Forums > General Industry > Monica Vitti



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am in love. I saw a picture of Elisaveta (11939) and she is a deadringer for one of my all-time favourites (and Michaelangelo Antonioni's, too)  Italian actress Monic Vitti. Compare this photo of Elisaveta with any you may find in the net and you will see! Then I love Sophie Marceau and I thing that Elisabeta.....

Jul 12 05 03:23 pm Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Alexwh gets nominated for the best nutty ideas for a thread award at the end of the year.


For sometimes I feel like a nut,  sometimes I don't

Jul 12 05 03:27 pm Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Marksora, I will try to explain. There are threads here on penisis and what to call pubic hair (in Latin America most kids, litle boys and little girls, are are called pendejos or pendejas) which means pubic hair. In Mexico is means stupid in a vulgar way. I have been in this site for about 15 days and the addiction has taken hold. I am supposed to be scanning 150 6x7cm tranparencies of a shoot I did at a lawfirm to pay my rent.  And here I am all excited about Elisaveta looking like Monica Vitti. If you or anybody here gets the chance to see the marvelous movies of Antonioni with Monica (like Le Eclisse or L'Aventura) you will understand my infatuation. Elisaveta left two kind comments in my port and I thought this the best way to correspond and at the same time to point out to some of you the merits of knowing about many useless things (my situation) and how that allows me to connect when I am given two minutes to photograph a politician or a movie star. This is a photographic site and we have the opportunity to insert an image in our forum posts to explain what we are writing about. I find this method excellent!

Jul 12 05 03:41 pm Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

No worries,  I am just commending you on your unique outlook on thread.   I do not disagree with your statement above.

Jul 12 05 03:47 pm Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Marksora I was doing my damndest to not offend you! I do believe that I hope others lift favourite images from MM and comment on them on a nice positive way. It would be a way of bringing in some of that random stuff that was lost.

Jul 12 05 03:53 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Sounds pretty cool alexwh

Jul 12 05 03:55 pm Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Marksora another example of association. From your site

It seems that you may have a similar connection with your niece as I have with my granddaugther. Here she is with one of her nude drawings.

Jul 12 05 04:00 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Posted by alexwh: 
Marksora another example of association. From your site

It seems that you may have a similar connection with your niece as I have with my granddaugther. Here she is with one of her nude drawings.

What no dog?

Jul 12 05 10:45 pm Link


Angie Rae

Posts: 99

Lawton, Iowa, US

They look kind of alike, but not quite. Her eyes are too light and her hair is too dark. Her nose is a little different also. Are you talking about Monica Vitti, the Italian actress who made films in the 60's and 70's??

Jul 12 05 11:02 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Posted by alexwh: 
in Latin America most kids, litle boys and little girls, are are called pendejos or pendejas which means pubic hair.

pendejos is also recognized by those that know the language as calling them an asshole...

Jul 12 05 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Alex thanks for bringing this amazing girl to our attention. Her portfolio is incredible.

As far as Vitti goes, yeah, I think this pic shows a resemblance

Have you seen the recent film "Eros"? A tribute to Antonioni, his themes and style in 3 segments, directed by Wong Kar Wai, then Steven Soderbergh, then Antonioni himself. It's hard to find good reviews of it, but they are off the mark I think in some ways. Check it out if you can. Not Wong's best, but good, sad and evocative, and Gong Li is still amazing and gorgeous. Gorgeously filmed but more static than his usual. The Soderbergh segment was hilarious, gorgeously filmed in both the color and black and white parts, Alan Arkin and Robert Downey Jr. are both excellent. The Antonioni segment is really being panned, but not felt or understood in my opinion.

Jul 13 05 05:35 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by area291: 

Posted by alexwh: 
in Latin America most kids, litle boys and little girls, are are called pendejos or pendejas which means pubic hair.

pendejos is also recognized by those that know the language as calling them an asshole...

The following agrees with my experience as a native speaker:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Pendejo is a vulgar term of abuse in the Spanish language. To call a person a pendejo is essentially to call him stupid, although it also carries implications of willful stubbornness and rank ineptitude. The female equivalent is pendeja; either form can be used as a noun or an adjective. The insult is particularly prevalent in the Spanish spoken in North and Central America, where it is considered moderately to highly offensive. In terms of equivalent cultural impact, it ranges somewhere at the level of the British English "wanker" or the U.S. English "asshole". The term is also used in Chile, Argentina and Uruguay, where it also means "immature" (again, in a derogatory sense).

The literal meaning of pendejo is "strand of pubic hair". Etymologically it comes from the Latin pectiniculus.

In February 2004, reacting to the flight of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from Haiti during opposition revolts, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez used the word in reference to U.S. President George W. Bush for the U.S.'s refusal to participate in restoring Aristide to power.

On Barrapunto, the Spanish-language clone of the Slashdot internet forum, the initial name of the Anonymous Coward user was Pendejo sin nombre ("nameless prick"). The administrators subsequently deemed this too offensive and changed it to Pobrecito Hablador ("poor little talker"), one of the pseudonyms of the 19th-century Spanish author Mariano José de Larra.

Jul 13 05 09:28 am Link