Forums > General Industry > Photogz don't like phat girlz?


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

May 07 06 01:40 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

Let's summ up............. an obessed 39 y/o ghetto mouth bbw porn 'model' with 4 piss-poor head shots and an attitude problem aspiring to be the entertainment industry's most famous 'power woman' of all time is bitching because she wants paid fashion gigs? And wtf is ffp? Fat for prints?

I'll pass on that funky action.

May 07 06 01:47 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Nope...we're not...but if you look up you'll see some gratuitous Shyly-butt-kissing smile

Ahahaha....we LOVE gratuitous Shyly-butt-kissing!  (And there's so much butt to go around.)  Badump-bump-chhhhh.

Cspine wrote:
And wtf is ffp? Fat for prints?

That's it.  My new marketing plan!  From here on out, I will be promoting myself on a fat for prints basis.

May 07 06 01:53 pm Link



Posts: 116

DeliciousDeBlair wrote:
Well, I know that the industry is INSANELY discriminatory, I know a lotta guys dig chicks with "back" and CURVES! Oh well, until this world of faux fashion wakes up to the REAL what's goin on out there, a lotta good girlz r gonna be denied good paying gigs and have to resort to smut ragz to make any money for their totally fine looks. I know because that's the ONLY offers I ever get.

But if tere just HAPPENS to be any good decent honest photogz out there who are more open minded than that, feel free to drop me a line!

Delicious Vodka DeBlair, relatively new member here.

1. the industry is not at all discriminatory - you just don't fit in it. the same way an actor wouldn't fit in a computer programing company.

2."until this world of faux fashion wakes up to the REAL what's going
on out there" - not gona happen!

3."a lotta good girls r gonna be denied good paying gigs" - why would anyone want to pay you ?? did you ever ask yourself that ??

do you show an interesting look? is your portfolio amazing ??
you have 4 photos how are the exact same !!!

a lot of really great looking girls with the right look for the industry do a lot of free shoots(tests) before they get payed.

so before you complain start working !!!

May 07 06 02:14 pm Link


Jacinta Cobb

Posts: 70

Columbia, South Carolina, US

MaryPetiteModel wrote: caffeine yet today, so I'll bite.  But you guys better darn well share those snickers and popcorn snacks ;-)...

Aside from the fact that you have no experience, no more than one photographer's work in your portfolio, and a rather tenuous grasp of the English are not plus-sized, in my humble opinion. 

Plus-sized models attention...IN PROPORTION for their size.  They are tall, like mainstream "models", have the usual "model attributes" (shiny hair, clear skin, perfect teeth, etc.), and therefore can find work in the (albeit small) world of plus size modeling.  Models in the plus size genre are - to put it plainly - real lookers.

What you appear to be is just plain overweight.  I'm sorry...but that's the sad reality.  Too many "fat" girls are unwilling to do the necessary work (and I'm not just talking here about diet and exercise) to attain model looks - and thus get modeling work.  Instead, they want to rest on their laurels and complain about the industry, as if *every* industry doesn't have its own set of unfair odds.  Perhaps if you spent some time cleaning up your profile, examining yourself as *others* will do, and...oh, I don't know...saved all the bitching about the "industry" for when you've actually been a part of'd be doing better in your craft.

In addition, for someone who labels them "smut ragz", you appear in your profile to have more than a passing interest in several of the "genres" those "ragz" cover.

OK...can I have some popcorn now, guys :-)?

Mary would you (or anyone else) agree in saying Toccara, from ANTM and Celeb. Fit Club, is a fabulous example--even the epitome----of a plus size model? Although, IMO, she is lookin less and less plus, but I think she is absolutely GORGEOUS, and her confidence is outta this world!!! Alright then, I shared! Is it my turn for some fun size snickers and DP?? smile

May 07 06 02:29 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

Shyly wrote:
That's it.  My new marketing plan!  From here on out, I will be promoting myself on a fat for prints basis.

That sounds good to me! I may have come across as a fat basher but I find YOUR fat very attractive. If you are beautiful then you are beautiful at any size.

