Forums > General Industry > A question to new models...



Posts: 158

Richmond, Virginia, US

do you consider yourself a model if you have only shot with maybe 3 photograhers? Maybe you have done 1 or 2 paying gigs? At what point do call yourself a "model"?

Apr 28 06 10:42 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

faceoff wrote:
do you consider yourself a model if you have only shot with maybe 3 photograhers? Maybe you have done 1 or 2 paying gigs? At what point do call yourself a "model"?

I call myself a model, but I understand the difference between just taking pictures because I'm building a portfolio and actually being a "model".  I'll start calling myself a working model when I can afford to quit a job (I plan on having two) so that I can get paid to model.  Just my take on it.

Apr 28 06 10:46 am Link


Giselle P

Posts: 27

Houston, Alaska, US

I think you can call yourself a Model if you can live of that salary alone.
I actually never told anybody that I am a Model, if somebody would ask I just tell them that I do modeling in my free time. If that makes any sense...

But hey, it doesn't really  matter if somebody who has 3 shoots and 2-3 paying gigs under his/her belt calls himself a model.
If he/she knows that this is what he is going to do, then go for it!

I call it the power of mind suggestion, or aka  "Fake it 'til you make it".smile

Apr 28 06 12:33 pm Link


RnL Photography

Posts: 254

Cocoa, Florida, US

Giselle Dee wrote:
I think you can call yourself a Model if you can live of that salary alone.
I actually never told anybody that I am a Model, if somebody would ask I just tell them that I do modeling in my free time. If that makes any sense...

But hey, it doesn't really  matter if somebody who has 3 shoots and 2-3 paying gigs under his/her belt calls himself a model.
If he/she knows that this is what he is going to do, then go for it!

I call it the power of mind suggestion, or aka  "Fake it 'til you make it".smile

very well put. If you have it flant it if not fake it or something like that

Apr 28 06 12:35 pm Link


Flip Ashley

Posts: 437

Dallas, Texas, US

I would say to someone that asked that I'm an "aspiring model". I've shot with 6 photogrophers now as well as having a booking agent with some paid gigs and other shoots coming soon. But I would have to say that I'm an "aspiring model" now an "amateur model" when I first start my paid stuff and when I can live off of it I'm simply "a model". ~Flip

Apr 28 06 12:38 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Flip Ashley wrote:
I would say to someone that asked that I'm an "aspiring model". I've shot with 6 photogrophers now as well as having a booking agent with some paid gigs and other shoots coming soon. But I would have to say that I'm an "aspiring model" now an "amateur model" when I first start my paid stuff and when I can live off of it I'm simply "a model". ~Flip

I like the way you put it.  Can I steal it?

Apr 28 06 12:42 pm Link


joanna kristine

Posts: 1251

Providence, Rhode Island, US

I suppose I would call myself a part-time model. I have shot w/ 6 photogs and have had several paying gigs, a couple of them being longer than one day- one month and 8 months. Now, w/ the longer gigs I am able to quit my other job-waiting tables. I will make well over $1,000 this next month, so now I suppose I could call myself a "model". Not to mention I am represented by an agency. In my mind there are different degrees of "models", hobby, part-time, and a true "model". I'm not where I want to be yet w/ my mdeling so it's a work in progress.

Apr 28 06 12:46 pm Link


Ayira Araceli

Posts: 210

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

I like the way you put it.  Can I steal it?

haha...I agree with the said above.

Apr 30 06 05:11 pm Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

That question makes my nose bleed. I'm an artest for 14 years and just because I have no big shows or commisions does not say I am not a artest. It is the same with photo jox and models, you are what you feel your self to be and what you work at.   Way to much petty judgment and elitist posing in this world. When is a tree a tree? Nobody is fundamentally worth more or less than anybody. All this  "Who is on top " nonsence makes me ill. All many people have is their dreams and goals. To say "Who is In and who is out" to the very people who have only this vision and dream reflects a nasty form of hartlessness. It is nasty and heartless because you can allways prove your point of view letting your self off the hook for crushing any dreem that is not yours.

