Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Looking for body parts (cyber/robotic/mechanical)


Dark Visions Photograph

Posts: 110

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

I have a request in to create a battered looking Cherry 2000 style glamor / cyborg and I have everything together with the exception of the actually endoskeleton. I've been scanning junkyards and stock image websites for pneumatic and hydraulic assemblies and have a few pics, but I'm really not finding what I want..

I'm actually considering buying some chrome tubing and pneumatic hose and buiding my own chassis..

However, before I do that, I'm wondering if any of the other retouchers have suggestions or source locations to find such things.. It could be a hydraulic lift, engine assembly.. anything that I could piece together to create a pseudo robotic chassis under a model's skin.

If you have anything, please share, and if not, thank you anyway.

Jun 08 09 05:46 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Why not create your own chrome tubing? You can grab chrome off some stock images of cars and motorcycles and liquify it into what you want.

Jun 08 09 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 314

Fayetteville, North Carolina, US

i create my owm metal styles, i feel it looks more realistic, see my port.

Jun 08 09 07:03 pm Link


robert christopher

Posts: 2706

Snohomish, Washington, US

you really dont need to go to such extremes, just build a big library of parts, start under the hood of your car, then that old broken radio in the garage is full of cool wires and circuits and things, a close-up of how the handle is riveted to your pot, that curvy lamp from ikea, parts are everywhere. you may be overthinking this.

shock absorbers from a motorcycles or struts from the hood of your car could be bones.

look at this tutorial for a few ideas. … photoshop/

Jun 08 09 08:43 pm Link


Jason J Photography

Posts: 983

Mesquite, Texas, US  ( click photo to see bigger one in my port)

I did this one with parts from many of the sources already mentioned. random stuff laying around and I just happen to be at an auto show where ford had a robot, so I snapped a couple (eye, shock) to use later... I had no idea of this at the time, but knew I might like it later.. Just carry ANY camera with you even a compact p&s. For comps like this, it will do just fine for pic collecting. you would be suprised where you will find inspiring parts for projects... good luck

Jun 08 09 09:11 pm Link