Forums > General Industry > Would someone explain this to me?



Posts: 45

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

First, I know that I am leaving myself wide open on this ... but I am seious on this...
I wish that someone would explain to me what seems to be the latest trend among *some* models:  cancelling a photoshoot the day before the scheduled shoot. No one has just done a "no show" (and I guess I should be greatful for that), but some of the excuses are ... well...a bit lame.
I had decided to start booking "out of town" models, bringing them into town for a phtoshoot, and trying to make it financially worth it for them to come in for the photoshoot (some I offered r/t air transporation, others I increased the payrate to cover at least part of their "travel expenses.")
If it was just *me* that it impacted, I would not care...but my PA and  MUA schedule the day to come in and work ... and when the model decides not to come in it's money out of their pocket, especially since it is usually too late for them to make other plans for the day.
I have been in the crazy biz for nearly ten years, and had the opportunity to work with a lot of GREAT models, and I am thankful for that.  but it just seems like the latest group, while having some GREAT talent, has more than before of the "last minute cancellation" crew.
And, again, before someone jumps down my throat (though you should still feel free to do so), it seems to be an industry-wide problem.  friends of mine in the biz have paid air transporation and other expenses *in advance* and had the model no-show (not even a telephone call).
and now I get to sit back..and see what happens!

Apr 17 06 11:12 am Link



Posts: 165

im sorry to hear that hun, i hope it picks up for ya soon x

Apr 17 06 11:17 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Welcome to the Internet.

Apr 17 06 11:25 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

RobertDeane wrote:
First, I know that I am leaving myself wide open on this ... but I am seious on this...
I wish that someone would explain to me what seems to be the latest trend among *some* models:  cancelling a photoshoot the day before the scheduled shoot. No one has just done a "no show" (and I guess I should be greatful for that), but some of the excuses are ... well...a bit lame.
I had decided to start booking "out of town" models, bringing them into town for a phtoshoot, and trying to make it financially worth it for them to come in for the photoshoot (some I offered r/t air transporation, others I increased the payrate to cover at least part of their "travel expenses.")
If it was just *me* that it impacted, I would not care...but my PA and  MUA schedule the day to come in and work ... and when the model decides not to come in it's money out of their pocket, especially since it is usually too late for them to make other plans for the day.
I have been in the crazy biz for nearly ten years, and had the opportunity to work with a lot of GREAT models, and I am thankful for that.  but it just seems like the latest group, while having some GREAT talent, has more than before of the "last minute cancellation" crew.
And, again, before someone jumps down my throat (though you should still feel free to do so), it seems to be an industry-wide problem.  friends of mine in the biz have paid air transporation and other expenses *in advance* and had the model no-show (not even a telephone call).
and now I get to sit back..and see what happens!

Hey, I'd love for you to fly me in.  I promise to show up.  smile  I have no explanation for these selfish, inconsiderate models.  Send them a strongly worded email.

Apr 17 06 06:13 pm Link


Kurt Schlatzer

Posts: 13

I'm willing to bet age, maturity and work ethic have a lot to do with it. Kids these days...

Apr 17 06 06:18 pm Link


Tony Blei Photography

Posts: 1060

Seattle, Washington, US

I've thought about this.  I've decided that if I ever am in a situation where there has been some money spent, I will require the people that are involved to sign a contract.  They will need to know that if a studio is rented, or that if an MUA is hired and they decide NOT to show, then they will get the bill for those expenses.

Though this is an art, it is important to run the business side of it in such a manner that you can continue pursuing your art.


Apr 17 06 06:18 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

1. I'm batting 1000 when it comes to flying models in. Of course, I make sure anyone I fly in has either been around a while (and actually shot frequently durring that time). Some newer models I will fly in if they are active on the site...

I've never had a model no show who I bought a plane ticket for. Local girls, however I'm not doing so great. About 1 in 4 show up. But then, maybe that's because I don't check out the local girls as thoroughly.

2. If you fly models in, I highly recommend booking their tickets through Southwest Airlines. I have had to reschedule flights, and sometimes even had to cancel them altogether. It's never been a hassle with them.

If you have to cancel a booking, they won't give you cash back, but they will give you a credit for 100% of the ticket amount good for up to a year. Even if the model fails to board the plane, they will still give you a credit for 100% of the purchase price. For me, it doesn't matter that they only give me a credit since I know I will use it later.

Apr 17 06 07:29 pm Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

If it's worth an assistant and a make-up artist, then it would be wise to book about 4 models to shoot on the same day. If they all show, you do a group shoot. If not, you should get at least one and it's not a waste of a day.

Apr 17 06 07:56 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

cancelling a photoshoot the day before the scheduled shoot

There is no explaining the flakiness of internet models.  Just as any dude with a camera and a hankerin' to look at nekkid women up close can be a "photographer", so can any girl with a myspace profile, self esteem issues, and a webcam be a "model".  Some models here ... well, they don't really want to model.  They just want to be told that they COULD.

Which is where checking into someone's references (the ones they give AND the ones they don't!) REALLY comes in handy. smile  Especially if the person is local.  A few no-shows and you can almost guarantee that word of mouth will get around.

Apr 17 06 08:04 pm Link