Forums > General Industry > Any Suggestions For a 14 yr old Hopeful?



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I used to write a Modeling Scams Column for an online magazine (till the site got shut down; *sigh:) and would get lots of emails from young girls with questions on how to start in the indusrty. Anyways, I was surprised when this email showed up in my inbox being that its been months since I've written my last piece. I wanted to give her some modeling sites to look over and whatever else would help her out and any good info that she could also show her mom. Any suggestions?

Here's her email:

Hi, my name is S---- well you probably guessed that
from my email address lol im only 14 but like i said i
want to start modeling but i dont know where to start
another thing is that my mom thinks i have to pose
nude or sleep with people to get where im going but
that isnt the case at least i hope not im not sure
what kind of modeling i want to do i wanted to do
runway but they said i was a bit too short for it im
56 im not sure what high fashion modeling is could you
explain that to me please commercial seems ok so i
might head into that direction ill send a picture as
soon as i get one

Apr 06 06 01:54 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Apr 06 06 02:09 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Apr 06 06 02:17 pm Link