Forums > General Industry > Why don't more photographers get it?


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Get their own merchant account that is!  Third party billing companies such as CCBill and Paypal have been mentioned in previous posts, but those are NOT the same as having your own merchant account.

There are hundreds if not thousands of providers ... think of all the zon machines in stores you visit.  Do you want to sell your photography, T-shirts, subscriptions, downloads?  Well what are you waiting for? 

Still not sure what I'm talking about?  Google "merchant account providers" and start researching!  Don't have time, want to know who I use?  Message me then.

But don't think that you have no choices!!!!  YOU DO!

May 14 06 04:22 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Oh by the way, this is for Models Too!  If you are a model who wants to be able to accept credit cards on your website, you can get a merchant account too! 

Do you sell or make some sort of products?  Do you have a paysite?  Heck, what about being able to accept credit cards from the photographers who hire you?  Then what are you waiting for?

May 14 06 04:32 pm Link


The Exotic Matrix

Posts: 47

Irmo, South Carolina, US

If you're selling prints/downloads of your photos online, you can also use something like this:  You upload your photos to their server,  you set your own prices, the customer orders online and pays by credit card, and the lab sends you a check for your profit.  I've got mine setup to accept deposits for shoots as well.  Seems to be working well for me so far.

May 14 06 05:02 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

The Exotic Matrix wrote:
If you're selling prints/downloads of your photos online, you can also use something like this:  You upload your photos to their server,  you set your own prices, the customer orders online and pays by credit card, and the lab sends you a check for your profit.  I've got mine setup to accept deposits for shoots as well.  Seems to be working well for me so far.

Be careful, services such as Yahoo, MSN, MySpace, etc ... which offer "groups" are allowed useage of your content submitted.  As to what I remember about Yahoo groups ... they even sold select images for their own profit.  Also picture hosting services such as PhotoBucket allow the free distrubution of your images.  Having your own website and control of your sales through your own merchnat account is still the best way.  Some of the same companies that provide the zon machines at traditional business locations are also able to provide the e-commerce merchant accounts too.  The one I use happens to specialize in e-commerce though.

May 14 06 05:11 pm Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

I use Verisign for online transactions.

Your money gets tied up for about a week but it's safe as hell!

May 14 06 05:12 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Darren Green wrote:
I use Verisign for online transactions.

Your money gets tied up for about a week but it's safe as hell!

They charge way too much for all their services!  I use for my domain names .. only 8.95 vs a much larger sum of money.  Adds up when you own over 100 domain names like I do.  But I don't use Godaddy for hosting ... I trust my own dedicated server set up in Fort Knox for that.  It would take a nuclear strike on the Marine base to take out my server!  LOL  It's more expensive, but well worth it!  tongue

Of course I need to keep in mind that a strom took out OMP's servers for 10 days!  So never say never!

May 14 06 05:15 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Something that I need to make clear ... I am NOT offering to provide any sort of billing service to anyone!  What I am stating is that you CAN search "merchant account providers" and search for a account provider.  It is less expensive than going through a 3rd party billing company like Paypal or CCbill, and the money goes directly to you.  What I don't understand is why more photographers don't educate themselves on this subject.  It's like being in any other business.  The day after my "fictitious name statement" ran in the newspaper, I got calls and post cards from merchant account providers ... the type of companies that put those zon machines in your store.  Now if you are doing hardcore porn, you will have a more difficult time getting a bank to take your account.  That is why CCbill is so successful, because they do 3rd party billing for porn sites.  But even so, it is not imposible to find a bank that will provide your website with an account ... some bank has to do it for CCbill ... so why not do it yourself?  What you will need is some advise ... and you will need to understand how things like "gateways" work, but you can do it!

May 14 06 05:29 pm Link


The Exotic Matrix

Posts: 47

Irmo, South Carolina, US

"Be careful, services such as Yahoo, MSN, MySpace, etc ... which offer "groups" are allowed useage of your content submitted.  As to what I remember about Yahoo groups ... they even sold select images for their own profit.  Also picture hosting services such as PhotoBucket allow the free distrubution of your images.  Having your own website and control of your sales through your own merchnat account is still the best way.  Some of the same companies that provide the zon machines at traditional business locations are also able to provide the e-commerce merchant accounts too.  The one I use happens to specialize in e-commerce though."[

I'm not sure where Yahoo, etc., came into the picture.  Exposuremanager is a pro photo lab, offering services.  They do charge a fee, and are extrememly safe.  Yahoo and MSN groups are NOT safe!

I use Paycom for my paysites, as that's the one my affiliates use.  Our group as a whole does somewhere around $1.1 million per month, so they treat us well.

