Forums > General Industry > Model No-Shows



Posts: 25

Saint Matthews, South Carolina, US

Before you respond with another " not this again" or "Post 5000 on this topic" take a moment to think about it. If so many photographers are posting this type of message, there must be a real problem. Not something to joke about.

I'm writing this as I sit here with my 10:00 over 45 minutes late. No call, no message, nothing. Now understand, this is after several e-mails, phone calls and a reschedule so she could make it. After all that communication, why now nothing?. This is a PAID shoot. which was agreed to weeks in advance, confirmations sent and received, and second confirmations made only a couple of days ago. No excuse for not showing or at least calling.

I figure my 2 hours of sitting on my A** is costing me about $500.00 in studio time, costume rental, and accessory rental, not to mention the hours of time to gather all the materials, corresponding with the models, suppliers and clients. This is time out of my life that I will not recover. Time I could have used with a person of integrity who would have benefitted in $$$ and photos for their portfolio as well as my client getting the photos they need for their project. I now have to explain to several people why I don't have the photo's I promised them at the promissed time.

Just putting a label of FLAKE on the model for all of this seems a bit light.

I've also had models drop out, sometimes with, sometimes without contacting me, only to find out that they did a job somewhere else at the day and time of my shoot. I understand wanting to do a job that perhaps pays better or may have more exposure but if you make a commitment, keep it!

I joined this site, OMP and Modelplace to find models for jobs. What I've found is a few (read minority) that are professional enough to do what they say they will and several (read majority) that shouldn't bother to respond to inqueries because they have no intention of following up. They can tell their friends "I'm a model" because they have a listing on a modeling site. Girls, having a listing is not BEING a model. This is a profession for many of us, not a hobby. This is how we make our living. When you don't show for a job you take money out of our pockets and food off our tables.

Some say it will come around in the end. Maybe. But until that time the FLAKES are costing the rest of us, giving the true workers a bad name, and making it difficult for professionals to use these sites. If the FLAKES want to deal with GWC's and not professionals, they only need to continue to do what they have shown to be the norm of "responsible" behavior for these sites.


Apr 09 06 10:09 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Oh no, not this again.

Apr 09 06 10:21 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Maybe she got held up?  (Get it, GunsNGirls, Held Up?)  Okay, I'm not that funny first thing in the morning.

Apr 09 06 10:24 am Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

GunsNGirls wrote:
Before you respond with another " not this again" or "Post 5000 on this topic" take a moment to think about it. If so many photographers are posting this type of message, there must be a real problem. Not something to joke about.

I'm writing this as I sit here with my 10:00 over 45 minutes late. No call, no message, nothing. Now understand, this is after several e-mails, phone calls and a reschedule so she could make it. After all that communication, why now nothing?. This is a PAID shoot. which was agreed to weeks in advance, confirmations sent and received, and second confirmations made only a couple of days ago. No excuse for not showing or at least calling.

I figure my 2 hours of sitting on my A** is costing me about $500.00 in studio time, costume rental, and accessory rental, not to mention the hours of time to gather all the materials, corresponding with the models, suppliers and clients. This is time out of my life that I will not recover. Time I could have used with a person of integrity who would have benefitted in $$$ and photos for their portfolio as well as my client getting the photos they need for their project. I now have to explain to several people why I don't have the photo's I promised them at the promissed time.

Just putting a label of FLAKE on the model for all of this seems a bit light.

I've also had models drop out, sometimes with, sometimes without contacting me, only to find out that they did a job somewhere else at the day and time of my shoot. I understand wanting to do a job that perhaps pays better or may have more exposure but if you make a commitment, keep it!

I joined this site, OMP and Modelplace to find models for jobs. What I've found is a few (read minority) that are professional enough to do what they say they will and several (read majority) that shouldn't bother to respond to inqueries because they have no intention of following up. They can tell their friends "I'm a model" because they have a listing on a modeling site. Girls, having a listing is not BEING a model. This is a profession for many of us, not a hobby. This is how we make our living. When you don't show for a job you take money out of our pockets and food off our tables.

Some say it will come around in the end. Maybe. But until that time the FLAKES are costing the rest of us, giving the true workers a bad name, and making it difficult for professionals to use these sites. If the FLAKES want to deal with GWC's and not professionals, they only need to continue to do what they have shown to be the norm of "responsible" behavior for these sites.



This is an unfortunate reality on model websites. My solution is charge a deposit. No deposit=no shoot. Simple.
Also check your models references from other photog's. No positive references=no shoot.
I've worked with models from agencies and never had any issues with no calls/no shows with them. Might be something to try. Best of luck to you!!

Apr 09 06 10:26 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Or, perhaps only offer important jobs to models you have worked with before who you know are reliable. That's what I'm starting to do.

Apr 09 06 10:27 am Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I got no showed on last week as well.  Thank goodness most of the models I have dealt with have had the professionalism to call and cancel but those no shows are going to happen.  But in most cases the model aint much anyways if pulling no shows.  But hey the one that no showed for me, is getting a big contract with an agency I hear LOL.

