Forums > General Industry > Beware! SCAM site stealing casting calls!



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I posted a casting call to both OMP and here a week ago for a glamour cookbook project that I'm shooting. I've had some great response to it. Starting a couple days ago, however, I started getting responses that didn't make much sense. Models who were clearly not suited to the project, not in my area, and didn't have an OMP account. Indeed, one didn't even know what OMP was!

It turns out that these models saw my casting call on "Impact Worldwide." You might recall having seen a post here a few weeks ago from a "talent scout" from these guys. Impact is a web site where models can see booking requests, as they call them. If a model likes the pitch, s/he can pay, often around $5, to get the contact information.

The problem? These casting calls are stolen. They're being lifted from OMP and MM and Craigslist, where anyone could see them for free. This is, in short, a scam. Furthermore, by copying these postings and charging money for them, Impact is in violation of copyright.

Their "talent scouts" are nothing more than random individuals who scour the net for casting calls and post them, hoping to make money when unsuspecting models pay to see something they could get elsewhere, for free. In reading Impact's forum, it's quite clear that these are people with no experience (and no license!) looking to make a quick buck.

I have notified Impact of their violation of my copyright, and the adverse effect this is having on my reputation. The URL in their copied post, for example, is wrong - made up out of whole cloth, in fact. Their phone numbers all route to the same voicemail system, where none of the options actually let you leave a message. What you can do, however, is choose an extension. I chose extension 100 at their tollfree number, which is 1-(866)-800-5461. I left a voicemail explaining the situation and giving them 24 hours to contact me before I refer the matter to my attorney to see what action I can take.

I strongly encourage all models to avoid scams like this. I also encourage you to spread the word, if you wish. This post outlines my experience with Impact and my opinion on their "service." If you agree, you might also find that calling their toll-free number and choosing an extension (100 worked for me) will allow you to leave them a voicemail where you can explain how you feel about this kind of behavior.

If you're curious, I have screenshots of my casting call on OMP, and the stolen "booking" on Impact (one model who was unfortunate in that she paid for the listing was kind enough to lend me her account to see for myself) in my LiveJournal -

Apr 19 06 12:53 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Chris Ambler wrote:
It turns out that these models saw my casting call on "Impact Worldwide."

Impact Worldwide and its siblings have been widely reported here and elsewhere as scams.

Did you register your OMP ad with the Copyright Office?  If you don't, you have little room for legal action against these people.  Even if you do the probability of success in a suit seems to me to be minimal - and they would make the same judgment.

Apr 19 06 06:55 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

It's brialliant! Why didn't I think of doing that?

*goes down to his secret evil scam lab, deep beneath the Chrysler building*

Apr 19 06 09:22 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

TXPhotog wrote:

Impact Worldwide and its siblings have been widely reported here and elsewhere as scams.

Did you register your OMP ad with the Copyright Office?  If you don't, you have little room for legal action against these people.  Even if you do the probability of success in a suit seems to me to be minimal - and they would make the same judgment.

My attorney tells me that getting them for copyright violation, even though they are doing so, is a long-shot at best. The true issue here is damage to my reputation, misrepresentation, and unjust enrichment from my project.

Apr 19 06 09:33 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Ched wrote:
It's brialliant! Why didn't I think of doing that?

*goes down to his secret evil scam lab, deep beneath the Chrysler building*'re my favorite

Apr 19 06 09:35 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Chris Ambler wrote:
My attorney tells me that getting them for copyright violation, even though they are doing so, is a long-shot at best. The true issue here is damage to my reputation, misrepresentation, and unjust enrichment from my project.

I agree with your attorney, which is why I asked the question I did.

Apr 19 06 09:47 am Link



Posts: 311

Canton, Ohio, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Impact Worldwide and its siblings have been widely reported here and elsewhere as scams.

Did you register your OMP ad with the Copyright Office?  If you don't, you have little room for legal action against these people.  Even if you do the probability of success in a suit seems to me to be minimal - and they would make the same judgment.

why woud you, that costs a fiar amoutn of money?  Under US law as soon as you psts it online you own the copyright HOWEVER you have to PUT c to : your name(REAL NAME) at the bottom, which creates a problem in of itself.

Suing them for copy right infringment is long shot yes, but you don't have to do that, get them for something else.  Specifically Libel.  If they are posting YOUR casting call, and claim its directly  YOUR words, and remove so much a period, I'd ask your attorney to get them for libel.

