Forums > General Industry > School teacher is a model - all hell breaks loose



Posts: 2784

Atlanta, Georgia, US

So I'm reading the front page of CNN and see a headline entitled "Uproar over bikini-clad teacher pictures"

Apparently, someone discovered this young teacher posed for some lingerie and bikini shots and zip! zang! it's a scandal worthy of national coverage.

The news coverage was showing the site and so now it's gotten so many hits that it's down. If anyone can figure out which model it is let me know. They said her name was Erica something. I'm sure some of us have shot with her. Anyway, now she is subject to ridicule and has her job on the line despite the fact that she has broken no laws or school board regulations. So where is the story?

I feel bad for her. Really I do. If she was posing naked and was a schoolteacher I'd understand a little more. But lingerie and bikinis? Come on.


May 11 06 07:08 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Good thing I have no desire to be a teacher.
I don't know what I want to do but I hope that my modeling can be kept seperate and not negatively affect my career.

May 11 06 07:12 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

So teachers cant be models. That kinda RIDICULOUS! there making a big deal out of it I bet because of the students and parents!

May 11 06 07:13 pm Link


barbara eva

Posts: 113

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Damn, that sucks, and I am going to be a teacher too:(  Just gotta keep the modeling thing on the down low I guess:(

May 11 06 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:
So teachers cant be models. That kinda RIDICULOUS! there making a big deal out of it I bet because of the students and parents!

I guess my parents were right. I'm never gonna be President now that I've been naked. LMAO ... and why would I wanna be Pres of such an f-ed up country anyways? LAME!

May 11 06 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

That is rather rediculous! I can maybe understand if it were nudes, but swimwear and lingerie ?

May 11 06 07:15 pm Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

hahahha oh no ...go look at the picture in my portfolio ...your lesson for the day is !!! Wonder how much hell I would get for this if they only knew!

May 11 06 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I can understand all hell breaking loose if she was a nun?  but a teacher? 

O well...  whatever.  Poor, poor shcoolboard, dosn't know what they're missing!

May 11 06 07:18 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

its a big head line for one reason,

because of All the WOMEN teachers sleeping with students, her modeling might provoke the kids!

May 11 06 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Amanda Padilla wrote:
its a big head line for one reason,

because of All the WOMEN teachers sleeping with students, her modeling might provoke the kids!

Good point...I was wondering why I've not seen male models get this crap. I guess that explains it.

May 11 06 07:20 pm Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

Amanda Padilla wrote:
its a big head line for one reason,

because of All the WOMEN teachers sleeping with students, her modeling might provoke the kids!

Well when she sleeps with the kid she should be arrested !!! Not because she is a model...STEREOTYPING IS CRAP !

Hell I wonder how many people would buy a house from me if they saw my port? Lmao.... hey thats a good idea!!!! Then again most of my borrowers know I model many of them inquire about it.....

May 11 06 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 107

Chicago, Illinois, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:
So teachers cant be models. That kinda RIDICULOUS! there making a big deal out of it I bet because of the students and parents!

Yeah it is ridiculous. Before I quit my 9 to 5 I was a Kindergarten teacher for 3 years fresh out of college and I had more parent-teacher conferences because of my parents insecurities with my modeling then with the academics of their children. I even had a expecting mother to try and get me fired because she said she didn't feel confortable coming into my class with an extra 50ibs while I had all the fathers staring me. I think the two will never match because of the old interpretation of teachers and what they should look like (Big glasses, hair buns, cat and dog sweaters, and coffee stockings).

May 11 06 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 2784

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Here's a full article about it for anyone interested: … -headlines

May 11 06 07:24 pm Link


JD Merryweather

Posts: 133

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

What is this country coming to? You can't cross the street without someone getting upset. Too many double standards and too many people who aren't responsible for their own actions.

Example: Isaac Hayes drops his South Park contract for making fun of Scientology this year, but for the past however many seasons they (he) have been making fun of Jews, Christians, Mormons & everybody else. What as bunch of crap.

