Forums > General Industry > more theory on the TFCD debate...



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

DeathbyNew-Wave wrote:
Actually, I would say if you give a model 100 frames and she doesnt get anything she can use, then she isnt exactly model material.You either have what it takes or you dont.

It's a two way street, if 100 shots are a waste, either the model or the photographer didn't do their job right.

May 27 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 90

LOL $200 ?  I spit that away in a blink of an eye. $200 is NOTHING these days. 

Yes I DO shoot for free, VERY VERY VERY rarely. And when I do, I gather up my team and shoot it as if it will be published. That means I get a wardrobe stylist, MUA, assistants, etc.  If I do shoot for free, it is because I feel the model will ADD new dimension to my book that I need. Will I do a GREAT job ? You bet your ass I will. I want GREAT shots for my book and hers or his.

If a "model" asks me for TFP and I don't feel he or she can add something new and fresh to my book then the answer is no. I am not going to waste my time, which = money. I think we are all forgetting that TIME = MONEY, no matter what business you are in. If the "model" is new and poses with her hand on her knee, a la John Robert Powers, then the "model" cannot call themselves a real model. That "models" time is not worth money because they have not learned the business and how to actually model. Therefore, they need an experienced shooter to show them how to model and acheive usable working poses, expressions, that will land them an agent and or work.

For the "models" that have paid photographers and not gotten "good" usable photos, I think that is your fault. You need to do your research VERY carefully. Any Jo Blow can charge for a session, that doesn't mean he is a good photographer.

To the "models" out there, LOOK AT MAGAZINES, ADVERTISEMENTS etc. When you look at a photographers book, ask yourself if it measures up to what you see out there in the fashion mags and advertisements etc. If it DOES NOT measure up, do not use that photographer whether you are paying him or not.

I hope I shed some new light here.

May 27 06 01:15 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US


May 27 06 06:07 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

First there are some fantastic photographers on this site who shoot for TFP
all the time.  There are many published photographers who shoot for
major clients and many of the bigger agencies that offer TFP all the time.  Hence
those cool ass images you see in books by Marco Glaviano and others.  There are
people who will give you good work for TFP and others who you may pay where
you'll get crap.  This includes some of those that are well known and have a
a great support staff.  This isn't a exact science.  There are many factors that come into play.  Is the model one that can move freely, is she comfortable in
front of the camera, is she attractive.  What photographers show on their sites
like these is those images that look good or great.  You don't get to see their
fuc&*^ and they happen for sure.  Maybe it was a off day.  Maybe the model
was awfull.  Maybe the MUA used colors, etc that don't look good.  If a bad
shoot happens and you've paid you can usually shoot again.  I think though that
those photographers who are do charge models to shoot aren't served well by
advertising themselves on sites like these.  Most of the models won't see or
understand why they should shoot with them and it then becomes a battle over
if TFP works or doesn't.  Here's my take on this issue.  If you really have what
it takes to be signed by a serious fashion agency you are mostly wasting your time on sites like these unless you're here for fun and networking.  In other words
stop asking if we think you have what it takes to be signed and go see yourself.
If you are a commercial model then you again need to get to a agency. 
Distance, age, height and weight all come into play but one thing is for sure in
any and all cases it is the quality of the images you have that can help or hurt you.

May 27 06 06:37 pm Link



Posts: 90

VRG -- why did you only reply with 82 ?  what does that mean ?

May 28 06 01:09 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Sheesh, can't believe this thread is still going strong. I mentioned like 2 pages ago that I was convinced that a paid shoot has more advantage already. Now rap it up kids! smile


May 28 06 01:14 am Link