Then if they retailate, that's slander.  so really all you gotta do is entrap them, and since your'e NOT a cop, you can do that.

Apr 19 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

With all due respect, Zeo, that's not how it works. Suffice it to say that I'm on it, but realize that one cannot get blood from a turnip (as they say).

Apr 19 06 10:00 am Link



Posts: 311

Canton, Ohio, US

*shrug*  well jsut the threat of that worked for me, but then again I was dealing inside  a shool system, not a .com.

Apr 19 06 10:05 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Zeo wrote:
why woud you, that costs a fiar amoutn of money?  Under US law as soon as you psts it online you own the copyright HOWEVER you have to PUT c to : your name(REAL NAME) at the bottom, which creates a problem in of itself.

Suing them for copy right infringment is long shot yes, but you don't have to do that, get them for something else.  Specifically Libel.  If they are posting YOUR casting call, and claim its directly  YOUR words, and remove so much a period, I'd ask your attorney to get them for libel.

Then if they retailate, that's slander.  so really all you gotta do is entrap them, and since your'e NOT a cop, you can do that.


While I like your attitude, and admire your vim and vigor in handling a situation like this, I feel it's neccessary agree with Chris and state that the information you've presented is incorrect for the most part.

First, regarding copyrights... it's not neccessary to print the copyright symbol and name on the ad, (or on the print if it's a photo).  Copyright is automatically given to the creator upon completion of the work.  Even if convicted for the basic copyright infringement, the plaintiff must then prove damages and the judgement will include only the actual payment of the proven damages.  The plaintiff would still be required to pay most of his own expenses and attorney fees.

A copyright REGISTERED with the US Gov't would allow the plaintiff to collect all fees,punitive damages, court fees and attorney fees.  It's extremely rare for anyone to place a copyright registration on their own classified ad.

Libel / Slander are similar acts of defaming another person or entity.  If a burglar stood in front of a convenience store and shouted "7-11 cheats customers" that would be libel / slander, but he couldn't be charged with the crime of burglary unless he goes in and robs the place.  If "Impact" was saying "don't work with that photographer because he's an asshole"... that would be libel or slander, but they couldn't be charged for copyright infingement... it's two totally different things!

If anyone has a legal copyright on the classified ad, it would be the newspaper or website owners.  They probably have a 'blanket copyright' on the complete publication on anything that appears in their publication.  By creating such a classified ad with the intent of having it displayed in their publication, the ad creator is in fact granting copyright to the publication.  Anything 'stolen' from that publication would require the publisher to act upon and not the contributors.

Yes, there are variants, so the above situations do not apply to every instance... so there's no need to continue another looooong and massive thread about copyright issues as has been done countless times before on MM.

Apr 19 06 10:42 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

It's actually called a "compilation copyright," and it belongs to OMP. But again, copyright isn't what will bitchslap Impact. What they've done is cause damage to my reputation by misrepresenting my casting call and also unjustly enriched themselves by selling my contact information.

I gave them 24 hours to contact me. They still have 4 hours left.

Apr 19 06 11:00 am Link



Posts: 77

College Station, Arkansas, US

Unfortunately, a lot of these girls don't realize they can find the jobs themselves.  As Chris said, many of them do not even qualify for the jobs they are submitting themselves to.

When they first began advertising, they said nothing about paying for each casting.  So I went to the site and put in my information.  Hours later I was bombarded...literally BOMBARDED with these casts, most of which were not even in my area.  As I look at these casts I make a very quick observance...These casts are the exact same ones I saw on OMP, MM, craigslist!!  I cancelled my account immediately with some lude comments added to the end of my cancellation.

What really gets me is EVERY where I look there is another "scout" looking for talent they can suck in.  They have to be making a KILLING off these people!

Apr 19 06 01:28 pm Link


Sarah Marie Hilker

Posts: 136

Los Angeles, California, US

I can totally see where you're coming from.  I actually have an account with them just so i can see listings of interest and then look up keywords on google to get the actual castings from the original site for free.

