Forums > General Industry > 100 signs you're a loser


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

1. You constantly feel the need to put down less-gifted, less-intelligent or less-experienced human beings -- labelling them with derogatory terms like "GWC" and "Internet Model," instead of just accepting the fact that in modeling and photography, just like any other discipline, there are successful players and bad ones, talented people and witless idiots. Why do we feel the need to put down people who aren't the best at what they do? I say, wish 'em luck and leave 'em alone, and concentrate on being the best human being I can be. For most of us, that's plenty of work by itself!


Apr 07 06 09:12 am Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

#2. You eat your boogerz smile....
**Great post OP**

Apr 07 06 09:13 am Link



Posts: 1412

Columbia, Maryland, US


Apr 07 06 09:14 am Link


V Jeero

Posts: 146

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

#3 You have such a poor grasp of photography that in order to feel you have control you must tell models that you will manage them

Apr 07 06 09:16 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

bang bang photo wrote:
1. You constantly feel the need to put down less-gifted, less-intelligent or less-experienced human beings -- labelling them with derogatory terms like "GWC" and "Internet Model,"

The GWC acronym describes a person that owns a camera, but the main objective is not to create photos, which would warrant the term "photographer".

The GWC's ("Guy With Camera") objective is to get laid, or at least to get dates, by using his camera.

Please make a note of that difference!

The distinction between most professional photographers and many amateur photographers is not the quality of their work, but the source of income... both should be expected to conduct their photoshoots in a "professional" manner.


Apr 07 06 09:24 am Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

#3. Some photographers feel as though they are holier than the models on MM and feel that models dont have any objective but to come in for a shoot look pretty and leave... WHEN IT ISNT THE CASE!!!!

Apr 07 06 09:31 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

UDor -- yeah -- I get that definition -- I guess my point is, that some people seem to enjoy putting down others -- I have many many times seen a model label a photog "just a GWC" when in fact, he's just a talentless idiot. In the same way, photogs and models alike seem to enjoy labeling less-than-gorgeous or less-than-business-like models "internet models."

If somebody does something truly outrageous -- sure, call them on it. Otherwise, I encourage my peers in this business to just concentrate on the work, and leave the gossippy name-calling to somebody else.

That was the point I'm trying to make. . .


Apr 07 06 09:35 am Link



Posts: 36

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

bang bang photo wrote:
UDor -- yeah -- I get that definition -- I guess my point is, that some people seem to enjoy putting down others -- I have many many times seen a model label a photog "just a GWC" when in fact, he's just a talentless idiot. In the same way, photogs and models alike seem to enjoy labeling less-than-gorgeous or less-than-business-like models "internet models."

Funny thing is, aren't they *all* Internet models?

Just, as when it comes down to it, they are all GWC's?

Apr 07 06 09:39 am Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

UDoR, you posted that definition in a few different places and that's fine, but explain to me why "internet" models get constantly bashed by photographers...because they may be amateurs, just starting out, inexperienced, ignorant to the industry, wet behind the ears, learning the rules, honing their craft, building a wardrobe, networking...YET when the conversation turns to photographers...Oh my G-d, don't bash them...for photographers it's okay to be all of those things that I listed above.  Don't call them a GWC, that would mean they're trying to get laid.
I, sir, disagree with your defintion of GWC.  A GWC may be a pervert trying to meet women or they may have no skills but want to call themselves a "photographer" get the attention.

Apr 07 06 09:43 am Link


Patrick Shipstad

Posts: 4630

Burbank, California, US

CristinaLex wrote:
#2. You eat your boogerz smile....
**Great post OP**

You eat other people's boogers.

Apr 07 06 09:44 am Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

bang bang photo wrote:
I have many many times seen a model label a photog "just a GWC" when in fact, he's just a talentless idiot.

You BETTER not be callin THE GWC a talentless idiot because if you are I gotta tell you that we'll have a photo-smackdown as to who can do the best photos and you're gonna be mowin' my lawn for a year. "JUST a GWC"?!!! Dude I have Angeline Jolie's cellphone number on my speed-dial. I've done TFP with Janet (that's "Janet Jackson" to you mortals). There is no such thing as "JUST" a GWC!


