Forums > General Industry > Should a paid model get free images?


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

When I paid, I did.  Just not as many and not her choice.

When I pay MUAs- I sometimes do- same deal.

May 18 06 04:40 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
Ignore the differences between cash and photos.  The way you and everyone should look at this is as compensation.  If they want pay AND photos. Asking for $150+photos or $1,000 cash only are the same thing, compensation.  It is up to two the parties involved to negotiate.


If a model is willing to shoot TFP, you're giving them photos right? right.

If a model is willing to accept a paid job at $150, you do NOT want to give them photos, right?  right.

What if the model said hey, how about I reduce my rate to $25 and can I then get a copy of the photos?  This amounts to them paying $125 for the photos.  Are you opposed to this as well?  how about if they said $5 and a CD?

If this makes sense, then no photographer should be offended/bothered by a model that asks for $$ and photos.  It's up to you to say yes or no.  And if you say no, it is then up to them to decide yes or no. 

If either of you say no, then there is no shoot.  If both of you say Yes, then you have successfully negotiated a shoot along with expected compensation.  Everyone should be happy.  If you're not, then it was your fault for not properly negotiating what you wanted in the first place.

Excellent detail.

May 18 06 04:46 pm Link


Fred Beeson

Posts: 272

Birmingham, Alabama, US

you pay for a models time they can pay for yours.......pretty simple I think

May 18 06 04:51 pm Link


Renee Hyde

Posts: 178

New York, New York, US

If a photographer pays me (that is my conpensation for my time and effort), as far as I'm concerned I have absolutely no entitlement to the pictures. If they happen to offer me some for promotional uses, then that's great and definitely not expected. I would consider that an extra and a generous offer. Most are nice enough to do so, but I don't expect it.

The Picture Place wrote:
Hello everyone,

My name is Danny and I recently got on to MM and have been contacting models for TFCD and paid sessions. My question is if a model turns down a TFCD offer but accepts a paid offer is it reasonable for the model to exspect images as well without me charging for my services? Should the model not respect my time, services and product as valuable also? I am very good at what I do and am very generous. I'm not looking to get something for nothing, but when I am paying how far in being generous should I be? Models, photographers, stylists and make-up artists please give me some feed back.


May 18 06 04:57 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

jusjen77 wrote:
That does not necessarily mean she did not need your images or that she was greedy. Some models do this work because they need the money. I accept very few TFCD shoots not because i dont need images but because I get paid to model that is what i do. You always need more images. I always negotiate images into my paid shoots. If i get paid for the shoot and i get no images then all i got was money and i might as well get another job just for that. What have i got to show in my port then. this is what i dont understand. If u pay a model for images why wouldnt u want her to have some to show in her port to advertise you as a photographer and to show what u can do? please explain that to me.

OK, let me play devils advocate for a moment:

"If u pay a model for images why wouldnt u want her to have some to show in her port to advertise you as a photographer and to show what u can do?"

How about because I don't get any return value from your "advertising"?  The people you will be showing your portfolio to may not be people who hire photographers for the type of work I do.

If you want something to show in your port, then that something should be of value to you.  You value your time, abilities and image enough to charge the photographer, why wouldn't you value the photographers time, abilities and product enough to compensate him for photos for you to put in your portfolio?

Again, just playing devils advocate, not saying that's always the way it is.  It varies depending on the situation.  As others have said, if it's a commercial shoot for some other client, a tear sheet at least is probably in order.  But if a photographer is just shooting for their own book for example, why should you be paid your normal rate and get photos for free?  If they're worthwhile enough for you to have in your portfolio, shouldn't you at least negotiate a reduced rate in echange for the photos?

May 18 06 05:13 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I don't have any problem giving a paid model images...but then everyone knows how much nicer i am than the average photographer.

May 18 06 05:18 pm Link


Daniel Rivas Photo

Posts: 29

Lancaster, California, US

jusjen77 wrote:
This is the situation. I thought that when the model turned down the TFCD offer that meant they didn't need my style of images. When I offered to pay and we discussed the shoot the model now like the images that I am wanting to shoot and wants them in their book.

That does not necessarily mean she did not need your images or that she was greedy. Some models do this work because they need the money. I accept very few TFCD shoots not because i dont need images but because I get paid to model that is what i do. You always need more images. I always negotiate images into my paid shoots. If i get paid for the shoot and i get no images then all i got was money and i might as well get another job just for that. What have i got to show in my port then. this is what i dont understand. If u pay a model for images why wouldnt u want her to have some to show in her port to advertise you as a photographer and to show what u can do? please explain that to me.

Its not that I wouldn't want them to have my images, because yes this is a good advertisement for me, I 'm new to offering TFCD, in the past I have always been paid for my services (the clients came to me and paid my rates) and now that I'm offering my services for trade and being turned down, then I offer to pay their rate it seemed unfair to also give my images for free (but again I think it will be good advertising).

As for a paid model not receiving images after a shoot and saying that they should just go do some other type of job is kinda of strange. That's like saying if I get paid to photograph a family and can't use the results to promote myself (which does happen) I shouldn't photograph that family. I'm a professional and got paid to do my job.

