
Paul C

Posts: 62

San Antonio, Texas, US

I'm thinking of going to Miami, if not only for a few months, to do some tests with  agencies and I was wondering if any of you out there could give me some insight into the industry there and what it's like to live there. Places to live, things to avoid. All comments are appreciated. Thanks.

Apr 19 06 08:08 am Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

I've only vacationed there, but fell in love with the South Beach area and definitely will plan a return trip. Next time, I'll really take advantage of the setting and find local models for TFCD work.

General tip: if you haven't ever lived in a hurricane zone, make sure you keep that possibility in mind when choosing an apartment (altitude = good, windows = bad), insurance, etc.

Another general tip: flights were cheaper into Fort Lauderdale than Miami for me if you're planning a trip to scope out the area.

Apr 19 06 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

i'll be there saturday...

miami fashion season is from nov-april...
commercial work goes on all year..

as for testing with may want to build a book for thier style..

plus, a tough gig to do testing..they already have bunches of great photogs..

Apr 19 06 08:18 pm Link


Eros Artist Photography

Posts: 1562

Green Cove Springs, Florida, US

I lived there for many years, and left about 10 years ago -

There are tons of togs and tons of models - you'll have to work hard to find a niche

Real estate, including rent, is through the roof (last year, the house my wife and I owned there sold for slightly less than 4 times the amount we sold it four ten years ago.)

Hot spots: Coconut Grove (known as "the Grove"), South Beach, South Miami, Brickell -

Traffic sucks - period - and it can suck to live in a "destination" city where tourism plays such a huge role in the local economy - or IS the local economy.

Great resturants and culture -

I'd go back in a heartbeat if I could afford to live the life I've become accustomed to in Savannah.....truth is, after being there a few years, I spent more time in the Keys and Bahamas, than Miami proper -


Bill Ballard
Blue Water Photography
Savannah, GA
[email protected]

Apr 19 06 08:29 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Miami's cool or at least everyone seems to think so. I am a native so I guess I am kind of jaded. Great weather, tons of great locations to shoot. It has gotten a little pricey in the last few years but so has everywhere else. 

Most of the name agencies have satellite offices in Miami and there are a lot of local agencies. Irene Marie and Michelle Pommier are probably the most established and reputable. Yes there is a lot of competition amongst photographers, but again that's everywhere. I personaly shy away from agencies I find most agencies and their models to be a pain in the ass. Usualy they want you to jump thru hoops of fire and some agencies discourage their models from signing a release. I personaly don't see the point of shooting if you can't even own the rights to your images.

Don't be discouraged though, just sit at any cafe on Lincoln Road and within 30 minutes you will see 10 of the most stunning beauties in your life parade right by. A lot of them unsigned girls and boys from Venezuela, Denmark, Germany....all over the globe, usualy on vacation.

Like all major cities Miami has it's share of problems, but I've yet to find a place that is perfect.

Best of Luck,

Apr 19 06 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

i spend a lot of time there and i dont like it at all..

its not friendly at all, its way overpriced..the resturants are good, not great..service sucks, unless you find an anomoly and 17% gratuity included..

its getting to hot to shoot outside, but great 3/4 of the year

but great locations and models to shoot

Apr 19 06 08:53 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

ESP 1MAGES wrote:
Places to live, things to avoid.

Places to live: Broward County (just north of Miami; pick a city - the farther north the better)

Things to avoid: Miami!!!!

LOL I'm not the best person to ask, I'm a native but I really don't like this place or its crappy, fake attitude. Every girl is a "princess," every guy is a "tough guy." It's laughable. There are a few exceptions, of course. Live here for a year, you'll be alright. Look me up and I'll show you around. But most transplants I know hate it after a year or so.

You've been warned (by Doug Swinskey as well, who gives a very good description of Miami in his last post). Best of luck either way. I'll stick around if there's money to be made here, otherwise I'm packin' up as soon as I straighten out some family stuff. I likely won't be too far away, but even just a 20-mile barrier between my future home and the city of Miami would be enough to make it bearable.

Apr 19 06 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Im from Miami.. and I still live in Miami.

Some of the comments are true.. others are a lil bit overblown. If Miami was THAT bad... then people would not be moving down here at the pace they are.

Traffic sucks... hence why I moved from where I lived to closer to Miami Beach, Real Estate is a joke.. my house has gone up 150% in less than 2 yrs.. Makes no fucking sense! The people are rude and all that, true... funny thing is.. most ppl who are rude are transplants.. Anyone born here or who has lived here for more than 20 yrs is very nice for the most part.