Apr 07 06 09:46 am Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

RudeFood wrote:
Just, as when it comes down to it, they are all GWC's?

Agreed, so as Bang Bang said, if people spent more time working on their skills and less time putting others down it would be better for everyone.

Does it really make some of these people feel better about themselves to publically label others that way????

Apr 07 06 09:46 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Is there really anything wrong with being a gwc? Realistically speaking I would be one. I have a camera and I am a guy. Further more I am married to a Swedish model.

Does the fact that your ability behind the camera leading to romantic situations make you any less the photographer, or for that matter any less professional? People in all walks of life utilize their status to make connections, to nurture relationships... To meet people, why is it considered bad form for a photographer to do this?

People without talent usually work with people without talent. Look at some portfolios on here and you will are what I mean.

Oh btw #17 you make more money picking up cans than you do taking photographs, but since you had a paid gig once shooting your brothers dog you insist on calling yourself a pro.

Apr 07 06 02:01 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

bang bang photo wrote:
Why do we feel the need to put down people who aren't the best at what they do?

"We used to hate people
Now we just make fun of them
It's more effective that way"

- KMFDM "Dogma"

Apr 07 06 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

#42--- you have trouble with the term ironic

Apr 07 06 02:09 pm Link


Lamar Scott

Posts: 223

New York, New York, US

***When you dont have a sense of humor and you take things too seriously.

Apr 07 06 02:36 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

You Check your Toolbox..

And notice your out of Duckt Tape......



Apr 07 06 02:40 pm Link


Dirk Alexander

Posts: 44

Greenwood, Arkansas, US

(#??)  You can only talk about the new camera or lens your saving up for, and ask "How can you still stand to use that _____ camera?!?  That things 2 years old now!"

Apr 07 06 02:42 pm Link


The Suburban Hippie Pho

Posts: 606

Hampstead, Maryland, US

Oh,,,, I thought that was just for fun, both posts.  I noticed that in the internet model thread,  that some models were participating.  I didn't realize I was making a personal statement of anyone.

I am sorry if I offended anyone, I was just joking around, trying to have fun!

I didn't mean anything personal  sad


Apr 07 06 02:45 pm Link


Jessica Jill

Posts: 307

Lexington, Kentucky, US

Ben Allen wrote:
#3 You have such a poor grasp of photography that in order to feel you have control you must tell models that you will manage them

Kinda like this one wink  muahahahahaha, LOL  J/K

Apr 07 06 02:47 pm Link


Tina Ginger

Posts: 445

Magnolia, Arkansas, US

Lamar Scott wrote:
***When you dont have a sense of humor and you take things too seriously.

Oh I can't stand that....the worst lol big_smile

Apr 07 06 02:48 pm Link


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

The whole "GWC" thing needs to go away.  It's not cute, witty or funny.  It never was.

Apr 07 06 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

When a person has so much to say about what they know about the industry, who they know, who they don't like, etc... because ironically their photos DON'T speak for themselves.

Apr 07 06 06:24 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

bang bang photo wrote:
1. You constantly feel the need to put down less-gifted, less-intelligent or less-experienced human beings -- labelling them with derogatory terms like "GWC" and "Internet Model,"...

I don't consider "internet model" to be a derogatory term and I never use it to put anyone down.  I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence, giftedness, or experience.  Generally speaking internet models are the models I find on the internet whereas agency models which are found at brick and mortar agencies.  There are also differences in the markets they operate in and the type of work they do (etc), but that says nothing about them in terms of the quality of human being they are.

Apr 07 06 06:49 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

No, that's not being a loser. Only if the pun isn't a pun and it's really an intended putdown.

On another note, here's a good example of being a loser,

Writing a song for someone who probably isn't going to like it.

Apr 07 06 06:55 pm Link



Posts: 138

Simi Valley, California, US

When You refer to the people... that You feel... others are "putting down" as "less-gifted, less-intelligent or less-experienced human beings -- labelling them with derogatory terms like "GWC" and "Internet Model"..... As "really just Talent less, witless idiots".