May 14 06 05:43 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

A 3rd party billing company like CCbill, Paypal, iBill, Veratel or any of the many others that have popped up on the 'net are the go between you and your gateway.  You make a lot of money, well so do a lot of us. I know merchants who make $10,000's a day and they have their own merchant account.  You should avoid 3rd party providers like the plague!  You don't need them!

Visa and Mastercard HAVE to pay you.  A gateway is what puts you directly with them, NOT the 3rd party providers.  Search for "merchant account providers" on the net and you will start to "get it" ... I hope.   Learn the differences between 3rd party billing providers, merchant account providers, gateways, and affiliates.

I am not offering solutions, only education.  Sure, if I could promote who provides me with my merchant account here, BUT I would rather have photographers and Models discuss the results of what they have found while searching for a "merchant account provider" ... FORGET third party billers, they are ALL over charging you.  A merchant account is where it's at.  There are hundreds of places to get one ... depending on your content, products sold, and your credit rating.

May 14 06 05:46 pm Link


The Exotic Matrix

Posts: 47

Irmo, South Carolina, US

Also, Exposure Manager blends well with my website, without redirecting the viewer to another site.  Check out, and click on "newer galleries"  to see how well it intergrates.  To see a sales page, you'll need a password.  If you're interested, PM me and I'll open a gallery for you.

May 14 06 05:50 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
I am not offering solutions, only education.

I am in the process of activating a VeriSign SSL cert for an e-commerce portal.  Knowing full well it costs more, why did I choose them over GoDaddy?

May 14 06 05:53 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

The Exotic Matrix wrote:

Be careful, services such as Yahoo, MSN, MySpace, etc ... which offer "groups" are allowed useage of your content submitted.  As to what I remember about Yahoo groups ... they even sold select images for their own profit.  Also picture hosting services such as PhotoBucket allow the free distrubution of your images.  Having your own website and control of your sales through your own merchnat account is still the best way.  Some of the same companies that provide the zon machines at traditional business locations are also able to provide the e-commerce merchant accounts too.  The one I use happens to specialize in e-commerce though."[

I'm not sure where Yahoo, etc., came into the picture.  Exposuremanager is a pro photo lab, offering services.  They do charge a fee, and are extrememly safe.  Yahoo and MSN groups are NOT safe!

I use Paycom for my paysites, as that's the one my affiliates use.  Our group as a whole does somewhere around $1.1 million per month, so they treat us well.  that's the first thing that popped up when I googled Paycom.

Paycom has a serious lawsuit coming up.  But they are typical of third party providers.  I would rather not deal with third party billing providers.  It is so bad that Visa has put a moratorium on allowing anymore third party companies to exist. 

I am NOT talking about using a third party CC provider. It is never safe!  I am talking about doing the most common thing that business people did before the Internet ... that is to have your own merchant account.  We can have a merchant account and avoid giving our hard earned money to the third party billing providers that would rather we not learn how to do it ourselves.  Sure there are affiliate programs ... Paypal and Ebay are the largest of those.  But an affiliate program is something you can start yourself.  There are also many other ways of getting traffic.  I can tell you how, but not here.

May 14 06 05:54 pm Link


The Exotic Matrix

Posts: 47

Irmo, South Carolina, US

When I referred to "affiliate" I wasn't talking about affiliate sites like you're thinking.  My bad.....  I should have said our marketing group.  We have about 750 different sites under one umbrella. 

And I do agree that 3rd party billing companies aren't great, but adult sites have a higher rate of credits and chargebacks, and banks tend to steer away from them.  We had a hard time even getting a bank to direct deposit our payroll checks.

May 14 06 06:01 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

area291 wrote:

I am in the process of activating a VeriSign SSL cert for an e-commerce portal.  Knowing full well it costs more, why did I choose them over GoDaddy?

I don't know?  Why did you choose them over godaddy?  I bough a SSL certificate from because I've been happy with their prices and services since 2002 after I found out that Veirsign was charging me 3X's the amount for domain names.  However, I would not use godaddy for hosting ... but we all have choices.  Just because I use godaddy, and you use Verisign ... at least we are learning something about the business!  Having an SSL certifiicate is a very important element of getting your own merchant account.  Good luck to you!

May 14 06 06:02 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

The Exotic Matrix wrote:
When I referred to "affiliate" I wasn't talking about affiliate sites like you're thinking.  My bad.....  I should have said our marketing group.  We have about 750 different sites under one umbrella. 

And I do agree that 3rd party billing companies aren't great, but adult sites have a higher rate of credits and chargebacks, and banks tend to steer away from them.  We had a hard time even getting a bank to direct deposit our payroll checks.

