Forums > General Industry > How do you Handle this?



Posts: 63

Vancouver, Washington, US

Photog, get an e-mail,,,"desire to work with you, love your stuff etc. etc. "

Model really shouldn't be trying to model. Very overweight, appearance poor etc.

So, as a photog, do you (very diplomatically) in form her that she shouldn't be trying to become a glamour model? Just ignore the request?

Whats the best most honest, LEAST TRAMATIC way to deal with this. I certainly have no desire to burst anyones bubble.

What are your thoughts???

Apr 21 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

datadr wrote:
So, as a photog, do you (very diplomatically) in form her that she shouldn't be trying to become a glamour model? Just ignore the request?

I wouldn't ignore the request (unless it was unsolicited).  A polite "Thank you for inquiring, I'll keep your information on file..." should suffice.

Telling her that she shouldn't be trying to become a glamour model would also be inappropriate unless she requested your opinion on the matter.  Even then I'd rephrase it in a more positive manner.

Apr 21 06 12:46 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Just say no thanks, she doesn't have the look you need or want.
She will either find a special niche in her modeling or she will fizzle out.

If you want to talk about not fitting the mainstream.
Look up Shyly on mm she is a figure model and she is 300 lbs
she does great work. She has her own market and has worked some fantastic artists.

If a model asks you for advice on if they can model in a genre then give them your opinion untill the ask don't bother to squash there dreams, it is not nice.

The photog part of me has done searches in my area and man I wish I could have a chance to shoot some of the local girls just for the practice and I know I can provide much cleaner and better image than the snapshots they have now, but alas they are only taking paid work. (I just don't feel like paying an amiture)

Apr 21 06 03:27 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

It's not your job to tell anyone whether they have potential in this business since you aren't every photographer out there, and your use of the word "overweight" in the negative would seem to discount the innumerable images of plus sized women who are contibuting to the photographic world and in a lot cases being paid well for it.

If you'd rather not work with her there are many things to say to her that wont be devastating since you obviously don't wish to be mean about it, i'm sure you come up with something to say

Apr 21 06 03:38 pm Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Just say "Sure I'll shoot with you. My rates are as follows.."

Apr 21 06 03:41 pm Link


Model Mel

Posts: 733

I have to agree with the plus model comment, there are some plus size catalogs that use models everyday. I would politely tell her your not in the market to publish her appearance on your protfolio and if she wants to work with you let her know what your rates are? Sometimes, honesty is brutal but what you do you honestly feel? Say it with class....

Apr 21 06 03:45 pm Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
If you want to talk about not fitting the mainstream.
Look up Shyly on mm she is a figure model and she is 300 lbs
she does great work. She has her own market and has worked some fantastic artists.

agreed, shyly is to die for, and i wish she'd come east and shoot with me.

if she does not have any special spark you feel would benefit your portfolio, quoting her some rates wouldn't be out of line. overweight people like to have pictures of themselves too, and if she really likes your work...

Apr 21 06 03:45 pm Link


Jim Duvall

Posts: 172

Seattle, Washington, US

I reply realistically but not critically.

"I presently have no projects that fit your look. I do not do TFCd to expand my portfolio rather because I have a particular artisitic need to fill. If you need pictures for a particular project of yours my rates are.... If you feel I can produce images that will work for you we should meet and discuss it."

I shoot a wide range of body types and some projects I do actually need people who very much do not look like models. So I never rule anyone out or burn a bridge if at all possible.

Apr 21 06 03:50 pm Link


Eros Artist Photography

Posts: 1562

Green Cove Springs, Florida, US

Jim Duvall wrote:
I reply realistically but not critically.

"I presently have no projects that fit your look. I do not do TFCd to expand my portfolio rather because I have a particular artisitic need to fill. If you need pictures for a particular project of yours my rates are.... If you feel I can produce images that will work for you we should meet and discuss it."

I shoot a wide range of body types and some projects I do actually need people who very much do not look like models. So I never rule anyone out or burn a bridge if at all possible.

Ditto -

Bill Ballard
Blue Water Photography
Savannah, GA
[email protected]

Apr 21 06 03:54 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Whats the best most honest, LEAST TRAMATIC way to deal with this. I certainly have no desire to burst anyones bubble.

Tell her that she doesn't fit the needs of your current test projects and quote your rates?

Apr 21 06 03:56 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

I would like to echo vanscotties remarks. It is not up to you to decide who should model, it is only up to you to decide who will model for you.

I am happy to say that I will be blessed with the opportunity to shoot with shyly this summer, she is a better muse than most models who are one third her size. Weight has nothing to do with a persons inability to model.. And for that matter neither do looks.

If there is a person you don't care to work with, just tell them you limit tfps to people who you wouldn't mind having sex with (smile).

Apr 21 06 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 63

Vancouver, Washington, US

OK, all great thoughts and really appreciated. I do want to make clear that I was not eliminating this potential model for being overweight. Just not one fitting my present needs. I do agree that there a niches for all body types.

Thanks all..

Apr 21 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 63

Vancouver, Washington, US

OK, all great thoughts and really appreciated. I do want to make clear that I was not eliminating this potential model for being overweight. Just not one fitting my present needs. I do agree that there are niches for all body types.

Thanks all..

Apr 21 06 05:05 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

I'm horribly honest and tend to piss people off with the reality.

Oh well!

Apr 21 06 07:19 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

datadr wrote:
So, as a photog, do you (very diplomatically) in form her that she shouldn't be trying to become a glamour model? Just ignore the request?

I usually reply something to the effect of, "Thanks for contacting me. Your look doesn't really match my needs/interest so I'm not interested in doing a TFCD/TFP or paid shoot with you. If you'd like to hire me to help you improve your portfolio, I'd be happy to send you my rates."


Apr 21 06 07:27 pm Link