Forums > General Industry > i had to share this....



Posts: 138

Newark, California, US

Ok, so here's an excerpt from a lovely correspondence from this morning...  Let me say that this is the ABSOLUTE BEST WAY to get me to shoot you for FREE.  To protect the identity of the innocent people involved, I will not name names.

*sender wrote:
Hi Joy ^ ^

I know that you are too good for me, and I know that you are no longer doing TFP. But, I'm too good for you too, so it all makes sense that we should get together, combine our creativity, and blow up some awesome images!!! I know that when I'm working and wasting my time for a shoot, I have to make it worth it, because if you don't get the images that you like, than neither would I. My time are well spent with important things and I do value your time too. If you would be interested in working with me and ready to have your jaw open and leering at the pictures that we're about to build, then contact me back. Thanks for your whole monologue of telling me to feel free to send you my sob story and for taking a good consideration on this. "I'm not trying to be funny, because I am just so damn funny without trying." ^ ^

Note: I was going to the mood of your notive below, hope you've got a little giggle or two. Your work is amazing and I give myself credit for trying to work with you smile

I NO LONGER DO TIME FOR PRICKS(TFP) BECAUSE OF PRICKS WHO WASTE MY TIME. IF I OFFER A DISCOUNT ON MY RATES, KNOW THAT I ONLY OFFER ONCE. Feel free to send me your sob story about why I should shoot you for free. It entertains me because "in my world, STUPID IS FUNNY.

**majoy wrote:
No thanks.

*sender wrote:
Wow...I've spent about half an hour to think of something funny (although it might not be funny to you) but a "No thanks." is all I get from you? Well, I just wanted to try to satisfy you by your request.

I want to appologize if you are thinking that I'm not using my professionalism, but I was just trying my best to create a good talk, even though I failed.

I want to congratulate you for getting so much under your belt, and getting such a wonderful talent. I think that, that gave you so much confident until you don't give any chance for any model to colaborate with you unless money is coming to your mind. I think that people should take this thing as art and networking, and that'll lead you to money anyway. I hope that we can meet and connect one day. Remember being nice and accomodating is suppose to be one of the best way to express yourself.

I'm sorry if I'm taking your time and I hope that you can at least refuse my offer nicely if that's what you are going for so that I won't be bothering you again next time.

Nice to see you here in MM and it's nice to get the chance to see your work.

**majoy wrote:
I did refuse your offer nicely... I could have pointed out many ways in which you did not handle the situation in a professional way, I could have commented on how your look does not suit any project I am currently doing making you unable to further my book. The reason I have my profile the way it is is to discourage unprofessional wannabe models from trying to solicite FREE services. I have invested alot of time and MONEY into my BUSINESS. Unless the work I do will be mutually beneficial, I do not do it for free. I do appreciate the amount of effort you used to try to be funny and charming but I DO NOT appreciate the way in which you have handle rejection. If you throw a fit for every "no thank you" you receive in this business, then you obviously do not have what it takes to go very far in it. Before you try to further your career you need to ask yourself if you can handle rejection. This industry is not very nice and I was trying to be by keeping my response short and simple. I hope this response has tickled your pickle... makes me wonder how you react when you ask a girl for her number and she says no....

*sender wrote:
Thanks so much for your response. But thanks mainly for the harsh words. I had met many photographers, and agents some had said no and some of them are harsh. I took everything by courage, and I move on. But, I've never met anyone that insults and telling me that I couldn't get far. Thanks for the suggestions and I moved on NICELY when I get refused by any girl or any professional jobs. But this refection with no feeling whatsoever is something that I will remember forever.

PS: You don't have to replay to this I just simply want to know how you feel.

