Forums > General Industry > All the rules of art photography:


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

first rule , dont follow the rules

Aug 10 06 06:22 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

Rules schmools. When I stopped living by the rules I became wildly successful baby yeahhhhhhh!! (sorry i'm watching Austin Powers right now).

Aug 10 06 06:23 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Experimental Photoworks wrote:
I'll just keep shooting untill I figure it out.


Aug 10 06 06:30 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Know all the "rules" before you break them.
Know the craft before you twist it.


While I agree wholeheartedly,  I have also found when it comes to art, some with no concept of the rules reach plains many cannot even imagine.

Aug 10 06 06:38 pm Link


Lexi Evans

Posts: 1004

Levittown, New York, US

rules? we dont need no stinkin' rules...

Aug 10 06 06:39 pm Link


Art Schotz

Posts: 2879

Lima, Ohio, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Who the hell is Art?

Who do you think?

Aug 10 06 06:44 pm Link


Art Schotz

Posts: 2879

Lima, Ohio, US

SKPhoto wrote:

...and why would I want to twist part of him?    Eeeeeewwwwwwww.

and all that twistng hurts like hell!

Aug 10 06 06:50 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Michael L's rules:

1 Be good.

2 If you can't be good, be fast.

3 Print it BIG, it will make it great.

I'm very glad now that I took photography as a major for an AS with a Technical Certificate. I also Lab Assisted for several years in both wet and digital darkrooms. The access to all manner of good equipment and the exposure to all the different ideas of the students were something you cannot get by reading about photography techniques. One highlight of many was a woman who everyone believed had figured out how to make a good print from Photoshop (version 2.0) turned out to be rephotographing slides she projected onto sculpted shaving cream! The instructors were excellent and instilled an inspired attitude towards dealing with the technical aspects. After that I worked as a type R custom printer, the pro shooters in the area got their transparencies printed at the lab and I saw some incredible lighting and use of imagination. Your community college should have a photography dept., however humble and tuition is still pretty low. Getting to be the "Lab Dude or Dudette" will usually mean you can use the darkroom equipment. I was allowed to check out a 4x5 Sinar or a lens for my Nikon etc. I would recommend to every photographer to at least consider it. Last but not least, the good feeling you get when you are helping others to do something so wonderful as taking pictures.

Aug 10 06 09:34 pm Link



Posts: 6129

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Know all the "rules" before you break them.
Know the craft before you twist it.


these truths will ne'er gain traction with this crowd. no roots, no rules, no history, no respect.

Aug 10 06 09:42 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

oldguysrule wrote:
these truths will ne'er gain traction with this crowd. no roots, no rules, no history, no respect.

The most classic one I have heard from someone here.

"I am not going to go buy the Basic book, all the aperture and shutter talk are just rules and all it can do is to limit my Art".  He said that when he didn't even understand how shutter and aperture interact. 

Classic GWC.  Too bad that bs actually worked with some models and I think a few even slept with him.

Pissing in the wind, D and Richard, pissing in the wind.

Aug 11 06 02:14 am Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Francisco, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:

these truths will ne'er gain traction with this crowd. no roots, no rules, no history, no respect.

I'm sure we'll all be sayin the same thing someday.

Aug 11 06 02:19 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US


Learn to shoot.. That seems like a good suggestion..

Learn to copy (which is another one I hear a lot).. Not so much..

After all, by the time you've figured out how to copy the masters.. The masters have moved on and you're wearing yesterday's bell bottoms..

Of course if you wanna get paid.. Learn to copy.. Learn to copy.. Learn to copy..

Aug 11 06 02:20 am Link


Study in Light

Posts: 674

Portland, Oregon, US

....and the rule to break all rules:

If you know Photoshop *really* well, there aren't any rules.

Aug 11 06 02:23 am Link