Forums > General Industry > How Long does Pics take?


Andrew Roby

Posts: 139

Washington, Arkansas, US

What is the normal time frame to have to wait until you receive your pictures from your photo shoot?

Apr 22 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

After two weeks, and NOTHING in your email, it's time for a polite email along the lines of, "hey we had a great shoot a couple weeks ago, I'm sure you're busy but have you gotten around to....."

Personaly I email about 15 to 20 within a few days but CDs of all completed images may take months, but the by then the model is overwhelmed by good least I hope

Apr 22 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

vanscottie wrote:
After two weeks, and NOTHING in your email, it's time for a polite email along the lines of, "hey we had a great shoot a couple weeks ago, I'm sure you're busy but have you gotten around to....."

Personaly I email about 15 to 20 within a few days but CDs of all completed images may take months, but the by then the model is overwhelmed by good least I hope

If Im not tied up with paying clients I can have the picked images retouched in 1-3 days. If I am tied up with paying clients then the TFP models will have to wait until I'm finished with the others. but even then nomore then 1-2 weeks.

and a disk of ALL images retouched and fixed???? Some photographers actually do that for TFP???? sheesh

P.S. Im assuming poster is speaking on TFP shoots but if I'm wrong forgive me smile

Apr 22 06 09:05 pm Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Andrew Roby wrote:
What is the normal time frame to have to wait until you receive your pictures from your photo shoot?

TFP, normally 2 - 3 weeks - that depends to a degree on how much commercial/commissioned work I have/get. My clients always take precedence over non paying - or my own - work.

If it will take longer for some reason I'll let the model know.. Communication here is very important...

Apr 22 06 09:11 pm Link


Strahd SA

Posts: 77

Pontefract, England, United Kingdom

I give models a cd of Raw images the same day. I hardly photoshop in anycase. Whatever I do edit I send as soon as its done.

Apr 23 06 02:16 am Link


dani faye

Posts: 287

Brooklyn, New York, US

I've never waited more than 2 weeks for TFP shots.

Apr 23 06 02:24 am Link



Posts: 15005

Tonasket, Washington, US

I usually get a few out with in a day. 2 weeks maximum for a CD.

Apr 23 06 07:40 am Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

Thats a good question. If the model is getting everything we shot good or bad it can take a few days if there is hundreds of images. If the model is just getting a few of the best images that should only take a day or two. Getting the product to the cliant is on the top of my list. I love to get feedback from the models when they love the work we did. That is what drives me to get it done !


Apr 23 06 07:50 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

No offense but you should be asking the photographer this very question.

All workloads are not created equal.


Apr 23 06 07:56 am Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Andrew Roby wrote:
What is the normal time frame to have to wait until you receive your pictures from your photo shoot?

OK, Im not sure what the level of involvement of the above photog to photography is (no offense) but those time frames seem short. On TFCD shoot I give the model a copy of final images. I polled several FULL time (as in full living only source of income) photogs and came up with 6 weeks as standard for free work. 2-3 days maybe a week for paid work. Because of other employments and my school schedule I have leaned to this time frame as well. It should be noted (and any photog will confirm this) when editing free pics if a paid gig comes up your images get knocked down the list.

In the grand scheme of things, 45days aint that long if your getting fully edited images.

Martin IV

Apr 23 06 08:06 am Link



Posts: 523

Sunbury, Pennsylvania, US

I burn all the origional images on a CD right after the shoot, the model walks away with them that day. When I get home he or she emails me the file names of the shots they like best. I'll then touch up all the pictures listed first, then pick out a few of my favorites. I usually have the CD of touched up photo's in the mail within 3 to 5 days.

Apr 23 06 09:27 am Link


No Time Photography

Posts: 33

Reedsburg, Wisconsin, US

KaoS GRaFFiX wrote:
I burn all the origional images on a CD right after the shoot, the model walks away with them that day. When I get home he or she emails me the file names of the shots they like best. I'll then touch up all the pictures listed first, then pick out a few of my favorites. I usually have the CD of touched up photo's in the mail within 3 to 5 days.

Same here

Apr 23 06 09:32 am Link


1972 Productions

Posts: 1376

Cebu, Central Visayas, Philippines

KaoS GRaFFiX wrote:
I burn all the origional images on a CD right after the shoot, the model walks away with them that day. When I get home he or she emails me the file names of the shots they like best. I'll then touch up all the pictures listed first, then pick out a few of my favorites. I usually have the CD of touched up photo's in the mail within 3 to 5 days.

I will have emailed 5 or 6 images for them to 'see' within 2 days.

I would never burn a complete RAW disc of the entire shoot with the intention of giving it to the model.  Most models I have worked with don't have the software required to open a CR2 or NEF file anyways.

I discuss with each model before the shoot that they will recieve 10-12 images from the shoot for their own book and promotional purposes and my Model Release form they sign prior to the shoot states that they understand they are only permitted to use my work for their own promotion, nothing else, as that then enduces a copyright infringment.

10-12 full polished images are in their mail box within a week.

Best wishes all - Darren

Apr 23 06 10:26 am Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

vanscottie wrote:
After two weeks, and NOTHING in your email, it's time for a polite email along the lines of, "hey we had a great shoot a couple weeks ago, I'm sure you're busy but have you gotten around to....."