**majoy wrote:
I never said you will not make it far. I wrote that before you aspire to go any further, ask yourself if your skin is thick enough to handle rudeness and rejection. And, if you cannot handle a simple no, then you will not make it far. I make no judgements as to how far you will go. I am simply stating the obvious as far as what it takes to make it. In this industry you will get alot of rudeness from a lot of people. The negativity in my last message is simply a reflection of how abrasive your messages have been and to show you that my first response was indeed a polite one despite the fact that it was not what you wanted to hear. You want to know how I feel... well, I feel insulted that you would attempt to guilt or force me into working for free. Would one go to Expressly Portrait and say "hey, I need some new pictures and I want you to do them for free"? You may have mistaken me for a beginning photographer. Just to let you know, I have a long list of nationally and internationally recognized corporations as clients(Gilette Razors, Cingular to name a few). I do not need to do trade shoots. For you to approach me as though I should feel honored to shoot you is just offensive. For you to write as though you know me and know for a fact that I'm only driven by money is beyond offensive. For your information, I do trade shoots... but only with those who I see potential in. I hope this clarifies everything for you. You probably need to re-read what you have written a few times so you can see how much of a jerk you are. Confidence is attractive... cockiness is irritating. There is a fine line between the two and you have crossed that line.

*sender wrote:
Thanks for everything, and I appology for my rudeness. I am actually and supposedly very friendly, we've just got in to the wrong side of a talk that's all. I really didn't mean to do that. Well, I don't know when but I hope we can meet one day, even if it not regards to modeling and photography :p Take care and it was such a pleasure to have a little chat with you.

PS: Forgive, and forget.

Apr 25 06 11:24 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

Wow...2 people with a lot of free time on their hands.  smile

Apr 25 06 11:26 pm Link



Posts: 138

Newark, California, US

SKPhoto wrote:
Wow...2 people with a lot of free time on their hands.  smile

LOL... I wonder how many folks will actually read through the whole thing.  It's funny as hell.

Apr 25 06 11:30 pm Link



Posts: 125

San Jose, California, US

LMAO!! You rock, maJoy smile

Apr 25 06 11:30 pm Link



Posts: 125

San Jose, California, US

LMAO!! You rock, maJoy smile

Apr 25 06 11:31 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

majoy wrote:

LOL... I wonder how many folks will actually read through the whole thing.  It's funny as hell.

I read the entire thing. I wonder how many brain cells I just killed.

Apr 25 06 11:36 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hmmm  whenever people go into The twilight Zone on me I don't respond at
all.  Its almost always pointless and leaves me drained.  Don't suffer fools lightly.

Apr 25 06 11:36 pm Link


Kiersten Weaver

Posts: 72

Fort Lewis, Washington, US

LOL I read it all!!! LONG!!!

Apr 25 06 11:44 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

I thought you were very gracious under the circumstances.  Almost everything I do is for free, (from the models standpoint), but this is your job. 
It takes a lot of gall for someone to assume that because you are on any particular site your worth lessens.

Apr 25 06 11:49 pm Link


Miss Monet Marie

Posts: 8

DANG!!! LOL whats a wierdo!!! i mean what does he want for you to message him back like OMG im sooooooo sorry i hurt your feelings just so your dont cry yourself to sleep lets shoot.....

i love you and your honesty mamaJOY

Apr 25 06 11:50 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Nemi wrote:

I read the entire thing. I wonder how many brain cells I just killed.

- chants - I will NOT pick on Katie, I will NOT pick on Katie, I WILL  NOT pick on KATIE,,,,god this hurts I will NOT pick ON Katie (blood gushes from tongue biting) smile

Apr 25 06 11:53 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US


Apr 26 06 12:08 am Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

I read all of it  That message is really, really strange. 

Just because a photographer chooses not to do tfp doesn't mean they think they're "too good" for the model.  Wtf? 

Yeah, this guy acts like you're supposed to feel honored to do a shoot with him...gimmie a break!  Ugh, cocky people turn me off!

Apr 26 06 12:09 am Link



Posts: 138

Newark, California, US

Tikeya wrote:
That message is really, really strange.

If you could only look at this person's port... it would sooo put a different spin on the messages.  I could almost guarantee you'd piss yourself.  Nothing sums it up better than this quote:  "In my world, stupid is funny".

Apr 26 06 01:40 am Link


Alex Mercatali

Posts: 453

Forlì, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

majoy wrote:
If you could only look at this person's port... it would sooo put a different spin on the messages.  I could almost guarantee you'd piss yourself.  Nothing sums it up better than this quote:  "In my world, stupid is funny".

sorry but I can't side with you, perhaps it's that you're quoting yourself, and if I look at your info, you seems to be the first one that actually laugh a lot, so I don't really see how the first message was inappropriate. He just tried to be funny in his own way as a counterpart for yours.

