Forums > General Industry > Underage models.


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Chris Macan wrote:

Why did you feel the need to "Sneek" the shot,
I hope is wan't cause "She was Sooo Hottt"
Ya dirty old fellow.

Honestly?  Because no matter how much shooting I do how many girls I meet, I'm still SHY.  I was at BJ's, it's a restaurant out here in CA, not sure if they are all over the country.  It took me forever to work up the nerve to approach one of the hostesses and give her my card.

May 22 06 03:47 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

Honestly?  Because no matter how much shooting I do how many girls I meet, I'm still SHY.  I was at BJ's, it's a restaurant out here in CA, not sure if they are all over the country.  It took me forever to work up the nerve to approach one of the hostesses and give her my card.

You need a P.A.

May 22 06 04:15 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I find this thread very interesting.  I had the exact same thing happen to me.  However, at the time the model was 15 years old.  She wanted Maxim/lingerie style of shots.  My first reply was "For me to do anything near that type of shoot, I'd need a written, contractual consent from your parent/guardian."  Her reply had nothing to do with this statement and was just asking about possible locations/clothes to bring etc.

Upon repeating the need for parent/guardian concent, she stopped replying all together.  Her OMP profile is now reactivated and she's stating that she's 18 years old.  The original mail was sent 2 years ago.  I'm not a math expert by any means, but I could swear that 15+2 is ... *counts on fingers*... 17.

Since both your and my reactions were the same, you can see I side with what you did.  It scares me how many GWC's out there would do it at the drop of a hat.  What kind of sticky situation could this girl fall into?  There's no moral/ethical code amongst photographers, professional or amature so I guess it's up to the individuals to make the right calls and you sir did just that.

And to the guy with the reply about the posted image "don't like the composition and lighting"... thanks... I spit Pepsi all over my monitor and keyboard when I read that.

May 22 06 10:57 pm Link


Jane Burgess

Posts: 433

Tempe, Arizona, US

Well if you want to work with her let her know you will not shoot any tasteful nudity until she is 18. You could still shoot headshots, fashion, casual, and swimsuit with her. You can be sexy in pics with clothes on.

May 22 06 11:03 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Not to get off-topic, but I'm personally waiting for the government to require blues musicians submit USC 2257 documentation before playing "Good Morning Little Schoolgirl."

May 22 06 11:08 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I think you made exactly the right choice. Good for you.

May 23 06 12:03 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Not to get off-topic, but I'm personally waiting for the government to require blues musicians submit USC 2257 documentation before playing "Good Morning Little Schoolgirl."

Good Morning Little School Girl w/o 2257 documentation is allowed if played on a vintage strat by a player who's fingers are tobacco stained from non-filter Camels!

May 23 06 12:05 am Link


Alex C

Posts: 249

New York, New York, US

You made the right choice. Unless part of your gig is being a talent scout, or trying to discover the next supermodel, there is never really a good reason to shoot an underage model in "sexy" attire or adult situations. Most models that are underage have very supportive parents a/o guardians, who take an interest in what they are doing. Also, commercially, its true that many, if not the majority of models are under age, but they are booked through agencies, etc., so all the legalities are taken care of, and you and your client know what the deal is.

I have never had an underage girl take me up on the same offer of letting me speak to a guardian/parent, and also accept being accompanied by a guardian/adult to the shoot. The only people who will claim I'm wrong are underage models who want sexy pictures, and GWC's who want to take them. Not worth the hassle man. Kudos to you!

May 23 06 09:47 am Link



Posts: 7840


Yup several experiences I came across where the under age gal was actually a man... maybe looking for stories like -shoot with X he will do a great job and doesnt care about the law- but, thats another thing!

May 23 06 10:50 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

Weird, I had a 17 yr old this past weekend tell me that she wanted to model, and wanted to do some Maxim-type stuff and would even be willing to do some nudes as long as they weren't porn. She also said that her Mom would sign any kind of release, but somehow I'd be hesitant to believe that any signature actually came from Mom. She said that her friend is a 19 yr old model, yada yada yada... I told her to feel free to call me in Nov when she's officially 18, but I'd be uncomfortable shooting Maxim/FHM pics of a 17 yr old. Maybe I'm just getting too old....

May 23 06 11:04 am Link



Posts: 7840


not in the least!

