
Jamie Werner

Posts: 641

Austin, Texas, US

hello, I feel out of my element posting here, but I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am trying to put together a editorial photo collage (I think that is what you would call it). And I was wondering the best way to do this. I have Photoshop but am not very good with it. Any advice?

Jun 05 09 11:52 pm Link


Melissa Little

Posts: 348

Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia

Do you have an example of the type of collage you want to make?

Jun 06 09 12:05 am Link


Ruben Vasquez

Posts: 3117

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Make a new document at size you and resolution you want (i.e. 8.5x11 @ 300 ppi). Open the other images you want to add to the collage and then select the move tool (keyboard shortcut "V"). Click on a photo you want and then drag it over to the new blank document you created. Each photo you drag and drop will have it's own layer. Do this for every image you want to add and use the move tool to position them where on the collage you want them.

To rotate and/or resize the individual photo's, use free transform (Edit>Free Transform or keyboard shortcut Cntrl+T). While in free transfrom, hold down the Shift key when resizing to maintain the original aspect ratio (or don't hold it down if thats not what you want).

Add borders and/or drop shadows to spice it up a bit and then flatten and save once your done.

Jun 06 09 12:12 am Link


Alvah Burlas B A P

Posts: 411

Victorville, California, US

easy way I know of is open a blank canvas in photshop, open all the pics you want in photoshop, use the move tool, and move one pic on the blank canves, go to image and then click on free transform and size and put the pic where you want it. hold the shift key down while moving it in free trasform so it will not alter the image. do the same for each picture you want on there. when you are done and have all the images where you want them right click on the top layer and flaten image. then add text as you want. If you need better instructions feel free to PM me or e-mail [email protected]  or AIM

Jun 06 09 12:14 am Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Youtube video about making a collage.

Jun 06 09 07:46 pm Link


Paul Brecht

Posts: 12232

Colton, California, US

Jun 06 09 07:48 pm Link