Forums > General Industry > Bra or no Bra,,,do nipples matter in a shot?


Michael Moon Studios

Posts: 151

Los Angeles, California, US

I don't get it.. it's just a nipple... jesus some models treat it like we're peeking into the "Holy of holies" or something...  it's just a nipple...

if the nipple gets too pokie cuz it's cold then rubbing the nipple brisky (the model not the fotog) will sometime fix the problem...

personally a little nipple poking through the right wardrobe looks extremel sexy...

yes I know I know it's all about the model feeling comfortable, but damn if it doesn't look good then the model should get over it and be professional... I'm so tired of timid, shy, gotta hide every little thing models... Grrrr... okay I'm venting a bit due to a 3-flaky-model-week   hehehe

May 14 06 09:41 am Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Well, first I see this as a thread that a bunch of horny male photogs harbor on.

I know that when I do a commercial shoot, that the 'stylist' makes sure that things that should and shouldn't be seen are just that. They make sure that all clothing is fitted properly.

I have seen plenty of sexy images of women taken while they are wearing bras, or more. Its about planning, patience and execution.

Now, if you are shooting a local web model, and you are just a guy shooting with a camera (which is most on this site), you want to have the female model as sexy as possible with the least amount of clothing possible. You will do anything to get the model out of her bra, so you can see her nipples.

We all know that these images are going no where but on your hard drive, so having the girl showing her nipples in any fashion is a win for you. No matter what the models think, or if it makes or breaks the image.

If you are good, you can have very sexy images with bras on. And a Model that know s what she is doing will have the right bra, and be able to model it the correct way.

Bras should not be the focus of contention in most photos. If it is then both the Model and the Photog have bigger problems.


May 14 06 09:44 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

I think that most, but of course not all, women look just as good without bras as they do with them on. I am, however, kind of surprised that not more models have contributed to this thread.

May 14 06 09:46 am Link


Timeless Photos

Posts: 305

Peterborough, New Hampshire, US

Mark Reese Photography wrote:
I think that most, but of course not all, women look just as good without bras as they do with them on. I am, however, kind of surprised that not more models have contributed to this thread.

I agree with you Mark.

The reason more models have not contributed is probably because if they publicly support bra-less modeling in this thread they will have every GWC flood them with offers.

Contrary to a comment left before yours, there are some very respectable photographers here that do indeed care about professional modeling.

May 14 06 09:56 am Link


I am done

Posts: 518

Aldouane, New Brunswick, Canada

And Here I really thought that it was a problem not wearing a bra, many photographers I have shot with asked that I didn't wear one, but I just didn't feel that it would look right.   And that I didn't want my nipple to show.  But taking a look at Magazines and Exp Sports Ills.  No bra's is IN !

Jessica Ryann

May 14 06 10:00 am Link


I am done

Posts: 518

Aldouane, New Brunswick, Canada

And Here I really thought that it was a problem not wearing a bra, many photographers I have shot with asked that I didn't wear one, but I just didn't feel that it would look right.   And that I didn't want my nipple to show.  But taking a look at Magazines and Exp Sports Ills.  NO BRA is The Thing !

Jessica Ryann

May 14 06 10:01 am Link


Paul Callaby UK

Posts: 231

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

markEdwardPhoto wrote:
Well, first I see this as a thread that a bunch of horny male photogs harbor on.

I know that when I do a commercial shoot, that the 'stylist' makes sure that things that should and shouldn't be seen are just that. They make sure that all clothing is fitted properly.

I have seen plenty of sexy images of women taken while they are wearing bras, or more. Its about planning, patience and execution.

Now, if you are shooting a local web model, and you are just a guy shooting with a camera (which is most on this site), you want to have the female model as sexy as possible with the least amount of clothing possible. You will do anything to get the model out of her bra, so you can see her nipples.

We all know that these images are going no where but on your hard drive, so having the girl showing her nipples in any fashion is a win for you. No matter what the models think, or if it makes or breaks the image.

If you are good, you can have very sexy images with bras on. And a Model that know s what she is doing will have the right bra, and be able to model it the correct way.

Bras should not be the focus of contention in most photos. If it is then both the Model and the Photog have bigger problems.


