Forums > General Industry > Working with Shorter Photographers ....


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Given comments ( and concerns)  posted by some photographers about working with shorter models ( ie 5'2 and under ) I would like to ask all the taller ( 5'9 plus ) fashion models what it is like working with shorter photographers know ladies  - the  photographers  who have to bring a step ladder along so they  can shoot you at eye level and  if they dont - there is a good chance they will get some of their angles screwed up! Just curious .

May 21 06 10:52 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

As fashion is usually shot from the models' hip-level anyway, I'd think shortness would be an advantage. 

But I'm not a model...


May 21 06 11:02 pm Link



Posts: 1087

Dallas, Texas, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
As fashion is usually shot from the models' hip-level anyway, I'd think shortness would be an advantage. 

But I'm not a model...


I just had a shoot today with a normal height model and I did it all from a chair, I love it, if I was short I would have to stand!

May 21 06 11:07 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

There was just a thread about this last week.

May 21 06 11:17 pm Link


Alex C

Posts: 249

New York, New York, US

I guess the waist level view finder thingy on my camera needs to be used by someone who is 10' feet tall. What were those crazy camera folks thinking when they invented it. Silly me.

May 22 06 01:55 am Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Cristal likes short photogs cause they make her look tall from down there

May 22 06 01:58 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Fat Puppy Studio wrote:
I guess the waist level view finder thingy on my camera needs to be used by someone who is 10' feet tall. What were those crazy camera folks thinking when they invented it. Silly me.

So I start this thread to get somefeedback from the ladies - and I get all these guy photogs throwing in their 2 cents ...Then I check the other related thread - and I see the same ...( but also a few shorter than high fashion height models)

Maybe I'll start a new discussion - "Models - what do you do when the photographer  beleives he can think and speak for you "

Oh sorry 'Fat Puppy " here is question to answer your question "What type of camera does the  great Fashion Photographer  Terry Richardson use and given this-what focusing limitations would he face   ..Oh and I dont think you are silly , just  jumpin to conclusions based on your own experience and equipment

May 22 06 02:14 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

I don't see why the height of the photog is relevant to anything.  I suppose a taller photog may be a bit faster then a one with a stepladder in the situations where a high angle is necessary.  I think that there is a bigger difference between photogs who are in good shape vs those who are not just on the standpoint of mobility.  But it all depends on shooting style. I think every photog develops their own unique style based on their physical capability.

May 22 06 02:28 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Jay Dezelic wrote:
I don't see why the height of the photog is relevant to anything.  I suppose a taller photog may be a bit faster then a one with a stepladder in the situations where a high angle is necessary.  I think that there is a bigger difference between photogs who are in good shape vs those who are not just on the standpoint of mobility.  But it all depends on shooting style. I think every photog develops their own unique style based on their physical capability.

Good points ,and you are probably taller than most photogs being 6'1

May 22 06 02:33 am Link



Posts: 571

Los Angeles, California, US

i love giant women.

May 22 06 02:34 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Garry k wrote:

Fat Puppy Studio wrote:
I guess the waist level view finder thingy on my camera needs to be used by someone who is 10' feet tall. What were those crazy camera folks thinking when they invented it. Silly me.

So I start this thread to get somefeedback from the ladies - and I get all these guy photogs throwing in their 2 cents ...Then I check the other related thread - and I see the same ...( but also a few shorter than high fashion height models)

Maybe I'll start a new discussion - "Models - what do you do when the photographer  beleives he can think and speak for you "

Oh sorry 'Fat Puppy " here is question to answer your question "What type of camera does the  great Fashion Photographer  Terry Richardson use and given this-what focusing limitations would he face   ..Oh and I dont think you are silly , just  jumpin to conclusions based on your own experience and equipment

Garry k wrote:

So I start this thread to get somefeedback from the ladies - and I get all these guy photogs throwing in their 2 cents ...Then I check the other related thread - and I see the same ...( but also a few shorter than high fashion height models)

Maybe I'll start a new discussion - "Models - what do you do when the photographer  beleives he can think and speak for you "

Oh sorry 'Fat Puppy " here is question to answer your question "What type of camera does the  great Fashion Photographer  Terry Richardson use and given this-what focusing limitations would he face   ..Oh and I dont think you are silly , just  jumpin to conclusions based on your own experience and equipment

It should have occurred to you that photographers might know something about photography and how models should be shot. Would you ask artists models about the different types of brushes that painters use to paint them with? You can ask all the models this question that you like, but what the photographers are telling you is correct regardless. Have you ever seen the red carpet photos where the stars have distorted heads and bodies with foreshortened legs? That's the result of eye level or higher body shots, and that's the result no matter what any model or anyone else tells you. Models opinions or preferences don't change the laws of optics or perspective.... oddly enough...

May 22 06 02:43 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Stanley wrote:
i love giant women.

I know Stanley , we all do

May 22 06 02:49 am Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Garry k wrote:

I know Stanley , we all do

actually not being tall myself.. I love short women smile with nice boobs of course.. nice buns too.. great legs help.. tiny waist ok great...and a pretty face doesnt hurt any either. heres a great example!
5' 2" people 5 - 2!!!!!! love little women with big.. hearts.