May 06 06 05:27 pm Link


Visual Images

Posts: 64

Houston, Alaska, US

Giselle Dee wrote:
I think you can call yourself a Model if you can live of that salary alone.
I actually never told anybody that I am a Model, if somebody would ask I just tell them that I do modeling in my free time. If that makes any sense...

But hey, it doesn't really  matter if somebody who has 3 shoots and 2-3 paying gigs under his/her belt calls himself a model.
If he/she knows that this is what he is going to do, then go for it!

I call it the power of mind suggestion, or aka  "Fake it 'til you make it".smile

May 06 06 05:32 pm Link


Visual Images

Posts: 64

Houston, Alaska, US

Giselle Dee wrote:
I think you can call yourself a Model if you can live of that salary alone.
I actually never told anybody that I am a Model, if somebody would ask I just tell them that I do modeling in my free time. If that makes any sense...

But hey, it doesn't really  matter if somebody who has 3 shoots and 2-3 paying gigs under his/her belt calls himself a model.
If he/she knows that this is what he is going to do, then go for it!

I call it the power of mind suggestion, or aka  "Fake it 'til you make it".smile

very well put....

May 06 06 05:33 pm Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

If you are posing for pictures with thought and planning ont he location, outfit, props and poses, and not just having your picture take because "you look so cite in that outfit" then you are a model. Maybe an amateur or "beginner", but a model nonetheless.

If you're getting some paid work and a lot of calls to do shows and such then you are on the way to bocoming a working model. If you make your living off your modeling then you are a working (AKA professional) model.

May 06 06 05:54 pm Link



Posts: 74

Carlos Arturo Velarde wrote:
If you are posing for pictures with thought and planning ont he location, outfit, props and poses, and not just having your picture take because "you look so cite in that outfit" then you are a model. Maybe an amateur or "beginner", but a model nonetheless.

If you're getting some paid work and a lot of calls to do shows and such then you are on the way to bocoming a working model. If you make your living off your modeling then you are a working (AKA professional) model.

I agree. I would call myself an aspiring model now. I was recruited to participate in a runway show, just started building my portfolio, and have already been recruited by an agency within the past month. at this point I'm beginning to invest time and energy into this. Now I research poses, invest a lot more into my appearance, and have began marketing myself a little through networking. There's nothing wrong with labels just as other occupations have labels that distinguish one from the other..

May 06 06 06:03 pm Link


Nick Ryder

Posts: 317

Walnut Creek, California, US

It's my opinion that you can call yourself a model when you are "doing the things that models do" and "having the things that models have" and lastly;  "Being" a model.

It's; Do, Have, Be . You cannot rearrange that and have it be realistic, I mean, what if i go to an airport and "have the things that a pilot has" but have forgone the "doing and being", so I would just walk around with a uniform on with wings on my chest, wearing a hat and call myself a pilot ( I doubt anyone reading this would want to fly with me under those circumstances).

I have had so many girls say "Yeah, I am a model" and then they show up and their only experience is shooting with some wank photographer that is also trying to be a manager and blowing a lot of hot air up her butt. They didn't know anything about make up, posing, styling, or even the basics of how to to conduct themselves. Another situation was when I had Ford Agency fly out and see a new face, they told her they wanted to see her in a bathing suit, she started giggling, covering herself, saying how embarassed she was, it was a nightmare. A similiar situation, I was working for NEXT and we had a competition at a Nordstroms, they agreed to take one of the kids I was developing and when she showed up her nylons were bunched at the knees and she didn't take my advice about getting m.a.c. make up, she was dreadfully dismissed and went home embarassed.

So, for me, the tire meets the pavement when a model is actually "being a model and doing the things that models do"...hence, being a model.

You can fake an orgasm, it's not as easy faking knowing everything that an experienced model taken years to learn. I think the Internet has given anybody with a keyboard the license to be anything they want and it is really mucking up the waters in the modeling community. Same with managers, agents and photographers, they just hang out a shingle, self proclaiming their expertise, "Yes, I am a photographer" or "Yes, I am a model" , but in the real world you don't just walk into Elite and proclaim "I am a model", it takes an industry pro about 30 seconds to figure it out...

May 06 06 06:10 pm Link