Forums > General Industry > Can I have some money?



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Yeah, it happened again.

I'm shooting for a radio station, and offering models trade shoots to get them on the station's web site as a featured model. Indeed, this is a trade where they're getting more value than I am, considering the exposure they receive. A free shoot (2 hours at my usual rates would be $250), they get a CD (because I'm a nice guy that way) and they get the exposure.

But, of course, there are the "Internet models" with "managers" who have been trained by the "managers" to pull the old "give me money" gambit.

To wit, they apply to be featured, I like their look, we schedule a shoot, they read the FAQ and release, agree, all is set, and then, the day before, I get an email saying, "Oh, you know, I'm going to need some compensation for travel, and lodging and food." Nevermind that she's local, she needs cash for lodging.

As if from a script, she'll often add something about how she's also interested in posing nude, since I'll be paying her anyway. Never mind that the shoot is, by mandate from the radio station, limited to Maxim-style only. No nudity.

This latest time I simply told her that her request was both unprofessional and insulting, and that unless she wished to honor the agreement of a trade shoot, I would give her time slot to another model (there are over 30 waiting for shoots). Her response was that it was my loss. Indeed.

So I'm just ranting here as a form of catharsis, even though I'm terribly tempted to email her again and copy her "manager" and explain, in painful detail, what an asshat he is for teaching her to do this, and how she's ruining any chance, however small, she may have had to make a name for herself in this market.

Word to you "Internet managers:" Wise-up. You may be able to squeeze out a few bucks from random amateurs, but all you're doing is pissing off those of us who are trying to do professional work. And, in a case like this, where what's being offered is clearly of value to everyone, you're pissing away the chances of any "model" naive enough to put her fate in your hands.

Apr 29 06 01:01 pm Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Chris Ambler wrote:
Yeah, it happened again.

Word to you "Internet managers:" Wise-up. You may be able to squeeze out a few bucks from random amateurs, but all you're doing is pissing off those of us who are trying to do professional work. And, in a case like this, where what's being offered is clearly of value to everyone, you're pissing away the chances of any "model" naive enough to put her fate in your hands.

Anytime I see there's a "manager" in a "model's" profile/page I pass it up because it tells me this is a "Wanna Be"...

I wonder how many "models" ever understand that these guys probably are the major reason they don't get anywhere....

As far as I am concerned, the word "Manager" is a red flag...=*^)

If they're good enough they'll be represented by a *reputable* agency...

Apr 29 06 01:08 pm Link


Robbie Wolf Photography

Posts: 569

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Maybe us photographers need managers to weed out the people wanting to work with us.

Hmm...I may be on to something. smile

Apr 29 06 01:12 pm Link


Merlyn Magic Photo

Posts: 4361

Long Beach, California, US

Chris Ambler wrote:
So I'm just ranting here as a form of catharsis, even though I'm terribly tempted to email her again and copy her "manager" and explain, in painful detail, what an asshat he is for teaching her to do this, and how she's ruining any chance, however small, she may have had to make a name for herself in this market.

Word to you "Internet managers:" Wise-up. You may be able to squeeze out a few bucks from random amateurs, but all you're doing is pissing off those of us who are trying to do professional work. And, in a case like this, where what's being offered is clearly of value to everyone, you're pissing away the chances of any "model" naive enough to put her fate in your hands.

I've seen your work here, and followed some of what you have done via LJ communities and OMP. Definately, HER loss. The managers are usually too stupid to realize their ignorance. If they did their homework, they would realize the chance they are missing. The email would make you feel better, but would fall on deaf ears.

Apr 29 06 01:16 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Yep, HER loss.

Apr 29 06 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Ahhhh, good ole Managers.  Taking care of the models.  Wonder how many models have lost shoots due to these guys?  Ever seen a female internet manager?  I havent. 

I have to laugh every time I see this stuff with the managers.  Wonder what % is really legit trying to help the model, and staying out of deals with the models shoots?

Apr 29 06 01:45 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

It was tempting to write the email, but yes, it wouldn't accomplish much more than this rant did, and might even start drama that I don't need.

I wish there were a way to get the word out.