May 22 06 03:10 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Who cares. I have big feet.

May 22 06 03:22 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

It should have occurred to you that photographers might know something about photography and how models should be shot. Would you ask artists models about the different types of brushes that painters use to paint them with? You can ask all the models this question that you like, but what the photographers are telling you is correct regardless......


The elevation level of your camera in shooting a model depends on many things - what kind of lense you have , how close/far away  you are from the  model , where you are shooting ,what type of effect you are tryin go to achieve ...And your point about asking "artists models about painting ..."exposes your lack of true experience working with professsional high fashion models..

Point is - there are models who are so good that they could easily take over and direct the average photographer on how  to shoot them . From practice and experience - they  know their body , the  range and subtle shifts of expression in the eyes and  mouth , how to to find that find that desired pose and work thru its variations , the laws of symetry etc.

Had the honor of working with model Coco Rocha  ( April 2006 Italian Vogue Cover /and inside editorial shot by Meisel  ) a couple of times  before she took hit the big time   and I would have  to say in reflection - Damn !.....that 17 year old  girl schooled me .She was so fast and so good at posing - i was working hard to keep up to her in the shoots

May 22 06 03:23 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

FabioTovar wrote:

Garry k wrote:
I know Stanley , we all do

actually not being tall myself.. I love short women smile with nice ....

I know Fabio , we all do

We just love those women period.

May 22 06 03:25 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Garry k wrote:
would like to ask all the taller ( 5'9 plus ) fashion models what it is like working with shorter photographers

what height constitutes "short" for the photographer? less than your cited 5'9" model? and what about him/her getting up on a ladder or step-stool?


May 22 06 03:37 am Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Garry k wrote:

FabioTovar wrote:

Garry k wrote:
I know Stanley , we all do

actually not being tall myself.. I love short women smile with nice ....

I know Fabio , we all do

We just love those women period.

well i dont know about loving tall womens periods but ... what ever floats your boat. wink

May 22 06 03:42 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

FML-Photography wrote:

what height constitutes "short" for the photographer? less than your cited 5'9" model? and what about him/her getting up on a ladder or step-stool?


Yes model 5'9 or taller, photographer shorter than 5'9

May 22 06 03:43 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

i am 5'3" tall only... i climb on things, i stand on things, sometimes i have things set up for me to jump to and fro on, i get a pretty good workout with tall models sometimes. i also wear platforms sometimes and i also wear a lot of heels when i wear heels i get pretty close to their height sometimes but still need to tip toe sometimes, having done point in ballet helps a lot, so i just run around in my heels or jump and climb on things. i use the word sometimes a lot.

May 22 06 03:45 am Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Thuy Anh wrote:
i am 5'3" tall only... i climb on things, i stand on things, sometimes i have things set up for me to jump to and fro on, i get a pretty good workout with tall models sometimes. i also wear platforms sometimes and i also wear a lot of heels when i wear heels i get pretty close to their height sometimes but still need to tip toe sometimes, having done point in ballet helps a lot, so i just run around in my heels or jump and climb on things. i use the word sometimes a lot.

I would very much like to see that.  at least sometime.   5'3 and pretty

May 22 06 03:47 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Garry k wrote:

Yes model 5'9 or taller, photographer shorter than 5'9

hmm ... well, i'm right at 5'9" so guess i can't say anything ...

Thuy Anh wrote:
i climb on things, i stand on things, sometimes i have things set up for me to jump to and fro on

... but yeah, i do move around a lot too: can be down on the floor one second, then on top of a ladder shooting off the ceiling the next.

kudos for ex-dancers (moi aussi) and athletic photographers!


May 22 06 03:49 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

FML-Photography wrote:

hmm ... well, i'm right at 5'9" so guess i can't say anything ...

... but yeah, i do move around a lot too: can be down on the floor one second, then on top of a ladder shooting off the ceiling the next.

kudos for ex-dancers (moi aussi) and athletic photographers!


How tall was the tallest female model you have worked with ? . Have you ever worked with any in the 6 foot plus range and how did that go?

May 22 06 03:00 pm Link


Ivan Aps

Posts: 4996

Miami, Florida, US

FabioTovar wrote:
actually not being tall myself.. I love short women smile with nice boobs of course.. nice buns too.. great legs help.. tiny waist ok great...and a pretty face doesnt hurt any either. heres a great example!
5' 2" people 5 - 2!!!!!! love little women with big.. hearts.

Is there something wrong with this Salma picture?  One, I have never seen her this skinny and secondly, doesn't her head look HUGE?  I just measure it and her top of head to chin is almost the same as her shoulders to belly-button.  Hmmm :-)

Back to subject.  I am 5'8 myself and I shoot some models as tall as 5'11 including one of my regulars who is 6'1.  Some shots I need a step stool.  But like mentioned above, various styles allow for looks that are amazing without needing height to get them.  Some others you would need to be 10 feet tall to get without a ladder.

