Forums > General Industry > your biggest OH NO photo moment


Nathan Sol

Posts: 784

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, US

I was enjoying the original thread ("your biggest OH SHIT photo moment") before it was locked because of the swear in the subject line.  There must be more stories out there, let's hear 'em!

May 05 06 05:17 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

i was doing a body art shoot, and i was sitting for like 1 and 1/2 hours watching the makeup artist apply paint to 2 nude models, when they were done i got up to shoot them, and i said with out much fore thought "oh man am i stiff now"  both nude models looked at me and then i added "no, i mean my back" and everyone broke out laughing

May 06 06 12:10 am Link


Amanda Schlicher

Posts: 1131

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I don't know if I said this before..

I was in the middle of a product shoot when i tripped over a pc cord and broke my hotshoe to pc adapter.  I couldn't use my lights for the rest of the shoot, I had to do everything in sunlight or available light (we were in a club).  Luckily the art director was cool and the client never even noticed.

May 06 06 12:13 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Also not sure if I posted this somewhere but . . .

I heard about a total idiot that had a GREAT photo session and then fixed four out of seven rolls of film before he processed them.

Yeesh, glad I never did something like that! 


May 06 06 01:42 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

On one of my first shoots, the model and I went to go visit the horses after the shoot was done. She leaned against the fence, and I realized the fence was electric after she got shocked. She was holding my camera. The camera was ok.

May 06 06 01:57 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

My first nude shoot, I put 6 rolls of film in my camera bag, got to the studio and after shooting the first roll discovered I had put 5 rolls of previously exposed film into the bag.

May 06 06 02:34 am Link


Bonnaventure James

Posts: 11

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Myself, I had about an hour to shoot a model, and to get it all right I wanted to shoot atleast a roll of just her.

I set up all the lights, read my light, then realized I must set up the camera.

Un/fortunatly I had borrowed a friend's camera, since I had left mine in his care, and he no longer had access to it. The camera was much better than mine, but I realized with about a half of an hour left, I had NO idea how to use the camera.

Luckily I had enough technical knowhow to get through it anyhow, and finally got two rolls taken before I had to leave.

Also, don't feel so bad about ruining film, think about the guy who ruined the photographs of the invasion of Normandy.

May 06 06 02:55 am Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

May 06 06 03:11 am Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

I was developing film. I was just draining the developer when a girl in the same class and a girl asked me if it was OK to open the tank after fixing, i said yes, i got confused and opened mine (for some reason i thought that i had fixed it, since whenever i'm developing film i just want to be done to see the shots!) I open the tank and it was all pink.. with no images in it, obviously.. and i stared at it for a while.. maybe 10 secs (if you know about 'darkroom and not so dark rooms' you know that 10 secs is QUITE A WHILEEEEEEEE.. until i realized that i was not close to be done.. CLOSED THE TANK and prayed to god while i was doing the rest of the developing proccess..

I WANTED TO CRY! i had a pic of a bum who charged me 5 bucks for 2 shots! lol..

good news though. they survived!!! i was so excited.. so it was a oh no with an oh yeaaaaaaah in it too! i was jumping up and down. literally

May 06 06 03:28 am Link



Posts: 33

Batesville, Mississippi, US

taking the team photo for the miami heat and for whatever reason they specifically asked for film. i shot it with my hasselblad (which i had to dust off). shoots over and the players go back to the locker room. i go to the lab to develop the film, open the camera and realize i never put film in the camera. big "oh no", along with a few other words. fortunately i was able to reschedule the shoot, which is a pain when you have big shots like Pat Riley, Shaquille O'Neal and Dwyane Wade on the team.

May 06 06 03:42 am Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Was doing a group shoot at this beautiful waterfall location. Being the adventurer I am, i'm poised atop the waterfall with a model. I went to get closer and when I stood up I lost my footing and almost plunged 25 feet, but I caught the side of the boulder I was sitting on.

Who said reading Spider-Man comics doesn't come in handy?

May 06 06 07:26 am Link



Posts: 7741

Torrance, California, US

I have two that come to mind...

1)  Back in 1991, I was working for an ambulance service and got a call to a plane crash at LAX.  Turns out a US Air 747 landed on top of a small commuter plane that was about to take off, which caused the 747 to break in half and catch fire.  It also killed everyone on board the commuter plane and several on board the 747.  Well, we respond and end up on the tarmac, about 20 yards from the burning plane.  Since triage is still going on, all the ambulances line up and wait for their turn to pick up patients.  As I'm waiting with my partner, I remember that I brought my camera (a Pentax K1000) with me, but forgot the flash, tripod and other gear at home.  I shot a whole role of film handheld, and at night.  If I remember right, the fastest I could shoot at was 1/4 of a second.

Later that night, I contacted someone at the LA Times and told him about the shots.  He wanted to see them right away, so I took the film to them.  They developed them right away, but when we looked at it, all the shots were of course blurred and couldn't be used.  The next morning, I pick up the newspaper and see the headline about the crash.  The photo they used was shot from a hotel across the street from the airport, using a 900mm lens at dawn.  No smoke, no fire engines, no medics...just a crashed plane.  I could've had an exclusive!!!