I'm not getting paid myself, this session is only for my website and portfolio.

May 18 06 05:31 pm Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

If you give a model pictures, you can bet they won't get thrown away.  I think it's good publicity.

May 18 06 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

If you're not a business or advertising grad.. I can almost guarantee you that models having your work to put up will advertise you 1000 times better than you can advertise yourself..

May 18 06 05:48 pm Link


g2-new photographics

Posts: 2048

Boston, Massachusetts, US

When I pay models, the understanding is that there is no expectation of free images.  They can use anything that I post, though, and - if I have time - I usually will clean up some images for them.

Nothing is lost, there are no misunderstandings, and - as some other posters have noted - the publicity and the good will goes a long way.

May 18 06 05:57 pm Link



Posts: 716

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I have given paid models a copy or two of shots used in a commercial assignment. I never went overboard, but I think it looks good having the tearsheet with the copy facing an original photo. I have yet to have a client not agree with that, we had an in-house colour lab so the cost was pretty low.

May 18 06 06:01 pm Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Another subject that has been beaten to death lol. Paid models should NEVER expect images, although some generous photographers will provide them.

I am one of those generous artists who provides high res CD images of my choosing
with my dgold logo inset for the model's personal portfolio use, and, I pay a cash
an agreed upon rate plus expenses.
I think the aforementioned is fair given I require a signed Adult Model Release Form
for my protection and copyright of images.
However, I am not a paid fashion/professional photographer who derives income from his/her is, after all, business.

May 18 06 06:08 pm Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Once again...
Hell no.

May 18 06 06:10 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

If it's a paid shoot, I'll always give a few images that are reduced for web use.

I see no harm in that and it promotes a good relationship between you and the model.


May 18 06 06:12 pm Link


Mickle Design Werks

Posts: 5967

Washington, District of Columbia, US

jusjen77 wrote:
This is the situation. I thought that when the model turned down the TFCD offer that meant they didn't need my style of images. When I offered to pay and we discussed the shoot the model now like the images that I am wanting to shoot and wants them in their book.

That does not necessarily mean she did not need your images or that she was greedy. Some models do this work because they need the money. I accept very few TFCD shoots not because i dont need images but because I get paid to model that is what i do. You always need more images. I always negotiate images into my paid shoots. If i get paid for the shoot and i get no images then all i got was money and i might as well get another job just for that. What have i got to show in my port then. this is what i dont understand. If u pay a model for images why wouldnt u want her to have some to show in her port to advertise you as a photographer and to show what u can do? please explain that to me.

I don't get this sense of entitlement to images for paid work. If you want images, Why shouldn't a model pay for the images with either their time, thier money (imagine  that actually paying a photograper for images you want...gasp!!) or combination of both?

Why would you want to do a trade shoot if you are getting a steady supply of images from those photographers that don't value thier images? I don't blame you for not doing TFP work; there is no incentive for you to do it.

May 18 06 06:47 pm Link


Jezabel Sinclair

Posts: 6

Frederick, Maryland, US

As a model who mostly shoots for Paid time ... I *never* expect any other form of compensation from the photographer unless discussed prior. 

However ... if I enjoyed the shoot I don't hesitate to ASK if I may have one of the finished pieces to add to my portfolio.  In the end it is all about art and I am as big a collector as the next person.  I do know though that the photographer always has the right to refuse me my request. 

I find that most photogaphers are very happy to give you *one* photo that they love when done editing the shoot.  Then again I've never asked for copies of them all ...

May 18 06 07:11 pm Link


Jezabel Sinclair

Posts: 6

Frederick, Maryland, US

I just have to say too that I have never had any problem paying a photographer, even one that I have had pay me before, to do a shoot based around images that I wanted and felt only they could give me. 

It's all rather dependant on the situation, the shoot and the people involved honestly.  There have been many shoots where we just traded our time and others where the vibe was so perfect I simply asked for one photo of their choosing ... and yet others where they were asked for as part of the compensation up front. 

Im sure Im just beating a dead horse by now.  LOL

May 18 06 07:16 pm Link


g2-new photographics

Posts: 2048

Boston, Massachusetts, US

As claire elizabeth said early on, what's the point of these threads?  Some photographers are cool with free images and some aren't.

Whatever happens between a given photographer and a given model under a given set of circumstances is what happens.

So why beat it to death here?  Just do what you want to do.


May 18 06 07:25 pm Link


Mickle Design Werks

Posts: 5967

Washington, District of Columbia, US

kisstheeaves wrote:
As a model who mostly shoots for Paid time ... I *never* expect any other form of compensation from the photographer unless discussed prior. 

However ... if I enjoyed the shoot I don't hesitate to ASK if I may have one of the finished pieces to add to my portfolio.  In the end it is all about art and I am as big a collector as the next person.  I do know though that the photographer always has the right to refuse me my request. 

I find that most photogaphers are very happy to give you *one* photo that they love when done editing the shoot.  Then again I've never asked for copies of them all ...

