Forums > General Industry > Question re: Weight Loss for Athlethic Body Style


That name is taken

Posts: 182

BALLOUVILLE, Connecticut, US

Hey guys, I have a question for everyone:
  I'm 5'8" weigh 130 right now.  I have a very athletic body style and whenever I work out I usually end up weighing more because of my muscle mass.  I really want to have a toned but slender (aka non swoll) but I can't figure out the right workout routine.  Any hints, solutions?

Apr 21 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

While you may weigh more... it really shouldn't be about the weight. I too have a very athletic body style and I tend to gain weight but I lose inches quickly. While I do weigh 120 pounds I fit a size 2. To me, what the scale says doesn't matter... it's more about going into Express and grabbing a pair of jeans in a tiny size.

If you really want to lose weight, cut the carbs and work on your cardio rather than lifting weights.

Apr 21 06 12:45 pm Link


That name is taken

Posts: 182

BALLOUVILLE, Connecticut, US

That's good info - I usually can fit a size 4 so I guess I need to hit the cardio pretty hard to keep up with everyone! I wouldn't say that I'm fat but I'm afraid the weight portion of the profile will keep me from getting jobs.

Apr 21 06 12:47 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Throw a swimsuit image in there showig your entire body, and you won't have as much of a problem. If potential clients can't see what your body looks like, they will be more likely to go by the weight value.

Apr 21 06 12:53 pm Link


Torrence Williams

Posts: 247

Dallas, Texas, US

Bethany Elyse wrote:
Hey guys, I have a question for everyone:
  I'm 5'8" weigh 130 right now.  I have a very athletic body style and whenever I work out I usually end up weighing more because of my muscle mass.  I really want to have a toned but slender (aka non swoll) but I can't figure out the right workout routine.  Any hints, solutions?

Dont woryy about HOW Much you weigh...It is just a number just be concerned about the appearance.
If you are doing excersiss run or jog longer distances. It will help slenderize your muscles.. ever seen a "swole" marathon runner....
As far as your weight training..  do very light weight with more repetitions..(heavier weight bulks you up....)

Apr 21 06 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 189

Portland, Oregon, US

I don't think you need to worry about your weight too much smile The thing that generally matters most is your actual measurements!

A girl who doesn't work out as much as you would probably have larger measurements than you do at the same height/weight, so even if you put on pounds, you'd be ok if you can maintain your measurements... the look is what's important.

Apr 21 06 01:01 pm Link



Posts: 725

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

Plenty of cardio is a great way to trim down. If you preffer working with weights, keep the reps high (15+) and combine a couple of movements into "giant sets" (ie: bench press, followed by behind-the-neck-military press, followed by tricep kickbacks, followed by crunches. Repeat 2 more times) That will really get your heart rate up, & tone your muscles without adding much mass...

Apr 21 06 04:39 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Y'know -- if you want to slim down & tone up, I would first think about reducing your caloric & fat intake, rather than increasing or changing your workout routine.  What's your diet like?

Note:  if you are like me, your diet is fine, but your portions are large.  When I want to lose weight, I simply cook my meals as before, but I divide it in half, eat half, and save the other half for leftovers.

Finally, don't avoid carbs unless you want to drive yourself crazy.  Instead, reduce them a little, and focus on whole grains.  Beware -- when I switched to whole grains, I started to poop like a god.

Apr 21 06 05:08 pm Link


That name is taken

Posts: 182

BALLOUVILLE, Connecticut, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Beware -- when I switched to whole grains, I started to poop like a god.

YIKES! I'm not sure what pooping like a god is, but I don't think it sounds to appealing! 

My diet consists of this: water (I don't drink tea, coke, coffee, etc), usually grilled foods (fajitas, chicken, fish) and a side.  For lunch I usually do a Healthy Choice soup (GAG ME).  I try to do my best although every now and then I do a Mtn Dew or a bag of Cadbury's Mini Eggs - I will be sooo glad when Easter candy is out of the question! 

I feel like I eat pretty well, granted I could do better.  I probably do eat a larger portion than i should though...

Apr 21 06 05:27 pm Link



Posts: 725

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Note:  if you are like me, your diet is fine, but your portions are large.  When I want to lose weight, I simply cook my meals as before, but I divide it in half, eat half, and save the other half for leftovers.

This is also a great way to control what, and how much you eat, and a great way to avoid eating out, which is often less healthy AND more expensive.
  A good rule of thumb with portion-control is to keep them, "No larger than the size of your fist" because that's about what the size of your stomach is. If don't eat more than that, theoretically you won't be stretching it out, which causes it to expand.

Apr 21 06 06:24 pm Link


c s e

Posts: 1077

Los Angeles, California, US

Bethany Elyse wrote:

YIKES! I'm not sure what pooping like a god is, but I don't think it sounds to appealing! 

My diet consists of this: water (I don't drink tea, coke, coffee, etc), usually grilled foods (fajitas, chicken, fish) and a side.  For lunch I usually do a Healthy Choice soup (GAG ME).  I try to do my best although every now and then I do a Mtn Dew or a bag of Cadbury's Mini Eggs - I will be sooo glad when Easter candy is out of the question! 

I feel like I eat pretty well, granted I could do better.  I probably do eat a larger portion than i should though...

according to the diet above, you could do a lot better.  you look fine in your portfolio.  but, if you are truly concerned with your weight, and consequently your overall health, look at your sugar intake too.  i've never looked at a healthy choice label, but most soups contain a lot of the white stuff, aka poison.  switch to amy's soups if you have a whole foods or other health food store in your hood.  and, learn about glycemic indexes.  losing weight and keeping it off takes more than a diet.  commit to an overall lifestyle change that includes eating healthier foods and exercising more.  not only will you look great, but you will feel great too.  and, as an added bonus, poop like a goddess!  off to run a 10K...