2)  January 17, 1994 at 4:30am.  I'm again at work, when L.A. gets hit by one of the biggest earthquakes in its recent history.  My station is also in one of the hardest hit areas.  After handling some medical emergencies, my partner and I are directed to the Fire Department headquaters, since radio communication is not working well.  As we near the station, I see a HUGE loom up and heavy black smoke.  When we turn down the street where the station is, it looks like the station itself is on fire.  Luckily, it wasn't but an apartment building that was under construction and nearly completed was.  Fully engulfed, and with flames over 100 feet high, it was a spectacular sight.  Too bad I didn't bring my camera that day though, since I'd shot a wedding the day before and was tired of carrying it.  I remember that as I was leaving for work that day, I thought to myself, "What could possibly happen today?  You already missed your golden opportunity at the plane crash.  Leave the camera at home". 

I now have a camera with me everywhere I go.

May 06 06 12:50 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

There was a guy that posted a while back on here that his penis unintentially fell out in the middle of a shoot. I have no idea where that post went, but I'd say that wins for "Oh shit moment" of all time.

May 06 06 12:53 pm Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I used to shoot with Photogenic lights that had a power pack.  I had to drive 45 minutes to a shoot that was a portrait for a woman to give to her boyfriend.  I took my lights, backdrops sheets, and a ton more in my little 280-Z.  I got to the shoot, set up and realized that I left the power pack at home.  So, it was another 45 mins home then 45 mins back to the shoot, and we had to hurry before he got home, because this was a surprise.   Needless to say, I forgave my shooting fee, which was already dirt cheap, and I really needed that money. 

The results were great, and she ended up paying me double PLUS referring me to about 4 other paying customers. 

I was shooting on the lakefront and in error opened my camera exposing the film to sunlight.  I processed the film anyway and the result was the most brilliant piece of art that I have every shot.  In the frame the subject had her hands open to the sky ... and the way that the film was accidently exposed, it looked as if she was lighting up the sky like a goddess.

May 06 06 01:06 pm Link


LCB Photography

Posts: 105

Burbank, California, US

Issac Baldizon wrote:
open the camera and realize i never put film in the camera. big "oh no", along with a few other words.

I've done the exact same thing... a couple of times ;o(

Also when I shoot, I like to use three or four cameras loaded with different types of film... Sometimes I have an assistant stand beside me to hold the various cameras. I'll shoot with one, hand it off to the assistant then shoot with another... We were shooting at the beach on day, the sun was going down, the waves were coming in and we were rushing to get all the shots we needed; the assistant and I were handing off cameras very quickly... I'd take a few shots, hand the camera back, and like a surgeon waiting for a scapel, the next camera would be placed in my hand... Of course you can see what happened next... I took a shot, passed the camera behind and let go... In the next instant I realized 3 things. 1. No new camera was put in my hand. 2. A moment earlier I had asked my assistant to go to the car to get something... and 3. The sound of the camera hitting the sand right before a wave rolled over it was not good... yikes)

May 06 06 01:17 pm Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

two weeks ago ... mistaking the escort for the model.

May 06 06 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 469

Springfield, Massachusetts, US

thisismyurl wrote:
two weeks ago ... mistaking the escort for the model.

That happened to me once... I hadn't seen the model in advance. It was a paid portfolio development gig... and I had only spoken to them on the phone. They told me that they had modeled for quite a few years but had gotten pregnant and was unable to do it for a while. But wanted to get back on the horse...

I didn't realize the model was the horse...


May 06 06 01:41 pm Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US

John Jebbia wrote:
There was a guy that posted a while back on here that his penis unintentially fell out in the middle of a shoot. I have no idea where that post went, but I'd say that wins for "Oh shit moment" of all time.

Didn't read that one...LOL...

May 06 06 04:41 pm Link


montgomery photographic

Posts: 162

Sunnyvale, California, US

In the new age of Digital has anyone shot over a previous shoot on the CARDS!!

May 06 06 04:57 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

Chili wrote:
i was doing a body art shoot, and i was sitting for like 1 and 1/2 hours watching the makeup artist apply paint to 2 nude models, when they were done i got up to shoot them, and i said with out much fore thought "oh man am i stiff now"  both nude models looked at me and then i added "no, i mean my back" and everyone broke out laughing

haha, this story made my day!  Glad everyone had a good sense of humor!

May 06 06 05:08 pm Link


BCI Photo

Posts: 938

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

John Jebbia wrote:
There was a guy that posted a while back on here that his penis unintentially fell out in the middle of a shoot. I have no idea where that post went, but I'd say that wins for "Oh shit moment" of all time.

How does someones penis accidently fall out of their underwear and pants/shorts without them feeling it????

May 06 06 11:22 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

ok.. here is a dumb one...