You know what would really rock? If something could be written that MM sends out to new models signing up - yes, they may not be new to the industry, but send it out anyway. Dispel myths, give a little advice, and generally bring them up to speed on the realities of this strange thing we call "Internet modeling."

Tyler? You listening? What do you think? I'd be more than happy to write a first draft.

Apr 29 06 03:45 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I’m a bit surprised to see you writing this Christopher. I would think with all the models you know first hand, that you would rather use any of them.

As for the casting call for this shoot:

Did you specify TFP/CD? ( I think it was mentioned, but didn't see it).
Did you talk to the model’s manager or the model?

Doesn’t the radio station have any money for this promotion, or is this your idea? If it’s your idea, I can see where you would be on the hook for covering all cost in production.

30 models in waiting I’m thinking maybe double book them so you have a back up if anything pops up you could still shoot.
This sounds like the shoot would last maybe 20 minutes per model, is this feasible?

Sending out a model conduct letter to new members? Um, really?

Apr 29 06 04:06 pm Link


Philip of Dallas

Posts: 834

Dallas, Texas, US

The success of a photo shoot is inversely proportional to the number of people involved.

Apr 29 06 04:15 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Craig, this is ongoing - the feature is going to release two sets per week, so there's no huge hurry. Yes, the shoot is clearly marked as trade. Everything that's been posted has referred models to which makes it really clear, and when they sign up, they get an email that's quite detailed about it all. So there's no chance of any misunderstanding. As for the financial arrangements, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to talk about that. The idea was the station's - they had a problem with the previous attempt and I suggested how it could be done properly. Of course, the response was along the lines of, "Okay, smartass, if you can make it work, do it. What do you want?"

I thought about double-booking, but to be honest, I've had extremely few no-shows, and having both models show up at the same time would be embarrassing, at best.

I'm doing six shoots per weekend right now, fri/sat/sun, two each. Once I power through the initial set of signups, things will slow down a bit.

As for the models I know personally, many of them want to be featured and I've already got enough material, so we've decided to schedule new shoots in about a month when I get logo gear from the show.

It's all about new faces, though, as well as the usual ones. It's also about what Joe Sixpack is going to find appealing, so a lot of the local retro/pinup/alternative models aren't really interested or suitable.

I have no idea if I was talking to her or her "manager," to be truthful. In email, how can one be sure? My guess is that it was her, but that's just a guess.

Apr 29 06 04:21 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Philip of Dallas wrote:
The success of a photo shoot is inversely proportional to the number of people involved.

Really? So I should fire my assistant and never have stylists on the set? :-)

(calm down, just kidding - I know what you meant)

Apr 29 06 04:23 pm Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

It all boils down to what was agreed to in the original communication.
As I read it it was TFCD/TFP NO MONEY involved. For either a model or a photographer to ask for money after that is wrong.

Money for lodging ,you gotta pay her rent?

yes I must agree these so called internet managers are probably mostly guys who just want to scam those who wish to try to get in the industry. It is unfortunate but scams are a part of life and everyone must do thier homework.

Chris it was HER loss.

Apr 29 06 04:24 pm Link


Teresa Lavena

Posts: 2124

Portland, Oregon, US

Silly model. Doesn't she know local models don't need travel and lodging payment?  She makes girls like me look bad (even though I don't have a manager) sad  You have excelent work and it was completely her loss.

Apr 29 06 10:13 pm Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

I work exclusively with freelance models. If I see there's an agent/manager involved (who is invariably either a boy friend or another photographer), I walk if not run to the nearest exit. There are so many honest models to work with that I see absolutely no reason it invite problems - and , in my experience, agent/managers working with freelance models are just that - trouble.

I suspect a model looses FAR more business as a result of having a so-called manager than she gains in the nickle-dime hustles like the last minute shake down in the OP.

But, if being short sighted was a crime, lots of us would be locked up.

Apr 30 06 10:07 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

Merlyn_Magic Photo wrote:

I've seen your work here, and followed some of what you have done via LJ communities and OMP. Definately, HER loss. The managers are usually too stupid to realize their ignorance. If they did their homework, they would realize the chance they are missing. The email would make you feel better, but would fall on deaf ears.

