Forums > General Industry > what was your first Au Naturale Shoot? good/bad



Posts: 71

Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

My first shoot was nude... I was a 16-year-old horny girl dating a man 7 and a half years my senior... Did it again when I was 17 or so... Stuffed all the pictures between issues of Playboy Magazine...

I can only begin to imagine the struggle my parents went through deciding which question to ask first...

My first PROFESSIONAL shoot actually turned into a nude one. I was living in a homeless shelter and had a terrible selection of clothing (basically only the stuff I had stolen at the time so that I could change out of the clothes I spent a week in)


May 13 06 05:09 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 230

El Centro, California, US


May 14 06 12:04 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

This is an issue I'm getting into right now.. Just did my first "nude" shoot last Sunday (as you can tell since I've flooded my port with pics from it)..

No drama.. In fact it was probably the most relaxed shoot I've done yet..

The part I'm struggling with is..  I'm interested in shooting the human form because the shape of the body fascinates me.. But I have no real interest in nudity.. 

Mind you, I've got nothing against it..  But I'd be as perfectly content if my subject was covered as I am if they're not..  In fact, I'd probably be even happier since, in some of the more interesting shots we did the models coochiesnorcher (Nemi's term.. I love it) got in the way and I won't use those shots..

Since a lot of models seem to want to charge by the amount of "peep" in the show..  How do you advertise an interest in figure work that doesn't actually need to involve nudity?

(Sorry, that doesn't make quite as much sense as I want it to.. My brain's grammar lobe is asleep this morning..)

May 14 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 213

Los Angeles, California, US

My first shoot was nude ;-) I had a great photographer that I was very comfortable with, I have enjoyed nude modeling ever since.


May 14 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

LanaV wrote:
My first shoot was nude ;-) I had a great photographer that I was very comfortable with, I have enjoyed nude modeling ever since.


..and god bless you for it... Wow..  *makes yummy noise*

May 14 06 12:31 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Let's see. . .
It was about a month ago.  At about 7 in the morning.  We went to an old abandoned barn.  I'm thinking we were going to shoot in the barn.  Nope.  He has a blanket and he's hiking in 2' tall grass behind the barn.  Wouldn't you know it. . .I'm allergic to grass!! 

We were facing east so the sun was in my eyes, and I'm tearing up because of staring right into the sun and being in this tall a** grass.  It was about 50 degrees outside, so I'm freezing my boobies off.  It was great!

We did some shots in the barn too, but the ones I like the best are outside with the grass and barn in the background.  Hopefully I'll be able to share the pics with all of you very soon!

May 14 06 01:21 pm Link


David Birdsong

Posts: 1789

Pontiac, Michigan, US

While I haven't done completely nude yet, a couple weeks ago I was able to get my first ever topless photos..
To be honest I felt like a little kid instead of man close to 50.
The shots were very tasteful, not showing nothing but the model's breast in her hands.
The funny thing about  that day, I was all ready after doing those shots to go home and see just how well they turned out and started to pack up when I was asked by a male model to shoot some more of him with another female model before I left and I ended up shooting for over 2 more hours getting some very cool shots. All of sudden the breast shots from that day weren't as important to me.
My wife like the photos and was pretty proud of them too, she has been showing the prints to all her friends (oh she wasn't the model). My youngest daughter (almost 18) saw one of the implied shots first and said, Daddy you got a girl to let you photograph her boobies? Cool and gave me a high five!
I am looking forward to a couple possible shoots in the near future to explore doing some more nudes..

May 14 06 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 716

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Years ago I had a friend who was in a Bachelor of fine arts (BFA) university program. I had known her since we went to the local photography program at the local Community College ten years earlier.

She wanted to do a series of male fine-art nudes with IR film, but she hadn't used IR film and the studio lighting equipment I was loaning her together. Her plan was to hire one of the models that the University used, but she was concerned that maybe the film/lighting might not work or the effect would be what she wanted.

She decided to try a test session on herself, and asked if I could help by pushing the shutter button, as the poses would take longer to set-up than the self-timer would allow. I was the friend she would be confortable with. She descibed what her ideas were and I told her she wouldn't be able to get the correct posing as seen from the camera with her ideas. That she had to be behind the camera.

She said she didn't want to hire the model for the test, and then again for the final (broke student I guess) So I said I would pose for her tests. She never even considered asking me as she presumed I wouldn't be comfortable.

She did her test session, and she decided not to hire the model instead she did several sessions with me. She got good images, which even surprised me.

I after that tried a few self-nude shoots and came up with this image;

May 14 06 07:50 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

I did tons of self nudes before I even thought about hiring a model.  I was lucky enough to work with a super nice person that knew her body and how to pose.  I gained so much knowledge from that shoot!  I'll always be grateful to her for agreeing to work with me.

May 15 06 11:18 am Link