Mind you fall off your self made pedestool.....there will be a lot of people below ready to walk all over you for a statement like that.

May 14 06 05:46 pm Link


Oriental Silk

Posts: 535

London, England, United Kingdom

As I normally model in a kimono (which is also how I dress when I lecture on Japanese culture at universities, museums and societies) it would be inappropriate to wear a bra. Firstly it is not really needed, as the various layers of under-kimono and the obi work to flatten the figure into the desired shape for kimono wearing. Secondly, as a small-breasted Japanese woman, I don't really need to wear one anyway. On the occasions when I wear non-Japanese clothes, I would wear a bra if it is desirable to create cleavage, but not for support.

May 14 06 05:57 pm Link



Posts: 189

Portland, Oregon, US

Weighing in from a model's perspective, this is definitely an It Depends issue, like someone previously said. Nipples showing is probably not *such* a big deal, because although they are distracting, it'd be easy to Photoshop them out, or put something small over them like Band-aids or tape.

However, as a person who has a fairly generous bustline, I can say with authority that Big Boobs + Gravity = Ick. If you're working with a model who has large, REAL breasts--impants seem to defy gravity in an almost creepy way--they are probably going to sag without some support. Then, the issue basically becomes about which one will look worse: showing the bra, or droopy breasts?

That said, if the outfit was the type of thing that would *show* a bra, then yeah, I'd get rid of it. You wouldn't wear a fancy strapless cocktail dress to a party with your bra straps sticking out the top, so you definitely shouldn't for a shoot.

May 17 06 05:04 pm Link


Kayla Donia

Posts: 185

Vancouver, Washington, US

Dudley Watson wrote:
A few, younger models may be uncomfortable with no bras (if warrented), but if they bring an escort, and this has been discussed in advance, there should be no problems.  Communication is the key to help build confidence in themselves and you.
If the model is underage - watch out!  Stay away from that one!
Models - what would you add to this subject?

What does being a minor have to do with not wearing a bra underneath a shirt? It has nothing to do with age but who the model is as a person, and what they feel comfortable with. I'm getting tired of this ageism BS.

I don't like not wearing a bra because my chest is huge and unless the shirt has a built in bra, I personally think that it looks terrible, also the whole nipple thing if it's a factor, but a few bandaids or a good photoshop job can fix that. Nipples show while wearing bras sometimes too.

May 17 06 06:45 pm Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'm in the group that unless it's actually PART of the end result you want, it shouldn't be seen--and if it causes lumps in the shirt, straps show, causes lines, etc., then there shoulnd't be one used at all. It's easier to erase a bump on a shirt than a strap or lines on the model's back.

May 18 06 12:33 am Link



Posts: 2076

Orlando, Florida, US

Nips make a difference ! I put a shot with an accidental Nip slip and It got 130 views in 1 Day !!!!!! All my other shots. 3 views in 6 months....

Manny D.

May 18 06 12:37 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

as this type question comes up A LOT, i was thinking maybe this time 'round maybe more Europeans might respond ...

... as the bra/breast/nipple question seems to be more of an American thing; in France where we grow up around the whole mono-kini (i.e., bottom only) style at the beach & the pool, i don't remember [this question] ever being an issue.

just my two old centimes ...


May 18 06 12:38 am Link


John W Cochran

Posts: 1266

Auburn, Alabama, US

I don't have the time to read all the post, but heres my 2 cents.

If the bra seams or straps show through the shirt I ask them to remove it and tell them why.  If they are not comfortable with that I don't push it.  When we review the images I kindly point out unnatural ridges created by the bra, and how a shot may be have been better with out the lines or shadows.

As for nipples they generally don't bother me, but if they are a problem they are easier to deal with than a line or ridges running up both breast.

May 18 06 01:16 pm Link


Fons Studio

Posts: 148

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

No Bras ever (unless that's the product), nipples depends on subject matter. If the breast require support then stick on bras or /duct tape if really really necessary.

May 18 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

Any models who may still be reading this...a proper bra fitting is critical! Bra straps that pinch your torso, little "baby boobs" from too small a cup, those hideous foam filled bras can all detract from your appearance at a shoot. This is especially true with form fitting or light weight fabrics. I have yet to have it be a problem with a model. Every model has worked with me when I explained the bra was causing a photographic problem. 