May 07 06 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 26

Salem, Illinois, US

Okay so all you here are bashing fat girls and only a few from what I read are standing up for the bigger girls who want to model. Well I do have to say that I have been told by many models and photographers that i am beautiful, and can make a real name for myself. Yet I am a "fat" girl. I do want to lose a little weight but then again I have great shots the way I am, in fact theres  a shot that I love with just a bra, see through red shirt, and pants in this photo my belly looks great and I am a plus size.

May 07 06 02:46 pm Link


Dark Star Photography

Posts: 254

Portland, Maine, US

William Kious wrote:

DeliciousDeBlair wrote:
If you dress up like Halloween, ghouls will try to get into your panties.

HA HA HA HA....  I am SOOOO going to use that line with my slutty best friend!!

May 07 06 02:52 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Dooood The Shyly is the PHATEST gurl on da block little miss OP.
you can't even come close.
no really, you expect to get paid work in nude dom,sensual, and solo without showing the photographers what they are paying for?

*passes around fresh cookie flavored apples*

May 07 06 02:55 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

ShariLynn wrote:
Okay so all you here are bashing fat girls and only a few from what I read are standing up for the bigger girls who want to model. Well I do have to say that I have been told by many models and photographers that i am beautiful, and can make a real name for myself. Yet I am a "fat" girl. I do want to lose a little weight but then again I have great shots the way I am, in fact theres  a shot that I love with just a bra, see through red shirt, and pants in this photo my belly looks great and I am a plus size.

As a "big girl" the same age as you I think u should read more carefully. You're 5'11 and 17. The OP is 5'10 and THIRTY NINE YEARS OLD. Lol. You two are in no way in similar situations. You have tons of options while all she has are 4 identical headshots and a ticking biological clock. You're gorgeous and full of potential! You fit the criteria she doesnt.

May 07 06 03:05 pm Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
I get crap all the time about being too skinny, but that's the price I pay for putting my photos up for the world to see...therefore I don't complain about it.

Kaitlin, you are gorgeous...and many an editorial fashion photographer's WET  Yes, you are on the thin side...but so is my sister (I joke that she got all the height and metabolism in our family)...can't gain weight if she tried.  As long as you are healthy, embrace what you've got!

Seriously, you were born for editorial/runway work.  Are you working toward that?

May 07 06 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

Jacinta Cobb wrote:
Mary would you (or anyone else) agree in saying Toccara, from ANTM and Celeb. Fit Club, is a fabulous example--even the epitome----of a plus size model? Although, IMO, she is lookin less and less plus, but I think she is absolutely
GORGEOUS, and her confidence is outta this world!!! Alright then, I shared! Is it my turn for some fun size snickers and DP?? smile

It's funny you bring up ANTM, because I love that show (tee hee guilty pleasure).  I do think Toccara is a *good* example, but not necessarily the *best* example, of a plus size model during her time on the show.  She did have some issues with regard to confidence, etc.  I also thought that Robyn (the rather right-wing plus size model from another season) was just plain lazy.  Her problem area was her thighs, but she refused to exercise to slim them down (as seen in the episode where the trainer complains about her laziness).  Again, just a refusal to do the work needed...and subsequent bitching about how "unfair" it all is, etc.
I do think Toccara TODAY is closer the epitome of a plus size model.  She has much more confidence (probably a result of the show) and - though she *is* thinning out - she looks STUNNING.  Her skin is glowing!  OK...enough ANTM

May 07 06 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

ShariLynn wrote:
Okay so all you here are bashing fat girls and only a few from what I read are standing up for the bigger girls who want to model. Well I do have to say that I have been told by many models and photographers that i am beautiful, and can make a real name for myself. Yet I am a "fat" girl. I do want to lose a little weight but then again I have great shots the way I am, in fact theres  a shot that I love with just a bra, see through red shirt, and pants in this photo my belly looks great and I am a plus size.

