Forums > General Industry > Quick Questions regarding "model name"...


ms luna c

Posts: 6

Petaluma, California, US

I am new to this site and up until now have been just using my name as the title to my Portfolio. I was recently told that using my real name may not be a good idea, so I went to change it and can't figure out how to do so.

First question: Should I have a "model name" that is not my real one?

Second question: How do I change my name if I do want to change it?

May 12 06 06:48 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

why not use real name... im using mine? iv been using it on this site for almosta year

May 12 06 06:52 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Large numbers of models, but not all, use model names.  As for your second question, you might click on "info" and then "contact-a-mod" and ask them your question.  Or you might do a search for a thread on that subject in the Site-Related forum.

May 12 06 07:02 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

I use my real name, and the boogey man hasn't come to get me yet.

May 12 06 08:12 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Nemi wrote:
I use my real name, and the boogey man hasn't come to get me yet.

That is because your kung-fu is strong.

May 12 06 08:14 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:

That is because your kung-fu is strong.

Ya Damn straight it is...I told a perfect stranger in a mall today that I am a ninja.

May 12 06 09:52 pm Link


Seth Mitchell

Posts: 1457

Long Beach, California, US

Nemi wrote:

Ya Damn straight it is...I told a perfect stranger in a mall today that I am a ninja.

Hmmm...are you paid-up on your Ninja dues?

May 12 06 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

While there's nothing wrong with using a real name, it could turn around and hurt you.  Nowadays it's outrageously easy to instantly get extremely personal information about anyone, usually within a few minutes and at no charge.

Stalkers and predators are becoming experts on obtaining the information about their victims.  The less personal information that's divulged, the more difficult it is for the predator to find you.  No reason for you to make it easy for 'em.

While most people don't get bothered by online predators, the people that say they've had problems with predators also feel that it's a nightmare to go through, and the problem is growing more rampant every day as more and more jurisdictions put information on public display that you may have THOUGHT was private.

May 12 06 10:03 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Seth wrote:
Hmmm...are you paid-up on your Ninja dues?

johnny rockets:

The server hands the customer his to-go cup tray, two cups in tow...he hesitates and trembles slightly. One cup makes a glorious leap from the tray, and spirals out of control towards the ground. There is a resounding gasp. Then seemingly out of nowhere, a hand juts from the crowd, grasping the cup in mid air. Saving it from the certain death of the foodcourt floor, and placing it back in the hands of it's rightful owner. A man exclaims "Good save" and Smiles. The mysterious cup savior replies " I'm a ninja, I was just doin my job" and with that, she was gone, just as swiftly as she had arrived, lost into the sea of shoppers.

May 12 06 10:11 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Nemi wrote:

johnny rockets:

The server hands the customer his to-go cup tray, two cups in tow...he hesitates and trembles slightly. One cup makes a glorious leap from the tray, and spirals out of control towards the ground. There is a resounding gasp. Then seemingly out of nowhere, a hand juts from the crowd, grasping the cup in mid air. Saving it from the certain death of the foodcourt floor, and placing it back in the hands of it's rightful owner. A man exclaims "Good save" and Smiles. The mysterious cup savior replies " I'm a ninja, I was just doin my job" and with that, she was gone, just as swiftly as she had arrived, lost into the sea of shoppers.

I'm calling bullshit on this story. Who would be caught dead in a Johnny Rockets?

May 12 06 10:13 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

lmao. Well, you just drew a lot of attention to the fact that you are using your real name when everyone might have assumed it was an alias. Run! Here comes the stalkers!!

May 12 06 10:14 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Envy wrote:
I'm calling bullshit on this story. Who would be caught dead in a Johnny Rockets?

My Ex wanted a shake & mr.pibb. You can't get mr.pibb anywhere else in NY. I should have let him wear it.

May 12 06 10:16 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Envy wrote:
I'm calling bullshit on this story. Who would be caught dead in a Johnny Rockets?

Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines have JRs on all of their newer ships. So the answer would be... someone cruising the Caribbean (like, um, me, later this year - best way to shoot in the Caribbean, cruising is. You can shoot on the ship, and every port of call, and models have this habit of shooting for free when their cruise is paid-for. Go figure. Silly models. But I digress. Badly.)

May 12 06 10:18 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

There are several ways to look at it.

For security - if you are careful with other contact information, it shouldn't be a problem. But if someone's has $10-$30 and is determined, with a name and a city, they can find an address & phone number.

If you do something you don't want attached to your real name later, that could be a problem. Now with employers trolling MySpace and the web - you've heard about stewardess getting fired because employer found pictures of her posing cute in uniform with a few buttons open. Or you marry a congressman 5 years later. There a different name may not help much.

As I said in another post, there are problems when you have too odd a name and nothing else. We have to address e-mails to "smiley" or "2cute4u", or in one case, a model listed agency's to contact her but didn't list a real name. I can't imagine calling an reputable agency and asking to book "hot2trot" next Tuesday.

Please at least be consistent. I had one model contact me on another site named "Tyelen" she contacted me on this site as "Crystal". She tried to convince me the other person couldn't be her (same photos). What was she running from?

(names have been changed to protect the guilty)

May 12 06 10:37 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Nemi wrote:

Ya Damn straight it is...I told a perfect stranger in a mall today that I am a ninja.

What's a mall?

May 12 06 10:46 pm Link


The Thorny Rose

Posts: 14142

Chicago, Illinois, US

I use a model name mainly because mine is so vanilla, and I had issues with an ex-boyfriend that I would prefer not tracking me down...

Plus, my name's got a story behind it :-)

May 12 06 10:56 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

What's a mall?

This place where guys with blowouts and girls with orange skin hang out.

May 13 06 12:34 am Link