Apr 19 06 04:09 pm Link



Posts: 102

York, Pennsylvania, US

SindelChaos wrote:
I can totally see where you're coming from.  I actually have an account with them just so i can see listings of interest and then look up keywords on google to get the actual castings from the original site for free.

lol nice...
why the hell would people pay 5 bucks for a casting call?? thats ridiculous.. people are idiots

Apr 19 06 04:44 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

So sad that Impact are such scammers, its SUCH a catchy name for this business lol

Apr 19 06 04:48 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

to be blunt and honest - that scam is fucking lame...I wanna ninja kick them in the head

Apr 19 06 04:52 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
So sad that Impact are such scammers, its SUCH a catchy name for this business lol

Like wisdom teeth?

Apr 19 06 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Jennyblair wrote:
lol nice...
why the hell would people pay 5 bucks for a casting call?? thats ridiculous.. people are idiots

Actor's access and Commercial Express actually charge $2 per submission. Except those are actually legit union/non-union jobs and you can get hired if you submit early enough. And, there is much competition same as the breakdowns except you don't need an agent to submit yourself to them.

As for Impact?
Impact simply steals older castings that only agents can submit for (not talents) or just make up casting calls (which they're most notorious for.) to carry out their main agenda. The daily objective...

The Daily Objective for Impact Worldwide is to:
1) Announce an audition claiming to be for a major brand.
2) Book a place to hold the casting call and inform you that the clients will be there.
3) Then you show up and think you're about to meet with clients.
4) They show up..not the client.
5) They tell you that to submit you will have to pay a registration fee...or don't mention the casting call but try to sell you pictures or get you to sign up monthly on the website.
6-In the End) After having paid $5 or $10 bucks to just find out about the casting, you leave saying you're not going to pay a registration fee on top of that...nor will you buy any of the crappy Kmart pictures they're shoving at you for $200 to $400 bucks nor will you sign up to the misleading website.

7-What IMPACT wants you to do.) Have a smile on your face. You cough up another $15 to have your photo mailed over to a non-existent client. Then, you agreeably register to their website for 19.99?/ 29.99? a month. Then you leave a deposit to shoot with their legendary celebrity photographer to get your state-of-the-art Walmart photo shoot. Then you leave feeling like you're the next big star until you receive your credit card statement and realise you haven't been on one casting call...the pictures of you look like your high-school yearbook but with cheesier colors and background and you've got another payment coming up for your monthly website subscriptions. THE ART OF THE IMPACT WORLDWIDE PHOTOMILL SCAM.

There are also other things they do. But, these are their biggest areas of concentration. I don't even want to start on how they're screwing over the naive scouts which they hire who know nothing about modeling, marketing, scouting, scams nor business in general.

Apr 19 06 05:28 pm Link



Posts: 30

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:

Actor's access and Commercial Express actually charge $2 per submission. Except those are actually legit union/non-union jobs and you can get hired if you submit early enough. And, there is much competition same as the breakdowns except you don't need an agent to submit yourself to them.

As for Impact?
Impact simply steals older castings that only agents can submit for (not talents) or just make up casting calls (which they're most notorious for.) to carry out their main agenda. The daily objective...

The Daily Objective for Impact Worldwide is to:
1) Announce an audition claiming to be for a major brand.
2) Book a place to hold the casting call and inform you that the clients will be there.
3) Then you show up and think you're about to meet with clients.
4) They show up..not the client.
5) They tell you that to submit you will have to pay a registration fee...or don't mention the casting call but try to sell you pictures or get you to sign up monthly on the website.
6-In the End) After having paid $5 or $10 bucks to just find out about the casting, you leave saying you're not going to pay a registration fee on top of that...nor will you buy any of the crappy Kmart pictures they're shoving at you for $200 to $400 bucks nor will you sign up to the misleading website.

7-What IMPACT wants you to do.) Have a smile on your face. You cough up another $15 to have your photo mailed over to a non-existent client. Then, you agreeably register to their website for 19.99?/ 29.99? a month. Then you leave a deposit to shoot with their legendary celebrity photographer to get your state-of-the-art Walmart photo shoot. Then you leave feeling like you're the next big star until you receive your credit card statement and realise you haven't been on one casting call...the pictures of you look like your high-school yearbook but with cheesier colors and background and you've got another payment coming up for your monthly website subscriptions. THE ART OF THE IMPACT WORLDWIDE PHOTOMILL SCAM.

There are also other things they do. But, these are their biggest areas of concentration. I don't even want to start on how they're screwing over the naive scouts which they hire who know nothing about modeling, marketing, scouting, scams nor business in general.

more on these type of scams

Apr 19 06 11:33 pm Link