Apr 30 06 08:19 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Bethany Elyse wrote:

YIKES! I'm not sure what pooping like a god is, but I don't think it sounds to appealing!

I really don't want to dwell on it, but "pooping like a god" means that the stuff comes out big & solid & quite capable of clogging these low flow toilets. 

Apr 30 06 10:24 am Link



Posts: 6703

Tampa, Florida, US

There's a BIG difference between weight and bodyfat... and the two should not be confused. If you gain weight when you work out... GOOD... you should. You're building lean muscle tissue, which actually HELPS you burn more fat at rest! no lie! If you have a naturally athletic build, consider yourself fortunate. You want to burn fat? Try this:

Eat five to six smaller meals a day.

Avoid excessive high-glycemic carbs (those that increase insulin release)... because your body cannot efficiently regulate insulin and burn fat for fuel at the same time.

Try to always eat protein (and a small amount of fat) with your carbs, rather than carbs alone... same reason above.

When doing cardio... keep your heart rate at about 60% of your age predicted heart rate maximum (220-age x .6)... This is approximately 50% of your VO2 max (maximum oxygen consumption during exercise)... which is ideal for burning fat.

Do lower intensite cardio as mentioned above for at least 45 minutes, 4-5x a day, rather than more intense cardio for a shorter duration (same principle as above), but not for more than 1.5 hours... as then you'll start to deplete muscle glycogen rather than burn fat.

If you have any more questions, feel free to email me... and I'll help if I can.

~ Andrea  (former competative natural bodybuilder and NSCA Certified Personal Trainer since 1997)

Muscle is sexy!!

Apr 30 06 01:54 pm Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Brandy wrote:
While you may weigh more... it really shouldn't be about the weight. I too have a very athletic body style and I tend to gain weight but I lose inches quickly. While I do weigh 120 pounds I fit a size 2. To me, what the scale says doesn't matter... it's more about going into Express and grabbing a pair of jeans in a tiny size.

If you really want to lose weight, cut the carbs and work on your cardio rather than lifting weights.

Yes....just what Brandy said (more cardio,less weights).  And you know she is doing something right--just LOOK at this girl!

Apr 30 06 07:16 pm Link



Posts: 146

Seattle, Washington, US

Bethany Elyse wrote:
Hey guys, I have a question for everyone:
  I'm 5'8" weigh 130 right now.  I have a very athletic body style and whenever I work out I usually end up weighing more because of my muscle mass.  I really want to have a toned but slender (aka non swoll) but I can't figure out the right workout routine.  Any hints, solutions?

Ever since I started taking Kickboxing I have dropped a bunch of weight and my body is starting to look pretty athletic.  It's excellent cardio and since you are using only your own weight your muscles tend to be more and the long and lean side rather than the bulky side.  I didn't chance my eating habits at all - although I tend to eat pretty healthy - I love the salads and wraps at my school *SO GOOD*. And I love the special K yogurt and berries cereal.  I hate regular yogurt but I am a SUCKER for yogurt covered anything!

Edit : I am not a personal trainer - so I am just talking from experience and not from book knowledge - there I covered my ass.

Apr 30 06 07:20 pm Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Y'know -- if you want to slim down & tone up, I would first think about reducing your caloric & fat intake, rather than increasing or changing your workout routine.  What's your diet like?

Note:  if you are like me, your diet is fine, but your portions are large.  When I want to lose weight, I simply cook my meals as before, but I divide it in half, eat half, and save the other half for leftovers.

Finally, don't avoid carbs unless you want to drive yourself crazy.  Instead, reduce them a little, and focus on whole grains.  Beware -- when I switched to whole grains, I started to poop like a god.

I fully agree.  Don't change your workout, change your diet.  It really does work, and this is coming from someone who works out fanatically.  DOn't worry about your weight, worry about how you look and more importantly feel.  Be healthy, first and foremost.

Apr 30 06 08:28 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

I replaced my 45 minutes of boring steady jogging with ~12-15 minutes of HIIT (high intensity interval training) and I have already noticed a bodyfat% difference.  More cardio is NOT always the answer.  Your body will get used to it, and start reserving stuff to keep you going.  HIIT is interesting because your body is always forced to react-- I do a 3 minute warmup (after walking to the gym), followed by 5 minutes of 20 second SPRINT / 20 second jog, then a 4 minute cooldown (or longer, until my heartrate's down to ~135).  Then I do a half hour of light weight training, for toning, and then walk home (uphill, joy) afterwards.  It's become SUPER easy to keep up with because I can leave my house and be back to shower within an hour.  There's basically no excuse NOT to go.

More info: … 23&t_ix=29
"Who wants to burn more fat? Okay, everybody's hand went up, so forget those low-intensity, hour-long cardio sessions!"
"Traditionally aerobics last 30 to 60 minutes [...]  However, there are other ways, which effectively rev your metabolic rate, so efficiently, that you can conceivably accomplish more in 5-15 minutes, then in three to five times that amount of time, via traditional slow mo training." … ptical.htm
"The advantage of High Intensity Interval Training is the impact on weight loss. In comparison to your average workout, you get more value for your time."

Even more: … gle+Search

May 01 06 01:05 am Link


That name is taken

Posts: 182

BALLOUVILLE, Connecticut, US

Josie - thank you so much! This is exactly the info I needed - I wondered about the cardio thing, because I've plateaued.  Thanks again,

May 01 06 01:25 pm Link