
terminated user

Posts: 520

Henderson, Nevada, US

Anyone else bothered by photographers, models and MUA'S whose profile is all in the 3rd person?

Maybe I'm weird - (no wait, I am weird!) - but if I wrote my own profile in the 3rd person it'd be something like - "Barry has ben tekin pitchers sense he's ben twelf or thurteen and he likes too take pitchers of gurls and truks and he likes anemuls and you shud half him take yore putcher too coz he's gud!" 

Maybe since it's after midnite and I'm on vacation and I've done 4 shoots on vacation and have had no relaxation time it's actually more bizarre reading 3rd person written profiles.


May 24 06 02:04 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US - Referring to oneself in the third person... in General Mayhem - When a profile is written in the third person ... in General Mayhem - Why do people talk about themselves in 3rd person? in General Mayhem - Whose the 3rd person and why.... in General Mayhem - should craig post in the 3rd person? in Photography Talk - Why do you post your profile like a 3rd person ??? in General Mayhem

May 24 06 02:13 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Brian Diaz wrote: - Whose the 3rd person and why.... in General Mayhem

A peeve of mine is spelling and grammar.  The title of this thread uses the wrong form of the word "Who's" and also should be ended with a question mark.

May 24 06 02:16 am Link


terminated user

Posts: 520

Henderson, Nevada, US

God bless you Brian!

May 24 06 02:16 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Wow, you are weird, Craig shoot’s to relax.

May 24 06 02:18 am Link


terminated user

Posts: 520

Henderson, Nevada, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
Wow, you are weird, Craig shoot’s to relax.

Wait - who's weird, me , Brian or Wynd?

May 24 06 02:20 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Barry Gallegos wrote:

Wait - who's weird, me , Brian or Wynd?

Barry Gallegos wrote:
Maybe since it's after midnite and I'm on vacation and I've done 4 shoots on vacation and have had no relaxation time

May 24 06 02:29 am Link


terminated user

Posts: 520

Henderson, Nevada, US

Thanks Craig! But you gotta remember it's a 100 degrees out here and my brain is fried! (LOL) but I still have an issue with the 3rd person thing!


May 24 06 02:31 am Link


Tom Sullivan

Posts: 210

Does this third person turn up at the shoot as well?

Does he tell the photographer how good he is all the time?

May 24 06 04:40 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Tom Sullivan wrote:
Does this third person turn up at the shoot as well?

Does he tell the photographer how good he is all the time?

Tom, if you bring your imaginary friend to a shoot the place could get quite crowded!

May 24 06 04:48 am Link


Tom Sullivan

Posts: 210


Hi Ray.

May 24 06 04:50 am Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Tom Sullivan wrote:
Does this third person turn up at the shoot as well?

Does he tell the photographer how good he is all the time?

That is hilarious; thanks! Gives me an idea for a surreal poem about... someone who needs a third person to feed their ego... if you don't mind me stealing it?


May 24 06 05:28 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Barry Gallegos wrote:
Anyone else bothered by photographers, models and MUA'S whose profile is all in the 3rd person?

n.b., for some of us, English is not the first or strongest language. here, for example, i'm kinda translating my thoughts to English. enter the next factor, cultural-linguistic; when writing about oneself, it's considered improper to use first-person singular.


May 24 06 05:42 am Link


Tom Sullivan

Posts: 210

Sabina N wrote:

That is hilarious; thanks! Gives me an idea for a surreal poem about... someone who needs a third person to feed their ego... if you don't mind me stealing it?


Sure you can.

Me, the photographer, the third person, the photographers ego, my ego, my imaginary friend - damn crowded in the studio.  Good job Im not shy.

May 24 06 05:50 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

All I care about is can the model do the job.  The rest does not matter to me. bs

May 24 06 06:30 am Link


terminated user

Posts: 520

Henderson, Nevada, US

I guess my other issue is, I don't know who's responding when they email me back

May 24 06 09:30 am Link


Christina Ilise

Posts: 319

Saint Albans, New York, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:

A peeve of mine is spelling and grammar.  The title of this thread uses the wrong form of the word "Who's" and also should be ended with a question mark.

