Forums > General Industry > Business cards?



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

So a bit ago i attended a con and i had tons of people taking my photos..and... now i cant find any of them on the net to get the photos . After this i thoguht" wow i wish i could have given them my card with contact info n stuff "..

so that leads me to my next question. Im a model AND a photographer.. what kinda card could i realy put togethr for that kind of thing?Any ideas? Comp cards are all very plain , but show off the modeling stats nicely...but for throwing cards aroudn when u meet ppl around the town n stuff, is itnessisary to have stats on there?Wat kinda info do u think a random person would be interested in seeing on there?

Apr 12 06 12:05 am Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

You should have two seperate business cards--one for modeling and one for photography.

For the model one, I say just the basics--your name, a picture and contact information.  If you wanted to throw in what type of modeling you do that'd be ok.  I once saw a model's card that had a headshot on the front and all her info on the back, including stats.  I guess if you wanted to get fancy you could do that.  It's not necessary though.  If the person is interested in working with you, they'll call to get your measurements.  Plus, they'll be meeting you in person, so they'll know if you're the right size.  If you're worried about that, use a photo that shows your shape, like from thee waste up, instead of a headshot.  Or, back to the fancy thing again, you could put a headshot on the front and a body shot on the back.

Apr 12 06 01:22 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Kassandra! ltnc...
go to
they have very affordable business cards. You can design them yourself. I am going to get some double sided cards. One side with one of my photographs on it, the other side with my info. You could do one side for your photography, one side for your modeling.

Apr 12 06 01:31 am Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
One side with one of my photographs on it, the other side with my info. You could do one side for your photography, one side for your modeling.

I disagree, you'll need one business card for modeling one for photography. If you do  different types of modeling ie fetish and commercial lifestyle, which are worlds apart, you will need two.

Apr 12 06 01:36 am Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

I meant that she should definitely have the photography and modeling seperate.  I totally agree with having more than one modeling card.  Different cards suite different looks.  If you're looking for a commercial or lifestyle shoot or even a promotional job, give out a card with a wholesome, smiling image.  If the shoot is more FHM, wear lingerie or a bikini, or perhaps a shot that's more sultry with no smile.

Apr 12 06 01:43 am Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Well i have cards for when im going to a shoot or an enviorment where i have a target ...however there are situations where i want to whore myself to the general public and i cant realy know what they are looking for ? Thats the kind of situation im in at the moment. I have 2 modeling comp cards and one for my art and retouching i havent gotten aroudn to just yet. However i dont have one that i can just throw around to general ppl i eet at the deli who say i look pretty or just the topic of art comes up,etc...

i was thinking something like: friendly that i can just show to random ppl..but im not realy sure about it?

Apr 12 06 02:15 am Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

That looks great.  My only vice with it is that you wouldn't be able to make out all the detail on such a small space.  Something larger, such as a postcard might work better.  You have a lot of talent and people should be able to see it.

Apr 12 06 02:20 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

my business cards of which i have 2 types  are designed using photo shop , and printed very inexpensively on business card paper from my canon cp 400 at about 13.00 dollars every 36 cards, and i believe you can pick up a cp 200 now for about 50 bucks? business cards are a must, and aim them specifically at your target audience. name, phone number ,work types, and a good example of your photo or photography is also a must.

Apr 12 06 02:24 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Add me to the list of those suggesting separate photographer and model cards, even if they're not entirely tailored.

But if you want some general cards for when you don't know the audience, the one you showed would be fine--if it's a 4x6 or 5x8 card. As a business card, the vertical bands will be less than half an inch wide, and no detail is going to show.

A simple card, with the text you have listing your specialties, contact info, and a single photo would probably be much more effective.

I carry two cards: one for my photography and one for my imaging consulting/training/retouching, and pull out the one that's most appropriate. (Fortunately, they're not opposing fields.)

Apr 12 06 03:25 am Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

the only problem I have with your business card is confusing ?? what pics did you take if your a photographer, what did you retouch if your a retoucher?? You have an illustration on your card so are you an illustrator also? Remember keep it simple a business card is a intro to what you do it's NOT a portfolio OR a resume.

I do like :     the style, tone and overall feel
I don't like :  the deviant art ( not good)
                  model, photographer artist needs to be lower
                  text will be hard to see when viewd at actual size

Apr 12 06 03:32 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US


I disagree, you'll need one business card for modeling one for photography. If you do  different types of modeling ie fetish and commercial lifestyle, which are worlds apart, you will need two.