*steps off soap box and quietly walks back off into the dark*

Apr 07 06 07:11 pm Link


Digital Dragon

Posts: 420

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

RudeFood wrote:

Funny thing is, aren't they *all* Internet models?

Just, as when it comes down to it, they are all GWC's?


Apr 07 06 07:17 pm Link



Posts: 135

Los Angeles, California, US

You don't watch sports

Apr 07 06 07:19 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

the thing is that its almost like its taboo to improve on your skill, and its almost as if models have a belief stuck in their head that a photographer can never improve on his craft (and they also think photographers never get new cameras), while a photographer has a forgone theory that a model is supposed to come out of nowhere for their first ever shoot and know their poses/body angles, etc and understand the intangibles that come along with knowing your body & facial expressions on camera. its stuff like that which is disturbing because its saying people arent accepting change and thats not a good look.

Apr 07 06 07:29 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

Internet model?? What about someone who's signed to a "real" agency with "real" jobs, but whose portfolio and agency data mostly consist of electronic documents?

Apr 07 06 08:12 pm Link


Chu Toi

Posts: 84

Los Angeles, California, US

So, GWC isn't "Gay White Couple"??? No wonder nobody ever responds to my emails here. Guess I'll go back to the personals ads.

Apr 07 06 08:22 pm Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

you watch sports.

Apr 07 06 09:12 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

William Kious wrote:
The whole "GWC" thing needs to go away.  It's not cute, witty or funny.  It never was.

We humans like to form in-crowds and then look down on outsiders.  Derogatory names are needed for that system.  It's done in high school a lot.  Some of us grow out of it.  Some don't.

Apr 07 06 09:14 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

#? While shooting you whip out your pecker. The model freaks out and a chase throughout the house ensues. She escapes but in the process she slams your pecker in the sliding glass door.

#?? Your pecker is so small that you have to stick your thumb up your ass to make it pop out.

Apr 07 06 10:55 pm Link


Jessica Jill

Posts: 307

Lexington, Kentucky, US

John Jebbia wrote:
#? While shooting you whip out your pecker. The model freaks out and a chase throughout the house ensues. She escapes but in the process she slams your pecker in the sliding glass door.

#?? Your pecker is so small that you have to stick your thumb up your ass to make it pop out.

OMG OMG~~~~  do you have to cover your ears and blow at the same time too?  Was the model laughing as she ran?????  LOLOL

Apr 07 06 10:59 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Jessica Jill wrote:
OMG OMG~~~~  do you have to cover your ears and blow at the same time too?  Was the model laughing as she ran?????  LOLOL


#??? To cure yourself of crabs you shave off one half of your pubies. Then you light the other side on fire. Then as the crabs come out to the other side you stab them with a pencil.

#???? You choke to death while trying to gargle peanut butter.

Apr 07 06 11:02 pm Link


Jessica Jill

Posts: 307

Lexington, Kentucky, US


Riiigghtt!  LOL.....and I wasn't laughing...Muahahahahahaaha!

#??? To cure yourself of crabs you shave off one half of your pubies. Then you light the other side on fire. Then as the crabs come out to the other side you stab them with a pencil.

Ouch!  Was it at least a #2?

#???? You choke to death while trying to gargle peanut butter.

and your best friend is laughing at you like we laugh at our dogs, lol

Apr 07 06 11:07 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Jessica Jill wrote:
Ouch!  Was it at least a #2?

No. It was a mechanical. They are much more precise.

Apr 07 06 11:10 pm Link


Jessica Jill

Posts: 307

Lexington, Kentucky, US

John Jebbia wrote:

No. It was a mechanical. They are much more precise.

Well I hope the lead broke off fast the little boogers got away, LOL

Apr 07 06 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

99, your momma photo shops your  images for you, while bringing the hot chocolate and bunny slippers to your crib. [ mom, mom, where are my slippers? ]

Apr 08 06 03:27 am Link