Forums > General Industry > While we're talking about model rates...


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28719

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Personally, I never ask a model what her rates are. Instead, I make her an offer and she either accepts, rejects, or counters.. 7 times out of 10 they accept.

Lets face it, paid jobs are few and far between especially in the market we are all working in. And models are usually smart people. Given the choice to go make a couple hundred dollars for 4 hrs of work or sit on her ass and make no money I think most will take the dough.

Right now, I have a casting call in my bio. It offers $150 for the shoot. Not per hour. And the model has to be nude. I'm getting a lot of models responding and some of them have their rates listed on their pages at far more than my shoot pays. Point is, why not make an easy $150 if you're already comfortable with the style of the shoot.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're better off not fretting over what a model has listed as her rates. Instead, make your offer and negotiate from there. For every model who declines, 3 will accept. Assuming it's a reasonable offer.

Hell, I even got a published Playboy model to accept the offer.

May 10 06 09:43 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

Good point.

May 10 06 10:33 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Yeah, that's true.  The reason I don't have any rates posted on my profile is because they're always different.  Depending on how much I like the photographer's work, if she/he usually pays models or not, what kind of shoot it is, if we've worked together before, etc.

May 10 06 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

that reminds me of my cousin frankie cigs

back in the day, he'd pick up a chick at a bar/club after talking to her for a while, they'd agree to go out to the parking lot to smoke, and while sitting in the car, he'd wip it out, right there in front of her, then he'd say "what are we going to do about this?"

he swears 7 times out of 10, they took care of the problem before going back inside the club

May 10 06 10:46 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28719

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Chili wrote:
that reminds me of my cousin frankie cigs

back in the day, he'd pick up a chick at a bar/club after talking to her for a while, they'd agree to go out to the parking lot to smoke, and while sitting in the car, he'd wip it out, right there in front of her, then he'd say "what are we going to do about this?"

he swears 7 times out of 10, they took care of the problem before going back inside the club

Uh oh.. bad choice of words perhaps when refering to a dude's libido.

May 10 06 10:50 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

John Jebbia wrote:
It offers $150 for the shoot. Not per hour.

I've learned to always carefully quote Internet model rates in "per hours" terms.  Some models seem to have an automatic tendency to mentally add "per hour" to any price, even when the price is clearly stated as a day rate.  I once got swamped by email responses when I posted a $100 gig on Craigslist and ninty-three models thought I'd gone insane and was offering $100 per hour for topless.

I had to write them each and explain the misunderstanding.  Hate mail was coming back faster than my apologies could get out.

May 10 06 11:07 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28719

Phoenix, Arizona, US

phcorcoran wrote:
I've learned to always carefully quote Internet model rates in "per hours" terms.  Some models seem to have an automatic tendency to mentally add "per hour" to any price, even when the price is clearly stated as a day rate.  I once got swamped by email responses when I posted a $100 gig on Craigslist and ninty-three models thought I'd gone insane and was offering $100 per hour for topless.

I had to write them each and explain the misunderstanding.  Hate mail was coming back faster than my apologies could get out.

You found your model though, I bet.

May 10 06 11:10 pm Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

That's funny because I always do a flat rate per shoot... I've had one or two people ask for clarification but nobody's really been confused by it.  I do try to word it carefully though.

May 10 06 11:15 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

John Jebbia wrote:
You found your model though, I bet.

I actually don't remember if I did.  I do remember getting a lot of good topless pictures in my email though.  Still, they weren't worth the hate mail.  Hate mail is worse when the misunderstanding is clearly the other party's fault.

May 10 06 11:15 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

phcorcoran wrote:
Hate mail was coming back faster than my apologies could get out.

One thing I did learn from the experience is that it may take forever to hear back from a model when it's important to me, but send out bad news and the replies come back so fast it makes your head spin.

May 10 06 11:18 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Agreed. For my cookbook project, I'm not even publishing the pay rate in the casting calls/emails I send out. I just say that it's a paid gig, explain the project, and go from there.

When a model responds, I talk about the genre and outlook and get an idea if she's appropriate to schedule a test. Only then, if it's brought up, do I quote the dollar amount, and state that it's a day rate, and that I expect the shoot will take 6 hours, including hair and makeup.

I have yet to get a single "that's not enough," even though if you divide it out, it's less per hour than any of the list, if they list their rates.

Go figure.

May 10 06 11:18 pm Link



Posts: 172

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

As he often does, John makes an excellent point.  Not sure about the 75% model acceptance rate, but as he says, something rather than nothing is great motivation, so it could generally be that high.

May 11 06 12:48 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Seen on OMP today and offered just because it cracked me up and this seems like a relevant place to post about it ... one newly listed model, minimal credits, not ugly but would definately not stand out as pretty, generally shapely but equipped with a pair of the most horrific, oversized, fake b(o)(o)bies seen by yours truly in quite awhile ...

My Rates

Health/Fitness: $125/hr - 3hr minimum
Swimwear/Lingerie: $150/hr - 3hr minimum
Implied: $250/hr - 3hr minimum

LMAO - where do these girls come up with this stuff? This one didn't even have a sluggo listed. Apparently she prefers to remain fully in charge of her own stupidity! Please allow me to take this time to thank those models who actually do have a clue - you are wonderful and we thank you so much for providing balance in what can sometimes be a very silly world of modeling!

Aug 14 06 01:20 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

I second that 'thank you' to the real professionals.

I've only had one bad pay experience where the add clearly said "Day Rate" and she showed up thinking it was an hourly rate.  I showed a copy of the ad and she was ok, we did get some great shots (She actually has gone on to LA and I see her in ads once-in-a-while."

I felt sorry for her and ended up paying her more for a shorter shoot.  I even drove her to the coast and paid her hotel/food. 

I, too, have been very effective at repeating the rate and asking them to repeat what I have said. I reconfirm by phone and also by email.  After that, no more problems.

I also let the model quote me if I'm not shooting a TFP and/or I quote her if she's asking for some difficult, time consuming work.  Communication - clear and often - works for me.  Cheers, Tim

Aug 14 06 01:53 am Link


Silver Tip Images

Posts: 15

Renton, Washington, US

I have had more professional models in their performance and looks from this site than any of the other sites I have images.  On some sites no names mentioned, I think a boy friend or mother tells the girl she is pretty and should be a model.  She has no experience, does not know how to do make up and has few outfits that meet a photo shoot Need but she expects $100 per hour and wants to work 45 min of the hour and then shows up late and not ready.  I am very happy with all the models I have worked with here on Model Mayhem and most of the girls seem to have their head on straight.  Nice change.

Aug 14 06 02:08 am Link