Forums > General Industry > Photogs and models interested in a REAL Wild shoot?


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45336

San Juan Bautista, California, US

OK, I've had some photographers from the LA area ask me if I could arrange for a fun shoot in the Monterey Bay Area. I do have an underwater camera that can be used for scuba diving that I'm also wanting to try out. I have models here who own their own horses and ride. There are others who swim or even dive too. But the idea of using the Wildthings and VisionQuest ranch is very appealing! I need to add some edge to my photography and wonder if there is enough interest in a adventure photo shoot? I'll do some price checking, but look at these links to learn more about the area ...  also

If you are a model who is VERY adventurous, or a photographer who would like to get pictures that are unlike anything you can get in your normal environment ... well e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll start working on organizing this! Of course the cost is going to be a factor, so the first thing I must do is see just how much it will take in dollars then get back to you all as to if it will be worth while or not.  But it sounds like an exciting idea to me!


Apr 19 05 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

Ha Ha...ok...I got you on the "never run from a cat"
Shouldn't do it with a dog either...they wait for you to turn your back and .....
Tho the cats you speak of are MUCH larger than a still hurts
I would love to get close enoght to one to touch it...without it taking my hand as a

Apr 19 05 11:35 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45336

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Cyndiemyst: 
Ha Ha...ok...I got you on the "never run from a cat"
Shouldn't do it with a dog either...they wait for you to turn your back and .....
Tho the cats you speak of are MUCH larger than a still hurts
I would love to get close enoght to one to touch it...without it taking my hand as a

Gee I wish you were on the West Coast because I think you'd be up for some adventure as long as you were not in danger of losing a hand! That reminds me that I also have to check into insurance ... but I've produced music concerts before, it can't be much worse can it?

Apr 19 05 11:41 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

I would hope not!...
But then again...most people act like untamed animals
Its no wonder I prefer animals to the human race;)

Apr 19 05 11:45 pm Link



Posts: 885

Chandler, Arizona, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 

Posted by Cyndiemyst: 
Ha Ha...ok...I got you on the "never run from a cat"
Shouldn't do it with a dog either...they wait for you to turn your back and .....
Tho the cats you speak of are MUCH larger than a still hurts
I would love to get close enoght to one to touch it...without it taking my hand as a

He's from California.

Gee I wish you were on the West Coast because I think you'd be up for some adventure as long as you were not in danger of losing a hand! That reminds me that I also have to check into insurance ... but I've produced music concerts before, it can't be much worse can it?

Apr 19 05 11:52 pm Link



Posts: 885

Chandler, Arizona, US

I am interested in doing this! smile How about running with some sort of animal?

Apr 19 05 11:53 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45336

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Mindy: 
I am interested in doing this! smile How about running with some sort of animal? 

Hi Mindy, honestly I know that cats are not good animals to go running with ... have you ever tried running with your "pet" house cat? There is a reason we run with our dogs! LOL  Now if you are talking about other animals, I'll have to look into that to see if there are any that it would be possible. Not a likely thing though ... running is a defensive thing that animals and people do mainly to escape being eaten. Worth asking though!

Apr 19 05 11:59 pm Link


12 First

Posts: 82

San Jose, California, US

I'm interested in taking part...

Apr 20 05 01:01 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45336

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by © iYi Images: 
I'm interested in taking part...

OK, I'm on the phone today doing some research as to what it would cost to set up a group photo with an exotic setting, models and animals. I know that omp is having a "beach shoot" here on the West Coast, so I wonder about the potential of someone liek me setting this sort of thing up for members here? Also is this the appropriate place on the forum for this?

Apr 20 05 02:54 pm Link