I said "could". sheesh smile. But not many 17 year olds can or do do fetish modeling.

Apr 12 06 04:18 am Link


Simon Gerzina

Posts: 2288

Brooklyn, New York, US

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
my business cards of which i have 2 types  are designed using photo shop , and printed very inexpensively on business card paper from my canon cp 400 at about 13.00 dollars every 36 cards, and i believe you can pick up a cp 200 now for about 50 bucks?

I got 500 cards, full-bleed/full-color on both sides with a coating to keep the colors from transferring (glossy on one side, matte on the other) only cost me $55, including shipping. color management isn't the best I've ever seen, but the print quality is otherwise very, very good.

Apr 12 06 07:21 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
are designed using photo shop , and printed very inexpensively on business card paper from my canon cp 400 at about 13.00 dollars every 36 cards,


That is expensive... You can get full color, both sides, with uv coating and everything.... 5000 cards for $100. At your price u get 360 cards for $130

You call that inexpensive? woah!

Apr 12 06 11:04 am Link



Posts: 2861

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
Kassandra! ltnc...
go to
they have very affordable business cards. You can design them yourself. I am going to get some double sided cards. One side with one of my photographs on it, the other side with my info. You could do one side for your photography, one side for your modeling.

Yes, these folks are the best - the color is excellent - if your monitor is calibrated to standards - the cards are thick and the final result is rich and expensive looking. I always do two cards at one time - usually I do at least two new cards every 6 to 8 months - $110 with shipping for color both sides, UV coating - and they are comfortable with your images showing nudity - as some of mine do.

Presently I have 6 different cards for for different "markets" I carry with me at all times.

Apr 12 06 11:59 am Link

Makeup Artist

Picture Perfect Makeup

Posts: 186

Hesperia, California, US

Kassandra wrote:
Well i have cards for when im going to a shoot or an enviorment where i have a target ...however there are situations where i want to whore myself to the general public and i cant realy know what they are looking for ? Thats the kind of situation im in at the moment. I have 2 modeling comp cards and one for my art and retouching i havent gotten aroudn to just yet. However i dont have one that i can just throw around to general ppl i eet at the deli who say i look pretty or just the topic of art comes up,etc...

i was thinking something like: friendly that i can just show to random ppl..but im not realy sure about it?

Your card would make a great comp card front! Figure out something for the back... like a discount with that card for photography or photofinishing... your business address and another picture and you are good to go!

The only part I would change is punctuation where you have periods inbetween the things you do and then the "and" sign for photofinishing -- just put a period there. It will look more like a header. Or to be correct put commas where all the periods are and keep the "and" sign. Personally I like the periods.

Nice job!~

Check out their prices are great especially when you catch them on a sale, which they do all the time. They are quick and their cards come out very nice. They keep cards on file for two years so you can reorder if you want to use it. You can create your total card in ps and upload it as the graphic rather than using their font and text program -- which is limited and cumbersome.

Make separate cards for your modeling and photography rather than trying to fit too much onto a business card.

Apr 12 06 12:18 pm Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

If you hunt around, there are lots of on-line printers who will print 500 4-color business cards for less than $30.

For that price, I have several different business cards, just for my photography. The basic contact info is the same, but each has a different photo depicting different genres of photography. One has a fine art photo, one a travel photo, one a wedding photo, one an architectural photo. I use different ones, depending on the type of people I'm handing them out to.

Kassandra, I like your design, but only if it was a postcard. I agree with others that you have way too much stuff on it for a business card. The pictures will be way too small to be of any use. Usually ONE photo is all there is room for on something the size of a business card. I also concur that the DeviantArt web address = amateur.

Apr 12 06 01:04 pm Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
my business cards of which i have 2 types  are designed using photo shop , and printed very inexpensively on business card paper from my canon cp 400 at about 13.00 dollars every 36 cards, and i believe you can pick up a cp 200 now for about 50 bucks? business cards are a must, and aim them specifically at your target audience. name, phone number ,work types, and a good example of your photo or photography is also a must.

See I disagree those perforated edges on that inkjet cardstock looks completely unprofessional, there's plenty of inexpensive printers online that will print your own design 4 color 2 sides 1000 for $60 like Vista Print. Personally I get mine done by a printer friend down the hall, because I know that if I have an issue with the quality, I can complain to a person. I just haven't had that problem yet.

