Forums > General Industry > Do you get nervous before a shoot?


Patrick Shipstad

Posts: 4630

Burbank, California, US

I always over prep for a shoot. I like to meet with a model at least once to get on the same page with what kind of shots we need. And if I'm going into creative lighting waters, I'll set up the lights (if it's a studio shoot) and test my set ups before I "test" with a model. I have this thing about wasting people's time and I always want things to be perfect. I'm happy to say I've never totally screwed up a shoot and I always get above and beyond what I've set out to capture. BUT for some reason, I get so nervous before a shoot. It's probably the perfectionist in me (though I'm far from perfect). I'm wondering how much prep do the models and photographers do before a shoot and do you ever get nervous before a shoot?

Thanks! Patrick :-P

Apr 05 06 10:06 am Link


Inamourada Flux

Posts: 238

Cheshunt, England, United Kingdom

Yes, I worry that I'm going to screw up, or that I'm going to forget the makeup/clothes I need. If I prepare well beforehand, I don't have much to worry about.

Apr 05 06 10:57 am Link


Bill Sylvester

Posts: 1509

Fairfield, Ohio, US

Not any more.  When I was just starting out, I would be nervous as heck. Intimidated by beauty I guess.

I usually got nervous AFTER the shoot and before I got the film back.  Did I get the shot? Did I mess up the exposure? Did I load the film, did the flash work, what did I mess up?  Eventually, I got over that.

Then, I went digital.  I KNEW that I got the shot, the exposure was right, the flash worked and that I didn't mess anything up.

Ahh. The comfort of knowing.

Apr 05 06 02:39 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

I am really prepared (some people would say over prepared). I always review the photographers work the night before the shoot, confirm the time and directions, pack my bag, double check my bag, and try to get a good nights rest.

Apr 05 06 02:42 pm Link


Dave Chen

Posts: 44

Chicago, Illinois, US

Yes, I think most people get a little nervous (or excited) to some extent...

Apr 05 06 02:46 pm Link


s. jenx

Posts: 721

Morton, Pennsylvania, US

I actually have panic attacks while I shoot.  It is such a personal thing for me and letting someone else in on it, is rough enough let alone doing it.

Apr 05 06 02:54 pm Link


Miss Christina

Posts: 92

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

I got nervous the first few times, now it's more I'm thinking "I hope this photographer will be an ok person to get along with".
I'm very prepared, test clothes and pack stuff day before etc..

Apr 05 06 05:43 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Nervous/excited...kinda jittery. Just hoping I get everything inorder and packed. Not forgeting anything, having directions down.

Apr 05 06 05:45 pm Link


Christofer Rodriguez

Posts: 156

San Bernardino, California, US

I get real crazy before a shoot - I gotta make sure my pits and my legs are shaved - gotta have my favorite thong on...wait I'm the photographer...

Apr 05 06 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

I was nervous and anxious on my first 5 or 10 shoots. Then got anxious when I had a BIG job.. and I had all the responsability hehe.. that is nerve racking.

And I get a bit anxious every time I work with a AD for the first time.. but not much.

I usally feel ackward if something goes wrong with my equipment.. LOL

Apr 05 06 08:17 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Do you get nervous before a shoot?
Every freakin time.

Apr 05 06 09:42 pm Link


Mark Turner

Posts: 46

Manassas, Virginia, US

I read somewhere that the actress Sarah Bernhardt suffered terrible stage fright before every performance in her career. 

I'm always a little apprehensive before a shoot about whether or not things, like the camera and the lights, will work and I wonder if any of the shots are going to come out right.  But after I get started and need to concentrate on the job I'm doing, my nervousness disappears.

Apr 05 06 09:55 pm Link



Posts: 321

Dallas, Texas, US

I still get nervous...even with models I'm familiar with, not just first timers...I want to do a great job and not waste mine or the models time.  I hate that I still get nervous

Apr 05 06 09:55 pm Link


The Suburban Hippie Pho

Posts: 606

Hampstead, Maryland, US

Before meeting:

1 Nervous before the shoot, "what am I going to do, will it work out, who am I kidding?"

Meeting for the first time:

2.  "Hi how are you, good to see you, what type of pictures are you looking for?"

3. "This is my studio, don't laugh, it works"

During Shoot:

4. "don't mind me, I just need to change lenses and adjust this camera, and wait for the damn buffer to clear"

After the shoot:

5. "I'm so glad you came, you did great, I think the pictures will turn out well, I'll send you some in about a week"

After they leave:

6. "Ahh, glad that's over" Stress free excitment sets in, I begin working on the pictures because I just can't wait.

7. Delusional, pleased with pictures, will post some of them on pbase

8. decision tree, they don't like them=get depressed chide myself for not having any vision, and emotional separation from the pictures, not look at them for a day.  They like them=euphoria(I got lucky)

9. re-edit pics, and repost.  Decision tree,  they like them=satisfaction and glad I could validate myself.  They don't like them=severe self chiding, who do I think I am kidding, two days off,

10. re-edit pics, like them=sort of satisfied, don't like them=numb, better luck next time.