May 23 06 11:05 am Link



Posts: 74

Toronto, Iowa, US

You did do the right thing, I just think you should have asked mild questions about the type of modelling she is really trying to get into, and maybe schooled her a bit if you knew anything about it. Sometimes a little goes a long way. She was obviously ill-informed and so was her mother. You might think these people don't listen, but as long as you werent putting them through a guilt trip....i'm almost sure that it may stick with them for a bit (or even wake up them) unless they are really that ignorant.

May 23 06 11:09 am Link


Odins Eye

Posts: 1925

West Wendover, Nevada, US

Jan 09 07 02:58 pm Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:
Does this bother anyone?

This is not sexually bothersome. However, it isn't sexy either. The model wanted sexy.

I would not have a problem shooting sexy photos of a model 17 years old in lingerie or a swimsuit....under the right conditions. Fewer "conditions" would be required for an outdoor shoot in a public place with witnesses.  More "conditions" would be required for lingerie on private property.  But, that's me....not you.

While this all could have gone well, you risk your name and reputation all the time in this business.  So, while that model may have put a few hundred in your pocket, what is your name and reputation worth...and how much are you willing to spend defending it?

Here's the best paragraph in the linked article posted earlier...
"Under U.S. law, for an image that does not involve a child engaged in a sex act, a court must find that it entails "lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area" of a minor to determine that it is child pornography."

In this case, you probably made the right decision.

Jan 09 07 03:11 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Escorts, Underage models, GWC's, pay vs. tfp...

It's amazing anybody performs any shoots. I will spray my Starbucks all over my desk if I can go one day without these topics being the forum frontrunners.

You didn't feel comfortable working with her. Great. Another photographer feels comfortable shooting a minor in swimwear. Wonderful. I don't think turning it down makes one less of a GWC just as I don't think agreeing to the shoot would define a photographer as one.

Jan 09 07 03:16 pm Link


George ephrem

Posts: 981

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Carmilla wrote:
I think that you handled the situation quite well. It's always risky working with underage models. I'd say it's better that you didn't work with her, due to the fact that she lied about her age in the first place. Even if it's by a few months, it's still lying. Work with models who would gladly provide identification when asked for. I think that you made the right decision, as long as you agree.

good answer,(above) but i would not do ANY type pics if the girl is under 18. mom MUST be with her till she is 18 and then I've shot some that had just turned 18 and wished i hadn't. some, are just not mature enough yet.

Jan 09 07 03:17 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Odin's Eye wrote:

I'm more than a little confused how this relates to a legitimate photographer's decision to shoot swimear for an underage model? Wait. I get it. Porn bad right? Ok.

Jan 09 07 03:22 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

some nuts peoples....

heres a pic of a just turned 15yo katarina..6 foot tall..been in vogue, teen vogue, seventeen and national dillards ads..i have been shooting her since she was 13...

age doesnt matter..but intentions intention of this image was to show a beautiful young woman on the beach at sunset...

Jan 09 07 04:19 pm Link


Perfect Pixels

Posts: 106

Richfield, Minnesota, US

Odin's Eye wrote:

This article and the post above me are very valid in pointing out it is all about INTENTION.  A naked girl on stool doing nothing with a blank stare is no big deal, but a picture of a CLOTHED girl with her legs spread and a sexual look on her face is another deal altogether.

If the shots are appropriate and well monitored by chaperones, all should be fine.

Jan 09 07 05:04 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

semi-pointless to talk about it, no perv is going to defend his position, everyone else is in favor of not hurting kids, by definition anyone who posts is also well intended..

has nothing to do with guts, has to do more with respect for other people's feelings..

personaly i dont like being around kids all that much, i just feel more comfortible around old gezers like myself

what i worry about is a backlash against the 'implied teen trade' that restricts freedom of speech... in that sense pervs could hurt even more people than they already do..

Jan 09 07 06:43 pm Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Doug Swinskey wrote:
some nuts peoples....

heres a pic of a just turned 15yo katarina..6 foot tall..been in vogue, teen vogue, seventeen and national dillards ads..i have been shooting her since she was 13...

age doesnt matter..but intentions intention of this image was to show a beautiful young woman on the beach at sunset...

