This thread was locked on 2009-06-07 20:27:16
Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Losing Resolution on Resize



Posts: 33

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Hi again everyone,

How do you keep clarity of sharpness on digital photos when you reduce their size?

When I print photos the clarity is the same as one the screen, even if it has been reduced to A3 size from a larger than A0 size image. However, when I reduce them in Photoshop for upload a lot of the clarity/sharpness is lost. I shoot in RAW, should I be shooting in JPEG? I feel like that defeats the purpose though as RAW has a much more dense file which is better for the photo editors.

If you notice on some of my Small Size Low Rez photos on my MM, the sharpness isn't there, which is frustrating, because the prints are quite clear. I am building my business website at the moment for my photography and want it to be as good as it can be. However when I have upload the High Rez versions on my site, they take FOREVER to download, even when converted to Flash files.

Is there a way around this problem?

Please don't say just pay for a person to do it. I will one day when this gig starts turning even a slightest profit. But today is not that day.... yet.

Many thanks in advance,


Jun 07 09 07:23 pm Link


Angelo Lorenzo Photo

Posts: 2094

Simi Valley, California, US

After any resize function, you need to apply additional sharpening because edge information is being interpolated either up or down.

The exception is if you resize with an option like bicubic sharper which will add in some sharpness (although you have no control over it) during the resize process.

Jun 07 09 07:26 pm Link


Vega Retouching

Posts: 260


what he said smile

Jun 07 09 07:28 pm Link



Posts: 306

Fresno, California, US

You can't stop it but you can reduce the image distortion by converting your image into a smart object before you resize.  After, use the sharpen filter, and then adjust the sharpen filter fade slider to adjust accordingly.

Jun 07 09 07:32 pm Link