This thread was locked on 2007-10-14 00:56:59
Forums > Model Colloquy > Plus size model Check in


Zee Prince

Posts: 175

Brooklyn, New York, US

Monica N J wrote:
Oh and the price is damn good but did she should have done an extensive consultation with you. Cause honestly all of these questions you're throwin out there SHE should have sat down with you and answered all of them. Especially since you're a virgin to weaves. But don't get me wrong I don't mind helping a sista out cause trust me before I started doing hair I was a client and I had hell with my hair and hairstyist.

It's threw a friend that I'm going to this hair dresser. Ive done a weave before, I just didn't like it really, because it was full. They didn't thin it out.. Now I knwo to demand thinging it out..shoo.. I'm not diggen Lion King hair (unless that's my intention) I know if I were paying like 300 bux, she'd better sit wit my as*. My friend got her hair done by her, she's a diva so, I know she knos a good Thanx gurl, wish me luck

Oct 12 07 10:03 am Link


Zee Prince

Posts: 175

Brooklyn, New York, US

Monica N J wrote:
Oh and the price is damn good but did she should have done an extensive consultation with you. Cause honestly all of these questions you're throwin out there SHE should have sat down with you and answered all of them. Especially since you're a virgin to weaves. But don't get me wrong I don't mind helping a sista out cause trust me before I started doing hair I was a client and I had hell with my hair and hairstyist.

It's threw a friend that I'm going to this hair dresser. Ive done a weave before, I just didn't like it really, because it was full. They didn't thin it out.. Now I knwo to demand thinging it out..shoo.. I'm not diggen Lion King hair (unless that's my intention) I know if I were paying like 300 bux, she'd better sit wit my as*. My friend got her hair done by her, she's a diva so, I know she knos a good Thanx gurl, wish me luck

Oct 12 07 10:03 am Link


Monica Nycole

Posts: 33

Long Beach, California, US

Weavetastic  wrote:

Isn't that crazy? I have about five clients who are fusion weave victims. Its as bad as that stuff Debbie Allen was putting in heads, all the promises, but so much damage afterwards.

It is crazy...I don't even tell my clients I know how to do it but I make sure I give them all the negatives to discourage them from wanting to get it done espacially on ethnic hair.

Oct 12 07 10:08 am Link


Monica Nycole

Posts: 33

Long Beach, California, US

Bklyn Brown Bunny wrote:

It's threw a friend that I'm going to this hair dresser. Ive done a weave before, I just didn't like it really, because it was full. They didn't thin it out.. Now I knwo to demand thinging it out..shoo.. I'm not diggen Lion King hair (unless that's my intention) I know if I were paying like 300 bux, she'd better sit wit my as*. My friend got her hair done by her, she's a diva so, I know she knos a good Thanx gurl, wish me luck

Well if you like your friend's hair then you should have no some pics when you get it done...good luck:)

Oct 12 07 10:09 am Link


Stacie Delaine

Posts: 2559

Huntington Beach, California, US

Happy Friday, and good morning lovelies!!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend smile


Oct 12 07 12:01 pm Link


Chanel Rene Photo

Posts: 1235

Huntington Beach, California, US

Stacie Delaine wrote:
Happy Friday, and good morning lovelies!!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend smile


:::pats Stacie on the ass:::
Morning Sunshine!!


Oct 12 07 01:40 pm Link


Devon Marie

Posts: 755

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Thanks, ladies, for the compliments. I am so wiped. I started training at my new bartending job. The shifts are about 8 hours and that's super long for bartending. I haven't been on my feet this long since I was like 18. Also, I don't make tips until training is over and that's 2 weeks!! So, I'm totally broke, exhausted, super busy in school and working every day unless I'm in class (mon and tues). I need a paid shoot soon, or I'm going to lose my mind.


I DO like my new job, though.

Oct 12 07 01:59 pm Link


Marisa Rojo

Posts: 579

Asbury Park, New Jersey, US

What's up beauties!

Oct 12 07 02:28 pm Link


L Sydni

Posts: 1

Austin, Texas, US

I think I would make a perfect plus size model! I'm 6' and not runway thin, meat on my bones but nicely toned.


Oct 12 07 02:41 pm Link


Nadirah B

Posts: 28521

Los Angeles, California, US

*squeal* so I now have a shooting spot in LA i'm sooooooooo excited!! My poor lights don't need to always travel in my car! woooooo hooooo!!!

Oct 12 07 03:03 pm Link


Devon Marie

Posts: 755

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

*squeal* so I now have a shooting spot in LA i'm sooooooooo excited!! My poor lights don't need to always travel in my car! woooooo hooooo!!!


Oct 12 07 03:22 pm Link


Nadirah B

Posts: 28521

Los Angeles, California, US

Devon Marie wrote:


Thanks girl! I love the location and errthang!

my new avatar was done there big_smile big_smile

Oct 12 07 04:22 pm Link


Samantha Green

Posts: 710

Wahpeton, North Dakota, US

Devon Marie wrote:
Thanks, ladies, for the compliments. I am so wiped. I started training at my new bartending job. The shifts are about 8 hours and that's super long for bartending. I haven't been on my feet this long since I was like 18. Also, I don't make tips until training is over and that's 2 weeks!! So, I'm totally broke, exhausted, super busy in school and working every day unless I'm in class (mon and tues). I need a paid shoot soon, or I'm going to lose my mind.


