Forums > General Industry > How to fix a wardrobe disaster



Posts: 42

Holly, Colorado, US

So recently I went over to a friends house, and we were only going to be inside for a few minutes.  Well we ended up being in there for 20 minutes longer than we should have and when we got back down to the car, we saw that it had been broken into. they took a few DVDs and a few CDs and even worse

All my good clothes. I had them with me for a potential shoot, so I had my nicest attire with me, which wasn't much to begin with. Now I am honestly and seriously reduced to Pajamas and an old work uniform, and some work pants.

Which ironicly and patheticly a few days before I got robbed I quit my job, with out a back up one thinking I could easily get a new one seeing as I live in a big city.

My problem is, I have a few shoots comming up and I dont want to flake and call off, but I have not one peice of decent wardrobe to bring to the sessions. How can I QUICKLY get some nice looking outfits on an extreamly low budget. I am talking maybe no budget, or is there an alternatice we can work with, like bring a clean sheet and drape that around me, haha!

Have any of you had something like this happen as well.

I know it sounds pathetic. . . .

May 18 06 12:35 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Nude. Clothes are overrated.

Give Goodwill and thrift stores a try.

May 18 06 12:37 am Link



Posts: 42

Holly, Colorado, US

VirtuaMike wrote:
Nude. Clothes are overrated.

Give Goodwill and thrift stores a try.

haha I would, but I am not comfortable in nude, I dont quite have the stick figure body for that. haha, and the only curves I have going for me in my boobs! haha!

May 18 06 12:38 am Link



Posts: 89

Orlando, Florida, US

I'm sorry that happened to you! Really sucks!

The photographers I've worked with also had their own wardrobes that they offered to me. Maybe the ones you are shooting with happen to have some options for you? I'd ask them. If not, I'm sure you can get creative with Good Will.

May 18 06 12:39 am Link



Posts: 42

Holly, Colorado, US

ANTyson wrote:
The photographers I've worked with also had their own wardrobes that they offered to me. Maybe the ones you are shooting with happen to have some options for you? I'd ask them. If not, I'm sure you can get creative with Good Will.

Well one photographer does have there own wardrobe, but it will cost a little extra, and money being currently unemplyed is an issue. I was thinking good will and thrift as well, but I though that might seem tacky and unprofessional!

Any photographers have an issue with trift, or shouldI try it!

May 18 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 235

Austin, Texas, US

Wardrobe trick #27636:

1. go to any big department store with a liberal return Policy (Like Nordstrom's)
2. Buy some cool clothes on your credit card.
3. Shoot with these clothes (but don't remove the tags - or get them dirty)
4. Return the clothes to the store.

Problem solved.


May 18 06 12:47 am Link



Posts: 42

Holly, Colorado, US

StevenNoreyko wrote:
Wardrobe trick #27636:

1. go to any big department store with a liberal return Policy (Like Nordstrom's)
2. Buy some cool clothes on your credit card.
3. Shoot with these clothes (but don't remove the tags - or get them dirty)
4. Return the clothes to the store.

Problem solved.


Haha! That is a brilliant and amusing suggestion! haha!
I am deffinatly going to do that! ^_^
thank you!!!

Anyone object? any pros or cons?

May 18 06 12:50 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Miss_Loki wrote:

Haha! That is a brilliant and amusing suggestion! haha!
I am deffinatly going to do that! ^_^
thank you!!!

Anyone object? any pros or cons?

YES I object. That is a VERY wrong thing to do. Having worked retail, it is WRETCHED to recieve clothes back on "return" that "didn't fit" or had something "wrong" with them when they are obviously worn. And in a photo shoot, they will obviously be worn. To someone that sells clothing, they will be able to tell that the clothing has been used, not simply just tried on. Then the retailer can not resell the clothing, and just like stealing, it slowly over time forces the prices to rise. Its not fair to the retailer or the other customers that shop there.
Besides, how would you explain to the photographer that you're shooting with an entire wardrobe of clothing *with* the tags on? You wanna look cheap... yeah, thats only a little questionable.