I was at a "workshop", was sitting there on the first day listening to the "mentor/instructor", we were paired up to do a 45 minute shoot with 2 models. I was putting film in the camera when I was asked some questions.. I put down the camera and went to a greasboard to explain my answer to the question..

Went back to get my camera and the other photographer and I, along with the two models went outside to shoot. My "partner" and I decided that I would pose/direct the models for the first half of the alloted time and he would direct/pose them for the second half of the time. We found a great spot, and as we started, I started to "direct" the models in some poses and started shooting... About 30 minutes into the allotted time, we were about to switch off, and I looked at the counter to see if it was time to change rolls... it didnt look like the counter was right, so I looked into that little window on the back where you can see part of the film canister.. not seeing what I thought I would, I opened the camera to find NO FILM.

I turned to the other photographer.. said.. hey.. guess what?? I took all those pictures with no film...

He turned to me, and said.. me neither..  I looked at him laughed, and said.. Yeah, but I am not shooting digital... All four of us laughed.. the models him and I..

Worst part of the whole thing????  The poses and shots I had "Taken".. were probably the best of the day for me.. even the models and the other photographer said that they really liked the poses.. and what the images could have been.

OH well... we will never know.. but After that workshop, I got home and bought my first digital camera.. I still shoot film.. but I double check and double check and double check every time..

May 07 06 09:31 am Link


Art Richards Creatives

Posts: 107

Bogo, Central Visayas, Philippines

Chili wrote:
i was doing a body art shoot, and i was sitting for like 1 and 1/2 hours watching the makeup artist apply paint to 2 nude models, when they were done i got up to shoot them, and i said with out much fore thought "oh man am i stiff now"  both nude models looked at me and then i added "no, i mean my back" and everyone broke out laughing

Nothing like falling out of your chair to ruin a good laugh... did I type that right, I can't see past the tears...

May 16 06 01:20 am Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

I was working at a newspaper in Las Vegas and as usual, I was jammed with about six assignments on a hot summer day.  One of my assignments was at the Fashion Show Mall on Las Vegas Blvd.  I had to go to an art store and photograph original John Lennon artwork.

I had no assistant and of course the artwork needed to be lit (or shoot it at f2.8 — or direct flash).  The box for the lights weighed more than the lights themselves and since I drove a Jeep, everything needed to be hauled in and out in one trip.

I don't remember how many pieces or Lennon's art that I shot, but I do remember turning around and knocking a light stand over and banging it into one of the pieces!  I didn't hurt that artwork, but it put a nasty dent into the frame.

I think it took a month or two for my heart to start pumping agian.

May 16 06 01:41 am Link



Posts: 546

Winter Springs, Florida, US

Some years ago I was shooting a woman who wanted some nude pictures of herself to give to her husband on Valentine's Day. While she was doing her hair, I shot most of a roll of film on one of her daughters (and got some really good shots). With about 7 exposures left, I started shooting her mother. Back then, I was using Auto Strobonars aimed into umbrellas. They did great, but they make almost no sound when they fire and nothing when they are recharged. You can't hear them over the sound of the camera's mirror and shutter. Shooting through a 35mm SLR, I keep the free eye closed and look through the camera to compose with the other eye. But when you take a picture with a SLR, the mirror is up and you can't see the flash through the lens. One of the connectors on a PC flash cord decided it was time to lose electrical contact. So I wound up shooting a roll plus of film with no flash. My wife, the model, and her two late teenage daughters were all in the room and no one said boo. I turned in the film to a photo lab and did not realize anything was wrong until two days later when the photo clerk handed me back a very thin print package. My pulse was already racing as I opened the package to see my worst fears realized. All those blank frames! When I later spoke to the woman, she said she noticed that the strobes were no longer flashing but thought that was the way I wanted it. My wife was totally unsympathetic, saying I should have kept the other eye open so that I could see the flash. I got even by spending about a grand on new monolights that squeak loudly when they are ready to go again. And I ignore my wife's complaints that she doesn't like the sound of the squeak.

May 16 06 08:50 am Link


Bryan Benoit

Posts: 2106

Miami, Florida, US

One of my first model portfolio shoots... images are looking great on the LCD of the camera... The model is loving it and I am pretty proud of my images...

I get home and notice that all my images have like a 'red dust' all over them (not visible in the LCD)... i later find out that the sensor of the camera got fried somehow (per Canon)... I was so embarrased to tell the model --- she was mad for about a week but then we rescheduled and ended up with better images..

I was able to recover some of the images by applying filters and making them 'artistic shots' and turning some in b&w and making the 'red dust' look like heavy grain. ;o)

May 16 06 08:56 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

At this workshop I do, a nude model was posed on a window sill. She looked down when adjusting her pose and pointed out that one of the squatting photographers had a hole in the crotch of his pants and was exposing himself. When they say nude workshop, I am pretty sure they mean only the models are nude!

May 16 06 09:02 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Chip Morton wrote:
I heard about a total idiot that had a GREAT photo session and then fixed four out of seven rolls of film before he processed them.

If they ain't broke, don't fix them?

May 16 06 01:01 pm Link