Forums > General Industry > Saying sincere comments to your model...


Nathan Trujillo

Posts: 45

Chino Hills, California, US

Just a thought guys, but when photographing sexy women like I see on MM. What are some honest sincere things to say to a model that will get them in the mood to create some good images?

Apr 14 06 08:24 pm Link


g2-new photographics

Posts: 2048

Boston, Massachusetts, US

First of all, don't try to get people to tell you what you should say.

If you're working with an accomplished and experienced model, all you need to say is how you want her to move and change and if she's where you want her to be.

If it's right, say so.  If it's not right, tell her what changes need to be made.

If you're working with an inexperienced model, then you need to give more explicit direction, but - in either case - there's no particular set of things you need to say.

In the best photosessions, both the model and the photographer have the same goals - to end the day with great images.

There is no magic formula.

Apr 14 06 08:32 pm Link


Kiran Patil

Posts: 315

Newark, Delaware, US

Whether the model is male of female, I do my best to be friendly and talk about what sort of images THEY want to create. My experience is if the model is engaged in the process of modeling and being photographed, the better the images turn out. If I sense some insecurity in them, I always point out their best assets and go through their portfolio and show them what I feel they are doing well. Sometimes it boosts their confidence. If you want to encourage models to ooze sexuality... to be honest with you I have no tricks for that. I think the model should reach that point on their own the same way an actor does.

Though when shooting women I've often thought of attaching a photo of Johnny Depp to the top of my camera smile

Apr 14 06 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 2373

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Nathan Trujillo wrote:
...things to say to a model that will get them in the mood to create some good images?

I don't know that you need to say anything to a model to get them into a so called "mood". Personally, my best and most enjoyable shoots have been with models who feel comfotable and relaxed around me. I believe that good work comes from a good working enviroment and good chemistry between photographer and model. Words are cheap... I worked with several models who's bio's read something like... "I'm friendly, outgoing, enthuastic, etc."... yet when it came time to work with the model, they were shy and as stiff as a board. It could have been that the model was just having a rough day or didn't feel comfortable around me for whatever reason. Typically, I'll meet with a model before shooting just to introduce myself and create some type of comfort level between the two of us. Meeting in person and actually showing your personality and creating a comfort level works better than anything you can say to create a "mood".

Apr 14 06 08:37 pm Link


Nathan Trujillo

Posts: 45

Chino Hills, California, US

Thanks for the comments guys, I'm always professional but just don't want to come off cheesy. Actually, I met a model recent before shooting and the excitment for creating images was very good...thanks again. Nathan

Apr 14 06 08:48 pm Link


g2-new photographics

Posts: 2048

Boston, Massachusetts, US

ACC Photography wrote:

I don't know that you need to say anything to a model to get them into a so called "mood". Personally, my best and most enjoyable shoots have been with models who feel comfotable and relaxed around me. I believe that good work comes from a good working enviroment and good chemistry between photographer and model. Words are cheap... I worked with several models who's bio's read something like... "I'm friendly, outgoing, enthuastic, etc."... yet when it came time to work with the model, they were shy and as stiff as a board. It could have been that the model was just having a rough day or didn't feel comfortable around me for whatever reason. Typically, I'll meet with a model before shooting just to introduce myself and create some type of comfort level between the two of us. Meeting in person and actually showing your personality and creating a comfort level works better than anything you can say to create a "mood".

Even though ACC misspelled 'comfortable', he's absolutely right.  That is the single most important aspect of a photosession.  If the model and the photographer are at ease, it's difficult to go wrong (unless you forgot to take off the lens cap or didn't synchronize the strobes).

So go for that.

Apr 14 06 08:48 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Nathan Trujillo wrote:
Just a thought guys, but when photographing sexy women like I see on MM. What are some honest sincere things to say to a model that will get them in the mood to create some good images?

Just compliment them on whatever positive qualities that you see, not because they're models but because they're people.  Be specific.  I often shoot beautiful women and find it best to stifle my impulse to say "God, you're beautiful!"  Better to say, "That's great the way the light is reflecting off your hair."  Or whatever.  It's more meaningful and helps the model know what things you're focusing on.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, telling someone he or she is great-looking is never wrong.  :-)

Apr 14 06 09:10 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

If you get girls like those you have shot to pose for you, and your work is as nice as it is, you don`t need to worry about talking to them differently,really. Unless the way you`ve been talking to them is making them leave the shoots or not want to come back for a second because of it.

Apr 14 06 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

I think Benny Hill said that, when chatting to a girl, the most important thing is to be sincere, even if you don't mean it.

Apr 14 06 09:38 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

"I want to plow you."

Oh, wait, no. Don't say that.

Apr 15 06 02:44 am Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

"How bout a drink babe?" "Then show me your B(o)(o)bies"

Apr 15 06 03:16 am Link


Brandon Ching

Posts: 2028

Brooklyn, New York, US

Kay, hold still right there. Now, just imagine you're weightless, in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by tiny little seahorses.

Apr 15 06 03:17 am Link


Jack Curtis

Posts: 224

Westlake, Louisiana, US

I don't think it's so much in what you say. It's the environment you set for the model. Treat them like an "equal" in the creative process. Empower them, if you will, to take the shoot to heart as you have. Try to keep them as at ease as possible. Music they like, etc., helps. Anything you can do to make them feel comfortable with the shoot, with you and the environment. A comfortable model, at ease with what they're doing will make the best pictures.

Apr 15 06 06:00 am Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

i find that collapsing your shoulders and saying "can we just get this ooooverrrrr wiiiitthhh??" doesn't really help.
other than that, just show some enthusiasm, let it show when you know you've nailed a great shot, and maybe even say "please" every now and then when directing the model so it's not like you're just barking orders at them.

Apr 16 06 03:00 pm Link