Apr 26 06 01:49 am Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

RoninGarou wrote:
sorry but I can't side with you, perhaps it's that you're quoting yourself, and if I look at your info, you seems to be the first one that actually laugh a lot, so I don't really see how the first message was inappropriate. He just tried to be funny in his own way as a counterpart for yours.

i kinda agree. i always work under the assumption that it never hurts to my experience most photographers are at least flattered by the request even if they can't accodomate it.

Apr 26 06 02:50 am Link


Simon Gerzina

Posts: 2288

Brooklyn, New York, US

Yeah, totally.  It seems like the model was just trying to respond to what you'd written in your own bio in hopes of sparking your interest a bit, which is actually a very flattering and appreciable thing to do...the fact that he/she spent more than 30 seconds composing a note to you is kinda nice, whether or not they're a model you'd be interested in.  And I totally agree with the "it never hurts to ask" idea...they're putting themselves out there just hoping to be an exception to the rule.

On the other hand, it seems like you were a little dismissive...and like you were both a little volatile.  I always thought that it's worth it to respond to someone's interest, even if not out of anything more than good manners, with at least a "thanks for your interest, but as my profile states I'm not taking on unpaid projects at this time or making exceptions to that policy, blah blah blah, should you be at all interested in using my services for portfolio development my rates start at blah blah blah..."  Considering the time they put into writing you and the flattery they offered (and that your own profile seems to encourage wackiness) just sending a "no thanks" seems a bit rude.  And writing back to messages that even tell you that there's no need to reply seems like you just want some drama in your life.

But hey, that's just my take on it.

Apr 26 06 06:57 am Link


Zachary F

Posts: 287

New York, New York, US

Stupid is as stupid does.

Apr 26 06 07:10 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

I can't believe you wasted time going back and forth lol.

Apr 26 06 07:18 am Link



Posts: 138

Newark, California, US

Zachary F wrote:
Stupid is as stupid does.

I totally agree.  I had no problem with his initial message.  I found his choice of words a little strange but understood he was trying to be funny.  What I didn't understand was why he chose to respond to my no thanks the way he did.  My explaining how I don't accept tradeshoots anymore would be redundant in that he quoted me inthe first message on how I no longer do TFP.  I am ok with not everyone agreeing with what I find funny... because half the stuff I find funny most people don't understand. What this basically boils down to is what Zachary said.  I reflect the manner in which I am approached.  If you get stupid with me, then I may as well entertain myself and get stupid right back.  Come one people.  I've been stuck in doors editing for days on end...  I had to get a laugh in there somewhere.  And no, I'm not just laughing at this guy.  I'm also laughing at myself.  Hahahahaahahahahhhh.... alot of the folks on MM need do that more often, laugh at themselves and the dumb things they do while on this network.  Say it with me everybody: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHhhhhhahahahahahahh.  Now take the corners of your mouth and contract your cheek muscles.  You're almost there.  Keep it up.  AHh, there you go.  You're smiling.  Do that atleast 3 times a day and I guarantee you'll be close to as jolly as I usually am.

Apr 26 06 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Whoever wrote this (not clear, no quotes):

"I NO LONGER DO TIME FOR PRICKS(TFP) BECAUSE OF PRICKS WHO WASTE MY TIME. IF I OFFER A DISCOUNT ON MY RATES, KNOW THAT I ONLY OFFER ONCE. Feel free to send me your sob story about why I should shoot you for free. It entertains me because "in my world, STUPID IS FUNNY. "

was being a bit of an arrogant and disrespectful p..erson.

Apr 26 06 01:01 pm Link


The Thorny Rose

Posts: 14142

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think whoever contacted you has a little somethin on her nose....

She was completely unprofessional about it, and you handled yourself in a professional way.  I don't really understand why she got so defensive about it.

Apr 26 06 05:08 pm Link


Christopher b Smyth

Posts: 195

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

majoy wrote:

LOL... I wonder how many folks will actually read through the whole thing.  It's funny as hell.

