Forums > General Industry > Why are there so many Flakey models on MM


Adria W.

Posts: 776

Sacramento, California, US

nyx wrote:
Well you see, by the time they got around to starting MM the industry had already run out of model-o's, model pebbles, model krispies, and model pops.

That took a minute there...Then I had to smack my forehead for not getting it right away XD

May 02 06 01:14 pm Link


IM Photography

Posts: 45

Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, US

Daniela V wrote:

Well? I sent you a message and you haven't responded...but you're responding on the what's your excuse? ;-)

May 02 06 01:41 pm Link


IM Photography

Posts: 45

Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, US

Hi Daniela.
My excuse is called a 3 year old daughter who just threw up. She brought home a stomach virus from school.

May 02 06 01:46 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


IM Photography wrote:
Hi Daniela.
My excuse is called a 3 year old daughter who just threw up. She brought home a stomach virus from school.

Ok- so there ya go- sometimes things come up that people can't respond. That's the point I was trying to make.

Be a little understanding if you want people to be understanding of you.


May 02 06 01:56 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Ummm, you say most are unprofessional? There isn't a moderator that checks to see if they are professional before approving the profiles. Sorry. This isn't a "professional" site.

The site is open to non-professionals as well as unprofessionals!

Let's see, most of them would be in what catagory?
Well, they forgot to put in the brain and courtesy requirements too.

May 02 06 03:09 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I've had kinda the same experience.  MM seems to be more of social gathering than a "professional" networking place.    And yet I rather that like that- the free banter that goes on.
And treasure that aspect- compared to the conservatism of omp.  Just can't spend hours writing models who have little motivation to actually meet/ arrange a shoot.

Guess I'll eventually figure out how things work- being a newcomer. I've worked with 80-90 OMP
models, as I've hung in there quite a while. And learned how things work.
   I only pray MM never get to the point of inhibiting free expression- in forums- for the sake of
becoming a sucessful endeavor - the kind that risks offending no one. As that's what attracted me here in the first place.  Artists need to be .... a bit strange, thank god.
Henry, minneapolis

May 02 06 05:24 pm Link


Tiffany Renee

Posts: 15

I would have to agree with some people on here, it's not just model's who are flakes, it's everyone out there. It's the wonderful world of the internet. This is a free site, and anyone can be anyone on here. Simple as that. This shouldn't be a guarantee for work, it should be a place to find possibilities. I have heard many photographers get on here and not understand why they aren't getting the feedback that they are "suppose" to, but this is not a "professional" site. This is a place for oppurtunity on behalf of the "professional" photographers and models out there.  Don't down all of us models out here, there are some good ones, as well as bad. You just have to know what to look for!

May 02 06 05:34 pm Link


Alex Mercatali

Posts: 453

Forlì, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

IM Photography wrote:
I started a project with a local automobile customizer in Brooklyn. He needed models to pose with autos he has worked on for publication in magazines and other venues.
The models would be compensated monitaraly and with copies of the images on disc.
I must have contacted about 15 models so far and only 3 have replied with a yes or no answer. I have yet to hear from the others. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY UNPROFESSIONAL PEOPLE ON THIS SITE? I don't think it is so difficult to give a YES or NO response to a request.

Look, I sent my portfolio to magazines, agencies, and publisher.
I know that what I do, is not for everyone, but, I expected at least, as you, a No, Thank You.
of 200, I got only 7 reply.

So ... I guess that it's not a problem related only with models, but with everyone.
A no reply, is simply a No.

May 02 06 05:43 pm Link


Art Schotz

Posts: 2879

Lima, Ohio, US

You guys need to chill.  Have you ever sent out 100 resumes and gotten back more than 5 responses?  There is no site restricted only to professionals who respond to every message.

And there is no other way for some of us to get started than to send out a ton of messages on places like MM, and, yes, even myspace.  It just takes quantity of messages to get enough replies so you find the ones you need.  And a little patience.

I send out about 30 messages for every promise of a booking and I get about 3 cancellations for every 4 shoots I schedule.  And I do bitch about it.  You can find my name attached to at least a few threads about no-shows and cancellations. 

But it's just a fact of life.  There are good people and bad people and reliable people and unreliable people.  And you'll run into all of them here, and everywhere else you go.

If you have the money to pay an agency, then demand that they guarantee you a model at the appointed date and time.  Get your money's worth.

Or, if you're shooting TFCD, like I try to do, consider double and triple booking, like I should be doing.  While it may not guarantee the quality you're looking for, it's a safer way to assure yourself someone will be there to work with.

