Forums > General Industry > Silly little man!


Crystal Collins

Posts: 390

Seattle, Washington, US

My husband just doesn't seem to grasp the concept of why I need to pay a MUA/hair stylist for their time and work, when I'm not getting paid for what I do. He's been texting me all morning asking who the checks were for and he doesn't get it.

Apparently I haven't gotten it in his head yet that hello! They're professionals. I'm a student photographer who is learning.. no where near that status so why should I get paid?

Someone make me feel better by saying that their S.O/friend/family/etc doesn't get it either

May 11 06 10:24 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Men don't get much lol. My bf used to complain when I started out that I was spending more than I made but he eventually got tired of wasting breath.

May 11 06 10:25 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

My dad completely doesn't get it.  He keeps acting like this whole thing is just something I've come up with to annoy him or something.  Every time I have a shoot (TFCD), he's all "Why aren't they paying you this time?"  So now I just say, "Because I'm not Naomi Campbell"  Explaining does nothing.  Men can be dense.

May 11 06 10:27 am Link


O Snapps

Posts: 37

Brooklyn, New York, US

Maybe you chicks aren't getting your points across good enough.  Common with females, ya'll talk so much but hardly communicate.   Sit ya dad or b.f. or whomever down and tell them "look, the ball boy doesn't get paid, he's just happy and lucky enough to be there getting the experience"

May 11 06 10:34 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I don't even have an SO sad

May 11 06 10:37 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Men don't get much lol.

I don't get it tongue

Since you are starting out, try TFP/CD with some experienced but new to the industry MuA's and stylists.

Seek them at hair salons, depart stores and cosmetic stores, and advertise on MM, Craigslist, OMP and other free model/photographer hosting sites.

If that don't work, offer your SO a crash course in make-up so he can save the $ for poker night wink

May 11 06 10:37 am Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

We talk the problem is they dont listen even if you are sitting there face to face telling them "look Im not a professional yet, im learning therefore you have to pay the professionals to get where they are" But for some reason guys have this rubber in their ears when it comes to use so whatever we say just bounces right off!
Some females dont understand either especially if they arent involved in it too!
My friends ask me sometimes to, why arent they paying you...well when I become ANTM then they will but until then I have to get what I can get....get it? tongue

May 11 06 10:40 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Men don't get much lol. My bf used to complain when I started out that I was spending more than I made but he eventually got tired of wasting breath.

men CAN be a bit hard headed, can't we?

May 11 06 10:41 am Link


Crystal Collins

Posts: 390

Seattle, Washington, US

He sucks at poker, lol.

And I like the ball boy reasoning. I'm gonna have to tell him that. I've got all my MUA's and hair people from here, and I love them. I love that they come with suitcases of products for me to choose from so I can get the exact look I want. Now, I have a lot of camera equipment, but I got lucky by my grandparents paying for it. So technically I haven't spent a dime on anything yet except for makeup because the studios at school are free. Now, 6 months after I graduate they won't be free, but for the next year or so they are. And that's a loooong time.

May 11 06 10:41 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

i am a man..i pay mua's all the time....

May 11 06 10:44 am Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

My mother keeps asking the same thing. "Are you getting paid for this one?" "How will this translate to work for you?"

I model because I enjoy it. If I can bust my hump and make some money at it, that's just icing!

As for paying for a MUA, if I want the product they're producing, why would I expect it for free?

May 11 06 10:48 am Link


Crystal Collins

Posts: 390

Seattle, Washington, US

Oh god my grandparents say the same thing "You're not getting paid for this?!?!? WHY NOT?!" They don't get it. My name is not Annie Leibowitz, ok? If it ever becomes that, then we'll talk about money. Until that time, I like doing TFCD stuff. It lets me test the ideas in my head to see if they'll actually work or if I should just let it go. I don't mind paying a MUA for what they do. I've worked for Clinique and Lancome and while sure, I can do makeup, I can't do it to the way I want it. It's not like you need to know what your doing at those places, you just need to know how to sell crap.

However I have passed through the idea in my head to maybe ask models to help cover the cost of a MUA, just a small amount though. But I dunno.. that feels like begging and I don't do begging very well, lol

May 11 06 10:53 am Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

Crystal Collins wrote:
[snip]I love that they come with suitcases of products for me to choose from so I can get the exact look I want.