Invest in your business cards, its often your first impression to others, before they even meet you.


Apr 12 06 01:22 pm Link


Tru Lite Image

Posts: 21

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Two websites with affordable business cards:  (They offer free business cards, you pay for shipping.  The cheapest shipping for 250 cards is $5.25)  (They offer raised print cards as low as $19.99 for 250 + shipping)

Apr 12 06 07:14 pm Link



Posts: 165

lol i was about to mention vistaprint but its been mentioned so all im doing now is suggesting it and stating that it is a good site!! lol!

Apr 12 06 07:16 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden


I got quite a few emails about this..

For those of you who are interested, regular sized business cards, 100lb stock, full color both sides, withOUT the design.. should go for about.. $100 for 5000 cards.

For those interested, check out my friend's site

Apr 12 06 10:22 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US


Reason why:

Ever go digging through a purse or wallet to find something to write on to give a person?  What better way to network?  Give a bunch to all your friends and the photographers you work with.  That way, when they do it, it'll get passed on to someone else, and who knows when it will fall into the "right" hands, and your friends or photographers you work with on a regular basis can always say "oh, I can just get another one from him/her" and pass the card off.  See where I'm going with this?

Apr 13 06 02:31 pm Link


Prose Photography

Posts: 1419

Glendale, Arizona, US

I'll second the "single sided".  When giving out my cards it's convenient to write something appropriate to the person receving at the time that wouldn't normally appear on the card.

Plus, when I receive a business card from someone (ie. model or MUA) I might inquire about their rates and jot that down on the back of their card.

My 0.02.

Apr 14 06 01:29 pm Link



Posts: 80

Laguna Beach, California, US

I second the    best quality and very affordable.

Awesome service

Happy Easter

Apr 14 06 01:32 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

So, I just got some cards from

Great paper quality, rounded edges and full gloss on both sides... BUT... holy crap, the images printed WAAAAAAAY darker than I expected (and I did view them on multiple monitors before submitting).  I'm glad I only did 100.  Is this something I can expect every time?  It would suck to put through a super lightened version now to have that come back TOO light.

Apr 25 06 03:38 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Josie Nutter wrote:
So, I just got some cards from

Great paper quality, rounded edges and full gloss on both sides... BUT... holy crap, the images printed WAAAAAAAY darker than I expected (and I did view them on multiple monitors before submitting).  I'm glad I only did 100.  Is this something I can expect every time?  It would suck to put through a super lightened version now to have that come back TOO light.

I have not used them yet but do know they will redo them for free.

Apr 25 06 03:43 pm Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

well this may be my new one

Apr 25 06 03:45 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

thirded or fourth-ed on the single sided. I don't know how many times I've scratched something on the back of ours. will do nice ones for you for free if you're experimenting.

I honestly would go with something lowkey that highlights all of your talents. If you need to note more info about a particular area of expertise to someone  you can always jot a note on the back for them. That keeps things simple and easy for you, plus its a broader range of advertising on its own.

I guess some people would have the use for multiple cards, but for me being low key and not "professional" in the strict sense of the word, multiple cards would drive me nuts.

Apr 25 06 09:38 pm Link



Posts: 1476

Lake Oswego, Oregon, US

S wrote:

Reason why:

Ever go digging through a purse or wallet to find something to write on to give a person?  What better way to network?  Give a bunch to all your friends and the photographers you work with.  That way, when they do it, it'll get passed on to someone else, and who knows when it will fall into the "right" hands, and your friends or photographers you work with on a regular basis can always say "oh, I can just get another one from him/her" and pass the card off.  See where I'm going with this?

Personally, I have started going with cards (I have several, all depending on the type of potential client) over the last few months, with printing on both sides/the front dedicated to one image, the back contact info.  The benefit I perceive is that I get a complete photo on one side, which draws attention, the back has all the necessary contact info.  I've gone to clients' offices where they have the card posted on a fridge, just for the image.  And, the image itself is much better than what someone might want to scribble on the card, and I can't imagine what that would be as all my info is there, on the back.  There's still room on the back if someone does feel the need to write some additional details on it, but by that time, I hopefully have their contact info and am following up...

Apr 25 06 09:50 pm Link