Example : The Stella Awards (google) when total morons break the law and or harm themselves and sue any and everyone else. 

Sorry for the rant.  If she's a good teacher it's a shame they would drive her away - our counrty has a shortage of the good ones.


May 11 06 07:24 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Why does the school have to know that you model? It's one thing if someone comes across your pictures somehow, but I wouldn't give information.

May 11 06 07:26 pm Link


Michael McGowan

Posts: 3829

Tucson, Arizona, US

The bikini site is working again, although slowly.

The women in question is "Erica Lee," featured on the main page.

Many moons ago, posing for Playboy got a teacher kicked out of a North Carolina school district. But bikinis? Yikes.

May 11 06 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 89

Orlando, Florida, US

Maybe if we paid teachers a decent enough salary to buy groceries AND pay rent, they wouldn't have to search elsewhere for extra income.

May 11 06 07:29 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

look what a student said..

"I don't think it's appropriate," said Josh Yanover, a sophomore at the school. "It's a teacher. People are going to be paying more attention to her than what they are learning in class."

damn horny kids will be looking at her. HAHA

May 11 06 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Amanda Padilla wrote:
look what a student said..

"I don't think it's appropriate," said Josh Yanover, a sophomore at the school. "It's a teacher. People are going to be paying more attention to her than what they are learning in class."

damn horny kids will be looking at her. HAHA

So, teachers can't be attractive. lol

May 11 06 07:31 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

Corena wrote:

So, teachers can't be attractive. lol

I guess not!!!

there where some fine look highshool guy teachers we would all  flirt with them... haha

May 11 06 07:33 pm Link

May 11 06 07:34 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:

I guess not!!!

there where some fine look highshool guy teachers we would all  flirt with them... haha

That happened at my school. There was a hot geography teacher that slept with a student. He was just quietly fired, no media blow-up.

May 11 06 07:36 pm Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:
look what a student said..

"I don't think it's appropriate," said Josh Yanover, a sophomore at the school. "It's a teacher. People are going to be paying more attention to her than what they are learning in class."

damn horny kids will be looking at her. HAHA


It is wrong for anyone to allow their children to think this way. It is never a woman's fault that she is considered physically attractive. It's a man's fault he can't keep it down and a woman's fault that she can't handle the competition.

May 11 06 07:36 pm Link


Amanda Padilla

Posts: 1772

New York, New York, US

Adrienne Aurora wrote:
That happened at my school. There was a hot geography teacher that slept with a student. He was just quietly fired, no media blow-up.

i went to a highschool in florida for a year, the school was new maybe 3 years old, and 4 teachers ran off with students, one married a student. what elese happen there.  a student got killed there during school from another student. That school needs to be in the head lines.

May 11 06 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 779

Flushing, New York, US

ANTyson wrote:
Maybe if we paid teachers a decent enough salary to buy groceries AND pay rent, they wouldn't have to search elsewhere for extra income.


May 11 06 07:39 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

What about other adult influences in the child's life? Why is it only teachers?

May 11 06 07:39 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Whats amusing is that there are probly other attractive staff members at that school and maybe even more risque then this one but they wont ever be mentiond because they dont get paid to look that pretty. I just think its a lil redicilious when you examine the stereotypes that are being stapled to the label of Model. a Model is just a job like any other and there is no reason to assume that it comes with unsavory behavior.  Being provokative or what not are behaviors of an individual. You dont have to be a model to be a child molester , and i think all the court cases in the past have shown this. No reason to think just because shes pretty there is more of a problem with the students . Pfh, if anything youd think they would assume "oh, model, shes pretty and in the professon -shouldnt have to go to lil kids she can proby get who ever she wants"

May 11 06 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Conservative repub crap!

May 11 06 07:52 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:
look what a student said..