But i love this place... Any questions... I may be able to help!

Apr 19 06 11:18 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Dax wrote:
Some of the comments are true.. others are a lil bit overblown. If Miami was THAT bad... then people would not be moving down here at the pace they are.

It's all a matter of perspective, of course smile But I have a theory that many people that move down here do so because you can get away with pretty much anything here. It's like a banana

I have to say that your idea that true natives are usually pretty nice may be right. Unfortunately, out of the hundreds of people I've met over the years, only a handful have been natives. I was generalizing in my description of the people here (at least the younger crowd of "thugs" and "divas") but that's mostly what I encounter outside of the industry. And yes, almost all of them are from "somewhere else" (other states, countries.... planets wink )

Apr 19 06 11:53 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Paradise ain't cheap!


Apr 20 06 12:31 am Link


Paul C

Posts: 62

San Antonio, Texas, US

Thanks for the input so far. Has anyone else had bad experiences with the agencies there? Are they cool? I'm not necessarily looking for paid work from the get go. I know how it is. I'm just thinking of going for a few weeks, maybe a month to do some tests for my book.

Apr 20 06 12:45 am Link


Grey C

Posts: 351

San Francisco, California, US

i love miami smile

i think its just because it is so different, and it is the farthest ive ever been away from home.

but i enjoyed it there. i miss the clear water! not getting into the oceans here anymore lol.

FULL of beautiful people everywhere. driving is a little scary, i dont recommend public transit even though its cheap. nice apartment pricey. my boyfriend is paying 1100/month for a decent PH in an older building on Miami Beach.

Apr 20 06 03:11 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

ESP 1MAGES wrote:
Thanks for the input so far. Has anyone else had bad experiences with the agencies there? Are they cool? I'm not necessarily looking for paid work from the get go. I know how it is. I'm just thinking of going for a few weeks, maybe a month to do some tests for my book.

they're are several photogs ensconched with the almost have to kill them them to displace them..i am lucky to work with a few models that have brought my images internal via comps and portfolios..but i'm not realizing any profit from the agency relationship.

Apr 20 06 07:13 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

ikaleike wrote:
FULL of beautiful people everywhere. driving is a little scary, i dont recommend public transit even though its cheap. nice apartment pricey. my boyfriend is paying 1100/month for a decent PH in an older building on Miami Beach.

$1100 for a penthouse is WAAAAAAY cheap !! You can't even get a studio at the flamingo ( most populated building on sobe ) for less than $1200. He hit jackpot!

Apr 20 06 10:29 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Gabriel wrote:

I was generalizing in my description of the people here (at least the younger crowd of "thugs" and "divas") but that's mostly what I encounter outside of the industry. And yes, almost all of them are from "somewhere else" (other states, countries.... planets wink )

Well... lol that is your fault... for hanging with that crowd.. LOL Whenever you want to meet the nice kids, the non thugs, the good part about Miami.. Give me a holla!!

I do agree, that Miami IS a Banana Republic, but then again most of us who live down here ARE hispanic.. and is in our nature to be "Bananas". Not that I like it or agree with it... but is part of being a spic like me smile.

You encounter "divas" -outside- of the industry? Jesus.. no divas in your side of the industry? lol

Apr 20 06 10:33 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

ESP 1MAGES wrote:
Thanks for the input so far. Has anyone else had bad experiences with the agencies there? Are they cool? I'm not necessarily looking for paid work from the get go. I know how it is. I'm just thinking of going for a few weeks, maybe a month to do some tests for my book.


Are they cool? Unless u are established in Miami and/or from NY I hear they give you attitude... So, if your book is so so and u are from Texas the MAY give you attitude.

Paid tests: Don't even think about charging them, they have so many guys offering free tests, that why would they pay some guy they don't know? I know of very few LOCAL guys who get paid work all the time.. My studio partner is one of them, and even him is having a bit of trouble finding paid tests.

The only way u are gonna find out the truth .. is by trying it. Best of luck!

Apr 20 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Dax wrote:

Well... lol that is your fault... for hanging with that crowd.. LOL Whenever you want to meet the nice kids, the non thugs, the good part about Miami.. Give me a holla!!