11.  Either way, excitement ends(good or bad) go through withdrawel. 

12. Start model search again, maybe go out and take some creative, stress free non model pics which holds me over for a few days.

Yeah, ,I know but that's what will drive me to get good!


Apr 06 06 12:28 am Link


Robert James Imaging

Posts: 82

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Depends on who I am shooting and what the subject matter is.  Clients always weigh heavy on your shoulders.  You want the re-occuring business to be smooth and trouble free.  If it is a TFP shoot no worries just have fun and the energy brings out the best of everyone and you get great shots.

Apr 06 06 12:35 am Link


Halina Anilah

Posts: 77

Victorville, California, US

Yes because my moms there and I don’t know what she’ll do next lol or if I don’t know the photographer i'll be a little weirded out till I relax after a bit then im fine


Apr 06 06 02:47 am Link


Patrick Shipstad

Posts: 4630

Burbank, California, US

crod169 wrote:
I get real crazy before a shoot - I gotta make sure my pits and my legs are shaved - gotta have my favorite thong on...wait I'm the photographer...

lmao! .. haha.. awesome!

Apr 06 06 03:30 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

crod169 wrote:
I get real crazy before a shoot - I gotta make sure my pits and my legs are shaved - gotta have my favorite thong on...wait I'm the photographer...

ha hah  i like it.

Apr 06 06 03:37 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

I get terribly nervous..

Apr 06 06 03:40 am Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I'm a perfectionist with my photo shoots (but also allow room for mistakes and errors cause if they happen they happen you just keep going on. I also allow for spontaneity at a shoot too but. This can help get some really great results)

I prepare anything and everything I can in advance. Check all my equipment, lenses are clean, batteries are fresh and strong, several sets of batteries. Back up camera's, light stands.

No spelling errors in Model release forms or Property release forms (in which I have found a couple which would have made my model release forms meaningless.)

I get both nervous and excited at the same time. Hard combination to deal with actually.

And if I've paid a lot to use a certain place there's even more pressure on me to get MAGNIFICENT results, not just good.

And the night before the shoot I can't stop thinking about where I want to pose my model and the different lighting I have at my disposal. Which will work best etc... you name it I think of it.

And then if I've used film I hand it in to be processed and printed and just can't wait to see how the results have turned out. I do get nervous as to whether the shots will be good enough and then when I get magnificent results I get a HUGE high but then have to come back down to a normal level. It's like being on top of a mountain then coming back down to ground level.

Although I do know the more shoots I do that place a lot of pressure on me the more I will get use to it and be able to relax more and more.

Oh yeah you wouldnt believe how persistant I am when it comes to my photo shoots and getting great results. I'm as stubborn and persistant as most of the people are on this site. Both models, photographers and stylists.

By the way I like to meet models at least once before the shoot too.

Although my nerves do get on edge before a shoot I just deal with it cause I have a passion for photography and I know its just part of what you deal with to get fantastic results.

Interesting I didnt know models got nervous before a shoot. Never really thought about that actually.

Apr 06 06 03:57 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

I only get nervous waiting for the model to get off the plane.  I just never know if she got on the plane or not.

When she does get off then I am ok with the shoot coming up and no nerves at all. bs

Apr 06 06 04:27 am Link


Mark Fortenberry

Posts: 500

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Nerves of Steel here.

Apr 06 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 15

Pompano Beach, Florida, US

I'm not nervous before a shoot unless it's a Photographer I haven't shot with before.  When I shoot with someone I haven't shot with before, I'm not extrememly nervous, just a little bit...that apprehension about the unknown wink  I want things to be done "just right", but I'm not the overly nervous type.  So far as prep, i just make sure I have all of my clothing, shoes, accessories, lotion, and all those "must haves", that I'm perfectly shaved, and that my hair looks great + 99% of the time I get my Makeup done before the shoot instead of doing it myself.


Apr 06 06 10:49 am Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

I get butterflies an all I can have before a shoot is water lol
I love the feeling even after 12+ years

Apr 06 06 10:53 am Link


Philip of Dallas

Posts: 834

Dallas, Texas, US

Claire Elizabeth wrote:
I am really prepared (some people would say over prepared). I always review the photographers work the night before the shoot, confirm the time and directions, pack my bag, double check my bag, and try to get a good nights rest.

Bless you!

Apr 06 06 11:23 am Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

I used to get so nervous. The shoots were so intense to me that after the shoot I would just fall on my bed and sleep. Now they are mostly exciting. I hope it will never stop being exciting.

I feel for the beginners. I especially admire models. It's different to be judged on your skills (as the photographer for example) and diffrent to be judged on something that you can do little about like shape of your face and body.