Don't you feel it's just tacky to ask and put the photographer on the spot? I mean what is going to say if the shoot is going well and thw two of you are getting along and you pop the question?  I think the majority of photographers don't want to come off as jerks and want a good reference from the model (modelsdo talk to each other) they work with.  What if the photographer says no? Is the photographer willing to risk killing the mood by saying no to your request?  I feel it's on par with me asking a model to shoot nudes when we agree that we wouldn't shoot them. I feel that if a model needs images then they should state that in the negotations so that the compensation is clear.

I think it's unfair and the least and tacky and unprofessional at the most to ask the photographer DURING or RIGHT AFTER A SHOOT that question. The model should be focused on the shoot not on thier portfolio.  On the other hand I can see making the request a day or so after the shoot when the photographer may have had a chance to review the images.

May 18 06 07:33 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

The Picture Place wrote:
This is the situation. I thought that when the model turned down the TFCD offer that meant they didn't need my style of images. When I offered to pay and we discussed the shoot the model now like the images that I am wanting to shoot and wants them in their book.

I have been known to be pretty generous about alot of things but I would absolutely charge this model and the price would reflect the value of what she received - small amount = very limited rights, larger amounts = greater rights.

For her to expect payment from you and then to inquire about free digital or print format is a little over the top in my book.

May 18 06 09:07 pm Link



Posts: 7840


The Picture Place wrote:
This is the situation. I thought that when the model turned down the TFCD offer that meant they didn't need my style of images. When I offered to pay and we discussed the shoot the model now like the images that I am wanting to shoot and wants them in their book.

Well they might just need paying - and not have free time to work for images when they have bills to pay! (Tho, granted, if they are overawed ... they will often pose just for your images, its true)
Personally I dislike knowing there are photos of me out there that I havent seen at all...or  really seen well / let alone got a copy of - especialy Nudes -  and appreciate all the people who have given me a low or better still, high  resolution cd of them!!
Of course, do not expect editing - unless it was TFCD
I can edit well myself
but many photogs would understandably want quality control and no changes made so thats where it could get sticky- unless you just wait for the images he liked and edited then he gives them to you, why not

May 19 06 12:45 am Link


Flip Ashley

Posts: 437

Dallas, Texas, US

Paid models don't get images, by the way I'm always looking for paid shoots (wink wink lol) No literally no images for them. ~Flip

May 19 06 02:08 am Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Some of you guys are still giving black and white answers to a very grey area.

Just leave it up to the discussing parties to decide. Plain and simple.

May 19 06 02:25 pm Link


TBJ Imaging

Posts: 2416

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

I agree.....too many black and white responses. When I pay for a model for my book, I also give her any retouched images that I touch up for myself. I figure anything she puts in her book with my name on it is advertising for me. but it's not for everyone. To each their own and whatever makes you happy. I do what makes me happy........because of this it is very rare that I am in a bad mood.

May 19 06 04:50 pm Link


Heather T

Posts: 3

Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

I believe it is up to the photographer ... I was offered a shoot where i was going to get paid but becuase he was nice and liked me he offered up to a certain amount free then the rest i would have to pay for. TFP/TFCD shoot is A TRADE not for money but for pics and time! I think that sometimes is being nice becuase you get really GREAT photographers giving away every pic for free! Just to help themselves and the model out ....When you are getting paid then that trade is for money for the time. OK i hope that made since lol

May 19 06 05:01 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

The Picture Place wrote:
Hello everyone,

My name is Danny and I recently got on to MM and have been contacting models for TFCD and paid sessions. My question is if a model turns down a TFCD offer but accepts a paid offer is it reasonable for the model to exspect images as well without me charging for my services? Should the model not respect my time, services and product as valuable also? I am very good at what I do and am very generous. I'm not looking to get something for nothing, but when I am paying how far in being generous should I be? Models, photographers, stylists and make-up artists please give me some feed back.


If she shows up with some good snacks, or a home made pie or cake, then give her some images. If the cake is real good send her to

May 20 06 03:56 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Roselle Park, New Jersey, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Another subject that has been beaten to death lol. Paid models should NEVER expect images, although some generous photographers will provide them.

Here we go again . If I like a model's look and she wants to be paid , I often suggest a Half & Half ;  a low pay rate plus images , to be negotiated before the shoot.
Just my .02 cents worth. lol

May 20 06 04:09 pm Link


Ivy Jo

Posts: 2188

Amarillo, Texas, US

I have to respectfully disagree. If you were a published photographer, the model would get a tear sheet along with payment. A job is a job. We show up, we work, we get payed. We also get published images. Just cause your not published means you pay a lower rate? What kind of business proposition is that?

That said, it does really depend upon the experience of both parties involved. If the model has shot with better photogs than the one she has currently booked, the photog should be paying her for the experience shes going to bring to his book. Conversely, if the model is less experienced than the photog, she should be paying him. The amount of payment necessary is set by the party being payed.

I wont take a chance on an inexperienced photographer without some assurances. Sometimes thats my day rate and pics, sometimes just pics, sometimes a combo. But if I'm in them, at least a 5 cent copy better be commin my way, if not the entire shoot shoot.

May 20 06 05:22 pm Link