Forums > General Industry > dance or acting: which is best?


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

for the aspiring model or established model to study in order to help the model further develop and master their art/craft?

Apr 18 06 05:22 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

images by elahi wrote:
for the aspiring model or established model to study in order to help the model further develop and master their art/craft?

I'm a figure photographer, and I've always enjoyed working with those models who know how to move.

If you are going to be photographing faces, there's nothing better than an expressive face.

So, it depends.

Apr 18 06 05:53 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

most acting programs include dance.

Apr 18 06 06:09 pm Link



Posts: 722

Santa Monica, California, US

dance by far!  having shot fashion, directed commercials, and now directing movies, definately dance for print.  it helps for the model to have something going on in their head to emote something but actual acting is another craft in itself that doesn't necessarily translate.  while there is great physicality in acting, obviously, it is continuous physicality that is acting.  dance is my vote.

Apr 18 06 06:18 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Actually I'm sorry I take that back. Dancing. True, acting is more than just tossing out lines and alot of it is body movement..but a good dancer can express without words. Which is what modeling and photography are about.

Apr 18 06 06:23 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

If you must pick between either Dance or Acting lessons with hope of improving your modeling at the sametime ... absolutely take Dance! 

I started my photography career shooting stage work.  Actors and musicians can be very photogenic, but dancers practice their "work" in front of a mirror which directly helps them to be better models.

Apr 18 06 06:56 pm Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US


Apr 18 06 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US


Apr 18 06 07:42 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

This is a little bit like asking which is more important for photographers to study: aperture or shutter speed.

Apr 18 06 09:08 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
This is a little bit like asking which is more important for photographers to study: aperture or shutter speed.

To be a photographer you have to study both, to a be a model you don't have to study either..the question was if you're going to study which would be more beneficial to you s a model?i dunno i just talk.

Apr 18 06 10:12 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Electra T wrote:
To be a photographer you have to study both, to a be a llama you don't have to study either..the question was if you're going to study which would be more beneficial to you s a llama?i dunno i just talk.

With today's cameras, you don't have to know anything about apertures or shutter speeds to take photos.  However, if you're interested in having full control over your photography, you have to understand both.  Otherwise, you're just pointing and shooting.

Likewise, if you're interested in having full control over yourself as a llama, you have to study both acting and dance.  Otherwise, you're just standing around looking pretty.

Apr 18 06 10:30 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

For the good of the 'model' or the shoot,  the I say dance or more so acting with an enfaces on movement, dance and performance classes.

For the models own good and future career especially for so many of the models here who will never be with an agency full time,  then I would definitely say Acting with a few classes on dance.

Everyone including photographers would be helped taking a acting class or a dance/movement class and not to worry so much about your technical side.

Apr 18 06 10:39 pm Link


Kirk R Stefferud

Posts: 61

as an actor and a dancer it's hard for me to say which one is better.... if you can get an acting class that focuses on your body, and how your body can relate to what your doing and what your feeling then your in an awesome class... if its a class where they focus on the end result, its not what your looking for.... im in an acting program that spends allmost an entire semester on getting us in our body, on getting us connected with our body, and how we move and the physical choices we make....

but dance is amazing, being able to dance and have that controll over your body and that discipline is an amazing tool.... but also some people just cant dance, and all the classes in the world aren't gonna do alot for them... and some people are natural dancers, and if dancing isnt what your gonna do with your life, then do you need that extra training???

i dont thats just my theory.... i cant pick a side.... just do both...

Apr 18 06 10:50 pm Link


Jade Jorarni

Posts: 128

I have been in performing arts schools and on stage since I was 8. So, I couldn't pick between the two. I love what both aspects can bring and help me with in me being a "model".


Apr 18 06 10:56 pm Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
This is a little bit like asking which is more important for photographers to study: aperture or shutter speed.

uh, that's another of all people should know

Apr 19 06 04:36 am Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

Acting? dance? I've done both!! -currently majoring in the latter.

Apr 19 06 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Both.  Both Boleslavsky and Stanislavsky suggested that all good actors should take dance to prepare their bodies, but then they also emphasize that the body control is only part of acting.  Dancers should also take dance lesson to learn how to assimilate their bodies to rendering emotions and expression.  None is better than the other.

Apr 20 06 01:32 am Link


EAD Productions

Posts: 197

New York, New York, US

Dance!!!!!! for sure.....I have photograph many celebs (actors) and dancers......dancers almost always make the better models (I mean good dancers). A good dancer has to have expression throughout their whole body (including face) , and be visual about it. Where acting is more about conveying an emotion during a period of time (usually not in 1/125th of a second)...... I"m not KNOCKING on the actors I've photographed though!!!! smile

Apr 20 06 02:00 am Link


EAD Productions

Posts: 197

New York, New York, US

Apr 20 06 02:00 am Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
With today's cameras, you don't have to know anything about apertures or shutter speeds to take photos.  However, if you're interested in having full control over your photography, you have to understand both.  Otherwise, you're just pointing and shooting.

Likewise, if you're interested in having full control over yourself as a model, you have to study both acting and dance.  Otherwise, you're just standing around looking pretty.

*thumbsup* for articulation. smile

Apr 20 06 07:14 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Synthetic Shadows wrote:

*thumbsup* for articulation. smile

bravo, bravo..

Apr 20 06 08:20 am Link