Forums > General Industry > Is it bad?


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

When someone asks who you consider to be a great musician they can expect many different answers. I would answer that Sibelius was a fantastic musician. Some other people would say Metalica, or BB King, or Elvis. And goodness, some would even say N Sync. People listen to music and it evokes different feelings in them. They judge for themselves what genre they like. The music is all very different and provided something different. Its not all good, and you cannot be expected to like everything. Do most of you consider photography to work the same way? I can listen to a badly remixed song, but it makes me want to dance. And it makes me smile. In effect, it is good. Technically, if I analyzed it, i would cringe. If a photo has an odd composition, but makes you laugh, does that make it good or bad? If the lighting is off, but the subject has a fantastic expression what do you think? When music, or photography, is broken down, it may have many flaws. Should we always be so critical or take it for what it is?

I am writing this, not so I can justify my own bad work, but as a general question...

May 09 06 07:32 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

personally, i consider art (in all it's incarnations) to be best if it is powerful...if it evokes some emotion within me--if it makes me think--if it leaves an impression.
but art is most certainly in the eye of the beholder.....i can understand the arguement that technical skill is the defining point...i cannot understand the arguement that whatever sells is the best, though i have heard it argued......

May 09 06 07:38 pm Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

Lexi Evans wrote:
When someone asks who you consider to be a great musician they can expect many different answers. I would answer that Sibelius was a fantastic musician. Some other people would say Metalica, or BB King, or Elvis. And goodness, some would even say N Sync. People listen to music and it evokes different feelings in them. They judge for themselves what genre they like. The music is all very different and provided something different. Its not all good, and you cannot be expected to like everything. Do most of you consider photography to work the same way? I can listen to a badly remixed song, but it makes me want to dance. And it makes me smile. In effect, it is good. Technically, if I analyzed it, i would cringe. If a photo has an odd composition, but makes you laugh, does that make it good or bad? If the lighting is off, but the subject has a fantastic expression what do you think? When music, or photography, is broken down, it may have many flaws. Should we always be so critical or take it for what it is?

I am writing this, not so I can justify my own bad work, but as a general question...

Art is always subjective. Create what moves you deep inside. It is your vision your trying to express, not someone elses version correct?
Art will move you. Art will be controversial at times. The reason it is art though is the reaction it causes in the viewer.
Take the image "Anoxia" in my profile; some people like it, some do not. Is it art? If it moved you to think or feel, then it served it's purpose.
BTW do not think that art has to be perfect in every technical aspect, stay true to your vision and it will work itself out in the end.


May 09 06 07:48 pm Link



Posts: 39

San Francisco, California, US

If it's aesthetically or technically pleasing, then it is good art. If it is provacative or emotive, it is good art. If it's all of the above, then it's great art.

May 09 06 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

For me, if an image has power, but lacks some technical skill, I'll cheerfully throw the rulebook out the window.  We have more than enough "perfect" images with no soul in them around here.

By the way, I dug what I saw on your port.  Where can I see more?

May 09 06 09:45 pm Link


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

You can find about 2000 images on my computer ..of which is broken right now...
yea, yea..i know. I should always have backups...and i did....I had  CDs worth of work until i somehow managed to move, and now i cannot find any of my discs....Just give me a week to either fix my computer, or finish unpacking completely. And thanks for the compliment!

May 09 06 10:05 pm Link


Simon Gerzina

Posts: 2288

Brooklyn, New York, US

I completely agree with the idea that "art" is subjective, so what is powerful and successful to one person might be total crap to another.  A lot of the works (in any medium) that have made the strongest impressions on me might be laughable to other people.

We get so caught up in in confusing technical prowess and ability with art, which I think is a big mistake - it's craft, not art, and that's not meant to be a slight.  The people who can reliably churn out technically-perfect images day after day are consummate craftsmen, and I've got nothing but the utmost respect for that.  It's no different than a songwriter who regularly turns out top-20 hits, a cinematographer who keeps shooting Oscar-nominated flicks, an architect who consistently designs noteworthy and high-profile buildings.  But art is daring and falls flat on its face more often than it succeeds, craft is something relied on to perform and to "work".

May 10 06 08:39 am Link


Olaf S

Posts: 1625

Allentown, Pennsylvania, US

AshGolgotha wrote:
If it's aesthetically or technically pleasing, then it is good art. If it is provacative or emotive, it is good art. If it's all of the above, then it's great art.

I agree except for one part.  It HAS to be more than technically pleasing.

Also, photography is "used" in many different ways.  A great piece of photographic art may have little value in the commercial world, and vice versa.

May 10 06 08:59 am Link