Go DOUG ! smile

I mean hell, Johnson

Jan 09 07 06:47 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

ward wrote:

Go DOUG ! smile

I mean hell, Johnson & Johnson's can hire some family's naked kid to be in a national television ad for baby powder, and people are crying about "age limits" for models...Most real models start getting groomed and signed by agencies when they're 12, 13 years my 13 year old neice... 5'8" already and still growing...and just came into Ford agency. Meh, me thinks thou doth protest too much. smile

the point of all these discussions isn't so much that there are double standerds, it's that there are pervs who exploit kids

it's like the death penalty, in states where they find problems they suspend the death penalty, (illanois for example) the idea being that you exercise protection

discression is the better part of valour

Jan 09 07 06:51 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Has anybody noticed that this thread is quite old, and that the model in question turned 18 several months ago?

Jan 09 07 07:31 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Has anybody noticed that this thread is quite old, and that the model in question turned 18 several months ago?

i noticed the thread was old, the part where she turn 18 a few mos ago is ironic, just goes to show.. patience is it's own reward

Jan 09 07 08:05 pm Link


Naomi Parmar

Posts: 35

Los Angeles, California, US

well I'm 17
my parents are supportive and accompany me to the shoots

i don't understand why she didn't do the same in your case

Jan 09 07 10:29 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

BCI Photo wrote:

Breathe, dude. lol

I don't know if you're aware of the situation here stateside, but there's a real growing concern about predators posing as photogs on MYSPACE, omp and probably here.
We're not talking about underage agency models or shooting underage girls for agencies, we're talking about underage girls from "model/networking" sites soliciting photogs, or being solicited by "photogs" to pose for lingerie, swimwear, or god forbid nude pics that really have no merit or benefit, just something some guy can have as his own personal collection.

Tell you what though, for everyone that sees nothing wrong with it, then post the pics in your ports.... What's that you say?  The rules don't allow it? Uh... Why do you think that is???? What's that you say? Because the site owners don't want to face prosecution of displaying child porn??? because there's no site out there that's U.S. based that has nude children all across it's pages due to federal laws???

Ok then. … mping.html
hosted out of california.
Has nude images of teens on it.
Guess your theory is wrong.

Nudity does NOT equal porn!!

Jan 10 07 09:21 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Miguel Angel Paredes wrote:
I am looking for thoughts on something that happened to me recently...

I was contacted by a model from omp about a possible photoshoot for headshots for a new model portfolio. Her age on profile is 18, and since I am starting out, I am a bit paranoid with any model in the age range of 18-21. 

Now, this model is asking for "sexy" photos (lingerie/nudes), to which I told her that for either photoshoot, headshots or whatever, she needed to bring her photo ID.  She kinda avoided the subject and kept asking about locations and other stuff. I kept going back to the age/ID thing until she finally admited that she will not be 18 until September, but was prompt to state that her mom would sign anything in order to get her into the modeling business.  She also said that her mom was ok with someone taking "sexy" pictures.

I told her that I'd would like to meet her mother in order to get a release/consent for the headshots... but as far as anything else, I would not do anything until after September.  I told her that not even swimwear.  She did not like that at all and said "thanks but I'll find someone who will take the 'sexy' pics right now".

Any thoughts, comments... Thanks.

It sounds like this individual is not a model, and you caught her in a lie.
Edited to add that I did notice the date of the original post, and that this is not the way a model conducts legitimate business.

Jan 10 07 09:55 am Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

odd that site is in operation, and the guys who run the offshore gambling sites are so "wanted" here in the u.s. ...

do you think if the government was loosing tax revenue on kiddy porn,
(or if they found a way to profit from it)
do you think then their attitude about such things would change?

besides in the naturalists site i saw nothing "sexy",  i suspect they are taking advantage of
the Jock Sturges decisions and presidents. 

either way the discussion at hand is a minor soliciting work with the promise of a willingness
to shoot illegal images, a model who has already been caught in a lie.  who once again "promises" unrestricted cooperation from her mother.  personally i don't bother with anyone who cannot sign the legal documents i need to use the work in a manner that makes it "profitable" enough to invest my time in the first place.  if it was the mother contacting me for work, that might be different. 

on mothers, unless i am wrong Roman Polański had the mothers consent to "photograph" the child which caused him to flee the u.s.
(a mother who encouraged her daughter to cooperate with him in "every way") ...

one wonders whether he would have had to flee at all had he been able to cast that girl in a film, in a timely manner.

one only needs to look at the sordid history of "elite model management" to understand my point.

no way do you engage in commerce with a minor under such circumstances.  unless you have lots of money and are willing to flee from the u.s. and your primary market. 

Ty Simone wrote:
hosted out of california.
Has nude images of teens on it.
Guess your theory is wrong.

Nudity does NOT equal porn!!

Jan 10 07 10:03 am Link