Go to thrift stores, good will, consignment stores, and second hand stores. Look it up in your phone book to see whats out there. If you don't live in a money area, take the time to drive to an area that has money. People with more money give away higher quality clothing. One of my photographers routinely shops in thrift stores when he is in town. Last time I shot with him he had several new outfits, and spent less than 20.00. He got a long flowing steel gray dress with black trim and thin black straps for like $5.00. I have a very similar dress that I paid more than 80.00 for new in the store. You CAN find really good deals out there, but you have to be willing to hunt for them.

Also talk to your photographers about what they want to see you in, some of them may only want a few outfits anyway, and you might be surprised at who does have a wardrobe that you can use at no extra charge. Be honest with them and explain what happened. You never know, the photographer that normally charges for the wardrobe useage might be kind enough to let you use a few pieces of his at no cost to you.

What a bummer situation. I hope that you at least get some insurance money or something. Good luck with your shoots!

May 18 06 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 42

Holly, Colorado, US

Yea, and I just realized that I dont have a credit card, so that wouldn't work anyways! I dont think I want to do that. Ill just shop thrift in rich places! haha!

sorry for the offense!

May 18 06 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

No offense taken, I just can't stand when people behave in decietful manners. Its rude, and in the long run affects everyone.

Happy shopping at the thrift stores!

May 19 06 09:10 am Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

NC17 wrote:
No offense taken, I just can't stand when people behave in decietful manners. Its rude, and in the long run affects everyone.

Happy shopping at the thrift stores!

I have to agree with you on this one.  I used to work retail, and the things some people say to get items returned is ridiculous!  A woman once brought back an opened package of toilet paper with several rolls missing, and claimed that she needed her money back because she had "just realized she got the wrong brand, and this brand smells funny."  !!!WTF!!!  My manager made me take it back and give her a refund.  Gross!  Most people don't realize that returned "worn or used" items just get thrown away.  It's wasteful and wrong. 

To the OP:  I know in the KC area there are a couple of stores called Arizona Trading Company and Plato's Closet.  There may be one close to you.  They always have good stuff because they buy it from people who are trying to make a little extra money.  Broke college kids are constantly selling stuff that they'd normally hang onto because they need to eat.  I've gotten some great name brand items at both stores for very little money.  Example:  a fantastic pair of chocolate brown croco sling backs with a very hip platform and chunky heel for $5.26 including tax!  You can also find simple, basic things like tees and cute shorts for great prices at Gordman's, Wal-Mart, and Target.  Some of these you may need to clip or pin back to get the fit right, but that is VERY common in magazines and catalogs.  Also, ask your friends.  Just be courteous and wash their clothes before you return them.  Good Luck!

May 19 06 09:32 am Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

Miss_Loki wrote:

Haha! That is a brilliant and amusing suggestion! haha!
I am deffinatly going to do that! ^_^
thank you!!!

Anyone object? any pros or cons?

this is what many beginning stylists do.  it's standard, right or wrong.

besides, it's not wrong if it's a big corporation, right? smile

May 19 06 09:35 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

KatieK wrote:
Also, ask your friends.  Just be courteous and wash their clothes before you return them.  Good Luck!

This is one idea I haven't seen show up on MM before.... A great idea!  My best friend and I realized a long time ago that if we combined wardrobes we'd be unstopable.  I can't wear his suits (the sleeves are too short) and he can't wear my pants (legs are too long for him) but as for the rest..... He's a shopaholic so he's got some amazing things.  So more or less it is a closet raid when we all go out or if I'm doing a shoot.  (sidenote.... the green track jacket in my red underwear image in my portfolio was his....)

May 19 06 11:15 am Link


Ari Aldana

Posts: 24

New York, New York, US

How about finding a wardrobe stylist???

May 19 06 11:20 am Link


Ari Aldana

Posts: 24

New York, New York, US

photographers susally have those connections ...

May 19 06 11:21 am Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Brandon Smith wrote:

This is one idea I haven't seen show up on MM before.... A great idea!  My best friend and I realized a long time ago that if we combined wardrobes we'd be unstopable.  I can't wear his suits (the sleeves are too short) and he can't wear my pants (legs are too long for him) but as for the rest..... He's a shopaholic so he's got some amazing things.  So more or less it is a closet raid when we all go out or if I'm doing a shoot.  (sidenote.... the green track jacket in my red underwear image in my portfolio was his....)

