Forums > General Industry > Casting call Nightmare! All b/c I won't get NAKED!



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

NO MORE GHETTO CASTING CALLS!! SAY IT WITH ME PEOPLE! You know the ones:  they claim its an open call for a runway show but instead of being in and out within 15 minutes (they should just wanna see if I know how to walk right?) I have to sit through this so called "designer" brag about his unbelievable credits as a fashion designer for the first 20 minutes (um...what was the name of your line again? Thought so-never heard of it) Then have his "assistant" pass out his Price List on portfolio and comp card services!

Ah, we finally move on to the walking. I'm told my walk is great but it needs not be so bouncy(heard it all before, I'm working on it)

Then he has all the girls sit down, pulls out some "professional photos" (I've done test shots that look better) of his last show with one girl in nothin but a thong, legs wide open, in this ghetto multi-colored wig grabbing her nipples. Even Playboy would of been turned off. It looked like something straight out of Black Booty Queens Volume 12.

And he asks each girl "Would you do a shoot like this?" And out of all 12 girls I was the only one with enough balls to say no b/c "I don't do anything gratuitious"

That jack a** had the nerve to call me out in front of everybody and try to say it was "artisitc" and that any model who isn't open to "try new things and market herself better" isn't one to be in his show. (I've seen artistic nude right here on this site and that was definetly not artistic!)

I said: "Sir, I don't need to "market" myself as a model who poses in a gratuitous fashion. What is fine for one girl may not be fine for another."

He goes: "What's your name again? I'll need to remember it for when I make my final decisions"

I say sarcastically: "Oh its A.J and I'm sure you'll remember. After all I'm the only girl in the room who's actually 5"8."

I wanted to cuss his ass out but I bit my lip. Instead I kept it professional, left after the casting was finally over and called my boyfriend to cry my eyes out for 20 minutes.

Apr 09 06 09:29 pm Link



Posts: 47

Pinconning, Michigan, US

Dont let him bring you down, This world has far too many creeps!

Apr 09 06 09:36 pm Link


Rich Meade

Posts: 1302

Atlanta, Georgia, US


I commend you for doing what you did!  I live in Atlanta... and there is sooooo much of that kind of crap, its refreshing to hear of someone telling them to go screw themselves.

Great to see that you realize how much better off you will be by not doing those kind of shoots!  More girls should wake up and think as you do!

Apr 09 06 09:38 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

ive seen the exact same scenario happen sooooo many times here in NYC as well

im sorry to hear about your bad experience, i browse craigslist from time to time, and it is really a fucking joke with all the B/S posts by self proclaimed experts who promise young aspring models the world

kudos to you for saying no, you should have told him "GFY"

Apr 09 06 09:58 pm Link


CBs Photography

Posts: 1110

Ontario, California, US

Kudo's to you.  I think I would have pushed my professionalism aside and asked the other "models" if they thought that photo was artistic and when they didn't agree you could have told him to stick the photo where the sun doesn't shine.  I wouldn't have given him my name.  I just would have told him that I wouldn't even consider any future job with his name on it.

Apr 09 06 10:09 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Amen to you AJ

That is some bullshit. It happens alot in NYC. ''Designers'' who hype themselves up with nothing to back up their claims. The way you described the pic was hilarious....wish I could've seen it

There'll be more opportunities. Best of luck.....

But hey! Don't knock Black Booty Queens Volume 12. It's the best volume yet!
haha. tongue

Apr 09 06 10:10 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I think that the only mistake that you made was to even answer him. There is no rule that says people can't participate in what he had in mind. The problem in my opinion, is the hidden agenda prior to the call. Considering that your objectives are different, and he got to you there under false pretenses, my suggestion would have been to simply leave. Please know, also, that I am not defending him - I just hope that you will not let someone like that get to you again.

You are a lovely young woman with a very pretty look who will do just fine, Stick to what you want and go for it!

Apr 09 06 10:11 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Rich Meade wrote:
I live in Atlanta... and there is sooooo much of that kind of crap

Ah, then you know what I'm talkin bout. The market out here is so crazy sometimes that I almost want to give up. Either that or move somewhere else.

Apr 09 06 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Chili wrote:
i browse craigslist from time to time, and it is really a fucking joke with all the B/S posts by self proclaimed experts who promise young aspring models the world

LOL! I found the ad for the casting call on Craigslist. Man. I've learned my lesson. My boyfriend warned me about that damn site.

Apr 09 06 10:33 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

This looks like the type of scenario UdoR started a thread about...don't remember it, but I'm sure he does.

