Forums > General Industry > Opinionated "Pros"


Canadian Eros

Posts: 14

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Perhaps creating a karma system on MM would be a good idea - at least, I say that after noticing one "professionals" comment on a new models page.

Go check out this model MunchkinBabygirl (#131001) and notice the tag from model CarolynSavage (#110671). Anyone else find this disrespectful and, well, just plain ignorant?

I'll be the first to say that a lot of people think they want to model, but really go nowhere because they're not as professional about it as they need to be. But, since when should you tag a page with a comment that clearly is just a baseless opinion? I've seen models go from the worst photos in the world on their profiles to being some of the best models in the system.

Anyway, I just wanted to complain publicly about this. I have no patience for behaviour like that, and I'll happily never work with a "professional" model or anyone if it means I can avoid that kind of dumb attitude.

Apr 27 06 07:47 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

People suck?

Apr 27 06 07:49 pm Link


Canadian Eros

Posts: 14

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I suppose so. LOL

Apr 27 06 07:53 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

There are always a few people who feel that their position is a little higher if they crap down on others. Generally, they're wrong, but arguing with them is pointless.


Apr 27 06 07:54 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Unfortunately it is true that we get some people here on MM who exhibit Diva-esque qualities and forget that EVERYONE starts somewhere irregardless of where they are now. 

The other way to look at it is that now, the insulted is getting some public exposure of her portfolio which, of course, is always a good thing.  (Hey, I try to always look for a positive!)

Apr 27 06 07:55 pm Link



Posts: 274

New York, New York, US

I do think it wasn't very nice of this model to leave such a mean tag...there are definitely individuals who do not carry themselves in a professional manner here, but isn't that true in most places? If I were the model who received the tag, I'd just delete it. I wouldn't want to be associated or work with such an ignorant, unprofessional person. Constructive criticism in a private message is one thing. But blatantly putting someone down is entirely unacceptable. It shows not only a lack of professionalism, but a lack of class. Period.

I don't know if it's right to actually put the names and MM# of the models involved...only because it draws attention to these individuals and because I know this has happened before to others. I might have been better to just copy and paste the tag. Just a thought.

In any case, I agree with you!  smile

Apr 27 06 07:57 pm Link


Canadian Eros

Posts: 14

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Good point, Brandon. I think my skin might have been a bit thin today to deal with seeing it I guess.

Apr 27 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Apparently you don't understand the rules here:  If you have only 4 mediocre pictures on your MM portfolio you don't deserve to be treated with respect; if you have 20 cheesy "glamour" shots in your MM portfolio you are allowed to take potshots at anyone you choose.  Noblesse oblige.

Apr 27 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

I say we all go to miss Savages port and talk to her about those short legs !

Na just kidding wink

Apr 27 06 08:01 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US


Apr 27 06 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Was kind of interesting to read the bio of the person who left the tag..

I got into modelling because I was shy and insecure.. (Paraphrasing..)

Definite pathology going on here..

Apr 27 06 08:04 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

My only question is...have you seen the off topic threads on here? Since when is this place not for fooling around? Lol...some people need to get over themselves. That chick was totally wrong for doing that no matter how you look at it. If she has a problem with a model on this website there's a really simple solution...she should not look at her page. Problem solved.

Apr 27 06 08:10 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

What bitchy model who leaves unprofessional tags? Oh, the one outside with the bootprint on the back of her head?


Apr 27 06 08:12 pm Link


Rebecca R

Posts: 38

Ashland, Alabama, US

did you notice ms. Savage has been banned? yeah for mm

Apr 27 06 08:12 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Ched wrote:
What bitchy model who leaves unprofessional tags? Oh, the one outside with the bootprint on the back of her head?

(Moderator) are my favorite person ever...*applauds*

Apr 27 06 08:14 pm Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

Ched wrote:
What bitchy model who leaves unprofessional tags? Oh, the one outside with the bootprint on the back of her head?


LOL oh god that is funny

Whoa they both got banned ?

Apr 27 06 08:15 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Funny, the "unprofessional" model in question was right.  The other girl's profile looked like a myspace ad and shouldn't have been approved. It really wasn't that mean or personal. It just didn't look like Munchkin-whatever was at all serious about modeling.  Both accounts are suspended.

Apr 27 06 08:18 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

See, I'm the good cop...

Apr 27 06 08:22 pm Link



Posts: 312

Huntington, Virginia, US

Their pages are gone !~

Apr 27 06 08:32 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Nat wrote:
Their pages are gone !~

Destroyed... by the Empire...

Apr 27 06 08:40 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Hmmmm....I don't know if I wholeheartedly agree with the "mediocre pics" comment made to this thread.  As I mentioned before, everyone starts somewhere and unfortunately for somewhere, a camera photo self portrait may have to do until a photographer is willing to trust their instincts and take the bait.  I don't think that the photos are the acceptable place to place judgement.  However, as this is a dead horse I don't personally feel like beating, I'm going to leave it at that.

Apr 27 06 08:41 pm Link


Canadian Eros

Posts: 14

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wow - I will say, I didn't see that one coming. Interesting. Not sure I entirely think that was the best solution, but I do see the logic.

Apr 27 06 10:19 pm Link