I do agree, that Miami IS a Banana Republic, but then again most of us who live down here ARE hispanic.. and is in our nature to be "Bananas". Not that I like it or agree with it... but is part of being a spic like me smile.

You encounter "divas" -outside- of the industry? Jesus.. no divas in your side of the industry? lol

Well I have a day job in a warehouse in Miami Lakes, so you can imagine the kinds of people I meet, lol. Though I was also referring to the people I meet on the street all the time, or encounter them while riding (though I know that some people do a complete transformation of personality once they get behind the wheel, lol).

I'm not yet so deep into the industry to say that all the divas are outside of it (I've heard the stories!) but can you believe that I've worked alongside working pros and still haven't had an encounter with one? My semi-pro models have all been sweethearts, ditto for the makeup artists, and my stylist is, as one girl described her, "adorable." But I'm sure my luck will run out soon enough!!! I'm enjoying it while I can. I have met some attitude, of course, but not what I would call "diva" attitude.

Now don't ask me about girls I've dated... that's a whooooole other story sad

As for the Banana Republic comment... who ya calling a spic? :p It wasn't really a reference to my fellow Hispanics, but it does point out the similarities between our local government and that of some developing countries. But you know what I meant smile

I have plenty of great friends down here, so there are some really good people about.. though most of them live or are moving to Broward, LOL. Anytime you wanna meet up or something let me know. From your posts I would say you're definitely not part of the "bad" crowd that I don't like.

Apr 20 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 1326

Palm Beach, Florida, US

i'm just up in Palm Beach county; no "industry" here, per se, my agent is in Hollywood...castings/bookings are in Miami.  nice area, traffic is bad, but you learn how to roll with the punches, ya know?

if you want to come down and give it a go, why not?  it will be nice, tropical vacation at least.  smile

p.s., how about a Miami area model/photog meetup?  i would love to meet some new ppl.  smile


Apr 20 06 08:53 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US


That was the standard rule of thumb... that is... if you were still in Miami by May... you were screwed.

(As everyone else has left, and clearly made enough money to leave... except you!)

Better to at this point head to Miami North.... aka NY.

Without the "season"... there is no reason!!!!!

Apr 20 06 09:41 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Steven is waxing poetic tonight, lol.. I've heard similar things, though, in terms of the season. I figure I'll show my book around anyway (when it's done) just to make some contacts and get some valuable feedback, and be ready for November big_smile

Apr 20 06 09:56 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Gabe... seriously... save it!!

All the good models are gone... dogs remain.  (and they sweat this time of year... = sweaty dogs)

Agents leave and go on vacation / aka "scouting".

Remaining.... lower bookers, agents that don't care, bad models, wet weather, and IF you met people... they would NOT remember you 6 months from now.

Go to Europe now to test / learn / improve... meet clients... go to Miami in season and tell clients you are going... and THEN have jobs!!!!!!  (with good models!)

Apr 20 06 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
Gabe... seriously... save it!!

All the good models are gone... dogs remain.  (and they sweat this time of year... = sweaty dogs)

Agents leave and go on vacation / aka "scouting".

Remaining.... lower bookers, agents that don't care, bad models, wet weather, and IF you met people... they would NOT remember you 6 months from now.

Go to Europe now to test / learn / improve... meet clients... go to Miami in season and tell clients you are going... and THEN have jobs!!!!!!  (with good models!)

LOL You always tell it like it is. Europe sounds excellent, but, uh, outta my price range at the moment. I expected to have my book in presentable form by Feb at the latest, but finding the right models and a good team delayed things quite a bit. I learn more about the industry and taking my images to the next level almost everyday, so maybe it's better if I have to wait...

Not to hijack the thread - well, it pertains to the OP's question too - but what about the local fashion rags like Boca and Las Olas, etc.? What do they do, and, more importantly, what kind of work do they buy, when Miami is off season?

Apr 20 06 10:37 pm Link


Paul C

Posts: 62

San Antonio, Texas, US

It's amazing how much information I can get from the internet in such little time. It never ceases to amaze me!

Thanks for the info. I knew Miami was a seasonal place although I didn't know which season. I should've known that Hurricane season is NOT chic :\

I think i will go before I go back to Europe at the end of the year.

Apr 20 06 10:48 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Gabriel wrote:
Not to hijack the thread - well, it pertains to the OP's question too - but what about the local fashion rags like Boca and Las Olas, etc.? What do they do, and, more importantly, what kind of work do they buy, when Miami is off season?