You mean a peeve of yours is bad spelling and grammar.

May 24 06 09:59 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Barry Gallegos wrote:
Anyone else bothered by photographers, models and MUA'S whose profile is all in the 3rd person?

Not me.  Bitching about it seems like a busy body activity.  I've just seen too many people infer all kinds derogatory BS from it and, after a while, the complainers seem to be far more annoying (and egotistical) than the people they're bitching about.

In fact, I wouldn't even have viewed this thread, but the title was so vague that I had to click on it to see what your complaint was about.  Vague thread titles are yet another one of those "peeves" that people seem to post about a lot...  smile

May 24 06 09:59 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Hmmmm... wellz... I tryed to getz the 4th, 5th and 6th personz to writz me up da profilez... dem frekin idiotz fugged it up ever timez... wink

May 24 06 10:51 am Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

yet another thing people worry themselves over...

I find it peevish when i hear a portfolio that is in all "I"'s and "Myself" and "My"...

Exp: I have been shooting for 5 years and have been getting better. I have also been working with Blah and blah..I have been publishes in this and this magazine. I also want to mention blah and blah..I, I, I, I , ME, Me, Me.....

Its kinda annoying...

May 24 06 10:57 am Link


Adrienne R

Posts: 78

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:

A peeve of mine is spelling and grammar.  The title of this thread uses the wrong form of the word "Who's" and also should be ended with a question mark.

lol ha! now thats something I can relate to

May 24 06 11:03 am Link



Posts: 578

San Francisco, California, US

They made a seinfeld episode based on was freaking hillarious

May 24 06 11:04 am Link


Philip of Dallas

Posts: 834

Dallas, Texas, US

Barry Gallegos wrote:
Anyone else bothered by photographers, models and MUA'S whose profile is all in the 3rd person?

We couldn't agree with you more.

May 24 06 11:14 am Link


terminated user

Posts: 520

Henderson, Nevada, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

Not me.  Bitching about it seems like a busy body activity.  I've just seen too many people infer all kinds derogatory BS from it and, after a while, the complainers seem to be far more annoying (and egotistical) than the people they're bitching about.

In fact, I wouldn't even have viewed this thread, but the title was so vague that I had to click on it to see what your complaint was about.  Vague thread titles are yet another one of those "peeves" that people seem to post about a lot...  smile

Well, I don't have to worry about being egotistical, I'm pretty humble about my own abilities - I'll make sure I put my entire "peeve" in the thread title next time I have one - And maybe I'll do it in the 3rd person

May 24 06 11:18 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Barry Gallegos wrote:
Well, I don't have to worry about being egotistical, I'm pretty humble about my own abilities - I'll make sure I put my entire "peeve" in the thread title next time I have one - And maybe I'll do it in the 3rd person

It's been done.  In a previous thread on this very topic most of the replies were in the third person.

May 24 06 11:23 am Link


mr. wizard

Posts: 251

Alameda, California, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
A peeve of mine is spelling and grammar.  The title of this thread uses the wrong form of the word "Who's" and also should be ended with a question mark.

we're going to get along just fine. 

spelling, grammar, punctuation are important.  "who's"  vs. "whose"; "its" vs. "it's"; "less" vs. "fewer".  language can be as beautiful as a woman, or even more so.  both deserve serious respect.

back on topic...

I also dislike the 3rd person stuff.  I actually stop each time and wonder whether it's an affectation, someone else's contribution (boyfriend, manager, etc.) or something else. 

I once contacted a new model who had all her correspondence filtered thru a photographer friend, which is ok, I guess.  but now I always wonder.  stopping to wonder how a particular shot was achieved is one thing.  stopping to wonder whose words I'm reading is something else.