Yes, marketing groups are great!  In my opinion, the 3rd party billing business exists because those sort of companies found a niche where people are either uneducated, or too lazy to do the things neccesary to get a merchant account.  I'm not saying that nobody should ever use third party billers, I still have my Paypal account ... but rarely use it. 

Many of the third party billing companies are not even legal.  The big name ones are not perfect, but they serve a purpose.  Porn sites are hard to get billing for, but what I am doing is to bring models who are 16 or older, and do not do porn in a group.  I do have a model profile site that will not compete with Model Mayhem or OMP, it will be different than any other profile site out there.  It's pretty exciting to be alive today!  wink

May 14 06 06:13 pm Link


The Exotic Matrix

Posts: 47

Irmo, South Carolina, US

Life is great, and getting better every day!   I've just changed my releases to allow me to use more of my images to promote myself on sites like MM.  The rules of our group state that we cannot post images of our models anywhere on the web without a link to the model's site if that image is already posted or will be posted on her own website.  And although I think some of the viewers might enjoy the photos, I can't post the images in my portfolio without the links!  But, that's changing!  My attorney has mailed me the approved release, and I'll start using it next week! 

And I'm going through my commissioned shoot files to pull a few of my favorites to post here, also.  I've never really done TFP shoots, but I've already scheduled two for this month.  So, life is getting better!

May 14 06 06:32 pm Link


David A

Posts: 373

Pleasant Grove, Utah, US

The only reason I can see to use a provider other than a merchant account is credit.  Got bad credit, maybe these other options are better.  If you've got good credit it's no problem.  I got my first merchant account when I was 21.  It was no problem.  I don't understand why someone would let a middle man get involved with their transactions.

May 14 06 06:43 pm Link


The Exotic Matrix

Posts: 47

Irmo, South Carolina, US

I do have a merchant account for POP, but using Exposure Manager to handle online sales, fulfilment, and shipping gives me a lot more time behind the camera.  No more taking orders, submitting them, checking the products, packing and shipping, delivery/pickup, and the other time consuming and mundane tasks that I hate!  And I make a lot more behind the camera than I do as a clerk!   After doing a little pencil pushing, I found that it is very much in my favor to let them handle it.

May 14 06 06:53 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

David A wrote:
The only reason I can see to use a provider other than a merchant account is credit.  Got bad credit, maybe these other options are better.  If you've got good credit it's no problem.  I got my first merchant account when I was 21.  It was no problem.  I don't understand why someone would let a middle man get involved with their transactions.

Bad credit is a problem for some for sure.  The other thing I forgot to mention is that models who do paid webcam chats are not going to get an account ... at least through the bank I'm using.

May 14 06 06:55 pm Link


Lightscapes Creatives

Posts: 24

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Please clarify something for me.

I have a company that sells exotic computer hardware globally (ie. stuff you can't find in stores) and I've been warned to be wary about dealing direct with Visa or MC because although they may approve a credit card initially, they may later come back and say that card was fraudulent. Unfortunately, by then I've shipped out the system(s) to my customer, so I'm left high and dry and I've got no recourse to recover my money. Has anyone else had similar experiences or know what I'm talking about? Once Visa approves a transaction, are they legally bound to pay me or can they come back later and refuse based on the fraudulent card? That's what I need clarification for.

I can't afford to be losing money to fraud, so that's the reason for Visa/MC/Amex I've been using 3rd party companies such as,, etc. I've not had any problems with either company in the time I've used them (despite what has been said about PayPal's earlier practises). I know they both charge a bit extra, but the peace of mind affords me is worth it. Of course, I also accept cheques, money orders, wire transfer, cash, etc. Credit card purchases have always been a bit trickier for me so I'm glad to see this thread. ;-)


May 14 06 09:46 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

lightscapes wrote:
Please clarify something for me.

I have a company that sells exotic computer hardware globally (ie. stuff you can't find in stores) and I've been warned to be wary about dealing direct with Visa or MC because although they may approve a credit card initially, they may later come back and say that card was fraudulent. Unfortunately, by then I've shipped out the system(s) to my customer, so I'm left high and dry and I've got no recourse to recover my money. Has anyone else had similar experiences or know what I'm talking about? Once Visa approves a transaction, are they legally bound to pay me or can they come back later and refuse based on the fraudulent card? That's what I need clarification for.