I just had to comment, ShariLynn, that I am in no way bashing the overweight for modeling!  As an older, shorter model myself, I sympathize with the angst over *society's* general attitude towards women, what is sexy, not sexy, etc.  However, at some point, you either decide to get in the game or decide to sit in the stands.  If you get in the game, there are rules to play by (good god, is it the playoffs that have me using sports metaphors?).  Yes, you *can* bitch about those rules - but you'd better also have the merit to back up your claim to victory. 

You *should* be proud of the work you've done.  You are quite beautiful, actually.  But you also seem to be aware (from your portfolio) of which genre suits you best.  For example, I saw no runway shots (as you will see none on my profile either).  You found your niche and do your best work within it.  That's the most realistic approach.

May 07 06 03:21 pm Link


Miss Koi

Posts: 11

Houston, Alaska, US

Torrence Williams wrote:

I agree whole heartedly, plus the fact that I am like "shallow Hal" of the photography world.."
But BIG Girls need love tooo!!!

Yes we do Torrence!

May 07 06 03:27 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

MaryPetiteModel wrote:

It's funny you bring up ANTM, because I love that show (tee hee guilty pleasure).  I do think Toccara is a *good* example, but not necessarily the *best* example, of a plus size model during her time on the show.  She did have some issues with regard to confidence, etc.  I also thought that Robyn (the rather right-wing plus size model from another season) was just plain lazy.  Her problem area was her thighs, but she refused to exercise to slim them down (as seen in the episode where the trainer complains about her laziness).  Again, just a refusal to do the work needed...and subsequent bitching about how "unfair" it all is, etc.
I do think Toccara TODAY is closer the epitome of a plus size model.  She has much more confidence (probably a result of the show) and - though she *is* thinning out - she looks STUNNING.  Her skin is glowing!  OK...enough ANTM

I love Toccara Jones, she is beautiful and confident in her own skin. I think it was the show that made her feel insecure, because on Celeb fit club, she wasn't really that excited about losing weight. Is she the epitome of plus modeling??No...because she hasn't covered enough ground in her career, but shes freakin great anyway.

I would say the plus models of all plus models would be CRYSTAL RENN
Why? Because the chick is super woman an a great example..shes down editorial, campaigs and runway for Jean Paul Gaultier

May 07 06 03:36 pm Link


Jeanette Thompson

Posts: 889

Germantown, Maryland, US

Does anyone remember when "phat" meant "cool" and not, you know, "fat"?

May 07 06 04:11 pm Link


James Andrew Imagery

Posts: 6713

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The OP's profile has been nuked by someone.

May 07 06 04:17 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

Jeanette Thompson wrote:
Does anyone remember when "phat" meant "cool" and not, you know, "fat"?

kinda like 'fly'?

" Girl, you STUPID fly!" ..... and that was considered a compliment lolol

May 07 06 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Avicdar wrote:
The OP's profile has been nuked by someone.

I nuked it.

After reviewing "her" posting "history", her profile and her images (4 of the same headshot doesn't qualify for the minimum image requirements) I came to the conclusion that the OP is a fake profile and a troll.

She also mentiones that she is a "relatively new member here." Which could indicate that there is a previous profile.


May 07 06 04:31 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

UdoR wrote:
........and a troll.

*chuckle* no pun intended.... right?

May 07 06 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 8

BRONX, New York, US

Big girls will always have a hard time. It' up to u to stick it out. note to the wise everyone i not going to like you.

May 07 06 04:49 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Meiyah wrote:
Big girls will always have a hard time. It' up to u to stick it out. note to the wise everyone i not going to like you.

I concur, my thick soul sistah.

May 07 06 05:34 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

MaryPetiteModel wrote:

Kaitlin, you are gorgeous...and many an editorial fashion photographer's WET  Yes, you are on the thin side...but so is my sister (I joke that she got all the height and metabolism in our family)...can't gain weight if she tried.  As long as you are healthy, embrace what you've got!

Seriously, you were born for editorial/runway work.  Are you working toward that?

I've been DREAMING of the day when I'll get to walk down a runway...sadly...I have no idea how to do that sad

May 07 06 05:42 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

William Kious wrote:
If you dress up like Halloween, ghouls will try to get into your panties.