Apr 09 06 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Hey, AJ.  I'm proud of you for standing up to him like that, and I hope you're proud of yourself too.  smile  Don't worry...there will be plenty of other casting calls/auditions.  By the way, your avatar pic is beautiful.

Apr 09 06 10:37 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Nerlande wrote:
That is some bullshit. It happens alot in NYC. ''Designers'' who hype themselves up with nothing to back up their claims. The way you described the pic was hilarious....wish I could've seen it

But hey! Don't knock Black Booty Queens Volume 12. It's the best volume yet!
haha. tongue

Thanks to all the comments. I am starting to feel much better. It really was an expirience that brought my self esteem really down.

The pic was quite funny. He claimed it was taken by one of the best photogs in Atlanta. I wanted to bust out laughing but of course all the girls in the room were eating it up.

Hee hee..I love all our "black booty queens" Even the ones who have their face on a DVD collection you can buy at Spencer's smile

Apr 09 06 10:37 pm Link


Jason D.

Posts: 207

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

AJ you handled that admirably.

Apr 09 06 10:38 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Apr 09 06 10:51 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

AJ Bella wrote:

LOL! I found the ad for the casting call on Craigslist. Man. I've learned my lesson. My boyfriend warned me about that damn site.

Yeah, I browse Craigslist very frequently also.  I've responded to so many ads on there.  I know a lot of the people on there who call themselves photographers are just horny guys who wanna get a model out of her clothes, and at the same time there are actually decent photogs. who place ads on there.  Sometimes you can even tell who's "bad news" just by the way they talk to via email/phone.  One time I was completely turned off by a guy who called me at like 11:00 at night, and he was like "Yeah, you responded to my Craigslist ad?"  Well I respond to A LOT of Craigslist ads.  I kept asking him to identify himself, and I was just really uncomfortable with him on the phone.  Once I finally figured out who he was, I had decided not to even deal with him...just turned me off completely.

Apr 09 06 10:52 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

craigslist is a bunch of crap sometimes. They list big names like "You too can model for Baby Phat or Maxim"

Why the heck would Kimora lee Simmons be looking for her next baby phat models on freaking craigslist??!!

Or they offer "promotional work" In other words stand around all day outside the mall passing out flyers advertising some new club. Oh that exposure!

But its not all bad. I did my first runway show all thanks to an ad for the casting on there

Apr 09 06 11:16 pm Link



Posts: 111

AJ, no need to feel bad about this experience.  You are a fashion model, you are there to show clothing, not your ass, nipples, etc. 

Thanks for warning me about Craiglist, though.


Apr 09 06 11:27 pm Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


.. seriously .. big up 2 u .. im happy u did that cus ur amazin i love ur work ... f___ the other guy ... nuff companies will want to work wit u .. plus he could have cramped ur style ... all the best to u

Apr 09 06 11:28 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

AJ Bella wrote:
craigslist is a bunch of crap sometimes. They list big names like "You too can model for Baby Phat or Maxim"

Why the heck would Kimora lee Simmons be looking for her next baby phat models on freaking craigslist??!!

Or they offer "promotional work" In other words stand around all day outside the mall passing out flyers advertising some new club. Oh that exposure!

But its not all bad. I did my first runway show all thanks to an ad for the casting on there

Crap isn't the word to describe craigslist....gotten myself some ok gigs from that site...but you'll most likely find what you're looking for...with a side of rape....

Apr 09 06 11:29 pm Link


Flip Ashley

Posts: 437

Dallas, Texas, US

Yeah, you should have just taken him by the balls and said "listen here jerk off. I'm a professional not some damn floosy." heh never thought I could use the word "floosy" in anything. but seriously, there are a lot of creeps out there and kudos for metaphorically kicking this guy in the balls!

Apr 09 06 11:35 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Thats why I love MM! You guys understand. I really appreciate the comments. Even though I know what happend was wrong it still hurt me a lot after I left.

Apr 09 06 11:40 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Yuck aj
There is a clothing designer type person in the bay area that I went on a go see for.
yuck!!! on the way there the photographer who was working with him let me know about certain nudity that had happend in a past shoot.
I let him know that if he had told me the day before I would not have wasted my time to travel to meet him.

It's pretty bad when I won't get nude for someone.
If that is not the job stop trying to convince me it is.

