Forums > General Industry > How many emails before you shoot?


Timeless Photos

Posts: 305

Peterborough, New Hampshire, US

Just out of curiosity, how many emails to you reciprocate before you actually book a shoot? Please... no flames here. I am only interested in constructive comments.  No bashing!

My own experience is that if you haven't actually shot after 6 to 12 emails, it probably isn't going to happen. If dates keep changing and so on it probably isn't a high priority. We all have hurtles to overcome for a shoot. It's all a matter of priority.

Regardless of the friendliness of the correspondences I think there comes a time when you are beating yourself to death.  I am a professional photographer. I am here for one reason only. That is to network with models that are serious and committed as I am. I do not wish to simply be someone's friend or Pen-Pal. I do in fact continue to correspond with many models after a shoot. I have now begun limit the endless correspondences before a shoot.

Apr 30 06 10:24 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

There's a few stages for me:

a)  Establish mutual interest:  is the model interested in working with me, posing for the kinds of photographs I make.  I do mostly nude photography, and not all models are willing to pose nude, so it's important to be clear about expectations (specifically, that the model will be bare assed naked).  If requested, I exchange references (and I don't know why more models don't ask for references).

b)  Negotiate compensation, date, and time:  this is the time I go over the details & meaning of the model release, what compensation will be made, and when (and where) we will meet.

c)  Sitting details:  I go over some specific concepts -- I like to tell the model what we will be doing so that she gets a chance to think about it, too.  We also go over whether I want her to bring any props or wardrobe.

Often, I can do all that is just a couple of e-mails.  If it takes me more than 3 or 4, I figure it's not going to happen.

Apr 30 06 10:35 am Link



Posts: 523

Sunbury, Pennsylvania, US

The least amount for me is 4, and the most has been 20+ if we're discussing idea's and locations.

Apr 30 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

It's a good question. Let me see for me probably three to four.
1- first email correspondence (ask the person  if interested in doing a shoot, type of shoot should already be mentioned here, whether paying or not, concept, etcetera)
2- if other party expresses interest then, this is to set up and establish date/time/ of shoot and straighten out details etcetera (phone numbers exchanged, address provided, etcetera)
3- agree ..shoot is set.

of course this may stretch from 5-6 emails if someone asks more questions but at least, on the third or fourth email I will have already set the shoot date, and discuss later.

but this is just how I do it:)

Apr 30 06 10:40 am Link


Danielle A

Posts: 403

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

With me, it usually goes like this:

4-5 emails to find out if both parties are interested, make sure that I will be comfortable with what they want to do, maybe request to see some pictures that are more like what he/she wants to do and less llike the rest of his portfolio. If all this is okay, then we get the photographer's phone number. 4-5 is the usual number, but it can sometimes go well above that if the idea is being discussed through email.

Details such as what to bring, date, and time are sorted out on the phone, because my schedule is a bit too complicated to do over email.

Apr 30 06 10:51 am Link


Timeless Photos

Posts: 305

Peterborough, New Hampshire, US

These replies are perfect! All are intelligent and informative. It confirms my beliefs. I will continue to read other responses. smile

Apr 30 06 11:01 am Link


Philip of Dallas

Posts: 834

Dallas, Texas, US

After a couple of 'get acquainted' emails, I much prefer the telephone. Maybe the phone is old technology, but it sure beats typing crap back and forth.

Apr 30 06 11:03 am Link


Eros Artist Photography

Posts: 1562

Green Cove Springs, Florida, US

Philip of Dallas wrote:
After a couple of 'get acquainted' emails, I much prefer the telephone. Maybe the phone is old technology, but it sure beats typing crap back and forth.

I have to agree - one phone call can save multiple emails and potential misunderstandings - one can pick up (or reveal) alot of information through voice inflecton -

And FWIW - I've never noticed a set number of emails in my experience - I would say the average falls between three and five - some are a few more, some are a few less -

Bill Ballard
Blue Water Photography
Savannah, GA
[email protected]

Apr 30 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 69

Columbia, South Carolina, US

I really hate to sound negative on these forums, but usually I email the photographer and he or she may email once, then I email back and from there I never hear from them again----I guess I should take the hint, right?--Fair

Apr 30 06 11:18 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Phone calls are fine, too.

But I also want some things in writing before setting up phone calls. You never know these days how things might turn out. I say try to get as much information in writing especially for models out there. Think safe wink

Apr 30 06 11:21 am Link


Chaya Phally

Posts: 7738

New York, New York, US

Any random number

1 - 1,000,000,000 emails

My situation is I can't speak/hear. We have to do something in text to communicate before booking a shoot.