That could be one of the best lines written on MM this year!

May 07 06 06:01 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

I've been DREAMING of the day when I'll get to walk down a runway...sadly...I have no idea how to do that sad

I thought you wanted to be an art model sad ?

May 07 06 06:07 pm Link


Christina Ilise

Posts: 319

Saint Albans, New York, US

Electra T wrote:

I'm just glad someone went through the criteria of what a plus model(commercial) is. By the way what the hell is sensual modeling??I don't want to see this woman get sensual with her self *bites nails nervously*.

im laughing so hard i'm in pain

May 07 06 06:21 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

like mary said, plus sized models have just as many standards as nonplus models. most of them are sizes 14 or smaller, too. they are big girls, but they are fit and still have to have that model "it" factor.

that being said, there is work out there for plus models and plus models still get aency representation too. there is runway, cataloge, print, editorial... etc.. available to plus models. but it is just as competitive as regular modeling.

May 07 06 06:21 pm Link


Jacinta Cobb

Posts: 70

Columbia, South Carolina, US

MaryPetiteModel wrote:

It's funny you bring up ANTM, because I love that show (tee hee guilty pleasure).  I do think Toccara is a *good* example, but not necessarily the *best* example, of a plus size model during her time on the show.  She did have some issues with regard to confidence, etc.  I also thought that Robyn (the rather right-wing plus size model from another season) was just plain lazy.  Her problem area was her thighs, but she refused to exercise to slim them down (as seen in the episode where the trainer complains about her laziness).  Again, just a refusal to do the work needed...and subsequent bitching about how "unfair" it all is, etc.
I do think Toccara TODAY is closer the epitome of a plus size model.  She has much more confidence (probably a result of the show) and - though she *is* thinning out - she looks STUNNING.  Her skin is glowing!  OK...enough ANTM

Ya know somewhere in my MIND I was thinking the confidence came after the show, as you said, put I didn't type it out for some reason...but yes, I do agree with what you said about Toc. and about Robyn as well (she was the light-skinned model from one of the first cycles right?) I think I remember she didn't wanna do a body-paint/nude photo shoot or somethin like that...but that's neither here nor there! I just wanted to co-sign what you said is all!

May 07 06 06:25 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Christina Ilise wrote:
im laughing so hard i'm in pain

Seriously? Were you lookin' forward to THAT image....thank god they deleted her account..I would not want to see that heifers new "sensual" images four times over...

May 07 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Ransom J wrote:

Pass dat.  Don't be stingy.

On a side note I have no love for anybody that still uses the euphamism "phat".

me too ..... but does cellulite count?

May 08 06 07:49 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Electra T wrote:

I thought you wanted to be an art model sad ?

Well I already do the artsy stuff...I'd love to get into runway and editorial stuff too (I have serious ADD when it comes to hobbies...I put a lot into every one...but I like to do everything), but I just don't know how to go about doing it.

May 09 06 11:34 am Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

Chris Ambler wrote:
I understand your viewpoint. On the other hand, I like models who produce images for which clients pay. And the sad truth is that plus-sized models have a very limited market. On a personal level, I agree, that's very unfortunate.

But on a professional level, that's just the way it is - just like there is no market for slow track runners, small football tackles, or unintelligent physicists.

Well said. DeliciousDeBlair may as well sue Jennifer Aniston for being thin, cute, and popular.

Delicious, two hundred years ago it was the other way around: 'rubenesque' women were in vogue and thin women were considered sickly. It's just the way things are and the way the industry goes. We cater to what people want and desire and when they start desiring women like you we'll start shooting women like you.

Fair enough?

May 09 06 11:58 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Gold Rush Studio wrote:

Well said. DeliciousDeBlair may as well sue Jennifer Aniston for being thin, cute, and popular.

Delicious, two hundred years ago it was the other way around: 'rubenesque' women were in vogue and thin women were considered sickly. It's just the way things are and the way the industry goes. We cater to what people want and desire and when they start desiring women like you we'll start shooting women like you.

Fair enough?

When will old,ugly and flabby be in style????

May 09 06 03:25 pm Link