Apr 09 06 11:43 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Flip Ashley wrote:
Yeah, you should have just taken him by the balls and said "listen here jerk off. I'm a professional not some damn floosy." heh never thought I could use the word "floosy" in anything. but seriously, there are a lot of creeps out there and kudos for metaphorically kicking this guy in the balls!

hahahaha Floozy....we're now in the 80s

Apr 09 06 11:44 pm Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

I am so glad you stood up to that guy! It's really sad to hear about so many scams and BS models have to put up with.
This past weekend we did a model casting call and there was another one going on down the hall. They had their models fill out a form and pay 10 bucks to be seen. I sure thought it was crazy but the rooms were filled with people willing to pay the money - just to be seen!
You did the right thing - follow your heart and listen to your gut.
Much love and support from NYC.
David 6of7

Apr 09 06 11:46 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Nerlande wrote:
Amen to you AJ

That is some bullshit. It happens alot in NYC. ''Designers'' who hype themselves up with nothing to back up their claims. The way you described the pic was hilarious....wish I could've seen it

There'll be more opportunities. Best of luck.....

But hey! Don't knock Black Booty Queens Volume 12. It's the best volume yet!
haha. tongue

Nerlande when I come to ny..please promise me youll take me to a strip club and show me your porn you know a lot about all these movies and strip clubs smile

Apr 10 06 08:25 am Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

HUGE PROPS! Since when is a spreadshot with nipple grabbing artistic? Its awesome that you stood up for yourself. Best of luck on your next casting call which I am sure will be 100x better.

Apr 10 06 08:30 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

every casting call or go see is not legit...there is a bunch of bullshit out there...I'd be very very very suspect of Craigslist postings......oh yeah, someone mentioned Atlanta LOL dont even get me started......

one of the first tell all signs is when they say soemthing like: "We dont accept any agent or management contact"....most legit Casting Agents, casting Directors, Booking Agents, etc.....would not have a problem working with legit representation as it is the way it is normally done......and if a model has substantiates the model's credibility...........

Apr 10 06 08:33 am Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Rich Meade wrote:

I commend you for doing what you did!  I live in Atlanta... and there is sooooo much of that kind of crap, its refreshing to hear of someone telling them to go screw themselves.

Great to see that you realize how much better off you will be by not doing those kind of shoots!  More girls should wake up and think as you do!

Ditto.  I also live in Atlanta and Rich is right.  A ton of this kind of junk happens.  I have a friend who runs a camera store that was in a mall.  One of the small time clothing stores was having a Rap video casting call, needing models.  About a hundred girls show up wanting to be in the video.  They all have to do a "Test" shoot in the back room of the store.  Well, all the film gets taken to my friends place to be develop the film.  All nudes and raunchy shots.  Test shots for the video LOL.

Apr 10 06 08:48 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Photos2amaze wrote:

Ditto.  I also live in Atlanta and Rich is right.  A ton of this kind of junk happens.  I have a friend who runs a camera store that was in a mall.  One of the small time clothing stores was having a Rap video casting call, needing models.  About a hundred girls show up wanting to be in the video.  They all have to do a "Test" shoot in the back room of the store.  Well, all the film gets taken to my friends place to be develop the film.  All nudes and raunchy shots.  Test shots for the video LOL.

it amazes me that "talent" falls for that stupid azz shit
and then it makes it very difficult for legit casting people to do anything

Apr 10 06 08:52 am Link



Posts: 195

Los Angeles, California, US

AJ Bella wrote:
Ah, then you know what I'm talkin bout. The market out here is so crazy sometimes that I almost want to give up. Either that or move somewhere else.

Geez AJ that really blows.  Dont quit though, just find a reputable agency so you dont have to go through that crap, at least they weed out all the jerk off like this one.  Isnt Elite and Click down there?  You should check them out, your smile is too pretty to just be wasted or for you to quit!

Apr 10 06 09:02 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

AJ Bella wrote:
Instead I kept it professional, left after the casting was finally over and called my boyfriend to cry my eyes out for 20 minutes.

That's why I'm single. wink

... What?

Sorry. Did I miss the point?

Apr 10 06 11:15 pm Link



Posts: 109

Rockledge, Florida, US

AJ Bella wrote:

LOL! I found the ad for the casting call on Craigslist. Man. I've learned my lesson. My boyfriend warned me about that damn site.

ohhhh craigs list... Yeah... i had to tell myself to leave craigslist alone... but much props for handling the situation the way you did

Apr 10 06 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

Nerlande wrote:
But hey! Don't knock Black Booty Queens Volume 12. It's the best volume yet!
haha. tongue

beat me to it!  is that the volume with the slo-mo, down-on-all-fours, on-the-beach cheek clapping?

Apr 11 06 02:32 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Funniest thing: that same casting director called me this morning to tell me I was selected to be in his runway show!

I haven't called him back yet. I don't think I will b/c I just don't think its the kind of environment I want to be in plus, I finally got a new job (haven't had one in almost a year) and my parents and boyfriend have been acting like I just won the Nobel Peace Prize or something since I started working again.

Screw it! smile

Apr 14 06 12:49 am Link