"I don't think it's appropriate," said Josh Yanover, a sophomore at the school. "It's a teacher. People are going to be paying more attention to her than what they are learning in class."

damn horny kids will be looking at her. HAHA

His little horny ass would've been looking at her regardless. LOL

I learned more from the attractive teachers than the ugly ones. The pretty ones probably got the most apples and had the cleanest chalkboards, while the ugly ones caught hell. LOL

May 11 06 07:56 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:
So teachers cant be models. That kinda RIDICULOUS! there making a big deal out of it I bet because of the students and parents!

Becuse of some parent. I'll bet the students think it's cool.

May 11 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 1476

Lake Oswego, Oregon, US

Note to self, go to more parent-teacher conferences...

May 11 06 07:58 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

I had a crush on Miss Crabtree for the longest time. smile

May 11 06 07:59 pm Link



Posts: 1598

Moorpark, California, US

Corena wrote:

So, teachers can't be attractive. lol

That's especially funny since and ask students to rate their teachers on how hard they are, how clear they are, etc... AND how hot they are...

May 11 06 07:59 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

eyelight wrote:
That's especially funny since and ask students to rate their teachers on how hard they are, how clear they are, etc... AND how hot they are...

Yup! I forgot about that site! Used it all the time. Is that for just college tho?

May 11 06 08:00 pm Link



Posts: 1598

Moorpark, California, US

VRG Photography wrote:
I learned more from the attractive teachers than the ugly ones. The pretty ones probably got the most apples and had the cleanest chalkboards, while the ugly ones caught hell. LOL

Actually, a number of studies have proven this to be true.  We pay more attention to, and learn better from, more attractive people...

May 11 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 1598

Moorpark, California, US

Corena wrote:

Yup! I forgot about that site! Used it all the time. Is that for just college tho?

Nope... is for high schools...

May 11 06 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 348

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

This hits close to home...  I am a first-year teacher, and in February, my students found  Some students think it is cool, some say it is disturbing.  Every day, someone yells "Mandelicious!" down the hall at me, or into my open classroom door.  I have kids coming up to me telling me that they've seen my pictures online, and that they've heard that I am a porn star. 

I have had parents call to complain, and had to have a meeting with the principal and a document put in my file that said that I was notified that I am expected not to do anything to defame my school or the school district, and that I need to make it clear that teaching is my top career priority, and not modeling.

It sucks.  I never wanted the kids to find my stuff, which is why my last name is not used...  But kids these days are technologically savvy.  (I teach 6-12th grade)...

May 11 06 08:12 pm Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

Amanda Padilla wrote:
its a big head line for one reason,

because of All the WOMEN teachers sleeping with students, her modeling might provoke the kids!

Well....that should keep the Truancy down!

May 11 06 08:15 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Mandie wrote:
This hits close to home...  I am a first-year teacher, and in February, my students found  Some students think it is cool, some say it is disturbing.  Every day, someone yells "Mandelicious!" down the hall at me, or into my open classroom door.  I have kids coming up to me telling me that they've seen my pictures online, and that they've heard that I am a porn star. 

I have had parents call to complain, and had to have a meeting with the principal and a document put in my file that said that I was notified that I am expected not to do anything to defame my school or the school district, and that I need to make it clear that teaching is my top career priority, and not modeling.

It sucks.  I never wanted the kids to find my stuff, which is why my last name is not used...  But kids these days are technologically savvy.  (I teach 6-12th grade)...

Wow! That's horrible. I just got accepted into a master of arts in teaching program. I really hope that when I get out there and start teaching that I am able to keep my modeling separate.

May 11 06 08:16 pm Link


Laurel Lea

Posts: 48

Madison, Wisconsin, US

true that. thats is an unfortunate story. she probably should have thought about that however when she decided to be a teacher. those pictures were im sure taken before she was in the field. i think of things like that as well. "will these pictures come back to bite me in the ass someday?" always have that in the back of your mind if you have thoughts of being in a professional field someday.

May 11 06 08:20 pm Link