If you begin working with MU/hair artists on a TFP basis, they will do the same thing!  You need to seek out good people, but you also need to realize that - for some - time IS money.  Cash is not the only form of payment.  When someone gives of their time to a shoot on a testing/trade basis, they are there because they want *great* images.  Getting those images requires bringing all the same makeup you'd bring to a paid shoot.  I mean, a model shouldn't expect the photographer to show up without pieces of his photo equipment because he is "just testing" with her, should she :-)?

I've never had a makeup artist who worked TFP bring less than everything.  Talented people will take the work seriously enough to meet your standards.  It may take some time - but LOTS of great artists right here at MM are open to trades.  Why not give it a shot?  You might be surprised.

May 11 06 10:56 am Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
Men don't get much lol. My bf used to complain when I started out that I was spending more than I made but he eventually got tired of wasting breath.

Oh, that's harsh Claire. Some of us are at least trainable. Just need the right teacher.

Last MUA I paid was well worth the fee, and a pleasure to work with. Sometimes you have to pay to get what you want. Sometimes TFP works out.

May 11 06 11:42 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

Red Sky Photography wrote:

Oh, that's harsh Claire. Some of us are at least trainable. Just need the right teacher.

Last MUA I paid was well worth the fee, and a pleasure to work with. Sometimes you have to pay to get what you want. Sometimes TFP works out.

Ok sorry lol. I think what guys dont get about the MUA is this: My bf always says " you do your makeup fine why do you need an mua?"

Here's why men:
Because MUA's know how to do makeup for photos! Makeup for photos verses every day is totally different.

May 11 06 11:46 am Link


Charlie Schmidt

Posts: 856

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Crystal Collins wrote:
My husband just doesn't seem to grasp the concept of why I need to pay a MUA/hair stylist for their time and work, when I'm not getting paid for what I do. He's been texting me all morning asking who the checks were for and he doesn't get it.

Apparently I haven't gotten it in his head yet that hello! They're professionals. I'm a student photographer who is learning.. no where near that status so why should I get paid?

Someone make me feel better by saying that their S.O/friend/family/etc doesn't get it either

My SO does not understand, she is a nurse...very linier...straight forward!
I do get paid for my work...I am a comerical photographer...but sometimes it is great to shoot a model, and testing is a light and eazy, no pressure way to do that...She works with volinteers at the clinic, and understands the work for exchange thing [tfcd] but when I pay a stylist to come to a TFCD, she just goes nuts.. what is my ROI?? when will this pay off??.... she just does not get it!
Hang in there...It will get better

May 11 06 12:01 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

I'm single by design for a reason.

May 11 06 12:06 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

In order to get the top pay at a job, you have to first start somewhere else gaining experience at minimum wage. Once you get the experience, you get nicer jobs with better pay. Minimum wage in this industry is,,,,,TFP/TFCD.

May 11 06 12:42 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

But then again you can tell him to shut up and be happy cause of all the beauties you shoot and he gets to look at the photographs anytime he wants.

May 11 06 12:43 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
But then again you can tell him to shut up and be happy cause of all the beauties you shoot and he gets to look at the photographs anytime he wants.

Especially when you're asleep.

Thank you very much, i'm here all week.

May 11 06 12:49 pm Link


Shoreline Studio

Posts: 302

Sandusky, Ohio, US

Hey, it applies from all sides. My wife is always asking "Is this another one of those FREE ones?" when I tell her I am gonna do a little model shoot thing. And of course, I tell her no - that it's really gonna cost me money, by the time I use equipment, burn a cd and print a thumnail set, etc. But since I make my living doing photography and related work - I can claim it's to keep my skills up, experiment with new ideas, all that.

Of course, I really just like to go out and shoot some fun stuff and see what new things I can come up with, and what new ideas the model will have that inspire us both to be creative in doing a tfp/cd package. Plus I like to help out newbie models in getting some images to give them a start. (Well, it feels good to help. I guess that is "payment" too.) Sometimes I can also extend an invitatuion to a student photographer to assist (with model approval) and give some experience to someone on the back side of the camera.

Usually the model handles their own styling when I do a tfp/cd. But if a model wants/needs a MUA etc. for a shoot, I ask them to arrange it with someone they want to work with. I'm probably not getting as professional a result in the images this way - but it usually works ok for my purpose. When I do have a personal project that I want to tightly control and direct to the a specific outcome - then it's worth it to me to bring in the support team on my side, but that's usually a paid shoot anyways.