I DO like my new job, though.

Congrats on the job, hon! big_smile

Oct 12 07 04:31 pm Link


Nadirah B

Posts: 28521

Los Angeles, California, US


make me a drank! Something...fruity!... Something.... that will knock me out!

OK, what did ya make?

Oct 12 07 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 403

Asheville, North Carolina, US

*squeal* so I now have a shooting spot in LA i'm sooooooooo excited!! My poor lights don't need to always travel in my car! woooooo hooooo!!!

How awesome. Once you get all settled in I'm sure you'll be able to really get "in the zone" lol

Can't wait to see all the new shots.

Oct 12 07 06:57 pm Link



Posts: 3225

Brigham City, Utah, US

Alright, my little brother sent me this and I just about peed myself laughing. So I thought I'd follow Chanel's lead and post an amusing youtube link!

Oct 12 07 09:02 pm Link


Betsy - Plus Model

Posts: 1130

North Oaks, Minnesota, US

Urgh, ladies!  I'm in a pickle!  I just got back from the ER with the man-thing!  He hurt his back a few days ago, and today was suddenly unable to move!  They've got him all drugged up on pain killing, muscle relaxing drugs, and he is totally out of it!  He gave me a scare though, so I'm glad he is going to be alright.  Apparantly he strained a muscle in his lower back rollarblading to class with a backpack full of books. 

  Anyways, I have a shoot tomorrow that I have to drive 3 hours to get to, and I don't have my outfits ready or anything!  Aaaah!  I'm feeling so guilty that I'm not ready to get my butt in bed so I'll look cute in the morning.  Nope, off to do laundry and IRON!  Blah on bringing my own clothes to shoots... I need to get an agent and start getting jobs so I don't have to iron clothing at 11:00 at night.

Just wanted to rant, before getting back to full speed running around.

Oct 12 07 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 3225

Brigham City, Utah, US

dude! Betsy that's bizarre. I totally strained my neck today being a moron and goofing off with my son. I was lifting him up as high as I could and he'd streeeeeeeeetch so hard to try to touch the ceiling. It was so cute, but then he squirmed and I felt like I was losing him so I jerked to catch him. Not the smartest thing ever! Luckily it's not bad enough to go the dr. or anything, I've definitely hurt myself worse! lol But tell your "man-thing" that I feel for him! And to pass some of those pain killers my way!! ha

Oct 13 07 02:08 am Link


Darker-Side of-Midnight

Posts: 1822

Southfield, Michigan, US

hmmmm we need a plus size photographer check in

Oct 13 07 02:16 am Link


Devon Marie

Posts: 755

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Darker-Side of-Midnight wrote:
hmmmm we need a plus size photographer check in

We ARE the plus-size photog check-in.

Oct 13 07 03:37 am Link


Cristina Martin

Posts: 17

Burbank, California, US

Really any plus size matter, right?

Oct 13 07 03:48 am Link


Devon Marie

Posts: 755

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Cristina Martin wrote:
Really any plus size matter, right?

What's up?

A problem, ma chere?

Oct 13 07 05:03 am Link


Devon Marie

Posts: 755

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Okay, got some new photos from a gig modeling sweaters last weekend. It was about 80 degrees, sunny and super humid out, but tell me what you think. Seriously.

Oct 13 07 05:11 am Link


Ashlei E

Posts: 525

Columbus, Ohio, US

DivaStyle Hair - Makeup wrote:
Hey Ashley, Is there a way that they can just sew in a few pieces instead of you paying all over again to get the fusion done. Tryin to help you keep some money in your pocket till you can come out here.

Okay sooooo I couldn't get back to respond to everything yesterday, lol I spent from sun up to sun down at the hair salon yesterday. 

OKay a lil new detail for everyone got my fusions put in and the 2 week well not even 2 week mess taking out. Come to find out the person who did them for me to begin with really was planning to mess me up, she had told me you can take fusions out with non acetone finger nail polish remover, so when I was telling my new stlyist she let out this huge gasp. I was like oh no what, what. She was like yeah you can take it out that way quickly but it will strip color from your hair and she was like you might as well shave your hair butch because it's gonna be a hott mess afterwards.Thank god I didn't let the orginal hair stylist take it out of my hair, so like 4 hours we finally got all the junk out of my hair the girl gave me the most relaxing scalp treatment, massage and some heavy duty conditioning for like an hour. Then we put in the new hair, by the way it looks fantastic, it feels great and I'm addicted to having these extenisons now we went with a 16inch instead of a 20inch this time because the last one was hard to keep it curly becuase it has so much weight so this one is def. lighter so I can curl it more she also fixed it so I can pull my hair up without showing my fusions. Last time they were all around my edges and I couldn't do anything different. Oh and the last girl used clear glue which dried and was just gunky and ugly this time I have a brown glue and you can't even tell now Love Love Love it.  So now I'm full lush and fabulous again oh and happy most importantly. Oh and just because it's so expensive and I spent from 9am-9pm there she's gonna let me come back in on Tuesday and style it with some nice tight curls. So I'm gonna get a cute outfit on do my makeup and then get my photo of how fabulous I am again. I'm mad that I got cheated by the first girl but I'm soooo happy that my new stylist did a great job and fixing me back up, thank god they take credit cards. Visa is gonna love me for the next few months for sure while I pay this back off.