Fashion season dies like.. RIGHT NOW.. but commercials are shot all over.. all the time.. So.. all the commercial agencies ( pretty much every single one in broward and palm beach county ) have girls.. The quality compared to the ones that are here.. for season.. is lower of course.. but u can find some good ones.. There are a few.. who stay and a few who are from here.. but most of the GOOD ones are gone.. as they can't stop .. smile

See.. i would do free tests with girls from the agencies on the beach.. and then i would go to the smaller agencies and get paid testing.  smile

Apr 20 06 11:11 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:

That was the standard rule of thumb... that is... if you were still in Miami by May... you were screwed.

(As everyone else has left, and clearly made enough money to leave... except you!)

Better to at this point head to Miami North.... aka NY.

Without the "season"... there is no reason!!!!!

Steven Bigler wrote:
Gabe... seriously... save it!!

All the good models are gone... dogs remain.  (and they sweat this time of year... = sweaty dogs)

Agents leave and go on vacation / aka "scouting".

Remaining.... lower bookers, agents that don't care, bad models, wet weather, and IF you met people... they would NOT remember you 6 months from now.

Go to Europe now to test / learn / improve... meet clients... go to Miami in season and tell clients you are going... and THEN have jobs!!!!!!  (with good models!)

I can't quite put my finger on it... but I get the distinct impression that you don't particularly care for Miami. 

Call it a hunch...

Apr 20 06 11:16 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Gabriel wrote:
Europe sounds excellent, but, uh, outta my price range at the moment. I expected to have my book in presentable form by Feb at the latest, but finding the right models and a good team delayed things quite a bit. I learn more about the industry and taking my images to the next level almost everyday, so maybe it's better if I have to wait...

That is all horse shit and bullshit and excuses!!!!  You will improve by years every month you are in Europe.  Travelling and roughing it in Europe will cost less than renting a place in Miami.

Stop making excuses... I am wise because I know this shit... and learned the hardway.

Don't be stupid and say things like "waiting to make my book perfect" and shit like that... go live.

Apr 20 06 11:29 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
I get the distinct impression that you don't particularly care for Miami. 

Call it a hunch...

Jay... you could not be further from the truth.... I love the place... like I love women... but I don't get turned on by a girlfriend having a case of the shits while puking either.

ie... there is a time and place.  You need to take a look at my stuff... it would have been self evident.

Apr 20 06 11:32 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
Jay... you could not be further from the truth.... I love the place... like I love women... but I don't get turned on by a girlfriend having a case of the shits while puking either.

ie... there is a time and place.  You need to take a look at my stuff... it would have been self evident.

Fair enough.  I saw water and beaches and merely attributed that to your CA locale.  Although the gator in the glades should've been a dead giveaway...

Miami sounds like my kinda town though.  The whole eats, shits and pukes angle those women have sounds kinda sexy.  I'm kidding.

Never seriously considered Europe.  Hmmm...

Apr 20 06 11:48 pm Link



Posts: 190

New York, New York, US

Is purely a Catalog market
Can be busy between Oct and march
best Dec - feb
Nightmare of a place
but whatever floats ya boat.

Apr 21 06 12:50 am Link



Posts: 33

Batesville, Mississippi, US

I moved down here a little more than a year ago and I am LOVING it. It is by far the best decision I have made in my life with the hopes of making a better future. I live in Doral which is far enough from downtown yet close enough so that I could be there in 20 minutes (without traffic) for a last second thing. I'm still young at 21 (not to insult anyone above) and I think its the perfect atmosphere for me but thats just my opinion. And in my case traffic isnt HORRIBLE, I drive like most other insane people and make the hour and a half drive home in traffic in about 30 or 40 minutes and I found those side roads within weeks of moving here. There is plenty of work to go around. All in all, I think its the perfect town for me at this age, and I've lived in LA and NYC.

Apr 21 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Steven Bigler wrote:

That is all horse shit and bullshit and excuses!!!!  You will improve by years every month you are in Europe.  Travelling and roughing it in Europe will cost less than renting a place in Miami.

Stop making excuses... I am wise because I know this shit... and learned the hardway.

Don't be stupid and say things like "waiting to make my book perfect" and shit like that... go live.

You know, you're right. And I would pack up my camera gear, and little else, and hit Europe. It's actually a thought that's been going through my head for most of the past year.

