Forums > General Industry > Point me in the direction of "NO SHOWS" fix.


CLW Photography

Posts: 348

Troy, Michigan, US

I know....I know....I know....this has been talked about. But you would think somebody cares. So my question is:

Can someone point me in the direction of forum post(s) where the mods or whomever have made comments about future plans to place a rating system on here? If not a rating system like Ebay or Amazon, some other idea will do. I would simply like to know if there is a hint of conversation/consideration from Gods of MM.

I've read tons of messages in the forums and people from both sides get this treatment. But it appears to be mostly photographers getting the mistreatment since we are the lower class citizens on here. smile

Again, I'm only looking if someone knows of conversations or comments from the moderators.


Apr 22 06 11:34 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

That's just what this place needs..  A rating system in a place with a clique-y, country club atmosphere..

Mmm.. Anonymous social blacklisting.. How fun!

Bleh.. You want reliable.. Shoot rocks..

Apr 22 06 11:39 am Link


Art Schotz

Posts: 2879

Lima, Ohio, US

It would be interesting to see some sort of rating system, but as it has been pointed out in the past,  the system could be skewed by people on both sides with questionable motives.  (What I'm saying is if someone hates you or is angryu  with you, they could skew the scoring to make you look really bad, evven when you're not.)

So a rating system will probably stayout of the question.

However, an informal group of us who have suffered those cancellations could keep track of each others' no-shows and stay informed.  We could start a Yahoo group for a central place to maintain records.

However, maybe it should be clique-y, like only those in the Ohio-Michigan-Indiana region.  That way the list wold be appropriate to us and might stay eassily manageable.

I'l be member #1.  Give me a shout.

Apr 22 06 11:41 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

The difference here vs. Ebay is that Ebay has a way to insure that reviews are limited to actual transactions that occurred.  With an open rating system where any member can post freely, then you will just get a big "vote for me" free-for-all.  If there were a rating system, it would have to be linked to a model booking system that everyone agreed to use. - And unless funds were transferred through paypal or something, then you still would have people doing fictitious shoots to gain ratings.

Apr 22 06 11:55 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Ahh, so on a free site that attracts anyone and everyone, you want to give random people the power to rate you? 

You clearly underestimate the petty, simple-mindedness of many of the members here. 

People who have never met or worked with you will indeed rate you.  That they have no basis to do so is beside the point.  It will be done.  No doubt about it.  And then we'll have people complaining that the rating system is hurting their chances of getting TFPs...

No matter how well intentioned, a rating system would never work properly in practice...

Apr 22 06 12:09 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

If it was easy, everybody would do it.

Reminds me of the story about the record company executive who woke up with a light bulb over his head one morning -- if his company only put out the hits, they'd make a LOT more money! Woo hoo!!!

Fucking idiot.

Shooting models is the same way. It's just not realistic to expect that every model that books a shoot will actually show up, or even be worth your time to shoot if he or she does. But every now and then, you get an amazing model who makes it all worthwhile.

So my advice is to be philosophical about it. Sometimes they'll show, sometimes they won't. There is no magic formula to figure out which ones will be no shows. I've had great communicators who come across as total pros just up and disappear on me -- no call, no email, no apology, nothing. At the other end of the spectrum, I've had bratty girls who seem like total flakes show up on time, work their asses off, and make some amazing pictures. So I just go with the flow. . .


Apr 22 06 12:15 pm Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

i don't know how that it would work out.. what if you give a low rating cause of a no-show up and you get a 'revenge' low rating as a photographer sad

Apr 22 06 12:22 pm Link


CLW Photography

Posts: 348

Troy, Michigan, US

My idea is that the photog and the model would have to first "click" on "I will work with". Something like a contract. They can then only give the results based on that tracked transaction. If that contract is never "clicked" there is no rating available. That would prevent the open rating system and provide something like Ebay.

Apr 22 06 12:42 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Still does nothing to stop the "you diss me, I'll diss you" mentality..

Photog & model agree.. Clicky..  Model no shows.. (Or photog's a complete creep)..  Other end rates an honest "this guy/gal sucked"...

In revenge the other side does the same to the person who was flaked out on/messed with..

Both ratings go down..

Who's telling the truth?  How the hell should ModelMayhem know?  They weren't there..

It's a bad idea..  Sorry, it just is.

Apr 22 06 12:47 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Try using an agency.

Apr 22 06 12:57 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Jay Dezelic wrote:
The difference here vs. Ebay is that Ebay has a way to insure that reviews are limited to actual transactions that occurred.  With an open rating system where any member can post freely, then you will just get a big "vote for me" free-for-all.  If there were a rating system, it would have to be linked to a model booking system that everyone agreed to use. - And unless funds were transferred through paypal or something, then you still would have people doing fictitious shoots to gain ratings.

This is exactly my argument against such a rating system.  Thank you.

Apr 22 06 02:06 pm Link


CLW Photography

Posts: 348

Troy, Michigan, US

People, I haven't found anything in this world that is perfect. However, an attempt to help the system could be worthy. Like anything you may give 100% but you may only reach 80, 70, 60, or less, but it helps. Ebay isn't perfect either, but I sure do appreciate being able to make a better decision about the people I do business with.

At the moment we have tons of "models" and "photographers" coming out of the wood works. Both sides are unreliable, horrible in terms of professionalism/business, and have no clue about respect for others' time.

Sure, I could go to an agency as mentioned, but like so many here I am working TFP/TFCD to build my port. I photograph models as a side deal, but I take it very seriously and treat it as part of a business venture. Even if I didn't I value my time as well as anyone whom I agree to work with.

Don't shoot it down because I bet many of you would use it if it is available smile

Apr 22 06 06:39 pm Link



Posts: 1438

Niles, Michigan, US

I offered my opinion on this yesterday in another thread. I would propose a positive rating system whereby the photographer could place a marker of some kind on the models bio page that indicates a succesful session and has the photographer's MM ID number so that you could check references. Only plus markers are allowed, no negative postings or markers are allowed to prevent bashing. The number of markers would tend to indicate the models past performance - many would indicate satisfied customers, few would indicated either a new model with few jobs to date , or a potential problem.
Membership would be voluntary - but participation could be a selling point that says, 
"Use me, I'm serious about my work and I can offer references"
In choosing between 2 otherwise equal models, I think I would pick the one with a proven track record.

Apr 22 06 07:16 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I like the positive feedback and the yahoo idea. Other than that, this is just a problem that we have to deal with. Something else to consider is the fact that a model or photographer might no-show on one person, but not on others. Maybe they were just lazy that day. Who knows. I am a very advid communications buff. But it doesn't always work that everyone else is.

Apr 22 06 07:35 pm Link


CLW Photography

Posts: 348

Troy, Michigan, US


That is a beautiful suggestion. See folks ideas generate something that could actually work! Only positive feedback can mean a lot.

Now let's hope the mods are actually moderating because there is lots of talk about "we need help.

Apr 22 06 08:38 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I love hearing about people's positive experiences--especially about MM members!  Please, feel free to rave publically about anyone.  Sing people's praises.  Sound your barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.

What I don't want to hear is negativity.  Even if it's true, what is missing is the other person's side of the story. 

I really do like the If-you-don't-have-anything-nice-to-say idea.  Don't count on MM implementing it for you, though.

There's really nothing the moderators can do to make sure you have a good experience on a shoot.

Apr 22 06 09:48 pm Link