I don't understand why this is such a foreign concept on MM.  It makes absolute sense that two or three or four like minded people could pool their resources and come up with some STELLAR outfits and concepts.  You're only limited by yourself and your imagination when it comes to wardrobe.

May 19 06 11:22 am Link



Posts: 213

New York, New York, US

if the OP likes fancy clothes, is a good bet. they're also having a huge sale where nice designer items can be had for great prices...if they have your size left smile

there's also and other two favourites for discount online.

sorry about your clothes and car, that's awful!!

May 19 06 11:25 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

LOL Katie K the excuses are endless it seems. And you're right, the items often cant' be resold, or have to be sold at a discount so the retailer is loosing the money, thus prices go up for everyone...

And to whoever said "its ok if its a big coorporation" I agree with you as long as you're joking tongue

Sharing wardrobes is a good idea, I have several friends that I often share things with just because its fun to have "new" clothes. Plus many of my friends (and I) have clothing thats expensive. I can't afford several expensive things, but we can afford to swap around! Its just plain fun, like grownup dress up smile

May 19 06 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 7840


StevenNoreyko wrote:
Wardrobe trick #27636:

1. go to any big department store with a liberal return Policy (Like Nordstrom's)
2. Buy some cool clothes on your credit card.
3. Shoot with these clothes (but don't remove the tags - or get them dirty)
4. Return the clothes to the store.

Problem solved.




i just noticed the coolest thing
I suppose it WAS intentional but i didnt see it right away

NC 17 the avatar you have when glancing and squniting / blurred a bit (lack sleep - dont ask) well,
it looks like the dead space on the left is a model sillhouete - arm up, breast...see?

and I like your port btw

May 19 06 08:31 pm Link


KcB photos

Posts: 26

Kansas City, Missouri, US

go nude.. the best choice.... since i am one of the photog that wants to work with you!! haha

May 19 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
i just noticed the coolest thing
I suppose it WAS intentional but i didnt see it right away

NC 17 the avatar you have when glancing and squniting / blurred a bit (lack sleep - dont ask) well,
it looks like the dead space on the left is a model sillhouete - arm up, breast...see?

and I like your port btw

OMG! Anjel Britt, Thank you so much for the complement! And at least not to my knoweldge was that intentional! thats pretty darn cool, lol. Its all in how you look at things smile I'll have to ask L about that and see if he planned it that way or if it was just a random accidental stroke of genius wink

Thanks for the complements again.

May 19 06 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Agreeing with everyone else - thrift stores are the way to go! All of the clothes I'm wearing in my portfolio pics are my own, and all were obtained used, on clearance, or at discount shops like Ross. I get tons of compliments on my wardrobe, and hardly anything I own cost more than $30! (including coats, shoes, etc.)

May 19 06 10:26 pm Link



Posts: 25

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

NC17 wrote:

Miss_Loki wrote:
and just like stealing, it slowly over time forces the prices to rise. Its not fair to the retailer

Maybe if the retailer didnt jack up the price on clothes so much ppl wouldnt do such things:p

May 20 06 03:10 pm Link


Heidi Rogers

Posts: 16

Centennial, Colorado, US

Plato's Closet is awesome! I love shopping there for stuff to add to my modeling wardrobe. You can find some very nice designer stuff dirt cheap if you dig a little bit. smile

An option for jewelry could be Claire's, or Icing. Usually at the back of the store, they'll have a bunch of clearance items that sell for like, ten items for $5. You can find all kinds of stuff.

Good luck!

May 23 06 10:40 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Kdakmmt wrote:

NC17 wrote:

Miss_Loki wrote:
and just like stealing, it slowly over time forces the prices to rise. Its not fair to the retailer

Maybe if the retailer didnt jack up the price on clothes so much ppl wouldnt do such things:p

Yes, its a vicious circle, of course. That make it a reasonable excuse to do the wrong thing.

May 23 06 04:18 pm Link