Forums > General Industry > Models are lazy!


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jay Bowman wrote:

Whoa there, cowboy!  Now honestly, you don't legitimately believe that do you? 

For every guy or girl who just looooooves to be in front of the camera and feel beautiful (whatever the hell that means) and see pretty pictures of him/herself to make up for the lack of popularity or dates in HS... there's a guy or girl holding a camera who wants nothing more than to be in the presence of beautiful people for the exact same reasons.  And perhaps these people are serious about that, but in no way would I think that these people  -no matter how talented-  aren't in it for cheap thrills and the fluff that people romanticize into this industry.

I'd venture that the people on this site who are truly serious and aren't in it for the fluff are few and far between...

Jay, take a look at most of the work here.  The photographers in general are
asking what they can do to improve they are almost begging models to shoot
with them.  Some even fly models to their locations all in a effort to improve.
All many of the models are is pretty.  They are't motivated to do anything.
Sure some are serious and you'll find out quickly who they are.  I would say though
based on what I see and read that about 85% of the photographers here really are
seeking to be better artists and pros.  About 25% of the models are serious the
rest are time wasters and personally we would all be better off if they just said
that in their profiles.  Here's an example of a truthfull profile:
I may not reply to your e-mails.  I won't show for most shoots, I will when I feel
like it use fun and creative excuses if asked why I didn't show. I will come
late and not come prepared.  I will complain if I don't get all my images hours
after I shoot and they better be Photoshopped.  In general I plan to waste your
time and or be a pain in the butt.  See thats honest and lets people know what
to expect.

Apr 08 06 02:49 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US


Apr 08 06 02:52 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Hey tony if the 80% of photographers are trying to improve then why do some of the models only get 40% of their quality work.
I see portfolios that are great but when you get in front of the camera with them they forget reflecters, editing, croping, backgrounds,
both sides need to be ready to give it their all.

Apr 08 06 02:55 pm Link