, paid & known Make-Up Artist. Most of all to know that I made something of myself by working hard and always having the blessing & support(even in rough times) of my family & friends to continue doing what I love. That I achieved my dream & I can live a comfortable life. That's what I think is being a successful Make-Up Artist.

I agree with what a good friend told me once...

When you work doing what you have so much passion for....It's the most beautiful thing that could happen to you...You will never be alone...That passion and love for your work, will give you so much more than a handsome man...because it will never betrade you...and it will always be YOURS...until you want it to be.

-My friend & Fotografo Carlo Giorgi

Liz ^_^

I agree with you!! It is so amazing when you here someone say "She /he is the best makeup artist in [enter your city]" This was recently said about me and I could have cried!!! Although I am more than aware that there are millions of better MUAs out there it was wonderful encourgement to continue.

May 24 06 10:47 am Link

Makeup Artist

Cynthia Rose

Posts: 468

New York, New York, US

I think to be a successful MUA is to get better all the time. Adapt. And be doing the absolute best job in what ever kind of makeup you do.
Oh and making truck-loads of money and having celebrites breaking down your door to work with you, of course.

May 24 06 11:00 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 230

El Centro, California, US

Nina G Artistry wrote:

I agree with you!! It is so amazing when you here someone say "She /he is the best makeup artist in [enter your city]" This was recently said about me and I could have cried!!! Although I am more than aware that there are millions of better MUAs out there it was wonderful encourgement to continue.

Totally!! It's a wonderful feeling to be you drive to continue.

Jessica S. & Mark A. you guys really encouraged me & now things are happening ^_^ Thank You.

May 24 06 11:02 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

Being a sucessful MUA is about doing what you love and loving what you do. For me it was my first commercial gig that empowered me to leave retail and do this full time. Being a MUA is the coolest job in the world. When I go to work... I get to do make-up. How cool is that? when I go to the store and go product shopping... I am working and doing my job. it is doing a great job, having great clients and great feedback as well as a good repor with other MUAs. It's about making it without stabbing people in the back and good old fashioned pavement-pounding. When I got my first tearsheet, I was high on life for like 3 weeks.

May 24 06 11:13 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Having chit-chatted with tons of artists...... I'd say
Having a portfolio full of covers from V magazine.
(Being slightly facetious here)

May 24 06 11:17 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I dont think success is defined the same way by any two people.  For some it is getting someone to pay you to do a wedding, for some it is being an artist to celebrities, for some its all about the money for others, its about recognition.  I think success is reaching your own personal goals in the business, whatever those goals are.

my goals are different than a lot of artists and so what I veiw as success myself may not be the same.

and Eric, I would love to have a V cover smile   it's doesnt define success for me but I would LOVE to have one.

May 24 06 11:49 am Link

Makeup Artist

Samantha Chapman

Posts: 86

Oh sum things up so well.

Totally hearing you.

May 24 06 12:49 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

When I start making $4000 a shoot and my book is a #1 seller.

May 24 06 02:11 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Jessica Steele

Posts: 370

Los Angeles, California, US

I hate to admit it now- with all the sweetness here- but I like money. I like to travel. And I like working the least amount of time for the most amount of money. I am a business woman first and an artist second. I've been an artist all my life and it is rewarding in it's own way- but man, I love having money in the bank and sitting around on vacation doing nothing! That's when I feel most successful.

May 24 06 02:11 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

Jessica Steele wrote:
I hate to admit it now- with all the sweetness here- but I like money. I like to travel. And I like working the least amount of time for the most amount of money. I am a business woman first and an artist second. I've been an artist all my life and it is rewarding in it's own way- but man, I love having money in the bank and sitting around on vacation doing nothing! That's when I feel most successful.


May 24 06 02:27 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1862

New York, New York, US

I believe for me it was the day that I had my first personal client.  She hired and she absolutely loved me.  She's hired me on other occasions and actually did some networking for me.  She even payed me to go shopping with her so that she can learn to do some everyday basic makeup on her own.

This made me feel so special.  I'm glad that someone can trust me enough to recommend me and hire me over and over to make them feel and look stunning.

ok getting teary eyed so I'll finish here...

May 24 06 04:08 pm Link