IMO, and maybe it must be a east coast/west coast thing, cuz i certainly didnt really see anything in the OP's port that would lead me to beleive a model was 'missing any chances' by not working with them.

im just saying, i hear where the OP is coming from with respect to the problem, but a "Bob Coulter" he is not.

Apr 30 06 10:28 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Chris Ambler wrote:
Craig, this is ongoing - the feature is going to release two sets per week, so there's no huge hurry. Yes, the shoot is clearly marked as trade. Everything that's been posted has referred models to which makes it really clear, and when they sign up, they get an email that's quite detailed about it all. So there's no chance of any misunderstanding. As for the financial arrangements, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to talk about that. The idea was the station's - they had a problem with the previous attempt and I suggested how it could be done properly. Of course, the response was along the lines of, "Okay, smartass, if you can make it work, do it. What do you want?"

I thought about double-booking, but to be honest, I've had extremely few no-shows, and having both models show up at the same time would be embarrassing, at best.

I'm doing six shoots per weekend right now, fri/sat/sun, two each. Once I power through the initial set of signups, things will slow down a bit.

As for the models I know personally, many of them want to be featured and I've already got enough material, so we've decided to schedule new shoots in about a month when I get logo gear from the show.

It's all about new faces, though, as well as the usual ones. It's also about what Joe Sixpack is going to find appealing, so a lot of the local retro/pinup/alternative models aren't really interested or suitable.

I have no idea if I was talking to her or her "manager," to be truthful. In email, how can one be sure? My guess is that it was her, but that's just a guess.

Sorry Chris, your website does not make it very clear. I see where you don't charge them but I see nothing that would discourage somone asking you to cover expenses.   Please show me where you think that a trade deal is clear.

From your page:
We’re shooting classy, sexy glamour sets for KISW's The BJ Shea Morning Experience's  all-new Hot Shots feature. This is an ongoing project that we will be shooting all summer long, as we release two sets per week.

Selected sets will appear on the show's web site and will be limited to lingerie and sexy glamour with no nudity - think Maxim-style.

All selected sets will be featured on the Northwest Vixens site as well, and may contain a link and small banner to the model's online web site or portfolio. The best five-to-eight shots will appear on the BJ Shea web site with a link back to the NWV portfolio. In short, it's fantastic exposure and a lot of fun.

And if you're not a professional model, or even a hobbyist, all the better! You'll receive a copy of your best shots to show off your professional photo shoot. Our photographers regularly work with new models and will teach you everything you need to know - and the shoot is completely free.

Apr 30 06 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Mike Cummings wrote:
Sorry Chris, your website does not make it very clear. I see where you don't charge them but I see nothing that would discourage somone asking you to cover expenses.   Please show me where you think that a trade deal is clear.

From that web site, perhaps - I make it clear that there is no cost involved. Once they express and interest, however, they get a somewhat lengthy email that explains the entire process, including wardrobe, makeup, genre limitations (e.g. no nudity allowed), and the fact that it's a trade shoot (and, for non-models, what that means).

It's pedantically covered.

In this case, the model even prefaced her email by saying that she knew it was a trade shoot, but was going to ask anyway, and then cancelled when I politely told her no.

If you're seriously curious, drop me an email and I'll send you the email the models get so you can see for yourself.

As for the person who felt the need to post and say that I'm not that great a photographer, I thank you for your honesty. I'm not even close to being a decent photographer, much less great. Yet I love what I do, I do reasonably well at it, and I go to sleep with a smile on my face every night. And that's all that matters.

Apr 30 06 11:28 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Chris, "Can I have some money!" 

LOL  I just couldn't resist!  tongue

"I'm a wanna be model!"  Yea, I'll even pose nude for you ... but secretly doubt there is a market for images of me.  ROFLMAO!

Apr 30 06 11:45 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
Chris, "Can I have some money!"