May 02 06 06:33 pm Link


Marc Rosebeck

Posts: 2281

Albany, New York, US

IM Photography wrote:
I used to be a member of OMP. I paid alot of mony for nothing. I also tried agency's but found that their models were just as unreliable or not what i need for the project in question.

May 02 06 06:38 pm Link


Marc Rosebeck

Posts: 2281

Albany, New York, US

Agency models flake too, that's so nice to know (didn't think it were possible)everyone says,  go to an agency and your concept will be as smooth as silk,huh.
I have to say 20% of the 15 responded,as another said,that's a good ratio. Don't give up, there will always be Internet models to pick up the flaking agency models.

Marc wink

May 02 06 06:43 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
One big reason nobody ever addresses is the fact that [almost] everybody coddles them, even as they're screwing up.  For some [usually intelligent] people, nothing ever seems to be the model's fault -- but they'll cheerfully string up any photographer who so much as gives a model the wrong brand of bottled water.  The sooner we stop enabling, flakey, unaccountable, amateur behavior, the sooner it will disappear.

Post of the week.  I find many of the photographers here are model butt kissers.
All models are wonderfull, never lie or steal and if you don't give them everything
they want you are some sort of creep.  Countless times I read the model didn't
show or call threads and yet when I say, hey collect a small deposit.  No reply
from any of these wounded artists.  As long as you allow people to take advantage
of you they will.  Stand up for yourself and your craft.  Demand the same respect that you give.

May 02 06 06:45 pm Link


Blackmirror Photogenics

Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

Tiffany Renee wrote:
I would have to agree with some people on here, it's not just model's who are flakes, it's everyone out there. It's the wonderful world of the internet. This is a free site, and anyone can be anyone on here. Simple as that. This shouldn't be a guarantee for work, it should be a place to find possibilities. I have heard many photographers get on here and not understand why they aren't getting the feedback that they are "suppose" to, but this is not a "professional" site. This is a place for oppurtunity on behalf of the "professional" photographers and models out there.  Don't down all of us models out here, there are some good ones, as well as bad. You just have to know what to look for!

What she said!

May 02 06 07:22 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Well when you contacted the models, was it a "Please contact me if you're interested" e-mail/phone call, or was it a "Please contact me with a Yes or No"-type e-mail/phone call?  If it was the first one, then you can't really be mad when you specifically asked that they contact you if they ARE interested.  Usually when I get an e-mail about a model opportunity, the wording in the photographer's e-mail will be "Please contact me if you're interested"...something like that.

When you used the term "flakey" in the thread title, I assumed you were referring to no-show models.

May 02 06 10:11 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

ok, so what the hell is this saying, if somebody isnt interested in shooting/working with somebody, theyre considered a flake? not everybody wants to work with everybody, even people who are good, you have people who are content within their own world to do what they feel is cool for them and i dont think anybody should be bashed for making their own decisions. now the MM babes in general, hell, for every 4-5 babes on MM who are not about what they say, you have 6-7 starving shooters who run the old "i can get you out there" excuse, mind you they contacted the babe not the other way around, lol. and also, you have 8-9 dudes who are running their asses around telling girls to "come sit on their lap"

its a dog eat dog world. you gotta remember, this place is free, so therefore they dont lose one dime by not showing up for a shoot. they didnt invest in being here, so therefore they dont have to put in the effort to show up. this is not to stick up for the ones who do it, but its showing their side of the fence. best thing to do is hit the streets or make industry connections to find clients instead of growing grey hair on this spot working a nerve because somebody didnt reply to a PM.

May 02 06 10:23 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Tikeya wrote:
When you used the term "flakey" in the thread title, I assumed you were referring to no-show models.

I would think it's the migration of the MySpace wannabees just looking for a new place to roam.  Wouldn't that go hand-in-hand with perception?

May 02 06 10:24 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

As mentioned in my previous post, I figured this thread would be about models who were no-shows...not about models who simply didn't respond with an interest to a modeling job available.  Not all models/photographers respond to EVERY e-mail they receive about a shoot/paid opportunity, and I don't think you're a "flake" just for not responding to every e-mail.  I don't respond to every single e-mail, and I know I'm no flake.  There was actually a thread on here about this.  I'm seeing the term "flakey" being used on this forum a lot, and I would think it's referring to no-show models who don't call to cancel...not the models who simply are not interested in your paid opportunity.

May 02 06 10:39 pm Link