May 24 06 11:25 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

mr. wizard wrote:
spelling, grammar, punctuation are important.  "who's"  vs. "whose"; "its" vs. "it's"; "less" vs. "fewer".  language can be as beautiful as a woman, or even more so.  both deserve serious respect.

How about capitalization?  neutral

May 24 06 11:32 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

L.A. (city) - - - vs - - - LA (state)

May 24 06 11:38 am Link


terminated user

Posts: 520

Henderson, Nevada, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

It's been done.  In a previous thread on this very topic most of the replies were in the third person.

Damn! I'll have to use an alter-ego, unless that's considered a 3rd person!

May 24 06 11:38 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

I can't speak for models (well, I could but that would make me a manager and then I'd have to kill myself), but I've been asked for biographical info and an artist's statement when my pictures are published or exhibited.  I did the bio in third person and the artist's statement in first person.  It seems pretty traditional, but I never gave it much thought.  In terms of my profile here on MM, I hold myself to a much higher ethical and professional standard knowing that I am always under the critical eye of people who notice important details like that.  LOL!

The next time someone asks for my bio, I will ask them to clarify whether they actually want my bio or my autobio so I know what person to write it in.

*decides to recklessly post without spell checking*

May 24 06 11:43 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

FML-Photography wrote:
L.A. (city) - - - vs - - - LA (state)

- - - - vs - - - -  la (a note to follow so)

May 24 06 11:46 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13019

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

I don't care for the 3rd person thing,
Or the bad grammar,
But I can ignore it.
I can even live with the persistent lack of spellchecking and proof reading.

My pet peeve is people passing themselves off as pros when they clearly don't even understand the most basic skills required of a photographer.

Talent excuses a lot of flaws,
But if you suck.... you suck.

It's just the way things are.

May 24 06 12:13 pm Link


Amira West

Posts: 134

Los Angeles, California, US

haha. the third person syndrome debate. i always read unknown musician profiles who write in the third as if their publicist was in love with them and their awesome lifespan. very funny.

my peeve is that im no where famous enough to have a publicist write about me in the third.


May 24 06 12:30 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Actually, everyone's profile is just an advertisement for the author.  Writing in first person doesn't necessarily make it less obvious that you're trying to impress the viewer in some way, whether it be with your talents, listing your facilities, your lofty philosophy about the human female form, your humble nature, radical attitide, or with a list of skills or interests completely unrelated to modeling or photography. 

Some people list a string of credits while others don't, even though they have plenty.  Does that make one better than the other?  Does seriousness in a profile equate to "professionalism" while humor is immature?

Personally, I go right to the portfolio.  Photographer or model, it's the pictures I want to see.  After that I may scan the profile for info that is important to me.  The only reason a third person profile would concern me is if it means a model works through a "manager".  Some profiles are great, but I base my hiring decision on what I see in a model's pictures not on her writing skills.

May 24 06 01:49 pm Link


Philip of Dallas

Posts: 834

Dallas, Texas, US

Although, I guess it's better than the photographer referring to the model in the third person, as in: "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."

May 24 06 01:59 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

doug finds profiles in third person kinda funny....he thinks the folks that utilize that technique are so inherantly uninteresting, they have to pretend they are worth someone else talking about...

May 24 06 02:02 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Philip of Dallas wrote:
Although, I guess it's better than the photographer referring to the model in the third person, as in: "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."

That ryhmes!  You should be writing rap!

May 24 06 02:10 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
doug finds profiles in third person kinda funny....he thinks the folks that utilize that technique are so inherantly uninteresting, they have to pretend they are worth someone else talking about...

They're so inherantly uninteresting that they get a whole stinkin' thread dedicated to them every week or so.  It's unfair, if you ask me.

*runs off to start a thread about first person profilers*

May 24 06 02:14 pm Link


Amira West

Posts: 134

Los Angeles, California, US

Philip of Dallas wrote:
Although, I guess it's better than the photographer referring to the model in the third person, as in: "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."


May 24 06 02:34 pm Link