I'll pay you $1.98 to come up here to Seattle and wash my car :-)

May 01 06 01:09 am Link


Fred MIller

Posts: 52

Burbank, California, US

Chris if you give me some money I'll even pose with my Cockatoo exposed...heh heh. smile

May 01 06 01:29 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Chris Ambler wrote:

From that web site, perhaps - I make it clear that there is no cost involved. Once they express and interest, however, they get a somewhat lengthy email that explains the entire process, including wardrobe, makeup, genre limitations (e.g. no nudity allowed), and the fact that it's a trade shoot (and, for non-models, what that means).

It's pedantically covered.

In this case, the model even prefaced her email by saying that she knew it was a trade shoot, but was going to ask anyway, and then cancelled when I politely told her no.

If you're seriously curious, drop me an email and I'll send you the email the models get so you can see for yourself.

As for the person who felt the need to post and say that I'm not that great a photographer, I thank you for your honesty. I'm not even close to being a decent photographer, much less great. Yet I love what I do, I do reasonably well at it, and I go to sleep with a smile on my face every night. And that's all that matters.

Shot you a PM.

May 01 06 01:35 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

I just recieved the email he sends to the models. First couple of lines spells it out loud and clear.

From the email;

"Thanks for your interest in Hot Shots! This email is to give you a full understanding of what we're doing and to open a dialog about scheduling a shoot. This email is complete, at the risk of being long, so I apologize ahead of time! :-)

First and foremost, this is a trade shoot that's about exposure. There is no compensation, either for the model from the photographer, or for the photographer from the model. There is no travel budget. That said, I do have a well-stocked fridge with soft drinks and water that you're more than welcome to. :-)"

May 01 06 01:15 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

Chris Ambler wrote:
As for the person who felt the need to post and say that I'm not that great a photographer, I thank you for your honesty. I'm not even close to being a decent photographer, much less great. Yet I love what I do, I do reasonably well at it, and I go to sleep with a smile on my face every night. And that's all that matters.

i didnt feel the 'need' to post that, but the point i wanted to make, it appeared that you were placing most of the blame for models asking for additional compensation instead of doing your gig TFP and 'for great exposure' on their 'alleged' managers/boyfriends' erroroneous manipulation. and how they were missing a great opportunity (i think someone else said that actually)

and i felt that was totally the wrong place to point the finger

i wanted to point out it was probably not the case, because i could very easily see a top hot model's girlfriend, mom, brother, another photog she worked with, a stranger walking on the street, saying the same thing after looking over the level of girls/work in your present portfolio.

it happens to all of us, its no big deal

recently during the 2006 Olympus NYC fashion week i asked penthouse pet of the year, tera patricks to consider walking the runway for a new designer friend of mine TFP/exposure, she said no, she wanted $10K plus expenses (suite at the mandarin oriental, first class r/t airfare, and a 24 hour limo available) that wasnt in his budget, had it been, his show would have been front page news that week.

in october of 2005, i asked pamela anderson lee to work on my 'Sin City' chopper motorcycle shoot TFP, she said no, but her people said she would do it for $65K, well that wasnt in the budget me and the fashion designer had come up with.

we didnt run around blaming their managers for their refusal to work TFP for myself or any of the designers, we realize we arent at that level yet

May 02 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Chili, I believe you are missing the point.

This isn't a case of a model turning down a trade shoot because there was no compensation.

This is a case of a model ASKING ME to be included in this shoot, acknowledging and agreeing that it was a trade shoot, planning and scheduling the trade shoot, and then, less than 24 hours before the scheduled date, informing me that she would need money or she would cancel.

I politely refused and she cancelled.

Your misinterpretation of the facts here is certainly my fault for not being clear enough. I'm hardly the person to insist that models should fall over themselves to shoot trade with me.

On the other hand, the exposure of this project for locals is quite considerable for those who don't have that kind of exposure yet, which appears to be evidenced by the fact that I have a backlog of 32 models wanting to shoot for the radio station's web site.

I must be damned lucky because, as you quite correctly pointed out, I'm surely not that good.

Again, thank you for your frank honesty.

May 02 06 12:14 am Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Sometimes I suspect it's a scam - or reverse scam? Maybe brain malfunction?

I e-mail a model for trade, test, TFP. That was kind of plain and simple - included in subject line, and body. She agreed and I send her a confirmation that we will do a TFP. Again a reply, "Great, call me to schedule".