Apr 06 06 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Photogs get nervous too!! Interesting.
Of course I still get nervous. But after 10 minutes I'm good..then another 20 minutes and I become Esmerelda (my alter ego)

Apr 06 06 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 371

Unless I've met the model before I'm always nervous. Always worried in case we don't gel as a team. Usually passes after the first ten frames.


Apr 06 06 10:32 pm Link


Marius Budu

Posts: 69

København, Hovedstaden, Denmark

I always meet with the model and stylist (if I use one) before a shoot, personally, I think you have to be crazy not to if you're doing TFP... which is all I do. So that relieves a lot of stress for me because I know who I'm working with and I'm convinced they would be an asset to the shoot.

Like many here, I am a perfectionist, but I do this for the sake of capturing and creating, and if I mess up a shot I'll be pissed for a bit, but it passes.

Switching to digital definitely helped although I miss waiting for my film to come back... That was kinda fun. But you can't really beat the immediacy of digital.

But there's always a nice mix of excitement and mild nervousness, I think if you lack that, you should question your passion and the reasons you're shooting to begin with.

Commercial work is totally different, that's a job... no nervousness there for me. I shoot, client loves it, I get paid… everyone gets out happy.


Apr 06 06 10:52 pm Link


John Chainz

Posts: 19

Florissant, Missouri, US

Well, I'm still fresh meat on the hook so yeah I get nervous about meeting new photographers and other models. As far as prep work uhmmm Well I go through my meagre wardrobe and grab anything i can that doesnt have a name on it then street clothes....scrub the hell outof myself and make myself squeeky clean thats about it really. Most of my energy is used on keeping mysel calm cool and collected because I have slight anxiety isues and get REAL nervous around new people and enviroments.

Apr 07 06 12:39 am Link


vanessa acey

Posts: 63

New York, New York, US

i personally dont get nervous at all.. but i think i make the photographer nervous. as soon as i get there i start talking in weird voices and making weird faces.. i probably freak the hell out of the poor person... and they are thinking 'oh god. why did i ask this model to shoot with me?' any photographers that have worked with me... you know what im talking about.. haha.

Apr 07 06 12:45 am Link



Posts: 5

Alameda, California, US

I definitely get nervous...I am always afraid that the model will either be really critical about my work or just won't be in tune with what shots I am looking for.  I think I am also a perfectionsist as well...I want things to run smoothly and go right.  If they don't, I get really stressed out, so I will usually test my equipment the night before and pack my camera, make sure I have enough batteries and enough CF cards and make sure my lights work and if it is a location shoot, sometimes even check it out the day before or arrive really early to set up so that nothing is messed up.  But then I think that it is good to be that way...

Apr 07 06 12:53 am Link


John Chainz

Posts: 19

Florissant, Missouri, US

I scar ethe photographers and clear the room..more nervous i am the more flatulant....JUST KIDDING!!!! lol.

Apr 07 06 01:03 am Link


John Chainz

Posts: 19

Florissant, Missouri, US

vanessa acey wrote:
i personally dont get nervous at all.. but i think i make the photographer nervous. as soon as i get there i start talking in weird voices and making weird faces.. i probably freak the hell out of the poor person... and they are thinking 'oh god. why did i ask this model to shoot with me?' any photographers that have worked with me... you know what im talking about.. haha.

hahah you sound like my photographer. I think its a good thing that SOMEONE at the shoots act goofy or kinda creepy because personally that makes me relax becasue ill fee off their energy and throw it right back at them haha. Thenits more relaxed fun and yeah.

Apr 07 06 01:03 am Link


Rachel Dashae

Posts: 1239

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I get somewhat nervous. I have to shake it all out,do a couple of test shots and I'm fine. But it's also usually the normal things,like packing clothes to bring,making sure my outfit looks okay for location,etc. Expeccially if it's my first time working with a photographer.

Apr 07 06 01:08 am Link


Shawn Ray

Posts: 361

Tampa, Florida, US

ALL THE TIME!  I'm a perfectionist!  I rely on the outdoor elements.  All natural lighting.  It limits me, so I have to have my "A" game on every shoot.  That makes me nervous.

Apr 07 06 01:21 am Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US

Shawn Ray wrote:
ALL THE TIME!  I'm a perfectionist!  I rely on the outdoor elements.  All natural lighting.  It limits me, so I have to have my "A" game on every shoot.  That makes me nervous.

Agreed, but more anxious about weather, wind, where the sun is....the things I cant control....although I have a D70 and with all the problems I have been reading about I get nervous that the camera will go on the blitz!!!

Apr 07 06 05:28 am Link


luciano Mello

Posts: 684

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

no, not it all.

Apr 07 06 05:39 am Link


Spark Studios

Posts: 32

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

As easy going as I am I do get nervous, I am always afraid of running out of ideas for poses, lighting, environment, etc etc because you are only as good as your last shoot and if you have one that goes sour, word will get around. I think that is what makes me the most uneasy.

Apr 07 06 05:47 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Hell no. Even when I shoot at their location, it's my show and I control it.

Apr 07 06 05:56 am Link