Also pay attention to panty lines as well. I had a model with a satin dress that a couple shots didn't turn out as planned because of panty lines. I'm not going to say go pantyless or thongs or boyshorts are the rule. Know your figure and what works for you. Then if they are not provided, (assume they are not) bring appropriate bras and panties for the type of clothing discussed.

May 18 06 02:22 pm Link



Posts: 311

Canton, Ohio, US

Rich Mohr wrote:

I agree 100%!!!!

So do I.    and pointy nipples under cloths are esaly taken care off..............thre's a nice photoshop tool called "Clone"......that and alittle skill saves alotof touble

May 18 06 02:27 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Depends on what shes wearing and planning on wearing. A shirt with sleeves, it doesnt really matter. A thin strap tank top, definately lose the bra. If the model is shooting fashion followed by nude, definately no bra because the photographer will have to wait for the lines to go away.

May 18 06 02:29 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

I don't think a bra even a Super Bra would add to this shot. … e61921cfcb


May 23 06 06:18 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

shy models . . . sheesh

May 23 06 06:23 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Michael Moon Studios wrote:
...if the nipple gets too pokie cuz it's cold then rubbing the nipple brisky (the model not the fotog) will sometime fix the problem...

That's not true.  At least not with my nipples.
But, like I said, I prefer "pokie."  And some people love me for it now.  Hm.

May 23 06 09:47 pm Link


Jessica Jill

Posts: 307

Lexington, Kentucky, US

I don't want my bra showing through my clothes on a daily basis, so I surely don't want them to show in my pictures.  Kill's the image in my opinion, but hey, bandaids are good for more than booboo's. :0)


May 23 06 09:55 pm Link


Ayira Araceli

Posts: 210

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Funny this post would be here. I had my first ever shoot and me being the small busted chick I am, decided to wear a strapless with the halter I had on (tho I really didn't need it). The photographers assistant recomended I take it off as it was forming creases in my top. It felt so much better. I think I'll continue to go bra-less. It was soooo comfortable and free smile Less constraints.

May 24 06 04:12 pm Link


David Long

Posts: 23

Houston, Alaska, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
unless underwear is the subject of an image..they shouldnt be seen...


May 24 06 04:17 pm Link



Posts: 430

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

It's really a question of fit. If it fits her body and the outfit correctly it should not be noticable. If it is noticable it most likely is because it doesn't fit properly and in most cases is a distraction in the image. It's a shame that so many women don't own a proper fitting bra.

So, I say if it doesn't fit properly remove it. Anyone truly concerned with image quality should understand the concept. Though I guess it's possible that removing it may cause as much or more distraction in the image than keeping it. Then what?

May 24 06 04:25 pm Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

Michael Moon Studios wrote:
...if the nipple gets too pokie cuz it's cold then rubbing the nipple brisky (the model not the fotog) will sometime fix the problem...

in what world does rubbing a nipple make it LESS prominent??

May 24 06 05:51 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Scott Evans wrote:
I wanted to know if anyone had an opinion on bras in shoots?

I never wear a bra at my photo shoots. Never.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've worn any underware at all since the 60's

Click Hamilton

May 24 06 06:04 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Michael Moon Studios wrote:
...if the nipple gets too pokie cuz it's cold then rubbing the nipple brisky (the model not the fotog) will sometime fix the problem...

jon mmmayhem wrote:
in what world does rubbing a nipple make it LESS prominent??


Certainly not on a quaint little planet we call Reality.

But it probably makes for a great photo...

May 24 06 06:15 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

No bra.

That's why God made tape ...

May 24 06 06:19 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

I'd prefer my models to not wear a bra.  They look a lot more natural and then you don't have to worry if it leaves marks on the skin after a wardrobe change.  If it gets cold and nipples show through, so be it.  It adds more detail to the photo in my opinion.

May 24 06 06:25 pm Link


Naomi M

Posts: 53

Jackson, Alabama, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
unless underwear is the subject of an image..they shouldnt be seen...

May 24 06 06:31 pm Link