Overall, the question, does it matter how tall a photog is?  In my mind, the final product is all that matters.  Tall, fat, skinny, short, ugly, good-looking, handicap, what ever.  The final product is all that matters.

May 22 06 03:08 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Apfel Photography wrote:

FabioTovar wrote:
actually not being tall myself.. I love short women smile with nice boobs of course.. nice buns too.. great legs help.. tiny waist ok great...and a pretty face doesnt hurt any either. heres a great example!
5' 2" people 5 - 2!!!!!! love little women with big.. hearts.

Is there something wrong with this Salma picture?  .....

Salma is a beauty and the photo is great . If you are the photographer  who took this  shot please keep it posted and post more ( because I do not see any of her on your website ) Otherwise please take it down - we can all look at her on the internet if we wish .....

May 22 06 06:34 pm Link


Alex C

Posts: 249

New York, New York, US

Garry k wrote:

So I start this thread to get somefeedback from the ladies - and I get all these guy photogs throwing in their 2 cents ...Then I check the other related thread - and I see the same ...( but also a few shorter than high fashion height models)

Maybe I'll start a new discussion - "Models - what do you do when the photographer  beleives he can think and speak for you "

Oh sorry 'Fat Puppy " here is question to answer your question "What type of camera does the  great Fashion Photographer  Terry Richardson use and given this-what focusing limitations would he face   ..Oh and I dont think you are silly , just  jumpin to conclusions based on your own experience and equipment

I didn't have a question, but thank you. I thought your question was kind of fun, so I commmented, acknowledged, wasn't attempting to speak on models behalf. As to Terry Richardson, more power to him. And to answer your question with a question to the question...errr...he shot with a Yashica T4. He would encounter barrel distortion away from the center of the image at certain distances (the length of the lense being what it was, I think 40mm?) The autofocus was centerweighted, so lots of limitations there, not the multi-point autofocus SLR's of today).

What does get my goat is that you don't think I am silly. What's up with that?


May 22 06 07:17 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Fat Puppy Studio wrote:

I didn't have a question, but thank you. I thought your question was kind of fun, so I commmented, acknowledged, wasn't attempting to speak on models behalf. As to Terry Richardson, more power to him. And to answer your question with a question to the question...errr...he shot with a Yashica T4. He would encounter barrel distortion away from the center of the image at certain distances (the length of the lense being what it was, I think 40mm?) The autofocus was centerweighted, so lots of limitations there, not the multi-point autofocus SLR's of today).

What does get my goat is that you don't think I am silly. What's up with that?


Actually Terry Richardson has shot most of his work using an old Instamatic....( which makes him even more remarkable as a Fashion photographer )

Why would not thinking you are silly -get your goat ?

May 22 06 07:31 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

I'm only 5'5 but I have worn 6'' heels at a shoot before and the photographer had to use a ladder. I thought it was cute haha!

May 22 06 07:34 pm Link


Alex C

Posts: 249

New York, New York, US

Garry k wrote:

Actually Terry Richardson has shot most of his work using an old Instamatic....( which makes him even more remarkable as a Fashion photographer )

Why would not thinking you are silly -get your goat ?

Just having fun, and learning something new everyday, didn't realize it was an old instamatic. I know he used different cameras for different things. Anyway, its been a fun thread.

May 22 06 10:08 pm Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

FabioTovar wrote:

I would very much like to see that.  at least sometime.   5'3 and pretty

awww thanks, i actually run around in heels almost everyday, so anyone that sees me will see me in all of my cute little heels. big_smile i'm addicted to them O_O

May 24 06 02:20 am Link



Posts: 558

I'm 6'3 and I get bad knees from kneeling all the damn time to take the shots at the right level. EVERY model is smaller than me.

The only way I can stand and photograph people is from 30' away with a 200mm lense smile

And, I still get on steps for the high angled shots. Shooting my 2 year old daughter from the right height involves lieing down !

I really dont think that the hight of the photographer is relevant in any way, unless the photographer is a real dork that stands on one spot with the camera at eye level, shooting jpegs with on camera flash.

May 24 06 02:52 am Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

Don't think it's just a different set of angles

May 24 06 06:23 am Link


ELITE Model Shots

Posts: 319

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Love the shorties! Good things come in small packages

Eva Longoria

are a couple examples

I find myself on the floor shooting up a lot to make the model look even taller. I'm 5'9.

May 24 06 11:16 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Garry k wrote:
How tall was the tallest female model you have worked with ? . Have you ever worked with any in the 6 foot plus range and how did that go?

6'2" ...

would occasionally have slight difficulty getting a full-length in the studio (had two wells, both fairly deep) - question of lenses & perspectives - but still, somehow everything always worked out.

oh, other, in Paris for example, a number of agencies said she was too tall. granted, most designers like 5'9" - 5'11" for females; wardrobe question.


May 24 06 11:24 am Link


Kristina Heaps

Posts: 38

San Jose, California, US

I don't really do fashion, but I am almost 6 foot. I've had a couple photographers who are used to working with shorter models try to figure out how to shoot me. They move alot more to try to get the shots that they want, I'm sure its quite a work out for them.

May 24 06 11:46 am Link