Apr 10 06 02:00 pm Link


Divo Models

Posts: 5469

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I try to figure this out...I haven't dealt with this (knock on wood).

What type of shoot did you have planned?  Was it nude or suggestive?  If so, she may have chickened out...especially if she is a newbie.

I have noticed a pattern of no-show complaints from photographers who display/shoot alot of glam and nudes on their portfolio. 

I have no problem with nudity or glamour- you have some awesome stuff!  But you have to take into consideration the insecurities of models towards that genre; it's inevitable, especially on the internet- BUT that doesn't excuse a NO-SHOW.  If she chickened out, she should have at least told you...but she didn't because she is a "Flake."

The only alternative would be to produce a contractual agreement with the model, prior to the paid shoot- and hold the model liable for any damages or expenses resulting from their absence.  If I had invested money and time into a project...I would have made sure I got a legally binding agreement beforehand.

Apr 10 06 02:17 pm Link


Furious Styles Photo

Posts: 21

Dallas, Texas, US

Rich Mohr wrote:

This is an unfortunate reality on model websites. My solution is charge a deposit. No deposit=no shoot. Simple.
Also check your models references from other photog's. No positive references=no shoot.
I've worked with models from agencies and never had any issues with no calls/no shows with them. Might be something to try. Best of luck to you!!

Thats what I was going to say. Get some no show money up front and if you dont get the money, you know that they were just a FLAKE like you said.

Apr 10 06 02:24 pm Link



Posts: 331

Beverly Hills, California, US

I apologize for all the models who have done a no show.  I know my apology doesn't make up for all the wasted time on your part.  The only thing I can say is maybe getting references or as someone suggested asking for a deposit might help. We aren't all unprofessional and inconsiderate.....hope knowing that, helps as well.

Caroline Victoria

Apr 10 06 02:26 pm Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

CarolineVictoria wrote:
I apologize for all the models who have done a no show.  I know my apology doesn't make up for all the wasted time on your part.  The only thing I can say is maybe getting references or as someone suggested asking for a deposit might help. We aren't all unprofessional and inconsiderate.....hope knowing that, helps as well.

Caroline Victoria

I think its alot to do with age and maturity as well.  I dont think I have, have but maybe one model over 25 even cancel.  The 18-23 age range is where you have to be on guard.  Its hard to get referances on new models, just the chance you take when working with them.  Caroline, you have a great look!

Apr 10 06 02:52 pm Link



Posts: 10053

Orlando, Florida, US

I hate these flaky models making a bad name for those of us who would do what it takes to always be professional and give our best. I agree that you're more prone to get this with younger models. DOn't judge the rest of us to harshly! ; )

Apr 10 06 03:01 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

I got no-showed on Sunday as well...  dunno what happened.  I do know that I was at the studio and was there for over 2 hours waiting for her...

Ah well.  At least I am working with a real pro I've worked with before on Thursday..  smile

Apr 10 06 08:37 pm Link


Crystal Collins

Posts: 390

Seattle, Washington, US

I had that happen about a month ago for a shoot on the beach. She never answered my calls, didn't reply to my email, nothing. So, whatever, she just wasn't worth the time. I just find it rude when they don't have the curtesy to call you or email you to let you know they just don't want to do it. I've done some shoots that the last thing I want to do is drive all the way down to the studio and shoot. But I do it anyways because I want this to be my career and I want a positive reference from the people I'm shooting.. whether I want to or not.

Apr 10 06 10:06 pm Link


Jack Curtis

Posts: 224

Westlake, Louisiana, US

Rich Mohr wrote:


This is an unfortunate reality on model websites. My solution is charge a deposit. No deposit=no shoot. Simple.
Also check your models references from other photog's. No positive references=no shoot.
I've worked with models from agencies and never had any issues with no calls/no shows with them. Might be something to try. Best of luck to you!!

How do you charge a deposit when YOU'RE paying the model??!

No shows happen to all of us, not just Industry Pro's, and NO it doesn't happen everywhere, it happens in THIS BUSINESS and no where else, at least not with this intensity. In no other aspect of business will you find tolerance for a customer, client, interviewee, ANYBODY who'll set a specific appointment for a specific project and then not show up with no word, no call, no apology. That's why 73,957,345 threads on the topic. (I counted......really!.....) Because it so unFREAKINGbelieveable that ANYONE, let alone a large population within a profession can be that consistently unFREAKINGprofessional!

Apr 10 06 10:43 pm Link


Minn 13

Posts: 32

Los Angeles, California, US

Sorry that your Model Flaked on you!...That is just sucky...Try not to give it a bad name to others b/c I know that I take this just as seriouse, if not more, then my waitressing jobs and college...I think checking references is the best way to go...So go home and eat a thing of Ben & Jerry's You'll feel MUCH better! ;-)

Apr 10 06 11:32 pm Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

never, never hire a net model to do a real models job!!

Apr 10 06 11:50 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

Try scheduling your first test sessions for 7:00 am on Sundays. Weeds out the flakes real quick!!

Apr 11 06 02:58 am Link