In other news Stephen my fiancee and I got to have my mom babysit for the evening we went out to dinner had a fabulous time, got a lil tipsy had an even more fabulous time then! LOL And it's almost noon and he's still in bed!!!  Sometimes because were so consumed in our kids I get in this rut of maybe we're only together for the kids or I just feel unhappy because he's working all the time and I feel alone, but give us one evening to ourselves and I see why we're going 5 years strong still. He just makes me fall in love all over again.

*Group forum- awwwwwww*

It's so funny we are like direct opposites in looks, we should be on Maury for Opposite couples, he's black at night and I'm whitest white, He's like 5'8 and I'm 5'10.. Well I was like 5'7 when we met but I just keep growing. He never lets me wear my heels we we go out I think it's short man complex or something lol. And then not to mention is like 145 wet and I'm 240 lol It's crazy LOL Oh well I guess thats why opposites attract right?? LOL

So all in all I'm happy gurl today I had a fabulous night last night and plan on enjoying myself today with my fabulous hair! LOL

Oct 13 07 11:25 am Link


Ashlei E

Posts: 525

Columbus, Ohio, US

Oh that was long- LOL I think I needed my own blog for the one! LOL

Oct 13 07 11:28 am Link



Posts: 3130

Hemet, California, US

Ashlei E wrote:
Oh that was long- LOL I think I needed my own blog for the one! LOL

LOL   That's ok!    Hey, it's really important to be able to get a sitter every couple weeks so you two can be alone.  Even if it's only for an hour or two.  That's long enough to have a nice dinner somewhere.  Kim and I make it a habit to break away alone at least one night a week, we have for years, and it made a HUGE difference.  It's tough with small kids, and yes you do get in a rut.    I"m glad you had such a great day!

Oct 13 07 12:47 pm Link


Cristina Martin

Posts: 17

Burbank, California, US

I like ur photos, but the focus and emphasis is not on the sweaters at all.  Was this a catalogue shoot?  The first photo, the model's face is a little strained and not natural, the second is a good shot for the model but not the seater and  the last has an interesting pose.  I guess your question could be clarified a little more for some more fine tuned constructive criticism.................

actually I probably don't know what I am talking about but just wanted to join the conversation! lol!! Hi!

Oct 13 07 12:48 pm Link


Ashlei E

Posts: 525

Columbus, Ohio, US

kevbailey wrote:

LOL   That's ok!    Hey, it's really important to be able to get a sitter every couple weeks so you two can be alone.  Even if it's only for an hour or two.  That's long enough to have a nice dinner somewhere.  Kim and I make it a habit to break away alone at least one night a week, we have for years, and it made a HUGE difference.  It's tough with small kids, and yes you do get in a rut.    I"m glad you had such a great day!

That's a good idea... I would love to be able to go out together once a week I might have to look into getting my mom over here once a week or something. Free babysittin is the best babysittin lol

Oct 13 07 02:14 pm Link



Posts: 3130

Hemet, California, US

Devon Marie wrote:
Okay, got some new photos from a gig modeling sweaters last weekend. It was about 80 degrees, sunny and super humid out, but tell me what you think. Seriously.

Hi Devon.  I'm not sure the photographer understood how to show off the sweaters.  Sweaters are about detail, and theres not much of the detail really showing here to significantly sell the sweaters.     

In the first shot, you look uncomfortable, as if the light is bothering you.  you can see the stress above your eyes and on your forehead.  The other shots are much better, but honestly I do not think the photography is up to the task. 

I would have liked to seen these done with more controlled lighting, and some makeup color on you to emphasize the color in the sweaters. 

You are more beautiful than these shots portray, and I believe the sweaters are also

Oct 13 07 03:21 pm Link


Michael Anthony

Posts: 2290

Glendale, California, US

Yah where the hell is the plus size photog check in?!


Anywho, the sweater shoot looks more like headshots than product shots. One of them has an angle that is not flattering for your facial features.

And makeup makeup makeup. Get some eyelashes goin too.

Ok rant over. I'm getting finger cramps from typin on this blackberry.

Oct 13 07 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 3130

Hemet, California, US

Where is everyone.    oh wait.     it's sat night.          nevermind!

Oct 14 07 12:05 am Link


Chanel Rene Photo

Posts: 1235

Huntington Beach, California, US

Hi Kev!
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm in L.A. tonight and tommorow for a photoshoot. Although tonight I'm partying it up at Christina Bentley's ginormical MTV Crib-style house! woot woot! It's the first time I've seen an actual Sub Zero in person... lol I'm geeked as shit!

Here's a peek from my shoot with Valerie yesterday. :-)

Gotta go get my grooooove on!
Have a good night everyone!

Oct 14 07 12:43 am Link