Forums > General Industry > So how many models know ....


Kyle Ober

Posts: 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

.... when a shoot is going right ? 

and you're completely confident this will be reflective in the in the final images.

I guess a secondary question is .. How do you know ?

How often have you been dissapointed with the images you thought you were going to get?

.. and ... did you ever shoot with that photographer again?

Just Curious .. :-)

May 15 06 02:06 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

I recently had a shoot that was fantastic! I knew it was going to turn out well because the MUA was fabulous and I had worked with her before, the photographer used natural light, and we collaborated to get great shots. I had no worries.

May 15 06 02:07 pm Link


Less Than Two

Posts: 23401

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

My last shoot went great. I found the photographer here on MM, and when I saw his style, I knew I had to work with him. And even thought there were a couple points of uncertaintly during the shoot, I knew it would have some great stuff. I just uploaded some of the images onto my profile today. I couldn't be more pleased, and hope to work with him again.
On the otherhand, I had a shoot a couple months ago where I was hoping to get some decent stuff out of it. I was really disappointed when he didn't even send me but a small handful of poor images from the beginning of the shoot. I doubt I'll work with him again.

May 15 06 02:14 pm Link



Posts: 7840


shoots can be great  - then disapointing if the photog gives tiny poor resolution copies....or keeps some without giving you any copies at all!!!

May 15 06 02:19 pm Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

Hmm, if I show up, I know it's going to be a great shoot.

If I'm missing, your shoot won't be that good — though you may look great!

Just kidding.

I think you can know if the shoot is going to be good if the photographer is confident and doesn't spend too much time "adjusting" the equipment.  I would also hope that he is respectful of you and doesn't spend any time "adjusting" your equipment. 

If your photographer knows his job, it will be a good shoot.

May 15 06 02:27 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

I can tell that a shoot is going great and the images are turning out awesome when there's a lot of energy on the set.  It's not going good at all if there is just dead silence with the occasional "okay, hold that", "turn your head a little", and so on.  Ah yes, and if the photographer makes any comment like "I really hope I get some better shots with you than I have from any of the other models", NOT a good thing.

May 15 06 02:28 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Kyle  Ober wrote:
.... when a shoot is going right ? 

and you're completely confident this will be reflective in the in the final images.

I guess a secondary question is .. How do you know ?

How often have you been dissapointed with the images you thought you were going to get?

.. and ... did you ever shoot with that photographer again?

Just Curious .. :-)

I've only really been suprised twice.  I thought everything was going really well, then I got the shots back, natural light, Awesome locations, But the pictures were horrible.  I never used them for anything.  Honestly, they looked like they were taken by my grandmother.  Horrible.

May 16 06 10:01 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Usually the more frustrated or pensive I sound during a shoot.. The better my pictures are at the end..

May 16 06 10:09 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I had 2 great shoots in the last weekend. I saw the images from one, but won't get edits for a few days as the photographer is very busy until the end of this week. However, after the shoot, he photographer thanked me for giving him a good time in a very hassled point in his life.

I left both shoots feeling great, because the photographers were enthusiastic, encouraging, and gave me the right amount of direction.

If the photographer doesn't say anything, or offer any input, I don't get as excited about the shoot. And usually, the more a photographer gets the YES YES YES and stuff like that coming out of his mouth, the better the photos usually are, because positive feedback makes me try harder. It is also nice if they give me enough direction that I can look as good as possible.

May 16 06 10:23 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I have to agree with others on the positive feedback issue - if I know the photographer is getting what they want, then I end up performing better. The clearer the direction and feedback is the better I feel.

I have gotten stuff back from a photographer and been disappointed. I've done outdoor shoots and had the stuff come back way overblown for some reason. It happens, and I don't worry too much about it. As long as its a situation that I can recreate on my own, I have my boyfriend work with the pictures. He's no "professional" but occassionally his photographs turn out better than the photographer's do, which is always amusing to us.

If I don't feel really comfortable and good on the set, the pictures are a lot less likely to turn out in a way that will make me happy. Usually that feeling comes when I doubt the skills of the photographer. Thankfully that doesn't happen too much, so its ok.

If I am disappointed with a shoot and feeling kind of down, I will seek out one of several photographers to work with, ones that I always feel good working with and end up with good results.

May 16 06 10:42 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

First sign: excellent makeup.  If my face is rockin', then so is my confidence.

From that point on, if the photographer gives me a preview of what they're shooting from time to time (so I can make any corrections to pose, head tilt, etc), that helps tremendously, too.

May 16 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

There are some shoots where it clicks right away, some where it clicks when I look at the photos and of course some that don't click. 

I will say the model with whom a shoot clicked the fastest for me was Marci (MM 20795, the lady in my avatar). I could tell from the first pose of the first photo that she was going to be a super model for the work I do... and that was borne out with the 1000s of images we've created since.

May 16 06 10:06 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

a shoot is a lot like being in love

you're never 100% sure if its right, but you're always 100% sure when its worng

May 16 06 10:30 pm Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

Josie Nutter wrote:
First sign: excellent makeup.  If my face is rockin', then so is my confidence.

How true. Had a shoot this weekend, met the model having only seen some amateur snapshots on OMP beforehand. As soon as I opened the door and saw her makeup on and ready to go, I knew it would be a good day. Can't wait to get a few shots done and posted here.

May 17 06 02:12 am Link