Called her, "Hi this is Leonard, I e-mail you about TFP, trade?" "Great", she said and we setup a date. I called her the day before, "Are we OK?". She says "Yah, how much are you paying for the session?"

One guess how many times I've used her, no fair cheating.

May 02 06 01:42 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Leonard Gee Photography wrote:
Sometimes I suspect it's a scam - or reverse scam? Maybe brain malfunction?

I e-mail a model for trade, test, TFP. That was kind of plain and simple - included in subject line, and body. She agreed and I send her a confirmation that we will do a TFP. Again a reply, "Great, call me to schedule".

Called her, "Hi this is Leonard, I e-mail you about TFP, trade?" "Great", she said and we setup a date. I called her the day before, "Are we OK?". She says "Yah, how much are you paying for the session?"

One guess how many times I've use her, no fair cheating.

Maybe it’s because I’m a new photographer, but I’ve never had this happen to me.

May 02 06 01:59 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Exposure usually isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

Still, she should have realized that long before she tried booking the shoot.

May 02 06 02:12 am Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

Maybe it’s because I’m a new photographer, but I’ve never had this happen to me.

Just give me the word, and I can give you her contact info!

PLEASE NOTE: I am not a lawyer - this post is for information only. You may not construde this post as a recommendation or a warranty of performance or eligibility. If quoted, I will flatly deny it.

May 02 06 03:09 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

theda wrote:
Exposure usually isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

Still, she should have realized that long before she tried booking the shoot.

Well, it depends. For a lot of the locals who want to be involved in local promotions, exposure on the radio show's site is actually quite valuable. It leads to name recognition among show producers and can also lead to appearances at events. If that's where they want to be, it's invaluable.

If not, yes, it's reasonably worthless - it all depends on where they want to go.

May 02 06 09:23 am Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

Chris Ambler wrote:
Chili, I believe you are missing the point.

This isn't a case of a model turning down a trade shoot because there was no compensation.

This is a case of a model ASKING ME to be included in this shoot, acknowledging and agreeing that it was a trade shoot, planning and scheduling the trade shoot, and then, less than 24 hours before the scheduled date, informing me that she would need money or she would cancel.

I politely refused and she cancelled.

Your misinterpretation of the facts here is certainly my fault for not being clear enough. I'm hardly the person to insist that models should fall over themselves to shoot trade with me.

On the other hand, the exposure of this project for locals is quite considerable for those who don't have that kind of exposure yet, which appears to be evidenced by the fact that I have a backlog of 32 models wanting to shoot for the radio station's web site.

I must be damned lucky because, as you quite correctly pointed out, I'm surely not that good.

Again, thank you for your frank honesty.

you are correct, i may have missed the part about her first agreeing, then having a change of heart, that wouldnt be cool, and i'd be rather perturbed, my mistake

but again, for clarity sake, is the backlog of 32 models, actually 32 'aspiring' local wanna be girls? so to say they are all bonafide legit 'models' could be a stretch? right?

oh, i also wanted to clarify Pamela Anderson Lee's position, she's not a money hungry whore, she was actually going to do the Sin City shoot TFP on the condition we 'donated' one of the $65,000 custom choppers after the shoot to PETA for their annual hollywood auction, so her heart was in the right place, and i still luv pam.

im not making a judgement on your photographer abiltities/skills, it was more a judgement on your subjects and overall themes. a creative director, casting director and a stylist go a long way towards making a photographer look good

May 02 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

While I applaud Pam's altrusitic tendencies, I sure wish she had a different cause than PETA, who I consider no better than eco-terrorists. But I digress :-)

Of the models who have requested to be featured in Hot Shots, I'd say that it's about 15% agency models, 60% "internet" models (I know you know what I mean) and 25% complete amateurs who think it would be fun.

I like each kind for different reasons. And each kind has their own reason for wanting to participate. They either think the exposure will be good, or they want an "in" with the radio show, or, in the case of the last two, typically they just like the attention they get. Who am I to argue?

I'm glad, however, that I was able to help you understand the issue at hand, so there's no misunderstanding.

