Forums > General Industry > Rate my Pictures!



Posts: 24

Toronto, Iowa, US


I need yall to rate my pictures.  I need to add more lifestyle /commercial photos and I don't know where to start.  Any suggestions?


Apr 18 05 07:34 pm Link

Makeup Artist

The Beauty Artist

Posts: 918

Troy, Michigan, US

I think maybe a good start would be some nice clean beauty pics. You have quite a few nice fashion shots already, so i defiently think beauty would be a good place to start as far as expanding your portfolio.

Apr 18 05 07:51 pm Link


Joe Paul Studios

Posts: 358

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US


Many of your shots have your face in shadows and/or are too far away to really see what you look like. Your photographer (unfortunately not me) needs to use either reflectors and/or fill flash to bring more light onto your face. Also try practicing a variety of expressions...pouty, sexy, etc. Finally, if the photos that you get from your photographer are not what you are looking for...find another photographer. Each of us has our own style, and it will help you develop your modeling style.

Apr 18 05 09:24 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I agree that you have the art/fashion part of your book pretty well covered, just from what I can see on your profile. You need a full quivver of shots though. Get some headshots and 3/4's hammered out. Try to get some more casual look photos as well. Daylight, bounced location shooting, maybe even some portable power with poppers in the city. Commercial tears? I dunno, I guess just a little less couture feel. Eh, but what do I know? Just my 2 cents worth.

Apr 18 05 09:37 pm Link


12 First

Posts: 82

San Jose, California, US

Sorry to say but I have to totally agree with Joe.. The shots you're getting from your photographer don't seem to be of the highest over all quality. You might want to find a new photog friend..

(blush) just being honest.

Brian D
© iYi

Apr 18 05 09:44 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

At the risk of "piling on" I got to say that these are good photographer's images, but maybe not the best model's images.  Several have your face in shadow, or so heavily made up that it's tough to see what you look like.  You need some shots that are more straightforward that show your facial features and body type clearly.

You haven't done anything wrong, you just need a different selection of photos.  FWIW, you look to be beautiful and talented.

Apr 18 05 10:29 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

You rate MY pictures and I'll rate yours.  lol

Apr 19 05 08:38 am Link



Posts: 23

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

You are beautiful but I find your portfolio too heavy for my taste. A little diversity would do your book wonders IMHO. I think a clean headshot is essential and a couple variations of clean images to show off you would really snap things up. A couple of outdoor shots would balance things out some what too.

Apr 19 05 12:02 pm Link



Posts: 174

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Really nice start....but I would want to shoot your moods close up...grab the excitement from those fantastic eyes....I would want to be able to count the specs in your iris.....that close!!!!

Apr 30 05 03:08 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

You pose great! You look good on film and you have honest eyes. Now you just have ot find that person who knows how to use you and in what ways. Bright colorful edgy photos would be great for you.

Apr 30 05 03:21 pm Link


David Christopher Lee

Posts: 50

Los Angeles, California, US

i think you should find a really great fashion photog in your area and pay him for some clean commercial shots

Apr 30 05 03:44 pm Link