I can't afford to be losing money to fraud, so that's the reason for Visa/MC/Amex I've been using 3rd party companies such as,, etc. I've not had any problems with either company in the time I've used them (despite what has been said about PayPal's earlier practises). I know they both charge a bit extra, but the peace of mind affords me is worth it. Of course, I also accept cheques, money orders, wire transfer, cash, etc. Credit card purchases have always been a bit trickier for me so I'm glad to see this thread. ;-)


You don't deal directly with Visa/MC, instead you have a gateway that is a part of your merchant account. is the number one gateway in my opinion.  Your gateway is provided along with your merchant account.  You log in to the control panel and have instant access to all the pertinent information with a break down as to batch's, etc. AND the ability for you to refund on a card when the customer contacts you regarding their purchase.  here is a key difference ... instead of the customer complaining to the third party, they have to go directly to you.  In my case, I have handled customer support and taken care of my customers directly.  If someone attempts to make a purchase with a stolen card, it should have been reported to the card company. If it is a reported card, it would be rejected at your gateway by Visa/MC before the purchase would be accepted. 

Having your own merchant account allows you to deal with things that Paypal and others wont help you with.  You want to have access to each transaction on your control panel so that you can avoid "charge backs" ... I have handled thousands of transactions so far with only one customer complain that their card had been stolen. Even though I had my doubts,  I refunded the money rather fight them over it.  One "stolen card" out of thousands is not bad!

May 14 06 10:00 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
You don't deal directly with Visa/MC, instead you have a gateway that is a part of your merchant account. is the number one gateway in my opinion.  Your gateway is provided along with your merchant account.  You log in to the control panel and have instant access to all the pertinent information with a break down as to batch's, etc. AND the ability for you to refund on a card when the customer contacts you regarding their purchase.  here is a key difference ... instead of the customer complaining to the third party, they have to go directly to you.  In my case, I have handled customer support and taken care of my customers directly.  If someone attempts to make a purchase with a stolen card, it should have been reported to the card company. If it is a reported card, it would be rejected at your gateway by Visa/MC before the purchase would be accepted. 

Having your own merchant account allows you to deal with things that Paypal and others wont help you with.  You want to have access to each transaction on your control panel so that you can avoid "charge backs" ... I have handled thousands of transactions so far with only one customer complain that their card had been stolen. Even though I had my doubts,  I refunded the money rather fight them over it.  One "stolen card" out of thousands is not bad!

Oh one more thing ... is my gateway. Third Party billing providers are in control of the gateway when you use them.  A "gateway" is different than the merchant provider.  If I were to have gone directly with, it would have cost me more to set up the gateway first than by having the merchant account get set up first with adding as the gateway next.

May 14 06 10:55 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

something that went -bump- in the middle of the night ...

...  hmm?

May 15 06 05:20 am Link


Lightscapes Creatives

Posts: 24

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Pat, thanks for the info. I went to the site and it looks good. However, I couldn't find any info on their percentages. Then I tried to sign up to see if it will tell me the percentages charged but it said I need to call or send them a note to sign up (which I've done).  Are you a reseller with this site?

May 15 06 02:45 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

lightscapes wrote:
Pat, thanks for the info. I went to the site and it looks good. However, I couldn't find any info on their percentages. Then I tried to sign up to see if it will tell me the percentages charged but it said I need to call or send them a note to sign up (which I've done).  Are you a reseller with this site?

You are welcome.   I think you are talking about which is the "gateway" ... it's costly setting up your gateway first. will charge you and then you still have to find a "merchant account provider!"  But I have not posted the merchant account provider.  First, I'm a customer using and the merchant account provider.  I am a reseller for the merchant account provider.  I wish to deal directly with those people interested as so to keep track of those who contact them as a result of my post here.  You have to message me for more information.  The percentages vary depending on your website/product and the bank they get for you.  Ok, I'll message you some more information ....  wink

Note: the purpose of my post is NOT to promote any one company, but to get people to google "merchant account providers" to see that we do have many choices.  Also I wish to educate people about the differences between third party billing providers (Paypal, CCbill ... etc) and having your own merchant account set up.   It's the third party billers that get the higher percentages (think of them as the "Quick Check Cashers" of the Internet!)

May 15 06 03:43 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Found out some more information ... those outside of the United States will need to google "merchant account providers" and look for banks and companies in their country. 

Third party credit card processing companies like Paypal, CCbill, iBill, etc, are like the "Quick Check Cashing" places of the Internet.  They charge a higher percentage, and are many times more risky than dealing with your own bank mechant account.  If you have a checking account, then you should be able to do way better than third party providers. 

Again, I'm not promoting one single company with this thread, I'm promoting you using google to earch "Merchant account providers" to see how many are available.  Why pay a high percentage rate when you are in business, have decent credit, and deserve more control of your account with a lower percentage taken out.  All you need to do is research!

I know there are many website owners who have been burned thousands of dollars a piece by many of the third party billing providers.

May 15 06 05:09 pm Link