Apr 30 06 11:26 am Link



Posts: 330

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

I like to have a date/time set in 3-4 e-mails. If it takes any longer than that, it gets a little frustrating for me.

After we agree on a date, I don't care how many messages it takes to discuss ideas, but I need to know I'm not just wasting my time. smile

Apr 30 06 01:14 pm Link


Tajh Taylor

Posts: 4

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I would say anywhere from 3-8.  Any more than that usually indicates a difference either in interest, or in expectations, or maybe in seriousness or commitment. Although sometimes that's my own fault, as I do get busy.  I think when the situation is right, things move smoothly and quickly.  But then again, some of my best shoots have been the most difficult to schedule!

Apr 30 06 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 35

Greenville, South Carolina, US

Its usually the same for me.  4-5 emails.  The first one is a simple greeting/introduction and question of whether the model is interested or not.  The rest of the emails are just for working out details, then I'll finally ask for a phone conversation.  That seems to close out the deal much quicker.

Apr 30 06 01:20 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Timeless Photos wrote:
Just out of curiosity, how many emails to you reciprocate before you actually book a shoot?

Generally 4-6 or so to nail down the big picture, then a phone call or two to discuss the things that make more sense to do directly. I'll then send out a summary (date, time, address, participant contacts, themes, reminders, etc. to put it all together.

I had one productive shoots from a 4-mail exchange (2 on each side), and a couple that took over actually lock down. Plus the usual 10-15 which ended with some no-replies.

Apr 30 06 03:28 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Depends on the project.  Sometimes it is just a few short emails to determine location, time, what to bring.  In the case of something more collaborative it could be a great deal as we bounce ideas back and forth to each other over a period of time.

Apr 30 06 09:51 pm Link


Timeless Photos

Posts: 305

Peterborough, New Hampshire, US

_Kimberly wrote:
I like to have a date/time set in 3-4 e-mails. If it takes any longer than that, it gets a little frustrating for me.

After we agree on a date, I don't care how many messages it takes to discuss ideas, but I need to know I'm not just wasting my time. smile

Kimberly! Perfectly stated! I especially agree with "After we agree on a date, I don't care how many messages it takes to discuss ideas, but I need to know I'm not just wasting my time." smile

You hit the nail right on the head!

Apr 30 06 11:05 pm Link


Wolf 189

Posts: 4834

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

3 (usually)

Apr 30 06 11:21 pm Link



Posts: 1618

Madison, Wisconsin, US
^^ Here's my record. I'm wishful that we can shoot before 50 emails. smile

Apr 30 06 11:39 pm Link



Posts: 3

Luton, England, United Kingdom

   I tend to require & do about 3

Email 1) Assesing intrest
Email 2) Awnsering any questions as well as a phone call as this does dissuade time wasters.
Email 3) Confirmation Email usually done 24 hours before a shoot to see all is well with anyone else involved in the shoot.

I find MSN a handy tool as you can chat & see what the general ideas are to your shoot & also the model (in my findings) or stylist may have a few ideas that they will implement & so that also goes into the shoot.
Hope this is of help,

May 01 06 12:12 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

My record for least emails before a shoot was zero. I actually met her(girl in pink and black on the steps in my portfolio) in an AOL chat room. We chatted, one of the models I worked with previously was online, they talked,we shot 2 days later.

May 01 06 03:14 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Well, I suppose 0 doesn't count, because he worked in a local supermarket.

One email and two phone calls, but the second one was "I've turned right at the traffic lights, now where?" so I don't think that counts.

And I'm on 19 emails, an hour, probably, on MSN, and I'm still nowhere.

But I have to say that I really don't mind.  I can usually spot a timewaster, and I get rid of those, but genuine ones are worth it.

May 01 06 03:29 am Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

I'm not looking to date my models, so I don't trade endless emails with them.

I put my telephone number at the bottom of all emails.  When I'm interested in a model I'll ask her to telephone me to discuss doing a shoot.  I'll ask twice, but at that point I won't continue any discussion by email.  If the model emails with more questions, I just reply with, "Phone me."  Experience has taught me that if a model isn't interested enough to phone me, then the shoot is never going to happen.  My database is full of models who have, "Never telephoned," marked beside their name.

May 01 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 175

Los Angeles, California, US

An email or two to set up a coffee meeting, where the details are discussed and and parties can meet, then shoot.  Why mess around?


May 01 06 12:53 pm Link