May 02 06 11:01 am Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

Chris, I am going to pick up on Chili's post, because I was in full agreement with it.

I think the point being made is that everyone's version of 'value' is relative.  What YOU consider valuable may be of little value to the model in question.  I realize you are arguing more about the issue of her canceling on you, but you did crow about how much she was missing out.  So, I'm addressing it.  I get really tired of hearing people "blow smoke" about how "it's her/his loss", etc.  There is NO ONE out there who is so unbelievable that everyone should work for free....or, as I like to term it, "reduced standards".  I can not speak for the model's abilities, experience, etc., but I for one would never consider a radio gig sufficient exposure (just me, but I understand the market is different where you are).

Also: her bringing up shooting nudes with you is perfectly reasonable, as your portfolio is FULL of them.  Many people write "no trade, no nudes", etc., but welcome requests from the "right" people.  I have found that to be the case on many occassions.

I hope you'll take this in good spirit.  I do agree that models should either get a land-based agent, or represent themselves.  Of course, we could spend hours discussing the dangers of letting some of the...ahem..."airheads" loose.  The level of cluelessness these days is staggering...and frightening.  But, I digress :-).

May 02 06 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Chili wrote:

i didnt feel the 'need' to post that, but the point i wanted to make, it appeared that you were placing most of the blame for models asking for additional compensation instead of doing your gig TFP and 'for great exposure' on their 'alleged' managers/boyfriends' erroroneous manipulation. and how they were missing a great opportunity (i think someone else said that actually)

and i felt that was totally the wrong place to point the finger

i wanted to point out it was probably not the case, because i could very easily see a top hot model's girlfriend, mom, brother, another photog she worked with, a stranger walking on the street, saying the same thing after looking over the level of girls/work in your present portfolio.

it happens to all of us, its no big deal

recently during the 2006 Olympus NYC fashion week i asked penthouse pet of the year, tera patricks to consider walking the runway for a new designer friend of mine TFP/exposure, she said no, she wanted $10K plus expenses (suite at the mandarin oriental, first class r/t airfare, and a 24 hour limo available) that wasnt in his budget, had it been, his show would have been front page news that week.

in october of 2005, i asked pamela anderson lee to work on my 'Sin City' chopper motorcycle shoot TFP, she said no, but her people said she would do it for $65K, well that wasnt in the budget me and the fashion designer had come up with.

we didnt run around blaming their managers for their refusal to work TFP for myself or any of the designers, we realize we arent at that level yet

Yes, but Tera and Pamela are actresses first and foremost and have (real) agents and managers. Models, in general have agents. Most of the I-models that say they have managers really have b/fs, mom/dads, their 1st photographer as their manager.

May 02 06 04:45 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I think the difference here is that this project offers a level of exposure that models can take or leave as they see fit. If they don't find it valuable, they need not sign up for it. If they do find it valuable, we do a trade shoot. As I said, I've had over 35 models sign up to date (and there are likely a few more in my inbox waiting for me).

Am I representing it as the end-all-be-all? Of course not. I portray it in a good light, but it's the model's choice to evaluate the offer and accept or decline. All declines to date have been polite on both sides, and I have no animosity towards any model who declines.

The ONLY gripe I have is the one who accepted, told me how great she thought it would be, but then asked for money at the last minute, threatening not to shoot unless she got paid. It's one of the oldest games played, and I frankly don't play it. That's my beef.

I still suck as a photographer.

May 02 06 09:29 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

Vito wrote:

Yes, but Tera and Pamela are actresses first and foremost and have (real) agents and managers. Models, in general have agents. Most of the I-models that say they have managers really have b/fs, mom/dads, their 1st photographer as their manager.

ah actually Tera was a model, for penthouse first, before she became an adult film actress, and her only manager is her husband LOL, adult film star 'spyder jonez', you might remember him from the early 90s, when he was 'evan seinfield' lead singer of biohazard. and having her B/F and now husband as her manager has really paid off, as he is a brillant negotiator, so there is hope to all of you other models out there who have B/F's as managers LOL

May 02 06 11:02 pm Link