May 11 06 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Crystal Collins wrote:
My husband just doesn't seem to grasp the concept of why I need to pay a MUA/hair stylist for their time and work, when I'm not getting paid for what I do. He's been texting me all morning asking who the checks were for and he doesn't get it.

Sorry, I don't see this as a male issue, I see it as a student photographer issue.  Part of the student learning process is working under circumstances that are most beneficial.  Generally a photographer providing a MUA on his/her dime without return beyond nice pictures is not a good "barter" investment, particularly so at the student level.  Certainly there are craftsman that are willing to make that investment, but that goes well beyond portfolio building in motivation. 

In a barter situation where a student photographer is providing the necessary tools for creating the strongest possible imaging, why isn't the model providing the necessary tools on their part?  There lies the investment balance and learning structure for what is brought to the table by each and making the barter worthwhile.  Providing the MUA through barter has all the flavor of asking the model to stop by the camera store to pick up the proper lens for the shoot.

Males do have a funny way of looking at problems.  Generally (as has been written in countless books) males tend to be problem solvers.  When there is an imbalance that goes against logic a funny thing happens...the problem solving aspect begins.

May 11 06 01:02 pm Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

Imagine that its not all about the Loot and show gratitude for your skills... Hard work that cannot be compensated by other means can always get answered by an exchange of a few duckets. How much and how often is irrelevant. Realistically, peeps who are not artistically inclined are clueless as to what true artistry entails... There is your answer for practically all miscommunication in life. Battery, divorce, lawyers, sleepless nights, worry, heartbreaks, all come from this mis communication... Its easy to say get a new lover, but that only brings about another issue... competition... brutal!

I pay the MUA for the most part somehow... That is what keeps them showing up. Having to re-buy all that powder and new eyelashes speaks volumes to them...

May 11 06 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 627

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Crystal Collins wrote:
My husband just doesn't seem to grasp the concept of why I need to pay a MUA/hair stylist for their time and work, when I'm not getting paid for what I do. He's been texting me all morning asking who the checks were for and he doesn't get it.

Apparently I haven't gotten it in his head yet that hello! They're professionals. I'm a student photographer who is learning.. no where near that status so why should I get paid?

Someone make me feel better by saying that their S.O/friend/family/etc doesn't get it either

Hello Crystal. I am in the same boat! (lol) My SO does not get the whole photography thing at all to the point things have ended and I am moving out and back to downtown St Pete on Saturday because of it. sad

She does not see the money I have spent on EQ and accessories (Approx $5500-$6k of my own money) or that I will sometimes have to pay a model to better my craft and my portfolio so that hopefully someday I can be a professional Photographer and get paid! She calls it my "Pipe dream" She also hates the time I spend reading, learning, etc as well as really hates the fact that I "Spend so much time looking at half naked and naked women on the internet" while learning more about other togs style, lighting, composition, etc.

Whats wrong with these people? (lol)

I feel your pain darlin! smile

Nic smile

May 11 06 01:04 pm Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

MichaelNicoletti wrote:
Hello Crystal. I am in the same boat! (lol) My SO does not get the whole photography thing at all to the point things have ended and I am moving out and back to downtown St Pete on Saturday. sad

She does not see the money I have spent on EQ and accessories (Approx $5500-$6k of my own money) or that I will sometimes have to pay a model to better my craft and my portfolio so that hopefully someday I can be a professional Photographer and get paid! She calls it my "Pipe dream" She also hates the time I spend reading, learning, etc as well as really hates the fact that I "Spend so much time looking at half naked and naked women on the internet" while learning more about other togs style, lighting, composition, etc.

Whats wrong with these people? (lol)

I feel your pain darlin! smile

Nic smile

One thing peep do not understand is that the time you choose to spend with others just might not include them, but does not mean that they are excluded or manipulated. tongue

May 11 06 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 627

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Nice port BTW Crystal! smile If ever in the St Pete area shoting I'd love to come watch you. smile

Nic smile

May 11 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Looks like a little male-bashing...

I'm scared to read past the 6th post.

::ducks head and quietly sneaks back out::

May 11 06 01:21 pm Link