But if you read one of my replies above (possibly my first in this thread?), I have some family issues to resolve. That is, my parents... if I leave, they can't pay the rent, so they're screwed. I'm stuck for the moment. Things are getting better, my Dad found a job a while back, etc. But it will still be a little while.

You're right also about fussing too much over my book, I'm ready to ship it out after one more weekend of shooting. The hell with it, if it sucks, the feedback will help me improve. If someone likes it, I just got my first paid fashion client.

Apr 21 06 10:16 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Gabriel wrote:
You're right also about fussing too much over my book, I'm ready to ship it out after one more weekend of shooting. The hell with it, if it sucks, the feedback will help me improve. If someone likes it, I just got my first paid fashion client.

I really doubt you will get a "paid" fashion client like that.. man... fashion is WAY harder to make money on... that ppl think!

Apr 21 06 11:43 pm Link


Shane Perez

Posts: 92

Brooklyn, New York, US

Miami can be pretty fun. I've lived here all my life and I quite enjoy it. I'll yet again re-inforce how much traffic sucks, but that wouldn't affect you too much if you lived on the beach or downtown as that's where most stuff is going on. There are some crappy people, but that really depends on where you hang out and what you choose to do. There is a decent alternative culture here, just gotta know where to look (mostly in the design district north of downtown). Can't offer any info on fashion industry stuff as I haven't had any kind of experience with it, but I'll say that there are beautiful women all over the place. No place quite like it, and from what I've seen most people either love it or hate it, there aren't alot in between.

Apr 22 06 12:28 pm Link


John Landers

Posts: 374

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Just check the Miami craigslist for opportunities like this:


Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2006-04-20, 10:22PM EDT


this is in or around MIAMI BEACH, FL

no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests


Apr 22 06 03:32 pm Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Saint John wrote:

Welcome to Miami.

Apr 22 06 03:34 pm Link


Grey C

Posts: 351

San Francisco, California, US

Dax wrote:

$1100 for a penthouse is WAAAAAAY cheap !! You can't even get a studio at the flamingo ( most populated building on sobe ) for less than $1200. He hit jackpot!

lol i think it's because all the old retired people live in there...when we first moved in the lobby still had the old tacky pink paint, mirrored walls, and cheap deco. deco's nice on buildings from the outside in SB, but i think our building in particular is just waaaay outdated-inside and out. we didnt have a balcony, the hot water goes out sometimes, and the elevators are a little scary...i wonder how long he will have to take the stairs to the 13th floor when they fix it!

although the reconstruction and building crappiness will take some time getting used to, you are right...we think it definately worth it, for the beautiful atlantic beach is our back yard smile

Apr 22 06 03:46 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I was born in Miami, moved around the country a bit, then moved to Fort Lauderdale.

It is true that you don't get much house for your dollar down here. Florida employers are stingier with salaries and benefits. Car insurance is very high. A lot of the mean people (behind the wheel too) are transplants. There are not a lot of native Floridians.

There is a lot to do, both in Dade (Miami) and Broward (Ft. Lauderdale), between snorkeling, horseback riding, dining, visiting art galleries & museums, nightlife, etc. etc. I love the diversity of cultures and lifestyles here in South Florida.

I love living where I live. It's not even 2 miles from the beach, and 15 minutes north of downtown Fort Lauderdale. It's more laid back than Miami, but still pretty festive. I love both Ft. Lauderdale & Miami.

!Bienvenido a Miami!

Apr 22 06 06:55 pm Link



Posts: 1654

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Dax wrote:

I really doubt you will get a "paid" fashion client like that.. man... fashion is WAY harder to make money on... that ppl think!

Heh, I know... work for free just for tears and then, maaaaaybe, start charging wink

Apr 22 06 08:25 pm Link


John Landers

Posts: 374

Miami Beach, Florida, US

JenniferMaria wrote:
I love the diversity of cultures and lifestyles here in South Florida.

Considering their differences, people here get along surprisingly well with each other.  There's still some friction between certain groups, but we've come a long way since the 1979 riots.

Diversity rocks.

Apr 23 06 09:53 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Saint John wrote:

Considering their differences, people here get along surprisingly well with each other.  There's still some friction between certain groups, but we've come a long way since the 1979 riots.

Diversity rocks.


Yeah the McDuffie riots ( i thought it was 1980/81 ) and in 1989 the overtown riots..

Not too bad.. =P

Apr 23 06 12:04 pm Link