Forums > General Industry > In Your Heart



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Last night I'm sitting here just thinking about this crazy industry of ours.

I began reflecting on my career and what made me walk away the first time and what brought me back.

And then 00siris started a thread that discussed models' eyes and their importance in photography. So, it provoked me to write this.

And to seek others' reasons BEYOND the obvious.

Well, what made me walk away is a totally seperate issue.

But, I know exactly what has brought me back. Even with my age and KNOWing that I will be starting over from scratch. So why am I being such a lunatic and going at it again?
Simple. To tell a story.

Let me explain. I'm also passionate about acting...and right now I'm also getting into filmmaking. Acting has always been easy though. With acting you're telling a story with your words. For me this has been natural. My imagination can run and I can jump into any character or mood I choose.

Now with's different. You don't get words. You have nothing but your eyes. And your bodyanguage. The point of 00siris's thread.
It wasn't at all easy for me ithe beggining. Very frustrating.

So how do you get that mood or emotion? I never thought about it until I came back 2 1/2 years ago.

I realized that my image (not just my appearance) was totally different from when I was first doing this. I was a different person. I had feelings, emotions, desires and PASION. None of which I learned through modeling. The only thing I learned from modeling was the mechanics...poses, looks, styling, skin
care and knowledge of the industry. (To the extent which I was exposed.)

Everything else came from my life outside of modeling. My tragedies, my heart break, my selfish tendencies, my need to help others, my self confidence, my humility, my sometimes lack there of (and motivation behind it), my true desires. All of it.

So, I wanted a way to tell a story about my life but in a way to let the viewer interpret it for his/herself...or provoke that viewer to recall his/her own story or to create one of their own.

For me, I'm confessing the tragedies, personal successes and happiness of my life in my eyes. Also, poetry is like speaking to me. People I talk to will tell you not to be surprised if I burst out into rhyme. I have so much going in my head that it overloades and spills into my reality.

So, my mission in
this industry on a personal level is to tell my story. My eyes, body and the story's background (I'm learning a new love of art direction, btw) are all I am allowed tool use.
So even if shooting for a client, my personal objective is to reveal something more about my story in my images. This ability to do so makes me more motivated than anything else to continue in this business. For this reason alone I will never truly leave this behind. And if allowed I will take this as far as I possibly can.

So, there's my story. I want to hear yours.

WHAT IS IN YOUR HEART? What is the ONE thing you strive for when trying to create that image? What makes you stay with this each day? Even as a pro...there is something internally that you strive for. And as a novice...everything you shoot is from your heart.

What is in your heart...

May 06 06 12:12 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This is for model, photoapher, designer, stylist, make-up artist art diretors...annyone.

Your responses are welcome.

May 06 06 12:16 pm Link


Picture This

Posts: 1776

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:
So, there's my story. I want to hear yours.

WHAT IS IN YOUR HEART? What is the ONE thing you strive for when trying to create that image? What makes you stay with this each day? Even as a pro...there is something internally that you strive for. And as a novice...everything you shoot is from your heart.

What is in your heart...

We are... each of us... unique. Throughout time, countless billions of people with heroic, larger-than-life personalities, glorious physiques and stunning faces... men and women able to melt your heart with a direct stare or a poignant glance. Even the simplest person, nestled away in some backwood cabin or clad in animal skins in some pyrene mountain has this spark of beauty and appeal, of hope and wonder... of "human-ness".

Since the beginning of time, mankind has sought to capture this beauty in images - stone carving, paintings, photographs, sculpted ivory or cast bronze or gilded silver... on every scrap of animal hide and every textured rock cavern we have strived to mark down the wonderous beauty that parades before us. We are drawn to each other, covetous of other's beauty, yet enamoured by it as well. We long to draw it inside us, cherish and possess it, and reflect it to others as they look upon us.

We are mezmerized by a child, discovering their hands for the first time - gazing up at their mother with that twinkle of knowledge growing inside.

We are heartbroken by the mermaid, alone in her solitude as she lures lovelorn sailors to their deaths.

We are dazzled by the glamour, glitter, and magic of the industry... and spellbound by the gothic undercurrents that swirl through the outside chambers at night.

We create, we imagine, we fail, and we succeed. Yet we are never complete... we see another person's work and are re-inspired! The flame never goes out... and we must constantly feed it with new fuel. Because we all know we won't be here for long... one more among those countless billions who have gone before us.

But somehow, until we go, we will do and try anything to give it all meaning and purpose, fulfillment and reward.

And when we go, we will know that at least - we tried.

May 06 06 12:35 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Picture This wrote:
....And when we go, we will know that at least - we tried.

Very well spoken and contempaltive. I agree completely. Thank you for sharing.

May 06 06 01:34 pm Link


Bruce Talbot

Posts: 3850

Los Angeles, California, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:
What is in your heart...

To place a smile anywhere there was none.

May 06 06 02:02 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Bruce Talbot wrote:
To place a smile anywhere there was none.

I like that...alot!

No wonder the girls love you so much.

May 06 06 09:59 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Anyone else?

Care to share what's in your heart?

May 07 06 03:16 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

You know, I think being more of a machine would benefit a model or photographer then being too artistic.

As a client, I want a product, not a dream.

Stick to the basics.

May 07 06 03:22 am Link


Tom Sullivan

Posts: 210

Boy, am I shallow!  I just like other people looking at me.

May 07 06 03:31 am Link


Bruce Talbot

Posts: 3850

Los Angeles, California, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
You know, I think being more of a machine would benefit a model or photographer then being too artistic.

As a client, I want a product, not a dream.

Stick to the basics.

Would that be a cold heart then?

May 07 06 04:41 am Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

My reason for modeling - and doing everything else I do:

To encourage people to freaking look beyond what is readily given to them - and to take some credit for doing so, because that sure feels nice to the ol' Ego.

Now, how exactly is *my* modeling supposed to achieve any piece of that...? It's a meandering and convoluted path - best explained at a more diurnal moment, when I don't have a shoot the next day big_smile

Sorry for the cop-out; if someone actually cares (beyond the concern of the common snappy, cold reply), my personal site kinda gets at it... link on my page. I couldn't resist not only replying to a topic I've wanted to discuss, but replying when the thread is still fresh! Either way, I'll be back here...


May 07 06 05:02 am Link


Ever Art

Posts: 1125

Chicago, Illinois, US

Great to see a thought provoking post for once!

May 07 06 05:06 am Link


Ever Art

Posts: 1125

Chicago, Illinois, US

Art is in my Heart.

Thats the reason for everything.....for me. And the moment the opportunity to create great art is gone, I'm done.

May 07 06 05:06 am Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Art is in my Heart.

Thats the reason for everything.....for me. And the moment the opportunity to create great art is gone, I'm done.

I like that Ariane.

I heard that a while ago and it stuck with me. "Art is in your Heart"

Most everyone has given some great posts and I thank you.

Would love to hear from others....

What's in your Heart?

May 07 06 05:03 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Bruce Talbot wrote:

Would that be a cold heart then?

I don't think so, there just photos. I ask the model to do something and I shoot, or given a bit of direction, the model does what comes natural and I shoot. No magic, no mirrors, no excessive Photoshop. Is it supposed to be harder then that?

May 07 06 05:19 pm Link


Bruce Talbot

Posts: 3850

Los Angeles, California, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
I don't think so, there just photos. I ask the model to do something and I shoot, or given a bit of direction, the model does what comes natural and I shoot. No magic, no mirrors, no excessive Photoshop. Is it supposed to be harder then that?


Opposite operational mind sets we have. Nice to meet you.


May 07 06 05:30 pm Link