Forums > General Industry > QUICK need a sample contract for MODEL traveling..


SolKat Photography

Posts: 80

Jacksonville, Florida, US

my friend is new to this modeling stuff and driving quite far tomorrow with no contract or downpayment from the photographer. does anyone have a link or sample contract i can use that she could fax to the photographers to confirm the date/shoot?

not a model release. a contract for the model.... stating _x photog will pay _x sum of $. date, etc.

please help if u can!
[email protected]


May 12 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'd suggest the following:  have the model write a letter which captures her understanding of the agreement in all respects that are important to her.  Send (fax, email) it to the photographer and ask him to sign a statement of concurrence at the bottom of the letter.  You can spend a lot of time writing up an involved contract, but it's not generally necessary, and would likely annoy some photographers.

May 12 06 09:54 am Link


SolKat Photography

Posts: 80

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Thanks smile

its a short notice deal where shes going alone. sad shes 18. last week had a bad go around traveling to orlando so i worry about her driving 4 hours for non payment and a whim of being comfy. i worry about all my girls wink

if she wasnt traveling so far by herself ur right, no contract needed but now he wont respond as quickly as he did before when she made CLEAR NO NUDITY. sad

May 12 06 10:43 am Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

i do, but its like 4 pages long with 2 attachments of 1 page each, and a notary seal

its a work agreement, the attachments are A - deliverables, B- compensation, the main body spells out legal rights (4 pages)

so its probably not what you are looking for ;-)

yeah, ah, my partner is a contracts admin at the pentagon LOL

May 12 06 11:28 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

SolKat Photography wrote:
i worry about all my girls wink

As I understand it, you are 28 and she is 18.  Got started a little early, did you?  Or is she not your daughter?

May 12 06 12:14 pm Link



Posts: 460

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

They start real early in Jacksonville

May 12 06 12:20 pm Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

TXPhotog wrote:

As I understand it, you are 28 and she is 18.  Got started a little early, did you?  Or is she not your daughter?

Daughter? That would mean.... 10years old? No way.

I'm well over 28 and worry about alot of models 18 and even younger. Noting wrong with that.

May 12 06 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 7840


gals = girlfriends?

worrying is unhelpful and doesnt make you a better person but doing something to help is what she's doing. cool.

I have used this one - passing on if it helps anyone else!
but the idea of confirming exactly what you expect fully and in writing
is great advice as this can be modified too.



In Consideration of $____________________, paid and a copy on CD
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I give my consent
to   ____________________
his successors and assigns, the right to use or publish, at any time, place, and in any manner, any photographs or digital/film which have been taken, or will be taken of me by  --------------------
for any Non Adult purpose whatsoever.

Both model and photographer will share content use of said images.

In respect of TFP/ TFCD It is agreed 50% of any and all sales / income
/ profit  over the sum of $50.00  will be paid from
one party to the other.

I, _____________________known as ______________ do not agree to any changes / use of images of me (or additions of text) that are degrading or dishonest in any way, show sexually explicit nudity or are exhibited with any 'adult
entertainment' purposes - either in photographic exhibitions or on the web.

This agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties.

I have read this agreement, and fully understand and agree with the contents.

Signature of Model (Legal Name)

Model Name (if different from above)

Signature of Photographer


Photographers Address_______________________________________

PHONE NUMBER___________________

e-mail ___________________________

Models Permanent Address__________________________


Phone Number______________________

e-mail  ____________________________________________________________

DATE OF AGREEMENT____________________





May 12 06 03:50 pm Link