Hand me a tissue can't stop laughing

Well done majoy

Apr 26 06 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 223

Emeryville, California, US

Majoy Don't you just love the Forums? The people there are so damn supportive...Damn sarcasm always gets in the way of what I really want to say.

You have awesome work Majoy good looking out on that person too.


Apr 26 06 06:02 pm Link



Posts: 199

Lathrup Village, Michigan, US

yea,that converstion is funny as hell...but it's a polite argument lol

Apr 26 06 06:05 pm Link



Posts: 89

Carmel, California, US

majoy wrote:

I totally agree.  I had no problem with his initial message.  I found his choice of words a little strange but understood he was trying to be funny.  What I didn't understand was why he chose to respond to my no thanks the way he did.  My explaining how I don't accept tradeshoots anymore would be redundant in that he quoted me inthe first message on how I no longer do TFP.  I am ok with not everyone agreeing with what I find funny... because half the stuff I find funny most people don't understand. What this basically boils down to is what Zachary said.  I reflect the manner in which I am approached.  If you get stupid with me, then I may as well entertain myself and get stupid right back.  Come one people.  I've been stuck in doors editing for days on end...  I had to get a laugh in there somewhere.  And no, I'm not just laughing at this guy.  I'm also laughing at myself.  Hahahahaahahahahhhh.... alot of the folks on MM need do that more often, laugh at themselves and the dumb things they do while on this network.  Say it with me everybody: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHhhhhhahahahahahahh.  Now take the corners of your mouth and contract your cheek muscles.  You're almost there.  Keep it up.  AHh, there you go.  You're smiling.  Do that atleast 3 times a day and I guarantee you'll be close to as jolly as I usually am.

Apr 26 06 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 89

Carmel, California, US

I'm now closer to jolly smile

Apr 26 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 46

Oakland, California, US freak, mamajoy!

i love the intellectual, well written exchange and your styley way of getting your point across!

cant you just ever be nice, you ball of joy?
kiss kiss

Apr 26 06 09:49 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Since the quote's from majoy's bio I'll repost it here:

"I NO LONGER DO TIME FOR PRICKS(TFP) BECAUSE OF PRICKS WHO WASTE MY TIME. IF I OFFER A DISCOUNT ON MY RATES, KNOW THAT I ONLY OFFER ONCE. Feel free to send me your sob story about why I should shoot you for free. It entertains me because "in my world, STUPID IS FUNNY."

I get that it's sarcasm.. You get that it's sarcasm..  The guy/gal/whatever who propositioned you sounds like he read it this way..

I don't do TFP because I get to many assholes asking..  But, if I offer, you better take me up on it.. Feel free to try.  Stupid is funny, and if you make me laugh, who knows?

So he writes up a stupid overblown tease..  As he thinks you asked him to.  You respond with two words..

It's not that hard to misread what you've written.. That line on discount rates doesn't belong in there if what you're saying is..

"Don't ask me for TFP.. I don't do it.. If you do, I'm gonna laugh at you.."

Apr 26 06 10:53 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Wow... 'A' for "creativity" and 'F' for "approach."


Apr 26 06 11:00 pm Link



Posts: 138

Newark, California, US

WG Rowland wrote:
It's not that hard to misread what you've written.. That line on discount rates doesn't belong in there if what you're saying is..

"Don't ask me for TFP.. I don't do it.. If you do, I'm gonna laugh at you.."

Actually that line is Wookie for "I don't work for free but if you approach me in an appropriate way, I may be willing to lower the level of sarcasm and reduce my fee to make EVERYONE happy"....  It's quite an easy thing to misinterpret if you don't roll the "r" just right or collect enough saliva in the back of your throat to really get that vibration going.

**side note**
In a recent interview with the president of the hair club for men, maJOY was asked "Why?".  Her reply was clear cut.  "For the sake of controversy!"  So if you ever wonder why about anything that involves me, just remember... I did it for the sake of controversy ya bastard!

Apr 27 06 12:58 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Got it.

Apr 27 06 02:16 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

WG Rowland wrote:
Got it.

Are you causing trouble again?  Tsk tsk tsk!

Apr 27 06 02:37 am Link