Personaly I email about 15 to 20 within a few days but CDs of all completed images may take months, but the by then the model is overwhelmed by good least I hope

I agree.  It should be relatively easy and not too time consuming for a photographer to AT LEAST get a few of the images out to the model via email within a few weeks time. If that is not something that happens (assuming, of course, the model supplied the photograher with an email address), then there is a possibility you will have a hard time getting anything at all.

Apr 23 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 55

Los Angeles, California, US

The time frame for receipt of your images should be discussed with the photographer *in advance*.  Most photographers adhere to a two-week time period for mailing out your CD.  though some may go through the images with you when the shoot is over and give you an image or two right then.  This is providing that the images look good enough out of the camera to not require much retouching :-).

I *do* ask photographers for a copy of everything (unretouched), and then pick only one or two images from each set (or "look") for MINOR retouching.  Seeing all the images will teach you what NOT to do on future shoots, show you your best angles, etc.  You don't SHOW the images; you use them to improve your game.  I don't know of anyone who retouches EVERY image (incl. the bad ones).  I'd imagine that any photog who did so would never be able to work again, as s/he will have developed carpal tunnel during your edits :-).

In short: you have plenty of time to discuss pertinent details before you get in front of the camera.  Work as much out during that time as you can, to avoid disasters later on.  Good luck!

Apr 23 06 12:18 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

I usually tell models it will take up to a week. I rarely take that long and if I take longer I'm sure to let them know.

Apr 23 06 12:24 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

It all depends -- every photographer is a little different. If you haven't heard anything in two weeks, it's reasonable to drop a very polite email asking for an update on when you might expect them.

Some photographers do almost nothing at all to the images, others do a lot of postprocessing.

Next time you shoot, make a point to let the photog know you're ancy for the CD -- like everybody else, we prioritize our work, and if you don't seem in a hurry to ge the disc, it might take longer to come.


Apr 23 06 12:41 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

I can weed through the 10 best or so and have them processed in 1 to 3 days. I give out CDs with the original jpegs for proofing purposes only. The models I work with understand that they're better off waiting for and using my shots processed off the raws.

Apr 23 06 01:02 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

I get web previews (watermarked as proofs and unedited) within a week, and send edited images  no more than 2 weeks later. Usually it's a lot shorter, and I missed the deadline once when a number of models from older shoots sent their requests in all at once, but that's been a workable schedule.

I try to make it clear before the shoot, though--it's included in the session summary (time/place/participants/theme) I send out.

Apr 23 06 02:37 pm Link



Posts: 25

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I produce a flash gallery of the unedited images the evening after the shoot and email them a link.

they then email back the images they want and i edit them. i allow 14 days from their choosing the images for 5 images, and an additional week per 5 images extra.

these are edited to the point of printing and are set up for printing at the better pro lab in town. i recommend they print there, but if they print elsewhere, then they are advised that the files should be corrected to the lab's specs.

i put the finished files up on a server and they can download them. once their up on the server i send an email indicating thus. the server is pswd protected for individual folders.

so much easier than cds, dvds, printing etc.

Apr 23 06 10:51 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Andrew Roby wrote:
What is the normal time frame to have to wait until you receive your pictures from your photo shoot?

Don't look for anyting for two weeks. At two weeks, call and ask. At one month, that's strange and a little bit disrespectful of the talent. If they're going to print though, you shouldn't expect pictures for your portfolio until the publication comes out.

Apr 24 06 12:41 am Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

here i thought this was going to be a grammer thread.....the debate over "pics" versus "pictures"

i am very impatient...and i tend to let photographers know that and request a few of their favorite images be emailed to me within a few days of the shoot. once i have those few images my patience kicks in.....i generally like to see a CD within 2-3 weeks, but--hell--i am still waiting for one that is going on three months!

Apr 24 06 02:07 am Link


Andrew Roby

Posts: 139

Washington, Arkansas, US

The question asked was a general queation. Never did it say anything about any photographer or if it was a TFP or a paid shoot. Yet, thanks everyone for your two cents, I LOVE IT!

Apr 25 06 05:51 am Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

Hey guys, I didnt want to post another thread about this subject, and i'm sorry I didnt read through all of the responses.   My question is, if I am paying for the photographer, and he/she promises a cd within a month, what do I do if its well over a month?  I thought about writing up something like a little contract, which would basically be a reciept at the same time, cause I've never gotten one after I've paid for a shoot, and just to have them sign it saying that they will stick to the time frame in which they have given me to get the edited cd back to me.  Now, I understand things come up, as long as the communication is there, I'm fine.  But I tend to find that the photographer completely drops off the face of the earth and no responses to the emails, or they may respond lightyears later.

Do you think having them sign something like I mentioned is too much?

Apr 25 06 05:59 am Link


Pictures of eNVy

Posts: 5

Arden, Delaware, US

Get them to sign, it could speed them up a little. They might have money prob;ems, though. I know when it's me taking the pictures I try my hardist to get the done within a week. But to protect myself I tell them 2 or 3 weeks. That way if they get them in a week it makes me look like a pro. (which I am). Keep coming back it works.

Apr 25 06 06:08 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Nikki S. wrote:
Do you think having them sign something like I mentioned is too much?

I don't know if it's "too much" but it would be something I would hesitate to do.

I think a better approach is to split payment -- give him half the money up front, and the other half upon delivery of the images. That way there's incentive for him to finish. Once you've paid him in full, there is nothing but his good intentions to make him finish the job.

Apr 25 06 06:11 am Link